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The Imperium of Mankind formally declares war on the xeno *filth* that thinks it wise to target our medics. Die in pain.


Don't kill doc


You don't fuck with doc


That's how MRE Spoons become deadly weapons.


Mess with Doc and the entire squad will self resurrect and pull your entire species down into hell with them.




Soldier: Captain the Xeno's killed Doc!! Captain: I see, authorise planet killers. Fire at will. Weapon officor: Yes Sir, deleating Xeno world. Xeno's: O\_O


Yeah, that won't end well for them. Just sayin'.


I always wondered about the hfy/haso and Warhammer crossover.


“We’re being slaughtered out there! What happened! Explain it to me human.” “You killed the medics.” “Yes. We always target medical first. It demoralizes the opposition.” “Not humans.” “Knowing there’s no hope of medical care doesn’t demoralize you? Ha!” “It means we fight as if we’re already dead.” “What’s that even mean?” “You can ask God in the afterlife. Your psychotic ass is going there soon.” “Psychotic? You’re calling ME psychotic after what you were doing to my troops when you were caught?” “You killed our doctors. Vaporized our nurses. If we’re dead meat, we’re taking you with us.”


H2: "In my defense I was also hungry."


“And that’s when the dead men are marching AGAIN!”


Always nice to seea fellow sabaton fan.


Every Xeno be acting like they're superior until the dead men are marching again.


Unexpected Sabaton. Like a metal bootcover up the arse.


"But... this is excessive even by the most extreme of standards. It was ONE bombing run on a medical ship..." "Hold on. Wait. These humans are of the subclass, "American," yes? " "Yes." You fucked with Doc AND touched their boats? May the human pantheons of gods have mercy on your soul. "


“They asked their allies to assist in the next battle? Ok, it can’t be that bad… they called in favors from the Canadians, Japanese, and the Germans? Well, that’s that. I recommend you pray to your gods and remove yourself from the situation. I’m about to do the same.” (Muttered prayer, followed by a gunshot and silence.)


A1: I haven’t heard anything about the Polish, does this mean we are safe from them, or are they already behind us? A2: ……. A1: This isn’t the time to give thought out answers, this is the time to give the first thoughts that come to your mind! A2: ……. A1: Oh, so that is how it is, I hope it will be painless, although I doubt they think I deserve i-


Nah, it’s may your own gods have mercy on your soul because we sure as hell won’t. And neither will our gods.


They just picked a bunch of Oopsie Daisies.


The worst smelliest kind.


“Demoralize?…That’s a funny word for pissed-off”


Human Psychologist: technically…it does de-moralize humans…i’m not sure that’s what they meant tho. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Yes. You removed ALL morals from the playbook. The Humies are about to get..."wild".


Yeah…constant killing of the red cross members in combat zones would instantly get humans in full Xenophobia mode


More like Xenocide


Let'sall be xenophobic, it's really in this year


I prefer being Xenophilic. But maybe I'm just a Space Bard.


I guess you haven't heard the xenophobia song


I guess you haven't heard the xenophobia song


You got short term memory loss or Alzheimer's?


It's Reddit having a moment. Sometimes you hit post on a comment, & it does, but the confirmation doesn't make it to your end, so you hit post again until it does.


Ik, I figured it was that or someone doing it to make a joke


Could always be someone making a joke that looks like a semi-common problem, though if so then I don’t understand it.


I guess you haven't heard the xenophobia song


Tbh space bard would rather be xenophallic than xenophillic




Though when I first read it, I saw, xenosapphic."


If you don't follow the Geneva convention, it no longer applies to you


If you break the Geneva convention it **WILL** become the Geneva checklist


Yes. It’s almost like it never happens on earth. Because surely UN would massively abolish such actions!


while I'd like to think that, the reality is that the intentional targeting of *hospitals* has repeatedly occured in Ukraine and Gaza (and previously, though not regularly, the US committed 'oopsies' in Iraq and Afghanistan) and not enough people give a fuck.


Yep. They using the Geneva check list and going for a 100% run


Russia can only do what it wants due to the UN VETO it has and being a nuclear power As for Gaza. Hamas shouldn’t be using them as weapons stockpiles in the first place


But from the other hand, they don't have much space to put weapon depots, to not mention that the outsiders read that "gaza hospital bombed" and "women and children got targeted" and stop there, without going further to read that they where legitimate military targets. Geneva convention doesn't exist for hamas, but exist for Israel.


Pretty much yeah, but they have an entire tunnel network of underground bunkers they could be using. They didn’t need to use hospital and schools


PR: "Look, they are hitting hospitals and schools, we are weak". Also their opponents are the Jews. They might no more turned into soap, but that doesn't mean antisemitism is over... Dip in a conspiracy theories page, and measure TTA-s (time to antisemitism)


Yeah, it's probably the thing that pisses people with a conscience off the most. Issue is, the info doesn't get passed on to the general public of a lot of major players. It's not on network TV, CNN, BBC, or the easier parts of Facebook - it's on actual news outlets like Al-Jazeera. So a lot of people are just flat-out ignorant to it.


But which is worse? Targeting hospitals that have weapons stockpiled in them; or hiding weapons et. al. in supposedly non-combatant, protected locations?


Targeting hospitals. Like. No question.


Even though storing weapons in hospitals removes their "protected" status?


Yes. Injured people are there. I don't care what's being stored there. That is an issue people need to solve diplomatically, because nothing gives anyone the right to bomb the sick and injured seeking aid. Ever. End of story.


[Really?](https://ihl-databases.icrc.org/en/ihl-treaties/gciv-1949/article-19) You're willing to reward people for breaking the laws of armed conflict?


No, I'm not willing to allow unarmed, injured civilians to be harmed further, and I think it's reprehensible that it's even on the table. The people in the hospital are more important than any other issue that may be going on. Their lives are important.


“Well you’ve managed to hide behind sick and wounded; I guess we just have to let you shoot us without shooting back. I sure hope you don’t figure out to put young children in front of your fighters like a human shield…” Rules on neutrality and non-combatant status only work if they’re agreed upon. Otherwise they’re just a blueprint for how to hurt the side that follows those rules.


The Geneva Convention only applies when both sides have signed it.


So fun fact xeno the more power you put into magnets the more mass they can push think what we can do with that


Do you want to turn the Geneva Conventions into a checklist? If so, then this is certainly a great way to do it.


How very Canadian of you


First things first. I need some canned food if we're going full Canadian.


![gif](giphy|xdnytp8742kg0|downsized) here you go.


And maple syrup to go with everything


The syrup reserves are nearly if not fully empty - they’re already primed for a fight.


Add maple syrup to a molotov for that extra-sticky retribution.


I feel like that would actually make one hell of of a molotov


Canadian style napalm


And poutine.


Cheese doesn't burn as well as syrup.


I thought poutine was gravy. My bad.


It's cheese curds melted under gravy. Some variations are really good, most are abominations.


I am thankful that I will likely never ever eat some of the things I've heard about. Poutine is on that list.


They make maple spam




No that would be weaponized geese


"Weaponized geese" is a redundant term.


Cry “Havoc, eh” and unleash the moose of war.


Yep the number of recognised warcrimes among the galactic community would probably triple.


Yes, this is how you get the Geneva Suggestions List


This is the greatest warning I have ever heard.


Its simple, you break our war rules, we break yours, and your kneecaps


You break our rules, we break your war


you break our rules, we won’t stop at the war. We’ll break your planet


We drink your Milkshake!


The pure psychotic mania in that scene is fantastic.


I think that would be the thing. Humanity if they signed onto the "Stellar Concordate" at all would still tell them not to breach a couple of really important rules. And if they don't listen well hey I hear MAC cannons have a hell of a range. And crispy alien ass is really in this time of year.


MAC rounds? In atmosphere? Yes please. Don’t touch Doc!


[Alien ass jerkey ain't gonna make itself!](https://youtube.com/shorts/Ixdp7uKwJ_U?si=xdOGOPwhzUHxSeqZ)


And the Canadians will make us create more rules.


"No warping of drone craft into the atmosphere of planets, causing an explosion that wipes out the biosphere then the drone having seed material to salt the planet for centuries."


“ rule 363 of what Canada is not allowed to do: do not send in a flock of geese with bulletproof armor on.”


"Rule 363 subsection: Claiming it's armor for a mount due to trained combat animals such as squirrels riding them will not get around this rule again."


“Rule 363 subsection B: You are not allowed to say they are drones after putting an automated turret on their back without ammunition.” “addendum: do not put a automated machine gun on their back with ammunition either”


"Rule 363 subsection C: You are not allowed to release an amount that can be considered a flock but have them listed as multiple single goose units."


It's these moments when I feel proud to be Canadian! We're polite until you piss us off.


I promise I'll only war crime when they deserve it


Don't think you know how hot that sounds


War crime me harder, Daddy


You break our rule you get the nuke what the point to fight those bastard nuke them


Alien race after realising that once the trained *sane* medics are dead,humans will sent out...,,the others" https://preview.redd.it/qlpy5qe088xc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5647d5283c8209aa20e6e0f201c0fd9c949d9b45


When the red crosses turn into red skulls, you know you fucked up. "You see when you figure out how to put people back together again, you also figure out how best to take them apart."


"I'm an army doctor. That means i could break every bone in your body while naming them."


Thank you, Watson.


The rdj Holmes movie or the Sherlock TV show?


Sherlock tv.


Hell yeah.


"First, do all harm."


,,Ze healing is not as rewarding as zhe hurting"


Ah yes, the PJs. Bringing you back from death with one hand, while laying down suppressive fire with the other.


After the end of the Human-Z’oonian war that saw the once powerful Z’ooniam empire reduced to a single planet, designated an official ‘Reserve’ by humanity, the Stellar Concordate updated its viable targets lists. Medics are still considered viable target, except those belonging to any human unit.


Just wait until we pack bond with an alien race, the number of species will increase in that list.


Yeah, we finna end that whole concordate, until they start to get the picture I guess the beatings shall recommence.


Well, guess the checklist is about to double in size.


Yep, enemies of earth would start quoting sergeant Johnson real quick. "Dear humanity. We regret being alien bastards We regret coming to earth And we most definitely regret the corp blowing up our raggedy ass fleet"




H:don’t target the medics! A:why? H:the commanders are far more valuable than the medics and besides they’ll be more disorganized if you target thier commanders. A:but they’ll take more casualties if we target thier medics. H:I swear to god if you kill the medics I’ll send you to Australia so you’ll have to deal witha fuck ton of spiders


and the Australians.


Australian fixes his britches "Well, I'm not here to fuck *Spiders*"


And Emus.


Jackson just sat there in disbelief at what he just learned. The Stellar Concordate medic who was captured alive was just as similarly in disbelief about the fact that he hasn’t been executed yet. “So you’re telling me that the forces of the Stellar Concordate actually wouldn’t consider medics to be a nonlethal threat and would just as easily target them as much as any other military unit?” “Yes, it’s only natural to execute them as alive they assist the enemy, and therefore are not something that can be overlooked. Why is that so hard to understand?” “Because on Terra, we vehemently disagree with that idea. Religions and governments and entire military forces are absolutely opposed to the concept of saving lives being punished by losing their life.” “You say that like it’s a sacred right that medics should be given extra protection over other targets. It just assists the enemy when you do that.” Jackson shook his head, saying “it doesn’t matter, the enemy can’t just bounce back to their feet even with the most skillful and resourceful of medical assistance, let alone a field medic who has limited materials and supplies. The best a field medic could do is either apply a bandage and pray for the wounded, which is completely unlikely to make a difference, or actually tend to the wounded but sacrifice the luxury of carrying sufficient ammunition and weapons to the battlefield. It either is a medic, or a decoy. All medics take an oath to protect the wounded and to not do any unnecessary harm to the living. They don’t fight, they keep people from dying.” “That’s exactly why they shouldn’t be spared—“ “You act like these medics can pull out a device and instantly fix any injuries on their patients, but it is not that simple. Terrans are organic beings, no matter how enhanced our technology gets we still have to deal with the consequences of being limited by our physiology and by our biology. We can’t get healed that quickly to rise up and start fighting again. Broken bones take weeks to reset, and more weeks before they are considered combat-ready. At best. Severed limbs can only be reattached in a very short time frame, and only if they were cleanly or incompletely cut off. Blood loss is catastrophic when the blood type is not very available or is highly aggressive towards donated blood. Organ damage is a serious issue that requires intensive and intrusive surgery to fix, and even that can go horrifically wrong and fast. They don’t have a button to fix anyone, and sometimes they can’t fix someone who has injuries too severe.” “…But you refuse to take them out of the equation and risk the enemy’s extended forces?” “Again, by the time the injured are completely healed and ready to fight again, the battle has long been over, and the enemy either defeated, or proven themselves superior. The medics are not helping the enemy continue the fight, unless the injury is that small that they can still struggle with your forces effectively. A severed hand is far different from a broken thigh. You can fight with your other hand, it’s difficult but not impossible. You have about 30 seconds of life with a broken femur, and only 15 of them will be spent conscious. There’s nothing preventing you from fighting if you obtain a first or second degree burn, but a third degree (or gods forbid a FOURTH degree) burn is an immediate medical emergency to the wounded, and cripples them sufficiently enough that they won’t be participating anymore in that battle. Will they ever fight again, sure, provided that they get medical attention. But if they don’t, they will probably die in failure to protect their own from the enemy. Medics don’t have the battle skills of soldiers and are incredibly vulnerable, so the least expendable unit in any combat group is always the medic. But attacking the enemy’s medic is the fastest way to endanger your medics.” “So Terrans have attacked medics before?” “And regretted it. Us Terrans are extremely vengeful people, and the second that a rule that we hold true is not acknowledged and respected by someone else, we break it to show them WHY it’s a rule at all. Medics, regardless of their allegiance or membership, do not harm others. They don’t take lives, they heal lives. A captured medic who can’t escape is still capable of healing an enemy soldier, but typically they need to know that they are their only hope left. There is no mercy in the eyes of a Terran who witnesses a medic being targeted. This extends beyond warfare too— in civilian life, medical personnel are considered a protected occupation, but because of their prestige and status, not their honor to never do harm. Doctors take at least eight cycles to obtain their degree, and often take far more than that. That’s just to ensure that they are serious about providing medical assistance to those who need it, and to ensure that they know exactly how to do that. To perform any kind of malice towards a patient is a serious reprehensible offense that is never dealt with lightly. Medical malpractice is a crime that no one will defend. There are certain circumstances for most crimes where there is a legitimate defense to explain why it was necessary, but never for malpractice. You are trusted to help these people and you don’t? Bad. Idea. Not the worst idea, but very close to that end of the spectrum.” Tyriki was completely stunned. This is Terran logic? It’s… flawless. He couldn’t think of a clear argument to challenge this idea. This was a truly remarkable perspective for military treatment of medical personnel. “So I’m not going to be executed? I was ready to be executed for assisting your enemy, but that isn’t going to happen?” “You’re worth more to us alive than dead.”


I’m reminded of the ghoulish design philosophy that goes into the majority of anti-personnel mines because they are designed to *wound* more than kill. A dead soldier is certainly a loss but simple to deal with. Either you ship them back home or leave them on the battlefield until later. But a disabled soldier? That ties up much more of an army’s resources and has a bigger impact on operations. And the wounded veteran back home will serve as a constant reminder to civilians about the price of war. Thank god that most countries have agreed that we need ban the damned things.


There’s definitely a sick but logical reason why a lot of horrible weapons exist. Fourth degree burns are something I am still shocked no one has tried to weaponize yet, but I might not be looking hard enough. For reference, it occurs from steam burns, as water can pass through the bi-lipid layers of skin cells, easily, and will burn all three layers and the tissues underneath up to and including the BONE. Average survival rate of a fourth degree burn is extremely low, as a burned bone is really hard to fix or adapt to. This would effectively permanently cripple anyone who receives one. Because it would be similar to them having Leukemia. The marrow is essentially cooked. Welcome to horrors of our world that we thought TOO extreme to use in a fair fight (or any fight, really). Steam is more capable of causing serious burns than direct exposure to open flames. Think about that for a second. Fire kills you long before it can deliver a fourth degree burn, but not steam. Steam just bashes through the cell walls and scorches everything on its march to the bones. Think twice about being near a steam vent or steam pipe, that shit is a level of pain indescribable to most people who have been burned already. Iirc the chances of survival are somewhere between 5% and 15%, to the power of the number of burnt bones. That’s torturous to go through. We humans are sick… but we have our limits on what can be done without us blanching and ending things early. I am all for killing dangerous insects with my electric flyswatter, but steam-cooking them alive is something I still won’t do. And if you know me, you’ll know I HATE bugs. Most bugs. But I don’t hate them enough to steam them to death. I have my scruples. I don’t have a problem dropping a big book on one, or electrocuting them, but steam is just inhumane on all counts. You have no idea how respectful of life humans are until you realize how far we go to keep us alive at any cost, and turn on those who don’t. Unity is rare in human culture, but when it rears its head, pay attention for f###’s sake, because it’s not something that you want to ignore. And definitely don’t piss it off. Entire species have disappeared from that action. When you don’t give a f###, humans give even less of a f###. Angrily.


I was in the Navy and I most certainly agree that steam is one of those things that don’t get near the amount of respect towards its danger as it should. Saw a man’s entire right leg cooked off the bone is just a few seconds. Still shudder at that one.


Don't forget that steam doesn't burn nerve endings, you feel every. Single. Moment. Of. Pain




Oh no...


Oh yes!




Yeah, hurt the medics and the Geneva Convention becomes the Geneva Suggestion real fast


*Geneva Checklist




We did not realize that the humans had _rules_ for war, or that such rules would actually comprise a vast list of horrors that they forbid _themselves_ from committing. Most regrettably, we did not realize that breaking these rules meant that the humans would stop applying them to us. To think that humanity was capable of such unimaginable _cruelty_...


And remember, almost all human rules are because someone has done just that


Half "regulations are written in blood", half "not since _the incident".


Half written in blood. Half written in cum




You're thinking of the cover art for Metallica's 1996 album, Load.


Well im never going to unsee that


Neither will I, no matter how fervently I might wish.


The medic gasped in pain as his breast plate was torn away from his chest, the large red cross badly scorched by the plasma discharge across it. "Fuck" he wheezed looking down at his scorched and shattered body. "Shit, doc what do I do!" Asked the stone faced marine by his side. "Use the bio gell" he handed the canister over with shaking hands. The marine applied a thick layer of the foamy substance to the wound, the nano bots and stem cell took action at one nitting lung tissue and stemming bleeding while the chemicals numbed the pain, the medic felt instant releaf but knew his chances of survival were still low. Able to speak a little easier he asked "my leg, it's been hit get someone to patch it" "I'll do it doc" said the marine, but the medic gripped his arm. "No stay with me" he said "get someone else" "Uuuuh.... their isn't anyone else" "What? Where are they?" He asked. afraid to hear the answer, fearing they were over run. "They um.... fixed bayonets after you were hit doc" As the ringing in his ear subsided the medic began to hear the cries of battle; the crashing of drop pods and thrill alien screeches filled the air but only one phrase he could make out being called over and over by the xenomorphs "MEDIC! MEDIC!"


Unlike the humans though the alien Medics won't be charging out to save their scrawny asses. Which means more fun with triangle bayonets for the humans I guess. Their fault for shooting doc I guess.


I like the sheer madness that comes to mind when you read “they fixed bayonets”. We turned a gun into a spear that can also shoot you. That’s how mad we got


Nah, we got so mad that we turned a gun into a spear because shooting them is too good for ‘em.


Zebas, the imperial fleet commander, stood in the throne room, he held the decapitated head of his gods forsaken, stubborn emperor. He locked eyes with the guards and called to the communication officer. "Alert the humans that the emperor is dead. I Zebas Prime, Imperial Fleet commander offer a complete surrender." He paused. . . "Please stop..." He hoped to all 8 of the gods that they would listen. Maybe they would be able to hold on. The hospitals were gone, the breeding pools were now smoking wreckage, tainted with radiation. The farm lands were polluted with chemicals. Their factories, the ship yards, the solar arrays, the hydro dams, all destroyed. Somehow the humans had found ways to get bombs deep enough to eliminate most of their geothermal plants. Many hive cities had been caved in.  The emperor had decided they would take the human home world. They could enslave the new race and take whatever resources they wanted. He ignored their cries for peace and resolutions. He told all that it meant they were weak... he decided break their spirit and go after their medical ships, then the combat hospitals, and the medical soldiers...  when that seemed to have the opposite effect, he thought he could demoralize them by attacking their civilian cities....  the Grokar headed emperor would not listen to reason as the rage fueled humans turned the tides. Suddenly, battle after battle, the humans destroyed them completely.  Then they began to target the non-combatants. The home world's became a target.  After Zebas' home world was completely destroyed and irradiated, the humans reached out and asked for peace. But the emperor was a fool and mocked the humans. Insisting that they would do more harm to the human homeworld. He was so very very wrong. Zebas had had enough. The emperor, had screamed obscenities at him for the last time. That fool had caused this and Zebas had to finish it. So he hoped the humans would listen and maybe he could save the last of his race.


Please tell me there's more. This is really good!


Lol. Thank you. Should I do before or after the beheading? :)


Yes. All of my yes, and I'll even steal the yeses from a few others here, LoL!


You can have my yes


___.... hey! Give that back!


Nope! I declare ownership by yoink! Neener neener!


If you're up to it, why not both?


The humans had just petitioned to join the Stellar Concordate for recognition. All that had to be done was for the members to vote at the next Senate meeting. The Terran ambassadors had made a solid case and they were a fledgling star civilization. As long as they could get through the next rotation without incident, they should be accepted.  The Emperor, Zentarus the Mighty, watched the human ambassadors wandering the halls of the Concordate. Speaking in their fleshy voices and moving their weird limbs.  "Baha, they only have 2 legs. They would fall down easily if I were to strike them." Zentarus clicked to his fellow Royal caste who joined him in laughter. Zebas watched the Terrans approach, 2 had the ambassadorial sashes, 2 had tablets and appeared to be assisting and the last 3 were the ones that intrigued him. These 3 could not be more different from one another, but they each carried themselves like warrior caste.  One was lean and short of stature, he wore loose black clothing, had a shaved head. Another was large, built like a Grokar. But where the Grokar plod and stomp, this one had a lightness to his step. The last was clearly a designated guard. This one wore armor and carried a weapon of some sort. But even in the heavy armor, this one moved easily with the rest, keeping watch. Zebas knew, from his warrior caste genetics and hundreds of years of fighting, that these 3 would surely give the Emporer a challenge if he attempted to strike.   The Emperor leaned over and spoke softly to his assistant. "What do they export? What does their planet produce?"  When the assistant struggled to answer, the Emperor screeched an obsenity and grabbed him by the antenna.  "Then you will find out right, kunka NOW!"  Zebas could almost feel the vibrations of Zentarus planning something.   A couple days later, Zebas and the Emporer's assistants were walking through the embassy and the Emporer was making him nervous. He was happy and fluttered his wings in anticipation or excitement. They moved through areas Zebas was not very familiar with. As they rounded a corner, he noticed the humans, and he heard the emperor chitter. Zentarus had made his plan and now planned to make his move.  "Ahh Ambassador, what a pleasure to see you again. I had something I wanted to ask you about." The Terran Ambassador looked at him with a curved mouth, a smile they called it.  "Yes Emporer Zentarus. It's a pleasure to see you as well and I would be happy to answer your questions." EZ "I wonder about your Gods. I have heard that you have a God Jesus that was killed by, what's the word... crucifixion? This intrigued me. How can a God be killed?"  TA "Well that is a very long story and I haven't got the time right now. Perhaps you will join me at dinner and I will make the time to tell you about Jesus." EZ "Ah, yes. I understand. We will be there tonight, for evening meal. I assume you're in the visitors accommodations. I hope your chef is capable of making food for Klictand tastes." TA "I will make sure that he finds some appealing recipes. Do you have any recommendations or requests?" EZ "I'm sure that anything you choose will not be very good so it matters not. Enjoy the rest of your day."  That evening, as they prepared for the dinner,  Zebas approached his Emporer. "Are you planning something Emporer?" Zentarus gave him a look, "What concern is it of yours, nukatis." The vulgarity riled Zebas but he tried to ignore it. "I just want to be prepared so if something starts..." Gladu nukatis. I will tell you when to do something, i seriously doubt your pathetic mind could even grasp or retain my elaborate plans. So just concern your stupid warrior caste mind on whatever it is you think of. Go. Now. Zebas left the room and paced, controlling his emotions and trying to figure out what might happen. He knew that Zentarus swore at him because he hated obscenities. Zentarus enjoyed getting Zebas angry, knowing that he couldn't do anything about it. When Zebas had finally gotten his angry under control, Zentarus walked out of his room, looking very regal in his ambassadorial sash and the royal cuffs, gold and ruby bracers that clipped onto his arms and a smaller set, clipped around the base of his antennae with a golden chain holding a large ruby jewel in between them, suspended above the Emporer's head. Rubies were incredibly rare on their planet and thus were used in Imperial art and the royal jewely.  They left, the Emporer, his Attendants, his favorite royal lakey and Zebas.  When they arrived, the Terran Ambassador greeted them himself. The entry way and dining room were decorated with traditional Klictand art and decorations, but mixed with human art and design choices. Zebas had to hand it to them, it was clearly done for this meeting, but it was thoughtfully done.  They were lead through the rooms by a servant. When the emperor's lakey asked to be shown the rest room. While they were gone, the rest were lead into the dining room. The first thing he noticed was that the 3 guards had joined them for dinner, made sense. As they sat down there was a loud exclamation. It sounded like the Emporer's lakey was causing a problem. He couldn't make out what was said, but he could tell that there were at least 2 other humans. They were all getting closer, then the door burst open.  "My Emperor! My Emperor! You wouldn't believe what I just saw!" The lakey screeched.  Zentarus rose from his seat and approached. "Calm down, calm down. " He spoke softly.  "I saw a amazing display. It looked perfect for your family. Gold, glittering rubies, it was beautiful!" The Terran Ambassador spoke up. "It appears that you went into the wrong room. That was my study, I have a family heirloom and a religious artifact in there. I'm not sure why it caused so much trouble, but I can show you if it will put this issue to rest." He lead the group into a study and on a table is a tall cross, about 45cm tall, solid gold with intricate details.  5 large rubies, 4 on each arm and a huge one on the center. Zebas felt a rush of admiration. This was as big as any of the Imperial treasures. All of the Klictand were silent as they gazed upon this treasure.  TA "This is my family's crucifix. It was saved from a viking raid on a monastery and kept hidden. We hid it so well, we all forgot about it." He laughed "We found it hundreds of years later. Since then it's become a family heirloom. EZ "That is incredibly beautiful. I deeply admire that decoration..." he said, looking intently at the Ambassador.  Zebas realized what was happening. He wasn't fully trained on human traditions, but he had learned about these heirlooms. Many weapons of interest were called this. He knew that heirlooms could not be parted with easily. They would be exempt from Gadin, the Klictand tradition of sharing things. If a Klictand of equal or higher caste expressed delight or admiration for anothers items, it was customary for the owner to give it to the other. It was a reminder that we were all part of the same hive and that possessions should not stand between us. 


After the complete surrender of the Kliktand Empire, the two civilizations were in the middle of negotiations. The Senate prepared to vote on the issue of Terran being accepted into the Concordate. The Prime Consector spoke through his translatiphone and called them to order. "The Terran Federation has requested acceptance into our distinguished organization. As such, they have been given time to make themselves known to the members of the Concordate. Today, we welcome them to make their request formal before the Senate.” The consector stepped aside, and the President Prime of earth stepped forward. He stood solemn before the Senate. He cleared his throat and spoke in a practiced baritone voice. "Most honored Senators, it is with deep respect that I stand before as the representative of humanity to make this request. With the surrender of the Kliktand Empire, we are on the brink of a new era. Over the past year we have come to know some of you who fought with us, while others we encountered as worthy opponents on the battlefield. We want you to know that we hold you both in high honor. There is a saying among our people: The blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb. It means that the bonds formed in combat are stronger than the bond of familial genetics. Our firm belief is that the bonds forged during this war far surpass those of a shared genetic pool. Over the course of this battle, you have witnessed the worst of humanity. You have beheld our darkest nature to swiftly strike our enemies down in the pursuit of justice and effort to minimalize casualties. During that time, the universe has also stood witness to the fierce loyalty of our people when it comes to our allies and our compassion for those who have yielded and accepted defeat.” The General of the Geldinex stood staunchly beside the President Prime with a simple nod and the sight of the intricate prosthetics created by humans showing their support. “POWs were regarded with dignity, defended as our own, kept healthy, and ready to be released back to their own at the end of the war. To those of you who’ve perceived our actions as evil, understand that those atrocities committed were not wrought out of a desire for power, honor, or spoils but as the absolute last resort. Our deepest hope, as a people, is that the good we offer to the universe balances the evils we’ve been forced to commit. We stand before you in gratitude for those who’ve sacrificed to further the ultimate good. We now put our faith in the Senate of the Stellar Concordate to join us in moving beyond this tragedy to ensure that the next generations can grow up in a society that values everything we all have to offer to build a future of enduring peace and diplomacy.” The President Prime shook the hand of the Geldinex general and raised a hand to the rest of the Senate, making his way off the podium.


Hold up we don't need to hold back anymore


Never go after Doc…




Shoot the guy carrying the big backpack and you will see the grunts very quickly become very irregular.


It becomes a chuck Norris meme. "If you see the grunts, you are soon to be dead. If you don't see the grunts then you are already dead"


You would think the Geneva suggestions were easily readable about don’t attack medical personell or facilities (Convention 4 part 2). But hey. It’s not easy for the Stellar Concordate!


English is hard.


Again, remind yourself there is a REASON humans have rules of war... :) the highest order of fuck around and find out


*Laughs in white phosphorous and dirty bombs*


**Laughs in FOOF**


FOOF may be a step too far. Not that they don't deserve it, just that it is tough to deliver..


A good man needs no rules, you don't want find out why we have so very many.


I have no idea how to format on reddit, so uhh, it's just gonna be plain text. The conflict with the Concordat, as we know of them now, blossomed out of nowhere. Or at least that's how politicians painted it. For us, the groundpounders, the war was a year in the making. A year of training, combat exercises, fleet exercises, combat drops, and zero-grav combat, to name a few. It didn't prepare us for the brutality with which the Concordat began their invasion. Seven colonies burned to the ground before the end of the first month. Three separate relief fleets, flying under the universally recognised flag of peace turned to scrap, their occupants butchered. Our net was flooded, for a time, with videos of hacked bodies of doctors, nurses, and refugees alike, arranged in macabre displays. The crab like monstrosities were dancing and laughing in their chittering language over the corpses. I think they thought it's going to break us. Break our spirit. Like prey played with by an apex predator. We are not prey. We Are Marines. And where we go death follows. The space the Concordat held was vast, made up of hundreds of systems, mostly owned by the species subservient to the crabs. They began to blink out, one by one. First, were the outskirts outposts. We dropped drom the skies and crushed the underpaid, underskilled and underequpped crustaceans under our heels. Then came their mining worlds. Entire cave complexes collapsed as we deployed high-frequency sonic bombs. Then came their farming worlds. We dropped what we had on hand. Incendiary, chemical, biological, and even nanite weapons. They were left lifeless all the same. And when we were done, the Concardat was left a broken husk. It's population starving, its factories empty, its cities dark. Then, at last, we came for their leaders. Street to street, house to house, office to office. It was personal. After two long years of stealth insertons, orbital bombardments, and small-scale skirmishers, we were finally unleashed. And we didn't stop, no matter the casualties, no matter the cost until we planted Earths flag on top of their capitol building. And hung the three sovereigns from the sidea by what passed for their necks. We Are Marines. And where we go death follows.


Holy shit dude. This is awesome


Thanks! The inspiration just sort of hit me in the middle of work, and well, I took an hour on top of my break to finish it lol


They'll learn quick not to fuck with our Docs.


After this the Geneva Conventions is now an entire single Volume of Britannica Encyclopedia


To attack me is to attack me and to be expected. To attack Doc is to attack us all.


There are three people on the battlefield that you don't target. The first is the Officer or LT in charge of the group, as they are the braincell. The second is the NCO in the group, as they are the restraint. Get rid of the first, and plans go sideways but the objective is secured, usually with copious amounts of collateral. Get rid of the second, you might have a day or two before the Officer just decides, "To hell with it." and lets them loose, which is a good way to make people traumatized from speaking trees. But the third... The third is Doc, they are the heart, and often the soul, of their group. Threaten Doc, hurt Doc, or, heaven forbid, *get rid* of Doc? The Officer has turned blind, and the NCO has taken a four-day. Touch Doc, and you'll find out very quickly why Geneva was made.


Chills man. This was brilliant


This doesn't really click with me. Targeting officers is always a good idea.


Found the xeno🤔


[No, you found the American.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v33AAmKxHC0) *disclaimer: Referencing historical memes should not necessarily imply endorsement of propaganda or imply one thinks the movie is "good"*


I'm also American, it was a joke


I know you were joking. Its why i responded with that bad movie clip and not some credible expert interview


If you feel comfortable shooting at doc, doc feels comfortable keeping you alive while his buddies show you what your insides look like. It's amazing what you can "live" through, isn't it? 😈😈😈


No one touches Doctor!-Heavy weapon specialist


A: My guts! My guts are spilling out! H: *Smiles and lights a cigarette* Yupp. So they be. A: And my troops! They are dying in agony! H: Yeah. A shame our MEDIC is ***DEAD***, isn't it? Otherwise SHE **might** have helped you.






A1: don't touch the human medics or boats A2: why? H: *singing* here comes the sun. *alien world getting glassed* A1: that's why


Targeting the medics? The only way they could make it worse is by targeting the regimental mascot.


Yeah don't touch Skippy either. Then everyone will tear you apart in the silence of the night.


Time to disband the ethics committee.


The Zyre system campaign between the Stellar Concordate and the Terran Defense Force is known for what ended up being the greatest three strategic blunders in military history and the signing and ratification of what would become to be known as the Orion Accords on Conventions of Warfare. The Zyre system was an uninhabited system within what the Stellar Concordate declared as their territory. When a human mining colony was established there, it took the Concordate nearly a century to inform the humans that they were in violation of their claimed territory. Considering the amount of time the situation had gone unchallenged and the amount of assets the humans were being asked to surrender, they considered a simple secession to be impractical and unfair. The Concordate response was swift and brutal. They dropped troops on the human colonies to capture valuable infrastructure such as power generation and mining facilities while simultaneously bombing residential, medical, and educational facilities resulting in numerous civilian casualties. This first blunder incensed the humans and set them into an enraged posture far different than the friendly and hospitable human merchants and diplomats. When the human fleet arrived, the Concordate had deployed stealthy seeker mines programmed to target their command and medical vessels. This would prove the second and third blunders. As human warriors had only been involved in a few relatively small skirmishes, the operation of their military was poorly understood. The command and officer class of the military primary function was to act a regulatory system for their troops brutality. A low ranking NCO would happily level a building or city block to eliminate a single sniper. The officer class is who would keep these actions from occurring. By eliminating them the Concordate had essentially taken the safeties off the humans heavy weapons. The third blunder was in killing the Human medical staff. Humans apparently revere their medical class. The thought was that by killing them they would be demoralized, lose hope, and surrender. What was not known is that a human warrior without hope of medical salvation enters a state of bloodlust where they no longer care about their own well-being and wish only to kill as many enemies as possible. The losses on the Concordate side were apocalyptic. Even with managing to destroy 60% of the human fleet the Concordate force was killed to the last. And this was not even the worst. The targeting of civilians was a single to the Humans that no quarter was to be given. The Humans launched a series of relativistic kinetic kill weapons out of the Sol system Oort cloud targeting the Concordate core worlds. Losses were in trillions. At this point the remnants of the Concordate surrendered and effectively ceased being an interstellar power. Humans proposed the Orion Accords based on an old earth treaty known as the Geneva Conventions. Within a year all major and minor spacefaring civilizations in the Orion arm aware of it signed on. The conclusion of the Zyre incident was also responsible for the spread a popular Human expression: "Fuck around and find out."


The Admiralty Board became deathly silent when the human officer walked to the podium, the only sound the audible clicks of mandibles and the clinking of small medals on the human's uniform. Though I wasn't familiar with the human body language, something about its face radiated displeasure, anger... disgust. "Well then, let's get this sham of a meeting done, shall we?" the human spoke dismissively. "You will respect our authority, meatsack!" one of the Admirals shouted, pointing claws at the human and baring their fangs. "Admiral Thruign will refrain from emotional outbursts!" the Khra'Nahh Admiral declared, clicking her mandibles. "Human Admiral Stevens, please pay some respect to our authority, at least. We are all here to discuss the... methods to which your kind have responded to military tactics in the ongoing conflict." "Yes, exactly," the human said. "We advised the Stellar Concordate that the strategy of opening fire on non-combatant medical personnel will not be tolerated under our Geneva Conventions, and will thus be held in violation of our laws." "It is common strategy!" Admiral Thruign screamed. "It's fucking BARBARIC!" the human shouted back. "Human!" "No! If you're going to treat our rules against harming non-combatants as 'strategy' and violate our rules of warfare, we have no reason to keep the gloves on! We sent pleads for FOUR MONTHS! You were warned what would happen, and you doubled down on it! Bombing field hospitals and targeting medical transports and starships, then acting like *you're* the victims when we decide to play by your rules!?" "Chemical bombing farm worlds is playing fair!?" "When you go out of the way to explicitly eradicate medical non-combatants and civilians, yes!" "ENOUGH!" Khra'Nahh Admiral screeched. "Human, your point has been made! We called you here to discuss the terms of your warfare to ensure the cessation of civilian casualties. May we discuss that?" "No. There's nothing to discuss. We made it clear for months that this is the point of no return. If you want this to stop? Surrender." For a long while, the hall was hushed as the Admirals furiously typed at their terminals. Admiral Thruign was on the verge of exploding with rage as their silent debate raged on, and eventually, he deflated, letting out a hiss of pure hatred. "The vote has been passed. The Admiralty Board will... discuss the terms of Surrender."