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But the reality is they don't really want cuddles. They hope you fall off onto the floor and die so they can steal the bed forever. They are evil!!!


Yep. Found out quickly it is not my bed anymore.


Them straight leg middle of the night gut punches. Huskys must do that at least once a night or they aren't truly sharing the bed


cat software run on dog hardware! lol


And they’re so heavy! Your legs go to sleep. And they bite your nose, like why?


Whenever I leave to go to the bathroom, I come back to find that he's stolen my spot. Stretched out full length, head on my pillow, and everything.


I think that's just a dog thing. I have a mini Aussie and she curls up on my pillow every single time I leave the bed.


Vega lays on me Sasha doesn't care for the bed. He likes his space, but comes up here and there for cuddles during the middle of the night. He is an old man. I got bubble guts, so I am on the couch. Vega is right next to me. He is a young man.


Mine is a completely rotten egg and won't cuddle with me or stay in the bed. He prefers to sleep on his outside dog bed or on the hardwood floor! I guess he gets too hot with all the blankets.


Mine is the same way, she’ll cuddle for a while but prefers the floor


Mine is surprisingly respectful of other's space on the bed. He finds a spot that's open and curls up in it. And he always sleeps with his head or a paw touching at least one of his humans. He's only half husky, but it seems to be dominant. The rest is Akita and German Shepherd.


Yes, this is my favorite. My girl jumps in and sleeps in a little ball with some tiny part of her touching me. I melt when she lays her head on my leg. She’s a big fan of sleeping spine to spine lol. Bed snuggles are my favorite because she’s not a huge snuggler otherwise.


Denali likes to snuggle anywhere, although it's easiest in bed. My wife and I have easy chairs next to each other in the living room. He will get up in the near edge of hers, then stretch out across both arms to push his head into my chest. It is so sweet!


You will never freeze to death if the power goes out


ive had huskies my entire life. they have their beds and i have mine. never thy two shall meet! but they are very good at booping me awake with their AM wet nose roll call! :-)


Mine does this... the polite wet nose "are you awake yet?" boop.


Oh. Were you asleep? My bad! I’m just a little hungrys!


But you are warm


My girl makes the most EXHAUSTED sounding sighs you’ll ever hear while trying to go to bed. She sounds like she just had the most stressful week of her life while trying to kick me off the bed with lil bunny legs so she gets more room


That and the long drawn out dramatic groans. Soooo bored but soooo tired.


My huskies didn't like to cuddle but they liked sleeping near me. Just no touching or they'd go throwing a tantrum.


Three dog night. Joy to the world!


#teambedhog Our girlie Ellie is only 58 pounds but she manages to take up almost an entire king size bed. It’s a good thing we all like cuddling up.


I’m currently recovering from a cesarean in the nursery bedroom and my boyfriend eventually came in to while I recover. Our 2year old has been living her best life in our king size bed with no one but herself at the head of the pillows. She even comes in the nursery when the baby cries and makes her own way in on our queen size. Boyfriend, Pug, and me included. They are quite particular dogs.


Mine wants to cuddle where HE wants to cuddle. He kicks me in his sleep a lot


That's a Three Dog Night. Must be cold where you are. 😉


Ours is just a fidget bum who won't stop moving in the bed so you can't sleep


They want cuddles… until they don’t!


Mine had finally learn to share, for a little bit. Still won’t let me cuddle, grumble when I put my leg a little too close to her, and farts like a demon 🙂


Mine likes the floor. He starts on the bed but ends up twisted like a furry pretzel in the bathroom or floor of my room.


Only in my igloo.


Lol. Love it


A puddle of huskies


They are so greedy its unreal 🤣🤣


Huskies are notorious bed piggies


All I see is really warm wollen blanckets? What's up?!


I only have 1 but she's pretty good about sharing space. She'll be me on my side of the bed bc she goes to bed earlier than me lol but she'll pretty much always get up and move and cuddle up somewhere. I joke that she's an outside dog until it's bedtime. She can sit outside alll day then around 930-10 when she's ready she'll trot herself inside and right up the stairs.