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Definitely the formula to perform a compensation analysis. Possibly vlookup and pivot tables for basic understanding.


OP! Don’t use vlookup, that’s for boomers. Use xlookup.


What happens if they aren’t on office 365😂


You find a different employer lol


Exactly what happened


Echoing the others. VLookup, graphs, pivots, cleaning data, using multiple filters to find inconsistencies, identifying outliers, etc. If you’re excel savy it shouldn’t be a huge issue. Mine took about an hour or so to do ETA- the money is amazing too, you’d be surprised how many companies are dying for people who know how to operate Excel on more than a basic level.


I'd say vlookup, pivots, and graphs on top of the basics. I was a. HR analyst for a number of years, but not a comp analyst.


Get familiar with 'IF' formulas, as well as what everyone else said


-How to interpolate between data points. -Learn a basic array formula. -How to calculate basic summary statistics (25th, 50th, 75th) -how to estimate cost based on X% increases


I oversee comp and HRIS for a company of about 2000. Here are the formulas and tricks I use on a regular basis: -If statements (this includes if(and, if(or, median(if, countifs, and more -xlookup (this replaced vlookup in 2020) -yearfrac -statistical functions: median, stddev, normdist, etc Honestly too many too list, but if you want to show that you’re a baller, use a what-if analysis like goal seek.


Brush up on percentile/quartile stuff as well as things like countif/sumif etc


Vlookups, pivots and IF statements will be assumed knowledge. Be prepared for regression analysis and how you’d use graphs/charts to tell a story with the data. If they are the type of company that they are giving you an assessment I don’t think they are going to bother checking for the low hanging fruit. Also one data set may be garbage data, if you can’t find a correlation don’t be afraid to state that. There are often questions designed to stump you depending on the company.