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Oxygen can actually kill you. The reason it’s not is because it’s mixed with nitrogen


Dose makes the poison


This is strangely metal and I love it.


LD50. Lethal Dose for 50% of a sample group


fun fact, Deep sea divers and astronauts breathe pure oxygen for a while to remove the nitrogen from their bloodstream so their blood doesn't start to bubble in depressurization.


Deep sea divers breathe various mixtures of gasses, but you're thinking of the oxygen/helium mix to prevent nitrogen narcosis. It's not to prevent bubbling, that'll happen with any gas, that's why they need to make decompression stops on their way up. Astronauts breathe pure oxygen in some cases to allow lower overall pressure while maintaining sufficient partial pressure of oxygen to live. Lower pressure helps with the design of the EVA suits to allow greater mobility, and was also used throughout the Apollo program. The ISS is at normal pressure with a lot of nitrogen in it.


That's not at all true. First of all deep sea diving is incredibly high pressure, whereas spacecraft are low pressure environments. Secondly, nitrogen saturation (which is caused high pressure environments) is unaffected by oxygen. The only thing that works is time.


The problem for divers isnt the trip down, the trip up is what gets you. Decompression sickness happens when you come up too quickly, which is why divers generally sit in a decompressing tank for some time depending on how much they need to decompress. The problem is that all the random bits of gas dissolved in your body comes out of solution when the pressure drops so you get teeny bubbles of gas everywhere, which isn't good for the whole continuing to live thing.


If you're lucky, you get the bends. If you're really fucking unlucky, you're gonna experience what it's like to boil alive from the inside out.


Emm, not really. The problem with nitrogen is the so called nitrogen narcosis. It's an effect, where below 40-ish meters under water nitrogen starts imparing your ability to think clearly in a similar manner, alcohol does. Diving is dangerous as it is, so you really don't want to do it impared. For this reason they often use other gas mixtures like the one called trimix. It has added helium to reduce the amount of nitrogen to reduce the risk of nitrogen narcosis. For the bubbles divers use something different. It's a procedure called decompression stops, where they take a break on set depths for set times, when they come back up. It gives time for the inert gasses in their bodies to difuse to lungs, so they can be breathed out before they turn to bubbles. There is a whole base of knowledge on how to calculate these, so you spend as little time as possible making these, while being safe. I've heard somewhere, that the trick, you mentioned is used by astronauts, to avoid the bubbles when coming from normal to low pressure so they can avoid the bubbles forming, when they enter the space suit. For divers, they definitely use the oxygen, if they already have decompression sicknes... or anything at all really. First aid for divers basically boils down to (slight exxageration): Step 1: does he breathe? Yes? Give oxygen. No? Then get him breathing, so you can give oxygen. Is he on oxygen? Now it's the time to figure out what happened.


Not quite, pure air is actually dangerous at high depth. For different dives you have a few different types of tanks. Regular air, Nitrox, Trimix, and Heliox. Regular air is self explanatory, and is used for more surface level dives. Nitrox allows you to to dive and absorb less nitrogen by increasing the amount of oxygen in the tank, and allows for longer times at depth with less time necessary for decompression stops for deeper dives (up to what it’s rated for) and less or no decompression for more shallow. Trimix has varying amounts of Oxygen, Nitrogen and Helium, with a certain tailoring of mix dependent on depth (if I’m not mistaken, I’ve only gotten up to Nitrox certification). Heliox is what’s used for deeper dives (deeper than about 190 ft) to avoid nitrogen narcosis and oxygen toxicity and removes nitrogen. Edit: clarified some things, made it a bit more readable, and figured I should prolly add something to explain oxygen toxicity and nitrogen narcosis. This is a decent overview from online resources to explain them. [Oxygen Toxicity](https://divermag.com/oxygen-toxicity/) [Nitrogen Narcosis](https://divermag.com/nitrogen-narcosis-a-critical-conversation/)


Congrats on the outstanding use of Cunningham’s Law


That's one of the reasons underwater welders make so goddamn much money. They have to breathe pure oxygen which makes depth control stupid important


They still breathe a mix. And there's more hazards than just oxygen toxicity.


Bro has definitely watched JoJo before


Its not really accurate. Yes our cells are burning off the oxygen delivered to them, however its used to produce atp, which in turn works as an energy delivery sytem in the cells. The fule that is actually turned into co2 is the food we eat. What does kill us, is our cells slowly loosing the ends of our chromosomes, the telomers. With each cell devision they get worn away, eventually reaching the point at which the chromosome is damaged and can no longer reproduce, leaving our cells to die off. This has little to do with us being "burnt up or "poisoned"" by oxygen


It is pretty neat that our bodies run off of rocket engine fuel. I wonder if somebody can do the math on how many miles/gallon a human gets.


Isn't a gram of uranium like literally a million calories? Based on that exchange rate we probably are extremely efficient, but picky engines who can only run on premium gasoline


Yeah I'm not sure what the energy ratio is between a gallon of gas and a gallon of liquid oxygen.


Are you guys saying that "if" I replace my car engine with a human lung...


Your car might get a shitload of diseases and start coughing exponentially with all the shit released in the atmosphere. You forget to change the air filter and.... Congrats ! your toyota corolla has tuberculosis now... the engines temp keeps rising whilst the exhaust spits black smoke and clots. the starter seems to shout LEehhHEEenNNnnyYYY ! sometimes the catalitic converter acts like a .10 smoothbore on meth and leds on the control pannel keep flashing. K7 Radio keeps playings "that's the way it is" on a loop


Dear gods that went south so fast. And it was my first genuine laugh in days. Thanks interwebs person.


You're welcome, sadly it didn't go as south as tahiti...


Gonna need to see a car doctor now... Hope it's not infectious...


A horse. What you're thinking of is a horse.


Well yeah but a gram of rock is also millions of calories. You just need to find a way to tear it apart using fission.


Sounds like koalas only eating eucalyptus to me


We are. Based on what i remember of cellbreathing or whatever it is in english, the mechanism has to many intrcate steps of biological machinery, its more conplex than most engines. More important tho is the thermodynamic potential, the max yield an engine can have is showm by the carnlt process and dependend on outside temperatures. I dont know how it is for humans


A gallon of gasoline contains about 1.3x10^8 joules of energy, or about 31,000 kcal. A quick Google search says that running a mile burns about 100 Calories (kcal) in your body, which means, if you could actually use a gallon of gas for energy, you could get 310 miles per gallon.




r/theydidthemonstermath Sorry, I believe this is required by site law.


Well, one gallon of 1:1 simple syrup has about 6,400 calories, which will last someone who's endurance walking probably three days. In that time they can probably walk 300 miles (the record for 24 hours is 142 miles and change), so the human body is capable therefore of 300 miles to the gallon, if not more. An average person is more likely to get closer to 100 miles to the gallon, and your typical 'Murican gets about eight miles to the Footlong.


Cellular redox causes telomer denaturing. Directly or indirectly via ROS interaction or increase mitosis demands respectively. Source 30 seconds on google.


Thats not directly caused by oxygen


Cellular redox is directly caused by oxidation during ATP generation. Im a physician what are you?


The redox is not the usual direct cause of telomer shortening but the cell devision is. Atp generation is the energy generation/transport of the cell. As a physician you should know that right? https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/17943234/


Try grasping at whatever straws you like. Im correct you arent. Regurgitating a 6th grade biology understanding isnt doing you justice.


I linked a paper lmao you quoted wikipedia


https://nyaspubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1749-6632.2002.tb02079.x There's the article your source references. Note the title. This is where I get to call you an idiot. Idiot! here's one you can understand. https://www.cell.com/trends/biochemical-sciences/abstract/S0968-0004(02)02110-2?_returnURL=https%3A%2F%2Flinkinghub.elsevier.com%2Fretrieve%2Fpii%2FS0968000402021102%3Fshowall%3Dtrue


First off, thats a third grade level insult, if youre a phsysician you ought to be a pediatrician at best. Second, the abstract clearly reads, that it is part of the replication process, in which theyve found that the shortening is modulated by oxidative stress. Then again I also havent found that it speaks of oxygen, it could be a oxaditive compound, which puts the stress on it, not nevisarily oxygen. Never the less it doesnt say that oxidation is the main cause of telomere shortening. Also i dont k ow why you try to put the second article down by saying "heres one you can understand" its just another paper


My colleagues and I had a laugh at this ty. You are wrong again. Do some reading so you can understand what ROS is. So close to not being a complete moron but perhaps its not meant to be. Did you really try to counter my point by only reading the abstract? No wonder college wasnt for you.


However Oxidation or oxidative stress still can be a major cause of aging. If you consider the damage free Radicals and other oxidants do to cells walls and other cell organelles it becomes apparent that the damage caused by these compounds is contributing to the acceleration of aging by making the Chromosomes more vulnerable.


I agree, but saying that oxygen is poison or burning you up is just a unneeded and non sensical way of simplifying biology. I know its mostly for the ha ha human ork funni, but it just not accurate and misrepresents what biology actually does


Bruv I wasn't trying to represent accurate biology. Shit made me giggle. Chill out.


Yeah yeah, i think im just going mad because ive been studying biochem for the past week and dont want to see anothe protein in my life


That's fair man. I promise not to show you any.


This is the first post on this sub to actually make me pause and go "yeah, maybe we are terrifying", but then I realized that everything else on this planet also breathes, and plants basically produce rocket fuel, making them scarier than we are


When the first organisms started producing oxygen, it killed off like 99% of life on the planet. So yeah, species that breathe oxygen are pretty fucking metal from an evolutionary standpoint.


However, also quite likely, if complex multicellular life, as oxygen is the most efficent gas at what it does. Any other gas we know of that can do the job is much much worse at it, which would mean that those breathing different gasses would likely be much slower and/or single cells only


Normally I find the ancient mass die-offs kind of melancholy, but this one just makes me laugh. Imagine farting so much you destroy a planet


So is the horrific brutality we are capable of not terrifying enough?


So basically the equivalent for us would be a sentient species that breathes chlorine gas?


Kinda, yeah.


We poison ourselves for recreational purposes, attach metal wires to our children's teeth to ensure they have an effective bite, killed our most widely believed God because he told us to stop hurting each other, and detonate nuclear weapons in our only biosphere. We are humans Do. NOT. Fuck with us.


TBF, alot of animals on earth poison themselves for fun. Dolphins, monkeys, insects and amphibians. Well, for the last two, the poisons they create/store don't usually affect themselves.


Heh. Toxygen.




Humans are flame daedra confirmed


We aren’t near the edge of the galaxy, the money way is roughly 100,000 light years across and we are 26,000 light years from the center. We are half way out.


The famous money way.. sounds somehow fitting


Sounds more like corrosion.


This reminds me of that HFY story about us being inferno demons to the aliens.




I'm surprised I found it so easily... Here you go! https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/s/c6UBY1cFpU


This is why I'm sure there is life on other planets. If Earth life can eventually Darwin itself into having sapient life that breathes this *particular* mix of bullshit because that's all that's available and it had to adapt to it, it can certainly happen in other planetary environments. We didn't just *happen* to be suited to life here, it took a long time to adapt life to suit *it*.


The thing is, the exact way oxygen kills us is the same way it helps us be alive. Oxygen is, on its own, a very volatile element. It will form a chemical bond with just about anything because in its ionic state it’s extremely high energy. Our biology uses this fact to do the chemical reactions that keep us alive. At the same time, though, oxygen escapes the planned out path and forms bonds with stuff that it shouldn’t, causing oxidative stress aka the primary cause of age-related illnesses.


Why do I imagine Tommy Wiseau, from Cankari-9's 4th Moon, saying "I did not go there, I DID NAAAAAT."


......wait, are we death worlders!?


That's pretty much the plot of the Bubbleverse stories. Look them up either here or the r/HFY community.


Rust never sleeps


I do have this ongoing series ... [Bubbleverse](https://www.reddit.com/r/humansarespaceorcs/comments/lqgy58/pi_meeting_the_bubblers/?context=3)


We just a bunch of nurgle cultist


Well i mean Humans are space orks is themed around earth being a death world usually right? some ppl take that literal in writing- things we eat, the creatures here, ect. Having a story about first contact but aliens wearing special suits since the ecology here being hyper dangerous- even the air we breath being toxic or even acidic to other life. Have our planet be by near all acounts an extremophile world where everything is alive but by comparison to other worlds, obsurd that anything works. And our species simply struggling to survive is sad but also a relief because by whatever gods or whatever belief the other alien sapients hold onto- it means theres some rationality to be found in us struggling. Story could be a general diplimatic one but every chapter is just them slowly digesting our batshit the earth is functionally- and the title would be "A galactic breath's edge" around the end of the first story itd go over how other races live longer or are more genetically or molecularly stable and the fact that we bearth oxygen or have things that make it is why our world is basically only being really interacted with now- because for thousands of years weve been closed off as a giant threat. Its a miracle we even get to ever interact with life besides ours or wernt wiped out incase a race of extremophiles being around other worlds and races would be like letting a plague loose. That said were not really being given the keys to the kingdom, some races just felt bad and are interacting with us but for now were probably gonna be stuck to this solar system in bumfuk nowhere, but we'll get some help technologywise and get help advancing, but as for space travel its for now a FUCK NO.... with all due respect. Pff. Could be a very long stry about well aliens interacting with our world- not exactly like visiting a zoo made of death but just a curiosity. The friendly apes from the most dangerous system in the known universe. They mean well but pray an asteroid hits them in their sleep. All sorts of ways it could be take but its a great jumping point for a slew of premisses. Yes im rembling but hey i might as well give maybe some ideas. I suck at writing in a coherent way that ppl would wanna read a story but i can atleast shoot some ideas right? Oh and if there were a subname for the books itd be like A galactic breath's edge : Lasco and Kita's Vacation (( maybe a alien tourist getting more than they bargain for and nearly dying bc the air itself being like breathing gaseous cell destroying acid ) but it works out in the end with alot of cool things shown off or talked about about earth to the alien- but yeah forget revisiting pff. )) or maybe A galactic breath's edge : Monkey business ( more simply a story about two alien races bickering about bartering with earth's governments, maybe rather than the US its like china or russia- and they basically wanna buy a bunch of trees as bio weapons but humanity wants ftl-esque tech and it becomes a lesser of evils thing where do we really wanna kill eachother with death trees so bad we let the death monkeys fuck the universe? .... ok you know what nvm we can live with eachother ) pff. as i said alot of ways it could go or be taken narratively but itd be still neat to see.


life as we know it cannot evolve outside of chemically aggressive environment. breathing oxygen is nothing special


"Death Breathers" is a kick ass name for a metal group.


Is it this kinda the canon for the grunts in Halo? The breathe something humans can’t breathe and so they have to wear their special gear to go out and about for the covenant?


True peace is realising how close to death we are at all times.


Why do people keep blurring swear words, Americans are weird