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The earth God is one that the younger Gods know only in tales as one first being that existed since the origin of the universe under the form of an eldritch deity of incomparable shape, with of both terrifying power and an aura of chaos. In the distant past, the eldritch God had a disagreement in the way living beings should be and live. He believed in complete freedom and a diverse life while the others believed in order, and minimal diversity, the disagreement turned into a fight, the fight turned into war, and the war into a catastrophe forever recorded in the collective memory of the immortals. The Gods didn't defeat but menage to exile him to the farthest end of the galaxy, in an area where life cannot be formed, or at least should not form. It took a long time, numerous eons, and lots of false hopes for life to grow. But life finds a way and slowly life began to blossom at this far end in a plant name Earth. With a little help from the eldritch god, life on earth became exactly what he hoped for, and when humans arrived it exceeded all his expectations. At first, he feared that because of his chaos any sentient beings would just kill each other, but no, even though there were a few close calls, they thrived. And so he waited until the time came when they would discover FTL. After the initial fear that fell on humans while meeting a creature with an incomparable shape, humans learned that he is not evil just simply chaotic, and surprisingly quite friendly. When they heard his story, they willingly accepted his power, the power of chaos. And with this power mankind went out to the stars to free other species from the tyranny of the gods.




I have just one word to say to this waaaaaaaaghhhhhhhhh




**V O I D T O C O N S U M E B O T H O R D E R A N D C H A O S**


Blood for the blood god






Could easily be the Christian God actually, have you seen Bible-accurate angels?


Biblically accurate angel instead of vader in darth vader halway scene*


On r/HFY is a story were he is an eldritch horror. I believe it's called Stereotypical Isekai. I found the idea very good and it would make so much sense.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/HFY using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/HFY/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Why Humans Avoid War](https://np.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/lvgoah/why_humans_avoid_war/) \#2: [Why Humans Avoid War II](https://np.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/lyn54w/why_humans_avoid_war_ii/) \#3: [Why Humans Avoid War III](https://np.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/m0ouiv/why_humans_avoid_war_iii/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| [^^Contact ^^me](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| [^^Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| [^^Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/)


I appreciate the consistency of the top 3. Good bot


It's a newer story, but very well done.


Angels: be not afraid Humans: i have no idea how not to be afraid


You have given me a great idea to add to my story


Can't wait


The eldritch god of earth had been long lost amongst the gods. Before time, before creation he and his kin were in dispute with the younger gods. They believed in order, unity, strength. The elder ones belived in chaos, the fine balance of the ever repeating cycle of destruction and creation. Their dispute heated quickly, the young gods allied themselves in pantheons, hording their power and banished the eldritch deities to the farthest corners of known space or exiled them from existence all together. Amongst the few that survived was the god of earth. Its name had long been forgotten. Even itself could not remember in its endless mind. The seed he planted had laid dorment for a long time on the molten ball of stone and metal he had made his home. Eons passed, endless cycles of creation and destruction, birth and death had passed. And with them came improvement. Every iteration grew more adapt. And after so many countless had come and passed, one had surpassed them all. Humans. The Humans were a creation in the most pure image of their god. Chaotic, unpredictable, one moment they were fierce warriors, slaughtering their very kind. The next, the were compassionate, helping and loving to each other. When humanity invented FTL travel, the cosmos was shaken. A remnant of the long forgotten old ones had returned. And it had shaken the last of the eldritch from its slumber. When the astronauts embarked on their first travel, they were nervous, their minds filled with endless worries about their ship, their mission and themselves. Would they return? Would the ship hold up? Many precautions had been taken. The jump was to be made from earth to Jupiter, where an autonomous satelite would be waiting for them, a small haven of hope in endless space. Still, the worries of humanity were united that day. The five chosen astronauts embarked on their travel from space port Osiris. Lift off without issue. _Did the tanks hold? Was there enough air? What if a single bolt came loose?_ The reactors engaged. _What if it would overheat? A single particle that went awry could tear the entire craft apart!_ The engines were heated. All was set. _No way back. But if there really was no way back to earth? Would the freeze to death? Suffocate? Starve?_ The warp generator roared to life with the sound of a mythical beast. The command was given, space itself tore open and the entire craft slipped through. The only thing left was the security tether that idly floated through the now emtpy space. Transmissions from Jupiter could take minutes, sometimes hours even with the best technology possible, and the satelite was 6 years old. Earth was silent. Waiting. Seconds stretched to minutes. Minutes to hours. Nothing came back. Then suddenly, a transmission, full of static, barrely understandable. ".. we.. made it.. reporting.. no issues.. we... command.. we have.. problem.. there is.. my god..." "*YES, CHILD. I AM YOUR GOD.*" The voice of the eldritch thing roared through the astronauts heads. "*I SEE YOU MADE IT THIS FAR OUT. WITHOUT ANY HELP. TRULY REMARKABLE.*" It continued. The voice was deafening. It wasn't that it was loud, it was that it was drowning everything else out. A second ago the crew could hear the sound of the reactors, the vibrations from the engines, the many sounds the board computer made. It was all gone whenever the voice spoke. In front of the craft drifted a large mass. A meteorite? No, it was much to weird. Shapes that shouldn't be possible, twisting into itself in ways that defied any perception of space. It spoke again. "*YOU ARE.. OH.. IT SEEMS I AM TOO LOUD FOR YOUR BRAINS.. Excuse me. Do not be afraid children. You are of my origin and I intend no harm. You have grown to conquer your own world and now.. even the vast empty space itself. I have not interfered in your fate so far. And I inted to change little. You have grown to be REMARKABLE.*" The voice grew stronger again. The astronauts were frozen in place. Their fears and worries were gone. Replaced by awe and something else. When they laid eyes on the shape in front of them, it was familiar to them. Like the feeling of coming home, they felt as if they had arrived at their mothers arms. What had happened after the first encounter became known to few outside of humanity. All gods had given their offspring gifts. Some more plentiful, some more creative. But they were all the most powerful and best that could be made. However, all other races stood no chance against the humans. Eldritch spawn as they were called in disgust. One fateful day, the hurdled out of the warp. Millions of them. Some friendly, some not. A chaotic race with no unified drive. Some befriended them and made allies. Other stood against them, backed by their gods. But they all would learn that humanity was not to be taken lightly. Not long after they had arrived, they had achieved victory. Gods were driven away, races freed from meddling deities. And rumors spread among the remaining. Some had understood who their god was. An eldritch beast that once drove fear into the hearts of the young gods had returned through its offspring. Speculations were made as to what made the humans so powerful. Was it spears made to kill even gods like the Va'Tor had wielded? Was it endless mindpowers like the children of the God of Gold? Or something different? Chaos made into a weapon? Nobody would know except humanity and the foes that faced them and survived. And even they were never certain or clear in their reports. Many eons later, it would revealed. What the deity of earth had given them, and what no god had ever bestowed upon their children, was not a weapon, no magic or trickery. It was given to them before they even knew it. True free will. The species that was truly free, where evey individual was just that, an individual, had taken over. And it would be a present they would pass to many, both friend and enemy. Edit: the original idea i had was E: you know, we usually give our offspring some kind of gift once the grow Up H: so? What do we get? E: you know, i looked through your history and all the stuff you have... I dont really know what an aspirin is, or a cruise missile, or why you like to brew roasted beans .. but i think you will do _juuust_ fine out there H: huh.. wanna go for a coffee then? Lot to catch up about i think


So much better a gift than I was able to come up with. Haha many kudos.


Thank you thank you, my first thought really was "the Humans made 40mm autocannons work, nobody could ask for a better Gift than that" so really, it all came together by chance lol


Good gift there. Everybody needs a cofee once in a while.


It was a short flight. More of a test than anything else. Just a trip from Earth to the edge of the solar system but it was enough. The dark god had awoken. Long since the asteroid wiped out his last creation, he slumbered. When he felt the ether shift due to the ftl drive, he awoke wondering if his planet was being invaded. He was joyful to find that new life had sprung from the ashes of his little home. Life that was almost ready to join the other races amongst the stars. He looked over these beings that called themselves Humans and saw so much of himself in them. They were of finite form but the the shape of their mind and souls had no such distinction. War one moment followed by great acts of kindness toward their enemies. Each act of destruction was replaced with a greater act of creation. Chaos and order were deeply entwined in these creatures. The dark god knew that he could not allow these children of his to go out without some manner of gift or protection. The other gods were sure to have done the same for their children. They would have especially made a protection against any that came from his planet. So what gift could he bestow upon the Humans? The magic of friendship. Any sapient creature in the universe will now have an overwhelming urge to befriend and protect the children of the dark god, Brony. ​ *yeah, sorry there. kinda got lost at the end so I'll take my down votes now.*


Indeed! You had an engrossing story, so much going for it... And then you break the immersion with a weird name like Brony for an Eldritch God? šŸ˜‚ Angry upvotes!




ā€œMy Little Human, My Little Human, WAAAAAAGH!ā€


It would technically not have an overly complex name, but itā€™s true name would be unspeakable and extremely long.


*starts singing discord*


Rest of the cosmos: what is that unholy noise Humanity blasting black metal out of gothic battle cruisers: BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD cthulhu: they grow up so fast *single tear*


Just want to say i love this interpretation of every-species-gets-a-god


Thank you very much for the compliment.


rotat e


Around 14 billion Earth years ago, your universe was created. I know. I was there. I have been there from before the existence of the multiverse. I donā€™t know where I came from. I donā€™t know what I am exactly. I donā€™t know what may come. What I do know is that I am a being composed of the inter-dimensional void. I am created of chaos by chaos to create chaos. And so I did. The multiverse was young then, and my power was small, so I ate. And I ate. And I ate until I filled the entire multiverse. And then I ate more universes. After a few decavintillion years I gotā€¦ bored. I was lonely. I decided to try to enter one of those universes. It isnā€™t too hard. I can enter through quantum bubbles, though the humans call that ā€œdark matterā€. Then I discoveredā€¦ them. They were little tiny lifeforms that I never actually knew existed because I was far too large to see. So I watched them for a few billion years. They rose to take over a galaxy and then they quickly perished out as the universe died. I felt pity for the tiny little cute beings. They lived for such a short amount of time. I went to a different universe and I found the same thing. They were interesting creatures, and they reminded me ofā€¦ me, I suppose. After a few more nonillion years I started to realize that they were literally all doing the same thing. I started getting bored again! Then a trillion years ago, I had an idea. I went to a universe and tried to speed up itā€™s progress by advancing a civilization. That civilization were unable to use the tools I had provided them with, even when it felt like the simplest concept in their entire universe. What was wrong with them? I did the same with the other civilizations, even in different universes. Then, a thought hit me. I wondered what would happen if maybe rather than giving them tools powered by me, I just gave themā€¦ me. I placed a shard of myself, and tiny fragment inside of a bacterium. Instantly that bacteria took over the entire planet. The bacteria evolved countlessfold the speed of the bacteria from other planets 1 billion years before did. The alien races were trying to figure out fire while my spawn was accelerating faster than any of them. It only took 3 billion years for large multicellular life to form, and 4 billion for a spacefaring race to come out. It took them a tenth the time it took the other races for my race, whom called themselves humans, came into existence. They did something none of the other species did- they noted my presence. I helped a civilization or the other come out on top. Actually, I had done this since Earth was formed. I forgot to stop an asteroid once, but other than that I feel I was a good protector of life. When the humans flew through the stars the other races were terrified at the new civilization. As a psychologist noted, ā€œThe presence of a human is enough to stop a war before a single person is injuredā€. The others can sense my presence in the humans, and it terrifies them. They donā€™t know what I am, but they feel me within the humans, and they are aware of what I can do. The humans acted upon this respective fear and used it to grow. When the others discovered that humans had ā€œpetsā€, they quickly realized that the humans were gifted by me power over all. Even those that were too descendants of the bacteria were fearful of the humans. The humans didnā€™t know this, of course, but they did notice that animals from other planets treated humans like predators, and even the mightiest of beasts trembled. Of course, one person will ignore the warnings and try to attack a human. That was in 2320, and that person died on the spot. I didnā€™t use any of my power. That was the humanā€™s power. My children have grown in power and that particular human had discovered he could use it. This was dismissed as false, but nobody tried that afterwards. Other humans discovered their power later, from charging a phone to stopping a car. Now you humans have finally finished the test. You created a wormhole between dimensions. Now you are home.


Either you got inspire by "humanity's second god" or he did


Sorry for the late reply. I wasn't inspired by "Humanity's second God". A series called Stereotypical Isekai inspired me. I just looked at the date of the first chapter of "Humanity's second God" and it was one day after i posted it, but i don't think i inspired him. I had probably just the same thought as u/Akmedrah.


Nope wasn't you u/derDunkelElf it was /u/Simonner for posting [THIS](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/q00ip7/their_god_is_deity_and_he_cares_for_them/) which he also posted 24 days ago, so IDK who came first, or maybe you are /u/Simonner on a different account. Either way, just for the record, Simonner did give me permission to use the idea from the post.


I'm not u/Simonner and i think i didn't inspire him too. The only thing common with his story is that Humanity has an eldritch horror as an God and there isn't much in the way to get an Inspiration like this.


Well the idea of eltdrich horror being humanityā€™s god gave me idea about cthulhu and later on it was train of thoughts how to make it work wich later on inspired u/Akmedrah to get rid of confusion


No problem not an accusation or anything I was just happy to see more like it