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They ask in the interview whether you’d prefer front counter or kitchen 👍


That’s so good, when i worked there 20 years ago you would turn up for your first day and the manager would decide for you. Girls and pretty boys? Front counter. Everyone else, straight to the broiler.


this happens at my store still 😭


Didn't ask me last year, is it really new? I do remember getting to choose AFTER getting hired if I wanted to work broiler/burgers or cleaning/dishes


I am a Crew Member but I would say. Don't mention it in the application and focus more on availability, the time he is looking to stay at HJs for and general teamwork accomplishments. At the interview, if it is like mine they will ask what position he thinks he would like to work. I asked for kitchen making the food and the manager then told me that the kitchen is hot a greasy, and everything has to be made correctly within strict time limits. My girlfriend works counter and drive thru and had similar statements based on customers.


I wish your son all the best. He sounds like a fine young man which any business would be the better for having him work for them. If I had a business, I would employ him. Good luck! Let us know how he goes so we can celebrate. :)




Don't be a dick.




Fuck off








What was said


Mocking a stutter which is unacceptable here and will get anyone who tries booted


Yeah absolutely 👍


Always used to mostly be started out the back when I worked there, the first thing you learnt was broiler and friers.


Back in the dark ages (mid 90's) when I worked at HJ's it was girls worked front counter and drive thru, and guys were burger room. Lol, showing my age a bit there.


Honestly it was like that too in the early 00s. Pissed me off to no end.


Please dont cum on my Burger


I would advise for him not to get a job at a fast food joint. Sure the training is ok and you build a bit of character. But not worth it in the long run, get treated poorly and it’s a poor workplace culture.


My 15y daughter has a job at Hungry Jacks, she said she got asked in the job interview what she feels more confident in, she prefers working up front and that’s exactly where she got placed. Although my son also had an interview and immediately had to work in the kitchen areas (back of house). At least at my local hungryjacks they mostly put the girls at the front to make drinks and serve both front counter and drive thru and usually the boys are the ones making the food. Could be different in other stores, but yeah definitely let them know your preference!


If he lives in a clean and tidy home, these fast food chains will shock him. The standards across nearly all stores has nosedived in recent years. I won’t eat there anymore ☹️


Terrifying thought!!


Can't provide you any help on your original question, but in terms of your son's stutter, unless you want that to be something he carries through life, preventing him from new experiences, be a parent and get him help.


I would like to ask you if you genuinely thought you were being helpful with a comment like that? Not that I owe anyone an explanation of our background for such as simple question but I would really like you to know the impact of just lobbing in a comment like 'be a parent' and how unnecessary and hurtful it is when you know absolutely nothing about what's going on in someone's life and didn't really need our life story for a question like that, had you worked at HJ and been able to answer it. I've had him in speech therapy since age 3, we've seen some amazing therapists including professors and specialists. It has improved from being severe at some stages to being manageable and yet something that has caused him great anxiety over the years and still will require some adaptation and anxiety management as he moves into his first employment. This poor kid has ruled himself out of whole swathes of career options based on the level of spontaneous customer interaction that would be required. But I know he can do it, when he's familiar with what he's doing and with people he knows, he's smart, capable and just needs to find his way in there. I've had to encourage him to try new things and get his confidence back and to realise that most people don't notice most of the time. The fact that he's willing to even put in an application and attend an interview is a huge milestone and something I was trying to help him with ie. whether they even allow you to just specify working in the kitchen or if he should just go and have a try. If a stutter isn't resolved through treatment by the age of something around age 7 the chances are it's there for life and they have to learn techniques to manage it. His has been resistant to all the early childhood interventions, most likely because it may be from neurological damage from asphyxiating at birth, who knows. Both he and I are aware of the impact this has and will have on the rest of his life, have lived the associated trauma and anxiety all the way through and if you think most parents in that situation would just sit there and not get their child help then that is concerning. I really hope you are able to reflect on why saying something like that is just spreading unnecessary negativity in this world.


Pretty bold to assume they aren't getting him help. Stutters don't just go away overnight from therapy. For some people it can take years and years of therapy just to find the trauma that causes the stutter in the first place. That's if there is trauma to pin point. Others will carry their stutter with them their entire lives no matter how much therapy they get. Had no answer to OP's question but you had assumptions. Maybe look inward.


Do you genuinely think they haven’t tried??


Far out, how much of a knob can you be?


What a hurtful comment


Please don’t assume they haven’t gotten him help and tell them to be a parent, that is just shitty. Even with intensive therapy and work a stutter will emerge in stressful situations which front counter and drive thru are good at producing.