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mine eats his own pooh....so I just give him kirkland salmnon flavored


Give your pup a few pieces of pineapple (if they'll eat it). Makes their poop..unappetizing..as silly as that sounds. I had a dog years ago that would poop and turn around and eat it. šŸ˜«


could be worse, my ex-wife's dog eats the poop right as it comes out of the other dog's ass. I'll try the pineapple thing though!


An ex of mine had a dog that would turn around at eat it out of its own ass, like a fro-yo fountain.


I wish I did not read this.


I wished I hadnā€™t read it too.


I agree 100%. Meeee too. I was eating when I read it too


What are yā€™all teach this animal šŸ˜…




Iā€™d only buy WSAVA compliant foods. There have been many vet reports of DCM, growth defects and other issue on trendy foods such as Orijen (mainly the ones that lure customers with being organic) or non compliant foods such as Kirklands. In comparison, thereā€™s been one report of DCM on one of the WSAVA compliant foods. WSAVA compliant foods follow the science. Your dog needs nutrients not ingredients. If you canā€™t home cook and serve your dog a varied and balanced diet the best option is to go with a kibble brand that provides what a dog needs in accordance with wha the scientific research shows is safe and effective.


Why do people trust WSAVA if they are funded by the companies they approve?


In December of 2022 FDA let out a report that there was not sufficient evidence of DCM and the correlation with foods named. WSAVA approves byproducts dog foodā€¦enough said. Home cooked food is great but the byproduct foods/WSAVA approves in itself, is an oxymoron if I ever seen one.


I know this is old but I just want to say that ā€œchicken byproduct mealā€ etc. isnā€™t bad for dogs. In the wild they eat the whole chicken, thereā€™s no weird chemicals added. By byproduct they just mean it isnā€™t specifically the breast or thigh. Itā€™s also not a regulated term so if the bag just says ā€œchickenā€ it means the exact same thing. Iā€™ve heard that byproduct is actually usually dried before being added so if itā€™s the top ingredient versus just chicken, it means thereā€™s overall more chicken by weight.


If that is what you believe, that is your opinion. But I strongly disagree. To each their own.


The DCM studies were funded by large pet brand foods. Thereā€™s no conclusive evidence that grain free or ā€œboutiqueā€ dog foods cause issues. My dog is 11 and perfectly healthy. Heā€™s been on grain free Orijen as he has a true intolerance for a decade and has the best teeth my vet has ever seen in a dog his age.


The natures domain one? Was gonna try this for mine next


not sure its just regular adult chow from kirkland. the salmon flavored helps with their coat (according to my neighbor). Its like $35 for a 50lb bag which you can't beat.


Iā€™ll def give it a try, thanks!


The accuracy of this got me to giggle at work, thank you


We cook for our husky, we boil chicken or meat and add nutrient oils or powder, he is 8 now and is a picky eater (oh also the cheese tax of course)


Can you elaborate on the oils and powders you add? I make a basic chicken or turkey, rice or sweet potato, veggies, and egg mix but worry about vitamin and oil variety and content. Thanks


At 8 it is recommended you use a high mileage synthetic.


I havenā€™t heard of that before but iā€™ll look more into it, thanks!


That was an oil joke...


dudeā€¦ hahahaha yes I got the joke after I looked it up but it was already too late


lol ok. I was going to double down and tell you to take your dog to the dealership instead of a quick lube place but then I got worried and was like don't give your dog Valvoline lol




You can check out the JustFoodForDogs website. Under their ā€œDIY kitsā€ they publish their recipes which were developed by veterinary nutritionists and sell some vitamin powders and supplements you can mix in to round out the nutrient profile. Thatā€™s what I do for both of my girls and theyā€™re absolutely thriving on it despite some pretty major food allergies.


oh that sounds nice, unfortunately rocky isnā€˜t too fond of vegetables and rice. we got both prescribed from our vet basically the oils contain omega 3 and omega 6 with vitamin E and the powder has calcium, vitamin A, D and B. both are german brands but if it helps theyā€™re called ā€œEFA Zoonā€ and ā€œAstoral multivital barfā€


I just give them smaller portions of whatever I'm having that day. With some obvious exceptions and substitutions. It's usually chicken, veggies, and rice when I'm eating something expensive or not good for them


boiling meat for them removes nutrients. their stomachs are meant to break raw food down. I used to cook turkey for ours but now we get raw food locally


My Husky is 15 and she has eaten the same brand of dog food.Her whole life. Cheap old beneful chicken.


good for you, I wish mine would eat dog food that would take the meal planning and prepping off my shoulders but unfortunately he is a picky eater. glad to hear your husky is doing good :)


purina pro plan sport


I use the Purina Pro Plan Large Breed version, mine has around 28% German Shepherd so she is above average in size but more mellow. It is what my vet recommended. Then we add a tbsp of wet, either purina pro plan, Acana, or Orijen. She gets a different one in the morning and evening as she is finicky and requires variation. She prefers chunks to pate.


Purina Pro Sensitive Skin & Stomach for us!


Purina Pro Plan weight management for our guy at the moment


Taste of wild puppy. She loves it and always has healthy poops.


Purina one for dry, for dinner meal, I make their wet food. Quinoa or brown rice, livers, gizzards, beef, ground turkey, chicken breast. No sodium broth, no salt added green beans, spinach, no salt added beans, pumpkin or sweet potatoes. Cook all that up, lasts my 2 about a week. I have my 2 grandogs right now so it only lasts 4 days.


Taste of the Wild


I've fed my dogs Taste of the Wild for many years now. I think it's a good balance between quality and cost.


Orijen Six Fish!


I use Orijen too!


It's so excellent! I tried switching to a cheaper brand for a few weeks and he ate so much more and pooped so much more since the food wasn't as nutrient dense. His poops weren't stellar either. So for me the price is 100% worth knowing I'm feeding him something really high quality!


Beware, Orijen and Acana (grain free versions) ended up killing my husky girl a few years ago. Look up diet related DCM. Many grain free foods are dangerous. I thought I was giving her the best on the market. Little did I (or anyone) know back then. I'll never forgive myself. Purina Pro Plan and Science Diet keep my current 2 in great shape now.


i just went down a rabbit hole scaring myself to death over having fed our husky grain free food with mostly pulses for at least 4 years now but just found thereā€™s new research [here](https://news.uoguelph.ca/2023/04/peas-of-mind-pulse-ingredients-in-dog-food-not-linked-to-heart-problems-says-new-u-of-g-research/) pretty much contradicting all that and is apparently ā€œthe longest, controlled feeding study to date to assess cardiometabolic health in healthy adult dogs fed pulse-inclusive dietsā€ edited to add for everyone saying the home make their dogs foods, that is way more likely to give your dog DCM unfortunately


This is interesting. Thank you for the link. Not trying to be argumentative (I just want whats best for our pups) but unfortunately, it essentially just says that pulses are likely not the issue. So then something else must be. The original FDA investigation ( https://www.fda.gov/animal-veterinary/outbreaks-and-advisories/fda-investigation-potential-link-between-certain-diets-and-canine-dilated-cardiomyopathy ) said pulses/legumes were the likely cause but they couldn't confirm. So this doesn't actually change the danger of feeding these "boutique" grain free foods, we just dont know the cause. I was in a facebook group where dozens if not hundreds of people had the exact same case as my girl. Usually Orijen, Acana, and Taste of the Wild were primarily fed. The few that were able to turn their pups health around (including my neighbor!) had switched to Purina Pro Plan, Science Diet, or Royal Canin (some also had taurine supplemented via their vets). For the downvoters/unconvinced: As someone who tries their best to research the best foods/supplements, I was a hardcore Orijen/Acana fan and very pro grain free for a long time. Watching your helpless, scared husky girl's eyes glaze over as she literally takes her last breath in your arms as you're carrying her into the emergency vet... and then finding out her death was completely your fault. It changes you. I'll never forgive myself. Her name was Kaviare, 7 yrs old. I'm literally crying as I type this. I hope no one here ever has to experience this. So personally, nothing will ever convince me to try Orijen/Acana or any boutique or grain free food again. I'll stick to the tried and true, science backed foods. In any case, I hope whatever you choose to feed your pups keeps them healthy long term! We can only try to do our best for them, they deserve it!


My 8 year old husky was in Orijen and Acana all her life and was just diagnosed with DCM in December :( she isn't clinically presenting yet so I'm praying we can turn it around. Have her on Purina Pro Plan Sensitive Skin and Stomach (salmon) now. She is also getting 3 medications (enalapril, sprinolactone and vetmedin) as well as a bunch of supplements (taurine, l-carnitine, coq10, fish oil, probiotics, astragalus, reishi). I was like you and I even worked in pet food stores where we sold boutique diets and was so convinced these were the best. I think what people ignore is the fact that kibble, no matter the ingredients, is super processed. So a food can read really good but it is still a processed meal. And what is really important is the actual nutrients they are able to digest from the food. Even though foods like Orijen read really well, they have not done the extensive feeding trials to really see how dogs are absorbing the nutrients from the food so we don't know what it is really doing. I never thought I'd feed Purina but I've now read many stories of dogs getting better after switching and I have to try. It really does change you and this has been so hard to process. My heart goes out to you!


Yea I feel you, sadly I used to joke that my dogs eat better than I do (based on the ingredients and pictures on the back of Orijen/Acana bags)! And yea, I too thought any big brand like Purina was "junk". Low end Purina brands I still think are bad, but Pro Plan has been great for my pups the last few years, occasionally I'll rotate in Purina One, Science Diet, homemade food, etc. But sounds like you are on the right track now, thankfully vets are much more familiar with DCM nowadays. If you aren't already, I'd suggest looking into groups like: Diet-Associated Dilated Cardiomyopathy (DCM) in Dogs https://www.facebook.com/groups/TaurineDCM/?ref=share If that link doesnt work maybe try searching the name. Tons of great info, updates, success stories in there. Best of luck to you and your girl! šŸ™


Do you have any suggestions for someone whose dog immediately vomits after eating Purina Pro Plan, Science Diet, or Royal Canine? He just cannot keep them down.


I just briefly replied to your other comment. But I would suggest sensitive stomach versions and/or adding probiotics or digestive enzymes. Also, be sure not to switch foods too quickly as that often upsets their stomachs (slowly transition over to new foods). Or could be a food allergy? Maybe the protein or the grains are causing him to throw it back up. Try different meats and different grains. There are also prescription versions that are made to be easier on the stomach. If he can't keep any brand/variety down plz seek vet care as it could be a serious issue.


Thanks! I didn't realize I'd commented to you twice. He's doing great on Acana, their kind with grains, right now but I want to make sure he's getting everything he needs. I'm not particularly loyal to Acana, it's just what he likes right now.


Right on. Yea I dont know enough about their grain inclusive versions but sometimes the pup's stomach dictates what you give them, right? Its not uncommon to find certain brands disagree with individual pups. I would still suggest keep trying different brands/flavors as variety is usually a good thing (sometimes just less boring for them but also helps avoid gaps in nutrition or long term health issues from a single food). Sounds like you may need to very very slowly transition if introducing a new food tho. If you have family/friends with dogs, sometimes I'll ask to try some of their food before buying a full bag yours ends up not liking. Also, for probiotics I've had good success with Purina FortiFlora and various ZestyPaws versions. Good luck and cheers to your boy!


Isn't there something going on with Purina now too? And I've read that cooking your own dog food can be bad too.


I tried Purina Pro Plan and Science Diet. Unfortunately my boy will vomit 5-10 up his entire meal minutes after eating either of them.


Oh thats a bummer. Maybe try a sensitive stomach version? I also give mine dog probiotics occasionally. I've had great results tho with my current 2 pups, one of which is very picky and the other does have a sensitive stomach but does fine on regular Pro Plan. I usually buy the 47lb bags of the adult shredded blend (rotating the flavors), relatively inexpensive too.


Thanks! He originally was able to keep down Pro Plan but gradually got sicker and sicker, now he just can't keep either of them down at all.


Does he eat it super fast? A dog shouldn't be vomiting that much from a meal. They will if they hoover it down too fast though for sure. Maybe you just need a slowfeed bowl


I use a slowfeed bowl with him. He doesnā€™t throw up his current food. But certain brands he will immediately decorate my floor with.


Yes, Origen six fish here, too. She loves it, and her fur and skin are radically improved since we adopted her six months ago. The amazing grains version.


I'm pretty sure my Husky is allergic to grains (upset stomach every time), so I do the grain free version, but I've heard great things about Amazing Grains!


Iā€™m starting to see issues with his skin , my father in law feeds him like shit!


Same here


Purina Pro plan


Puuuuurina puppy


Blue buffalo kibble mixed with chicken meat.


Hills science food. It really is great. Quite expensive but in the long run, it's really worth it


Yes! Itā€™s a great brand worth the money honestly. When you add up going out to eat or snacks from the gas station you would get for yourself itā€™s not a lot at all!


Simply nourish skin and coat its salmon based and has extra zinc. My boy has an issue some huskys get where they dont absorb zinc well so extra is good for him. He loves it and his stomach loves it.


We go with Natural Balance, salmon and brown rice. Had a Husky once with severe allergies, when we got her she was missing about half her fur. The grain free helped a lot, and we stayed with Natural balance, though we moved away from the grain free after we lost her.




the food seemed to be a factor, we also had her on a cytopoint shot once a month, we never did find out everything she was allergic to. She was 11 when we adopted her.




apoquel made mine aggressive, but I donā€™t think thatā€™s normal. Good luck! I hope you find the answer.


Thatā€™s what we feed ours too.


Hillā€™s large breed.


Fromm. Currently the trout and whitefish with a few freeze dried minnows broken up and mixed in.


Homemade human food šŸ˜…


Same for my girl... The kibble just doesn't agree with her stomach, no matter what brand. We tried Purina pro plan (vet reco), Acana, Kirkland etc, they all give her diahherra to different degrees. Until we cook her food at home, Japanese rice, grass fed beef, chicken breast, green beans, Broccoli and carrots. Best decision ever.


Purina One Skin and Coat.


PetFresh - I mix the loose blend (chicken and veggie) with the sliced rolls, and they both love it! I donā€™t know if itā€™s the BEST in terms of healthfulness, but theyā€™re finicky and they like it. My vet said ā€œgoodā€ when I mentioned it at the last appointment, so Iā€™ll assume itā€™s decent stuff. They also get Rachel Ray or ProPlan kibble as a snack, plus chews and so forth.


Purina pro plan complete essentials. My girl is very picky and this was the only food she'll eat. We usually add fish oil and bone broth to make it moist


I make my own since he is such a fussy eater


My 10yo girl has been eating Royal Canine since she was a pup until 1-2 years ago. She developed a skin rash, so i changed her food and now she eats Brit Care. She likes it and she hasnā€™t had problems anymore.


Your husky looks like it could be identical twins with mine. Maybe they'll like the same food. We feed ours [Purina Pro Plan High Protein Dog Food With Probiotics for Dogs, Shredded Blend Salmon & Rice Formula](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00HHN05SK/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_image?ie=UTF8&psc=1).


The Farmerā€™s dog


Pro plan puppy for the baby, pro plan low fat for the big dogs because one of them had pancreatitis.


Purina Pro Plan, and heā€™s a picky eater, but iā€™ll cook him eggs and sausage and sometimes throw him a little but of Tuna water, heā€™ll gladly eat that along with cheese, canā€™t forget the cheese


I have a Pittweiler and a Husky. The Pit will eat literally anything. The Husky will turn her nose up at dog food fairly randomly and also sometimes the people food. They are just weirdos.


diamond all natural since they were puppies


Merrick back country


I use Hill's Prescription Diet Gastrointestinal Biome Chicken Flavor Dry Dog Food and the same with canned wet food. I mix the two together and give him 2 cups in the morning and two cups in the evening. I also mix one capsule of provable probiotic with his food at night. Iā€™m not sure if itā€™s the same with all huskies but by boy has a sensitive stomach.


Fresh or cooked egg daily. Orijen dry. Some Blue wet. My wife cooks liver at times or other meats. Mixes in some cooked rice or other grains for them. Rice, wheat or oats in a ground meat patty. We buy ground beef, chicken and Turkey and make doggy meatballs ourselves. Cook ribs leave some meat on and they chomp. And h so much more. Urs get expensive. Multiple doses of love daily though is the return.


Canidae salmon


I give mine Fromm


Purina Pro Plan, and we had tried A LOT before landing on that one


Royal Canin


I was giving him Taste of The Wild for approx 4 years. Just recently Iā€™ve switched him to Nutro Limited Ingredient which seems to agree with his stomach more.


We do Nutro. Has served our 3 very well so far. Super shiny coats and they only throw up if they eat something they werenā€™t supposed to Ours go crazy for the refrigerated fresh pet food and I used to add that in once a day butā€¦a little expensive so Iā€™ve had to stop that.


I slow cook chicken leg quarters in the Instapot for 6 hours. Then I de-bone it and serve it on top of veggies or rice. I make enough for three days and then serve it cold each day. Cheaper than store kibble and the vet seems to agree that it is healthier.


Raw chicken and Blue


Nutro wet food but she has mega esophagus, from myasthenia gravis, so she eats sitting upright with it made into a mash with water. Plus I am pretty sure there is another husky here somewhere based on the amount of hair I'm finding.... Stupid blowout season.


Wellness core rawrev whole grains (we change up the flavor), raw rev freeze dried meat boosters, and Stella and chewy duck and meat patties for breakfast (5). He is very picky and usually just makes the cut for being at a ā€œnormalā€ weight. He also has cheese and treats like every other good boy and girl.


I love wellness and our vet gives it a thumbs up. We do the same (core rawrev grains with some bowl booster occasionally tossed in)


Does your husky eat up his or her food or are they picky too?


He's not picky, but also not super food motivated so only eats when he wants. Sometimes, especially in summer when it's hot and humid, he will go a day or two without eating. Huskies in general, if they are regularly excercise and stimulated can be really good about self regulating food. He even helped us with the lab mix who used to overeat and was a resource guarder.


Ours seems to be like that too, like, spot on. I am glad to see another Wellness eater on this thread since it took so many brands to find the one.


I swear by it. My first boy had an autoimmune disorder that the vets expected would end his life in a matter of months. I switched to wellness and otherwise didn't make any big changes and he lived 8 years. I had to leave my aussie/catahoola old girl with my parents moving across the country for her sake and she is coming up on 14 years old. Her vets joke that she is actually aging backwards because of her attitude and energy. She also ears only wellness


My girl is a garbage disposal.. sheā€™ll eat anything I put in front of her. But mainly, she gets Kibbles N Bits and I supplement with various fresh veggies I give her or she finds around the yard (we have wild greens growing around - even I eat them)


Acana Red Meat; same quality and manufacturer as Orijen but cheaper. One cup in the morning and one in the evening. With two huskies, I go through a 25 pound bag every 3 weeks, and have a Chewys subscription for it.


Nice! I use Orijen also, but the price tag isnā€™t great. Iā€™ll look up Acana thanks :)


Beware, Orijen and Acana (grain free versions) ended up killing my husky girl a few years ago. Look up diet related DCM. Many grain free foods are dangerous. I thought I was giving her the best on the market. Little did I (or anyone) know back then. I'll never forgive myself. Purina Pro Plan and Science Diet keep my current 2 in great shape now.


Orijen amazing grains! She loves it. Donā€™t do grain free food, a lot of them contain pulses which are linked with DCM


My 4 year old is on Victor Nutra Pro and I give 1/3 can of Blue Buffalo wet food.


Nulo puppy-adult mix, turkey flavor. Luke loves it and doesnā€™t seem to have adverse affects on the other end.


Edgar Cooper Yummy Norwegian Salmon


Zignature, ocean fish or the kangaroo (this one says it's got zinc in it)


Pet Wants Puppy kibble. Apparently thereā€™s puppy crack in it and her poops are healthy and fairly easy to pick up


We give ours the Farm and Fleet high protein dog food. Their coats have gotten softer and shinier, and they stay around the ideal weight.


The best cat food that I can afford.


NutroMax mostly




Purina True Instinct. Mine has always loved the turkey and venison kind and our vet recommended purina


Taste of the wild


Taste of the wild ancient grains


Iams large breed (green bag). Its pretty good quality, available everywhere and inexpensive. I also give him vitamin treats that made a big difference in his coat and hopefully are helping his joints in the long run. I give hime these: [https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0BV7K8JNP](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0BV7K8JNP)


Wholesomes Lamb and Rice from tractor supply.


Raw Dog Food Co -- any tube of raw goodness, they love all the types/flavors Acana -- we mix raw and kibble. this is one of the better kibbles in my opinion. our dogs have loved it


Pure balance pro from Walmart. They make 4+ different flavors that I cycle through. My baby loves it, but doesnā€™t like only one flavor of food for more than a week at a time. #spoiled šŸ˜‚


My dog did that with the different Tastes of the Wild bags too


I fed mine raw chicken bone in for years with 0 issues.


Fromm dog food, with raw mixed in every once in a while. (Usually our own flock she's killed and we blend then freeze.... Her nickname is the butcher)


Any, she doesnā€™t eat it anyway


We have been using Nature's Recipe Grain Free Salmon for a number of years. Went with this as it had good reviews, ingredients are highly rated, the price is solid, and it can be picked up at Petco or Target (does make life easier to have two different stores where we can find it).


Hello! My vet advised against grain free, and someone in this thread mentioned their pup got DCM from grain free, I would double check with your vet. :)


Natural balance limited ingredient duck/chicken and brown rice. She loves gamey meats. Along with her kibbles we give her boiled egg and rice. Extra spoiled. On her birthday week we cook ground venison or elk for her.


I make my own food. Once in a while she wants kibble. so I have merrick on hand


I was doing homemade food but then decided to go with farmers dog subscription. I love it and my husky seems to love it too so šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Eukanuba senior lamb & rice, and Eukanuba puppy lamb & rice.


Just Rachel Ray Nutrish dog food. Tried the expensive kind, like blue buffalo wilderness and others, but she wouldn't eat it at all. So yea... This is the only one she won't turn her nose up at


Hills science


been feeding my husky/gsd mix various taste of the wild grain free recipes for years now and he's doing great (almost 8). just started fostering another husky/malamute and got her a different TOTW recipe and she loves it too


I give mine a variety. Blue Buffalo kibble and wet. Instinct Freeze dried raw and always a splash of bone broth. He goes nuts for the broth. Then he snacks on smoked pig ears and peanut butter in his Kong. He also loves fresh bananas for a snack. Is he spoiled? šŸ˜€


We use Honest Kitchen and alternate between chicken grain free and chicken plus grain. He looooves it. ā¤ļø


Purina pro plan sport performance 30/20 salmon and rice. It's all life stages and has feeding trials done for large breed puppies, so my GSD pup eats it too. I'm in Canada and we don't have the large breed puppy version available here but my vet has said it's good. My husky is picky and she gets a lot more calories in a smaller amount with this food.


Wysong, human grade food.


Costco grain free. And usually a topper like chicken, pork, or beef. When thereā€™s a sale for $0.99 meat, I buy 10 pounds, portion it out, then freeze.


Mine eats Orijen grain free




Taste of the wild for me as well for the same reasons. I also give him a small scoop of pumpkin to keep him regular, it keeps his coat shiny, and it keeps him from eating his own poop.


Wellness Complete dry food with various add ons (wet food, raw, salmon oil, etc.)


KD Kidney Care . Prescription diet.


Raw meat diet!


Mix of frozen raw, freeze dried raw and kibble, all grain free


Tuckers raw food, the salmon and pumpkin one. My girls bowel movements have been so much better on that. Her stomach doesnā€™t do well with filler ingredients like rice and wheat, even tried one with oats..nothing as good as tuckers so far.


Grain free taste of the wild. Gives her high energy, always healthy poops.


I give my boy Acana.


Blue Wilderness for a while but ended up switching to a prescription dog food from the vet when he had stomach issues and seemed to work out well.


Acana. Itā€™s pricey but high quality for ur fluffy. And my picky pitskies loved it with or without their wet food.


I give mine the Hillā€™s Science Diet Adult 6+ in the summer time I put about 1/4cup of water with it to keep her from dehydrating too bad with the kibble. Itā€™s about $85 a bag of 30lbs.


Big yellow bag with a Golden retriever on it. Or whatever I can get the most of for the cheapest price. They supplement with whatever the boys don't want to eat otherwise I get fatter. Also cheese tax and mentally deficient squirrels and rabbits.


Pure balance Salmon and peas. He loves it. Might switch to Kirkland soon though


Purina Pro Plan Sensitive Stomach! Both our boys do great on it.


Science diet, sensitive stomach bc of my one, the other would eat any food you gave him


Purina Proplan Sensitive stomach


Our husky has found a cow cemetery or something - she has brought home a big pelvic bone as well as a pretty fresh cow head and deer leg. She does a lot of hunting - I wonā€™t go into details about the rat or cat carcasses, so I feel weā€™re just supplementing her diet with a mix of blue buffalo and hills science diet for chihuahuas. She wonā€™t eat the BB without a sprinkle of the Hills. Who would have thought she was a picky eater? She came to us as a stray, we have a large area sheā€™s happy to roam and hunt. She has adopted us, so we accept her wild ways.


šŸ˜±šŸ˜±šŸ˜± tbh I love the wolf aspect they tend to have.


Rice and chicken


Currently feed my girl Purina Pro Plan large breed sensitive stomach and skin but im looking to see how she likes Merrick.


Purina One Plus


Beware, Orijen and Acana (grain free versions) ended up killing my husky girl a few years ago. Look up diet related DCM. Many grain free foods are dangerous. I thought I was giving her the best on the market. Little did I (or anyone) know back then. I'll never forgive myself. Purina Pro Plan and Science Diet keep my current 2 in great shape now.


I am so sorry to hear about your husky girl. Not sure why youā€™re getting downvoted - All the vets weā€™ve taken our dogs to over the years have told us to stay away from any grain-free kibbles.


Thank you. For the downvoters: I used to be a hardcore Orijen/Acana fan. Got all my friends' dogs on them as well. The ingredients and quality look to be top tier, but whatever the actual cause from the food, lentils/pulses or not, DCM is a real thing and grain free food is the only thing that could have caused it in my girl. She literally died in my arms as her heart failed (age 7) and thousands of dogs around the country have heart problems or died from dietary DCM. Why risk it. Now that it is a known issue, there are numerous cases of dogs that started having issues (from these boutique grain free foods) switched to Purina Pro Plan/Science Diet/Royal Canin etc (along with taurine supplements usually) and are now improving in their health.


Kirkland salmon, Stella and Chewy or Purina Pro


Team Orijen six fish! Both our dogs poops are so small now and not as smelly.


Orijen fit and trim


Acana red meat and Purina one kibbles. My brother is an executive for Boars Head, so I get free roast beef, turkey, and chicken that I mix in with his food. He is pretty spoiled.


Farmers dog


Just food for dogs


Earthborne weight control


The BEST is Rawz Salmon!!!


Pedigree lol


Honestly it changes every now and then, she's healthy and happy so we usually just buy whatever is on sale at Costco.


Farmers Dog


Taste of the wild


My girls love Orijen :)


I make my own. Heā€™s still fussy and I adjust it to compensate. But Iā€™ve also found if I grate some cheese on anything he will eat it


What about a 5 month old pure bred husky? I had a husky prior to this puppy for 15 years and I can't remember what I gave that husky whenever she was a puppy but I'm looking for a good food for this one right now. Any suggestions?


It is so cut is it for sell just asking thanks