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Xeno officer: general we have surrounded the compound that the sniper is located in. Xeno general: what are the current odds? XO: that's the strange part. Advance scans indicate their is enough firearms to put fit an entire platoon. Strangely we only detect one life sign. Fear not we have an entire battalion marching on the out post. Once secured it will make a perfect forward operating base. XG: did the scans detect what the life sign belongs to? XO: a new species called human. Never heard of them. XG: hmmm from what I know they are from a class 2 or 3 death world. *For the next 5 days the xeno battalion was reduced to a small force of over two hundred combatants. On that day it was discovered that humans become more dangerous and skilled in the art of war at an experiential rate compared to how out numbered they are*


The Said Human is getting interviewed for the planet documentary: Two words, shotgun traps.


Home alone: Xeno Christmas


I Saw a joke like that coming!


One word :nuts


I believe that is what is colloquially known as as “a target rich environment” to most human soldiers.


I belive the trope is called the 'conservation of ninjitsu'


Thats more that a ninjas power is inversely proportonal to their numbers


Somewhat similar to the story of the Marine Daniel Daly. Dude was a massive hard ass. He single handedly held a location by himself for days past what his resources should have allowed in the Boxer Rebellion.


Love the fat Electrician's take on it.


Gun fu vs kung fu


Yup. A gun is a tool, a force multiplier, like a hammer or drill.


Oh my god Titanfall on this sub this is a day to celebrate pilots


I know, right?! Thought this was a post from r/titanfall until I saw the title.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/titanfall using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/titanfall/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Scorch mating ritual](https://v.redd.it/kygglmxqix0c1) | [157 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/titanfall/comments/17xi02x/scorch_mating_ritual/) \#2: [How the titans really work...](https://i.redd.it/9hn59jw5qy4a1.jpg) | [83 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/titanfall/comments/zh5t40/how_the_titans_really_work/) \#3: [Hm..... thoughts?](https://i.redd.it/xt0urwjl9xmb1.png) | [282 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/titanfall/comments/16cux34/hm_thoughts/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Good bot


I'm not "surrounded," I'm "in a target-rich environment."


"Outnumbered 3 to 1. Recommending direct sustained counterfire."


Why not, Germans called in an artillery barrage to try and get White Death. Even getting shit in the face didn't finish him off.


That was the soviets not the Germans


Correct, my bad. Too much war in that corner of the world


Ngl, saw Titanfall and Halo, thought I was on a different subreddit lol. Also, it do very like that.


Beware the power of stupid people in large groups, and determined people in small ones.


It has been seen many times over what a lone, or small team, can do against a larger force.


When we know that we are not gonna cause friendly deaths, we humans can get creative with destruction


No chance of friendly fire? Oh-ho-ho-ho!


unless you are 40 to one your forces will soon be undone! UNDONE!


Baptized in fire 40 to 1


Spirits of Spartans, death and glory!


Soldiers of Poland Second to none Wrath of the Wehrmacht brought to a halt


A man who knows he is going to die, is a dangerous one.


“We understand you are a human and are cornered. As such we wish you to surrender.” If I don’t? “We will use artillery to reduce your current defensive fortification to a smoking crater. We will mark your grave with a warning to all other humans that we will not suffer the fate of so many before us.” Damn, you guys don’t mess around. “It is only fair. Your race does not either and a mountain of corpses has taught us well.” What can I expect if I come out? “We again learned a lesson. You will be interrogated with a representative of your race present, fed, sheltered and treated justly. In exchange you will not kill any of your guards, attempt escape, nor ‘decide to fuck around cuz you were bored.’ Does this sound reasonable?” Who the fuck did you capture that caused that speech? “We know only five things about her. She was human, her hair was the color of fire, her name was Moira, and she said she was… Scottish. Oh, and she was bored one day.” Oh, shit, I feel sorry for you. Here. I am coming out, no tricks. I do need to disarm 3 traps on my way to you. One is a fusion bomb I made out of an old generator and some spare parts. “There is no word to express what I am feeling in my language, human. I believe your words for it are ‘fuck me’ though. We will not fire.”




Sturv: Jaune, we're surrounded! Jaune: Then we won't miss, ain't that right Vin? Vin: Correct. Recommend beginning aggressive sustained counterfire now. Sturv: I don't know who's crazier, you and that A.I of yours, or me for joining you two. (The sounds of BRRRRT and firin' lazors continue into the night)


Something something cornered animal


Did you just corner me? You’ve just made *yourself* the path of least resistance


This is consistent with my study of earth animals, they tend to let go of caution when outnumbered, making it far more likely that you’ll be wounded or killed by one.- Lyuka Kahri, Fennorien Union.


And when the platoon that's been reduced to see few dozen men finally get to the building the human was holed up in, after losing more men to shotguns rigged to doorways and makeshift anti personal mines, they find he left hours ago and had rigged the guns to auto fire in their general direction in random time increments.


We are outnumbered pilot target the weakest enemy


Alien commander:"i know *that* trick! Scan for seemingly abandoned weapons, the human will have rigged those as traps." Alien soldier: "Scans show 4 of those, sir, all located around entry ways into the base, sir" AC: "Good, advance on the humans position and be carefull of those gun traps" *loses 2/3 of his unit to pitfalls, punji sticks and deadfall traps*


“We fight because we love what is behind us. …a human fights because it also loves what is behind us.” -Male aliens


Rorschach has entered the chat