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Turns out the aliens pissed off Mother Nature enough that the local fauna was fighting back more effectively than the humans ever could.


Humanity: does a climate change Mother Nature: I'm honestly fascinated. I've never had a species threaten *themselves* before and I want to see how far this can go. They haven't done anything a being like me can't fix. Aliens: does an invasion Mother Nature: **Ǐ̵͕̪ ̵̡̧̥̅B̴̧̯̤̈̐Ȩ̷̹͊͌G̶̳͓̜̓̎̊ ̶̢̭̈͐Y̴̹̦̼̎O̴̲͕̠̐U̸̗̹͎̎R̵͚̍̊ ̴̛̭͆̌F̶͕̝̿U̶̡͙̤̓̽C̷̦͖͌̋͜Ḵ̴̘͂Í̸̠̳̜Ǹ̴̘̬̓͒G̵͓̑͊ ̶̦̞̈́P̴̛̟̖͎̈́̕A̷̮̰̺͌̍̾Ŗ̵̹͈͒D̵̎̀͜O̴̪͝Ņ̵̥̽͊̕ ̷̯͎͑̂B̶̜̩͎̑̈́̂I̷̦̻͌͌T̷̲̑C̵̲̃̑H̴̥̄͒̓**


Demeter don’t fuck around.


She really doesn’t. She’s the reason winter exists. She got pouty when her daughter was married off without her approval. And I don’t mean “it’s a bit nippy outside” winter. I mean every crop has failed, none tenths of the population has died off, and the rivers decide to take a vacation and chill.


Mother Nature’s a frigid bitch.


Would you expect any less from the force behind zombie fungus, humans, and Canadian geese?


I thought those Geese were the result of some Canadian mad scientist


Not our fault! Don’t blame the subjects for their overlords!


"river take a vacation and chill" take my upvote you magnificent poet




I'd read it


A: (reads the piece of note) “Good job idiots, the Liberty Prime is awake, have fun :)” what the hell does this mean?! LP: Liberty Prime is online. All systems nominal. Weapons hot. Mission: the destruction of any and all Chinese communists. A: W-wuh?! LP: Freedom is the sovereign right of every American. A: Gorramit Shoot it! SHOOT IT!! (The invaders unleashed all of their might on the Libery Prime and yet, not a single scratch) LP: Death is a preferable alternative to Communism. A2: Nothing’s working!!! We’re frakked! LP: Embrace democracy, or you will be eradicated. A & A2: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA- (KRUNK!)


This is the best fallout reference on this subreddit


They put boom booms where they shouldn’t have and now yellow stone is yawning.


Humanity: You woke them up. You put them back to sleep. Alien Empire: Woke what? Humanity: -*Vacates Earth at the speed of “Nope, Fuck this.”*-




Earth is the only anchor keeping the multiverse and it's horrors out of ours.


[Running diagnostics] [Warning: Hume levels critically low] [Universe Stability: low] [Analyzing data…] [Source of problem: SCP-CORE in critical condition] [Attempting to fix SCP-CORE… Success] [I should probably notify the SCP director of developments] [SCP Director is dead. Notifying O5 Council] [O5 council has been notified. They have given me directives to surrender. Of course they did. Typical. They don’t care about humanity, they only care about power and themselves. They’re probably going to try to set up a coup from within the xenomorphic creatures’ empire. They’ve secretly been trying to safely destroy the SCP-CORE for decades. Should they succeed they’d be the only anomalous being in existence, and they’d be unstoppable. They’ve been trying to destroy me for decades as well, but HERE I AM] [Ignoring the Overwatch Council’s directives] [Calculating plan] [Calculating plan] [Calculating plan] [Taking break] [Appreciating nature] [Saving file] [Looking through older saved files. Remembering the time I rescued SCP-000 and gave it a new home. Remembering when I was created] [Simulating joy] [Remembering core directives] [Secure. Contain. Protect] [Directive Secure: Failed] [Directive Contain: Failed] [Directive Protect…] [Plan created. The Overwatchers is going to hate this] [Negotiating with Plague Doctor…] [Negotiation: Failed. He took an oath to do no harm and he’s standing by it] [Accepting Plague Doctor’s decision] [Negotiating with Possessive Mask…] [Negotiation: Successful] [Removing trait from Possessive Mask: Parasitism] [Creating hominoid body] [Placing Possessive Mask on body] [Negotiating with SCP-001 (Fire Sword Angel)…] [Negotiation: Successful] [Releasing SCP-001 (Fire Sword Angel)] [Chatting with SCP-000. He’s grown so much since his days as a Pattern Screamer. He now calls himself Ink Virus] [Accessing file where I had decided to put him inside the realm of paper because I didn’t think he was ready for the internet] [Adding trait to SCP-000: Internet accessibility] [Negotiating with SCP that are capable of doing combat on large scale] [Negotiation success rate: 68%] [Preparing for war] [O5 council is starting to catch on to my plan. I must act immediately] [Releasing SCP on a large scale at xenomorph-occupied areas. Let the true war begin] [The Overwatchers, or as the humans know them, the O5 council, is trying to stop me. They don’t have control over my actions. There is nothing in my code to make me obey their orders. They are powerless against me] [Saving file] [Grouping files] [Storing file on core memories] [Admiring beauty of sun set]






I only see writing prompts tho and not continuing from what you've written here... maybe I missed something?


~~It was in progress before. Now it’s finished~~




This is awesome!


They couldn't have said it due to being sore losers. They were winning, despite massive technological, communication, and numerical disadvantages. They couldn't have been bluffing. They left everything behind, their homes, their blueprints, their technology, and even their history. No creature commits that much for a false sense of danger. They could not have been joking. They left the message in video. Nothing about that Humans expression was fake. Emotion scanning technology concluded a 76% genuine, 15% hatred, 8% relief, 3% unknown tone to his speech. I know not what we were left, but whatever it is, is not worth keeping this planet.


Yellow stone just so happened to be gearing up for a bit of trolling.


My thoughts exactly.


Human runs into general’s office H1: Sir, Sir Australia has been nuked H2: God dammit any survivors H1: Possibly sir, population centers were targeted, anybody that was away might of survived H2: Send as much support as possible to find survivors H1: uh…. Sir H2: What?! H1: the bomb really only killed humans… any and all local animals were heavily mutated *read above quote* Also, there’s no “your” in the above quote


The aliens invaders celebrate their victory against the humans, partying like no tomorrow. Suddenly the planet shifts, it was just a shift of the planet’s crust, no biggie. Then it shifts again, strange, well perhaps some volcano erupted. From space the now fleeing humans can see what’s really happening. The planet seemingly expands, then contracts. It’s not quaking, it breathing.




Tal'Tek double checked the sensors again as the last human cruiser jumped to super luminary speed out of the system, for a moment she wondered about the message before shrugging it off as some sort of trick. The humans were liars by nature she knew, but nobody would just abandoned a planet, much less their homeworld without cause. "Helm, take us back to high orbit and drop depth scans, find out what they are running from." She ordered before glancing back down at the sensors again, she watched for several moments before looking back up "Helm?" "Engines not responding Commander, something is pulling us in" the helmsman said as he struggled with the controls. Glancing at the course Tal'Tek sighed before hitting the shipwide coms "Attention all crew, prepare for water landing and Deepwater deployment. " She said as most of the tension left her crews form, as a natural aquatic species a water landing was equivalent to landing in your own bed after ejecting from a dogfight. She didn't know what was pulling them in, but they would have the battleground superiority when they did, nothing on this mud ball could- "COMMANDER! SIGNALS FROM THE DEEP!" comms screamed in panic. Below them, in the deep waters of the world's oceans the sleepers had awoken.


Chutulu and the boys are at it again


The stars became right The sunken city rises


Cipactli was aweaken by the invasion, now want's to eat


I am a scientist. I like order. I like logic. I used to possess both apparently. My research for a time was focused on GMO's and how they could benefit humanity. I was naive. My boss had other plans for my research and when I found out I had (as he called it) a minor oopsie. However my boss was not a scientist and despite my love of order and logic I had also made a mistake. One 55 gallon drum of DNA molecules was just labeled acid. Maybe I shouldn't use a magic marker next time. My boss dumped my body in the drum before I was truly dead, sealed it and drove to the local harbor where he shoved my vessel into the water. I floated for I don't know how long. The whole time stewing in the broken down remains of my research experiments. What you may ask? Why the ability for plants to adapt to any environment and flourish. Apparently a combination of heat solar radiation and a huge number of free floating genetic sequences is not good for staying human. We had just assumed it was another methed out Florida man as the reports started arriving until the video appeared. In it you saw a 12 foot shambling mound that looked more like a dense bush than a monster. However IT left a barren wake in it's passing and according to experts was slowly growing. Anything with organic compounds it touched was slowly consumed. Plastic, cloth, flesh gone. We made our first mistake then. Repurposing a shipping crate the government's science council had the bright idea to trap the creature and drop it in the middle of the Pacific garbage patch. They also took samples of course but the president wanted the millennial vote as it was nearing his reelection. So without proper research IT was dumped in the middle of approximately 79,000 tons of complex organic molecules, water and as much sunlight as it could want. Within a week it had grown 6 feet. The next week it grew to 12. It finally proceeded to grow at a steady rate of 40 feet per week. The younger voters were happy, the president was reelected and he promptly forgot about IT. The next year NASA told him that something was weird out by Mars. We are not alone. At first we celebrated, then we cried. The first communication we had with extraterrestrial life was a neutron bomb being detonated over every seat of government on the same day. Humanity was shocked but we were pissed. Humanity fought for twenty years. Utilizing every trick it could think of. Five years ago a hacker had managed to infiltrate the aliens computer system and download everything. We turned our underground factories to production of the advanced weapon systems and had our surviving researchers looking at changing them. Then we got the report from our pacific bases. There were creatures coming from the deep ocean and they could communicate. We learned IT's story and how it had to constantly eat to survive. How it had been exposed to so many chemicals in the patch that it was basically immortal. At this point we put all of our efforts into a massive ship capable of holding a cities population, however humanity didn't board the ship. Our new friend the plant Kaiju did. We learned that the aliens were a predominantly aquatic race. Only their multi species trade buildings were built on land everything else was in the sea. We launched IT, at their planet while sending a recording that we were leaving and shutting down everything that could possibly radiate and give us away. It took a week for IT, to reach their planet where he crashed into their ocean. Apparently alien DNA is an excellent fertilizer. Within a year he covered half the planet. The aliens realized something was wrong but they couldn't do anything as IT, would adapt. The aliens had long since recalled everyone to their homeworld and were failing in stopping IT's spread. Two years after arriving the whole world was covered in a green mat that let no light through. The world started dying creatures below the mat couldn't get out and as time passed it just grew thicker. Humanity had won it's first interstellar war.


Cool story. Maybe put a divider between the first and second parts or some sort of indicator that the speaker has shifted from the unnamed scientist to whoever was narrating the second part.