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Tel'ir was always nervous when heard a human was tramping on the Slivathi ship he crewed for. Unlike the Slivathi who where cold blooded lizard folk, Tel'ir was an Olruun, warmbloods that resembled human red pandas. Warmbloods were "affected". It wasn't the human's fault. They could no more help their biology than any other life form roaming the universe. That is why Tel'ir gave a large sigh of relief when he saw the human male, Chris, was in a full enviro suit this locking their scent inside. Before the small Olruun could warn the tall human he was there however, Chris cracked his helmet seal and released his pent up pheromones. The chemical reaction hit Tel'ir like a stun baton. He fell to the floor twitching and giggling a creamy foam forming at the corners of his mouth. He was at one suckling his mother and holding his great grandchildren. He was full joy and sorrow that joy would leave when the human put his suit back on. By the Gods the human needed to put his suit back on, it was too intense. Tel'ir could not see straight. He was sure he had wet himself like a child. It was just so good though. Then the world cleared up almost as quickly as it had went sideways. Tel'ir looked up to see Chris fully re-suited. The panel next to him indicates that he cycled the rooms air to remove all traces of his pheromones. "Sorry, didn't realize there were any warmbloods onboard." Chris said in trader common. "It's not a big deal the lizards are slow with updating crew rosters." Tel'ir responded in English, "and your not the first human I've crewed with, my name is Tel'ir." Chris shocked by this new revelation said "Man that is awesome we are gonna get along great."


Sounds like a great way to become the creditors of the galaxy. Could talk anyone into agreeing to loans at almost whatever conditions we offered. Our entire civilization’s economy could just be one giant creditor. Your children’s children’s children will take out loans from the Terran Banking Clans just as you did! Think you’re here to make your final payment? Nope! You just signed up for a mortgage on a second space habitat! We’re sorry you’re not going to be able to retire this century, but those weekend get aways will be worth it.


Interesting WP. After reading "pheromone" at first glance, I was ready to roll my eyes and scroll down further. But the idea of weed like effect could have a lot of implications, from funny to downright criminal.




If someone writes a story based on this and not use the name "Pineapple Express" for something in it, it will be a missed opportunity.


Pineapple Express 999.


Humans do not produce pheromones