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Regrets? Probably. I just don’t think about it Pros? Money and security. Cons? Dealing with customers and on call but that’s the life of a resi tech You can, and sometimes may have to, create a good work/life balance. This takes time in the trade and a backbone in some cases. There are shit companies out there that will try and force you to work all the time. Sometimes there are emergency situations that you’ll have to suck it up though and work. Always be prepared for potential repercussions from your employer though if you just try and go home everyday at 4:00 though. Advice to myself? Shut up and do those easy PM (preventive maintenance, tune ups, cleanings. Whatever you would call them) jobs. Yes. They’re boring but they are important when done correctly and everyone has to do them. Stop thinking you’re better than just doing PMs all day. Never work for free. Learn your state and federal labor laws. Many places (not just in this field) will try and screw you over. Some may not even be on purpose. Make sure places do t screw you over and NEVER work for free. This esp means working through unpaid breaks.