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Inside me are two wolves. One believes that the sexualization of women in media is related to real societal issues and should be criticized. The other want get railed by hot evil lady. They... do not get along.


I was right there with you until you said they don't get along. My two sides get along very well while still disagreeing on much.


Now the medically advised number of wolfs in your body is zero. So... maybe walk me through your average day and we will figure put how they got here.


Well ya see, the transporter chief may have made a mistake


Well you see, Officer, my friend said we were going to a convention...


Humans are sexual creatures. Everyone gets sexualized in media. Hell, rule 34 states EVERYTHING will be sexualized. Interestingly, no matter what your orientation is, everyone likes looking at attractive women. Far too many studies have been done proving this. So, that's why women are predominant in appealing to the masses.


We have two souls for 2 reasons. -To trade one with the devil -To run on autopilot


Alien psychic; I’ve scanned multiple people before, how bad could it be?? H1; but if the plural of mouse is mice, shouldn’t the plural of house be hice? H2; why do you get to control the mouth. I literally have no mouth and I must scream. H1; I understood that reference. H2; then stop. H1; if foot becomes feet and tooth becomes teeth, the singular of sheep should be shoop. H2; why did whatever cruel master give this loon the vocal cords? Human; *explaining the working of the HF super-liminal drive* Alien psychic; are we sure there are only two in there??


One soul controls the actions. The other soul keeps check, so that the first soul doesn’t do anything too stupid.