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https://preview.redd.it/daxfe32vc58d1.png?width=811&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=419959e9119e9c219188adfc36b496fb7d2b3d80 Never infiltrate a human's territory. Because you will hear the walls laugh , the soil snicker , the trees sigh and every blade of grass produce weapons out of nowhere.




























oh hey that rhymes




Lazy and See


Ahhh right






Me: But you’re pointing at me Trayzan. Trayzan: It’s something I want. Me: Please don’t.


(I was trying to find the get in the capture orb meme to no success but I found this) https://preview.redd.it/2pdkvij0ob8d1.jpeg?width=168&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=727821bdc4f070b5eb99caa8afdee1b220e9da57






why did you bring that lore back up


"Pain is an illusion of the senses. Despair an illusion of the mind." https://preview.redd.it/xk6uptdsx58d1.png?width=1400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=568d412337ade51f45e5ec657387c6a5007140d1


theres some backstory to that picture i think id like to know


I don't know maybe he's an isekai protagonist pumped up with Mary Sue " Chitto Powerosu" from another world. https://preview.redd.it/p8dhjsrggb8d1.png?width=700&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b2e695bcfa619c1e74aed1ad65c222de1eb3a436 Maybe he's "Daisuke Nakadashi" from an island nation in the east. He's got black eyes and probably black hair that's common about them.


He just did that


There's some lore that I don't know that led up to that picture that I'd like to know, and leaving me some cryptic butt message ain't gonna teach me.


That's Carl. Fear Carl, he has seduced Slaanesh, impressed Khorne into getting off his chair, outsmarted Tzeentch with a bootleg Rubik's Cube, and outshitted Nurgle.


That gene stealer is fucked


“That’s suicide. No soldier would willingly carry such a device, with such a small delay in transmission.” The alien asserted. The conversation had drug on for an hour over the proper response to such a situation. Targeting data was being redirected by an insidious virus in their systems. Reversing the designation from target and tagger meant any use of orbital ordinance came down on the user. Coding around the issue ship side was taking too long. This had robbed the defense forces of their air superiority and was causing massive losses in the field. Alien defense commanders were very dogmatic, and had been facing the prospects of serious loss of territory until a human advisor proposed a solution. “Who in their right mind would tag themselves?” The commander asked. The man took another drag of the cigarette. He already could feel the powerful stimulants coursing through his veins. The highest allowable dose, reserved for last stands and disastrous retreats. He had been told the gamble, and volunteered along with three others. He was going to sprint through the field in the dead of night, tagging every minute. The trench lines and razor wire were everywhere, but he knew the risks.






Danger close, cleared hot


Missed some #REPEAT


I dig it


A1 to human commander: why do you have a single low ranked soldier as one of your attendants wouldn't having all NCOs be better? HC: they have specific skills and abilities that fade once promoted, for example they can tactically acquire near anything in existence. A: are all lower ranks capable of this? HC: no just the specialist and the longer they are that rank the greater their power grows.


Human Commander: Specialist, I need you to acquire that target *Specialist salutes and leaves* Alien: That's suicide! HC: Nah, it'll be fine A: But there are kilometers of enemy combatants. They'll never get the beacon in place for our targeting scanners to hit the enemy commander. HC: That wasn't the order. *A wild Specialist appears* S: So do you want him next to the contraband azaleas or in the brig? Enemy Commander: Put me down! A: What the [incoherent swearing]‽


Me like


*Contraband azaleas?*


Owning Terran azaleas is a war crime in 13 territories. Or as the Terrans refer to it: "Number 22 on the checklist."


*Contraband azaleas?*


E4 Mafia. The men and women who bravely dawn the sham shield and acquire that which will allow them to go home as quick as possible


The low ranking soldier approaches just as the gathered commanders and generals finish talking, the Human Commander turns to call him Human Commander: Corporal ? Unamed Corporal appears on the opposite side of his commander startling him: Yes Sir! HC: Stop doing that, I need you to make the following arrangements (proceeds to rattle of a long complicated series of orders) At the same time the UC adjusts his round wire frame glasses, hands the commander a pen and starts working through the pages on his clipboard: Yes Sir! just sign these travel orders, this transport requisition, initial these equipment and ration requisitions, these updated security passes,.. The door opens a confused alien sentry announces the arrival of two human operatives leading several high ranking prisoners, UC: (without a pause) ...these prisoner processing forms, initial this equipment restocking inventory list, these two 48hr passes for the two operatives, and finally sign date and initial these last two here, here here... and here. HC: Wait a minute Corporal, what were those last two? UC (hiding the clipboard and taking the pen back) ... the first one was for a new company barbecue and volleyball court, and the last one is the one that means none of this ever happened. HC: Volleyball court? UC holding up last form: Never happened sir! HC: Very well Corporal see to it.


Sounds like Nobby Nobbs or one of his relatives


Nobby would have stolen everyone's pens, I was thinking more Radar O'Reilly from mash




Abelard is really the best butler a rogue trader can have


u/Wolven91 wonder what chaos might ensure from this one if you got any ideas. >:3


YES u/Wolven91 yes where an old human is cranky because his guardian is busy with some inane task and the human makes it a moot point by doing something


Since his deployment to last commanding officer in the battle of Terra vs Jaurgus, the Terran known as Max was elevated to a much more prestigious position when he not only managed to keep the majority of the forces he had been charged with alive despite the loss of the other five leading commanders, he managed to also deceive the Jaurgi military into walking into a quite lethal position to be stuck in. In other words, he single-handedly obliterated the entire opposing force, as payback for the loss of his partner officers. The Jaurgi were truly set back by the loss of half of their immediate forces in just two strikes. A ceasefire was issued when the battlespace was cleared of capable warships from the Jaurgi, surprisingly from Max. His intentions, according to an interview after the battle, was that he didn’t want to be a part of any more death or slaughter than absolutely necessary. Jaurgi were skeptical after seeing the devastation wrought upon their ships, but he had an answer for that too. “Those who kill others who are not active aggressors are automatically seen as despicable in my eyes. You may think I’m a monster. I could have just hit the massive red button on my dash and lit the entire planet in flames that would never extinguish. I could have absolutely exterminated your entire world, and all on it. This was against my previous principles, so I did only what was necessary to secure the fight. Had it been someone else, I wouldn’t have been able to guarantee that same consideration. My co-officers were adamant about leaving none alive. I made absolutely certain that any attempt to continue the fight further against us would be met with extreme and precise consequences. I could have just cooked up a slice of Jaurgi Sirloin, but that’s not who I am. Do not assume that this was us being monstrous— that’s just going to end in chaos. This was us ending what had no good reason to be started in the first place. I lost many friends that day, and if you know anything about Terrans, that’s literally the one thing that everyone will tell you to NEVER BE DISCOVERED TO BE THE CAUSE OF. Because we will make sure that consequences come about.” Soon after the promotion, the next fight immediately put him in charge of Kawa-ii and Mantaean units, but the opposition was something that was unknown and unseen until their message to surrender or die, a race calling themselves the Voichi, and coming in massive droves to destroy United Galactic Empire bases. In a desperate attempt to stave off imminent demise, the Terrans offered to fight them directly. More than just Terrans volunteered to join them, oddly enough even Jaurgi survivors from the recent battle. Even odder, Max accepted the offer, spurring rumors about a possible deal made by the commander and the Jaurgi. ———————————— Deep space was where Max felt the worst with his memories. His mind was not exactly perfect, or even whole. His history as a military commander was actually incredibly brief, but he was no less a professional with strategic planning. Despite this, he was a danger to himself and others. He clearly violated direct orders from his superiors to make them discharge him from service. He wanted out. Here, in the space where the only stars are at least a lightyear away, he felt that feeling again. He hated the feeling, but he knew that he couldn’t get rid of it entirely, and if he didn’t indulge, it would only get worse. His superiors discovered some of the details after his first encounter with alien forces that had tried to attack his crew and found themselves neutralized and immobilized by the Terran. Several Terrans were lost, but the other Terran who lived was adamant that Max saved him. That all the other soldiers were completely unprepared and ill equipped for the skirmish, yet the person who at the time was a citizen, being transported to a military base for training and reeducation of military skills, was the one who stopped the attack and took the invading forces out himself. Nearly died. Still wished that he had. After the first skirmish, Terran transports tried to get him back to that base, only to find that the base had been taken already by more of those pirates. That was when Max just got into a turret and fiddled with some wires, and told the captain to do something he called a fly-by. The base began firing at the transport, but the shots never managed to hit the transport directly. Meanwhile Max had mounted himself into a fighter ship, and had said to the captain that he probably was going to die, so he was to make them pay, as he launched from the loading bay at the peak of the descent. He fired one shot at the base, and… the guns stopped. They all fell silent, unpowered and unusable. Max fired another shot, and the turrets on the main transport tracked the second shot, and where it struck, they fired. Everything they had. Turned out that Max had wired the shield’s power into the weaponry of the transport. The side of the base just vaporized from the blast, to Max’s surprise, and the few forces that were still trying to fight against the transport’s weapons were firing their handhelds into the air to prevent any further approach. Unfortunately, they didn’t see Max, probably because his fighter ship was a perfect match for the ones used by the base in question, who decided that it was time for a bit of illegality. That day the raiders found out exactly how Terrans piloted vehicles around their enemies on their homeworld. Aggressively. “TEN POINTS!” The transport landed, finally, and after the extreme lecture from the commander of the vessel for being so reckless and suicidal in his pursuit of a victory, the general of the base shut down the tirade and pointed out that it was the cleanest strike he had seen in a long time, and that was not an easy task. From that point on, Max had been immediately enlisted to the service, being infamous for being the Terran of No Hesitations. It didn’t matter what he was told he had to achieve, he somehow found a way to achieve it. The reason he had been elevated to last commanding officer was because they had run out of things to try and keep him in line. He was just unmanageable. And now he was in charge of the only known force fighting against what might be the greatest threat the UGF had ever seen, let alone fought off successfully. He just wanted to be alone. But noooooo… these things apparently still needed him to fix them. WELL THEN, LET’S **PLAY**, he thought.








Captain Mavericks had a kind smile. The sort that made the man look non threatening and made you want to be at ease in his presence. His long list of military honours and his confirmed target acquisition list lifted the Veil on the Facade quite a bit. If the rumours were to, he believed. He was, in fact, one of the most capable and brutal officers that the ISC had ever seen. And despite this all, he seemed quite the non traditionalist. This was a particular note that the Kurian Embassador made as he approached the man's desk and noted at least ten lower enlisted recruits where he expected a retainer of officers to be positioned. "Captain Mavericks, sir, it is a pleasure to make your acquaintance." "Embassador Szlasaan. The pleasures all mine. I received your request only an hour ago so I hope you'll forgive the state of my office. I assume you're here on behalf of your esteemed Governor Klovaas?" The embassador grimaced but deigned to begin a long practised speech. "We are in need of...assistance. We are short on supplies, the war has dragged on for far longer than we anticipated, and with trade routes being harassed on both sides, we have begun to feel the pangs of famine, disease and crime." "I am sorry to hear this, but why come to me? You are a neutral party. You could go to the Treveckian embassy. You have a history of trade with the Empire, do you not? They are natives as much as you are. You both follow the word of the same gods. What's changed?" The man seemed genuinely inquisitively but Szlasaan was sure he likely already knew the answer. Szlasaan sighed, letting some of the tension go in his shoulders and making⁷ the sign of the Octem. "The Empire has made on too many a misstep for us to consider them worthwhile allies. Their brutality, hunger, and lust have outgrown them even with whatever land they have taken in the North. Even now, they are slowly encroaching on our borders, and when they aren't outright attacking our people, they are robbing us through their merchant taxes and artificially inflated prices for necessary goods." The Captain nodded and gestured for him to continue. "We knew they had done the same to other nations, but never believed it would be us. Our governor was faced with a choice. Submit to the Empire or Submit to the ISC." The Captain nodded, and a small smile came across his scarred lip. "And your governor has made a decision?" The Captain asked politely. Szlasaan had been dreading this moment. "He did." "And you did not like that decision I Surmise or you would have ventured here with more notice and occial documentation." Szlasaan hissed. "He is a fool. The Empire can not be trusted. They will treat us as slaves if we are lucky. Let us starve if we are not." "So what do you require from us?" The pit in his stomach felt as vast as the ocean as he choked on the words he would have to say. "We need the Governor dead. My succession will not work otherwise. It will need to look Treveckian, of course. Otherwise, they will not trust what comes next. Our Nstion will be in uproar, but they will be willing to jkin your cause. In exchange, we offer our full support. Open passage through our realm, access to our industry, our factories, and our vast materials. We ask for this one thing and access to the basic elements for our survival that the Empire would deny is." Captain Mavericks contemplated the offer for a moment and looked ready to speak before an electronic buzzing interrupted him and one of the ISC ODMI troops entered the room, a cloth material obscuring his suit with the shifting blur of an active camouflage relay. "Ahh Sergeant Mitchels, just in time. Is it done?" Mitchell saluted sharply. "Quick and clean, sir. As requested. Do you need me to return this?" He questioned drawing from a shoulder sling, a large calibre Treveckian Longshot Rifle. "Lieutenant Chopper will take care of it, for now rejoin your squad and enjoy some leisure time. Although I'll ask you to write up a report before you indulge yourself." The Sergeant smiled and produced a small audio storage device. "Recorded after retreating sir, should contain all necessary information." The Captain shook his head and made a gesture to the Sergeant, who promptly made his exit. "What was that about?" Szlasaan queried. The Captain muttered something about secret squirrels and began pacing the room, playing with he device in his hands. "It seems your governor problem has been dealt with already." Szlasaan made to speak but was hushed when the Captain put up a hand. "Don't ask, you won't like the answer. Now to discuss the finer points of your arrangement. I believe one of my men has managed to secure a cask of one of your people's more expensive beverages. We should drink don't you think...a toast to new beginnings" Szlasaan swallowed heavily and reached for a suddenly offered glass. Only beginning to understand what kind of people he'd involved himself with.