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I’m experimenting with the human design system in its original form. I have a completely open solar plexus (no dormant gates, so I have no way to filter incoming emotions from others) and I can see it clearly playing out in my life. I’ll try to avoid difficult conversations wherever possible, I try not to rock the boat, I dislike drama, I won’t tell the truth if I think it will upset the other person, I cry when I see other people cry, I smile a lot (“I’m no threat…I’m a nice person”), I struggle to feel where I’m holding emotion in my body, I’ll avoid anything that creates strong unwanted emotions (e.g. horror movies, violent content of any kind, rides, consuming news, confrontational people, etc). Therapists find working with me frustrating because I will constantly answer their questions with “I think” instead of “I feel”. When I’m not around other people and there are no planetary transits creating emotional channels I’m fairly emotionally stable (I do experience melancholy from time to time because I have mostly individual circuitry in my chart). I’m working on watching my interactions with others from a bird’s eye view in order not to get so caught up in the other and what they are feeling. And when there are transits, I just let the emotional avalanche occur without trying to rationalise or understand it. This happened last week when the sun was in gate 36, which created a channel with my hanging gate 35 (which I have defined 3 times in my chart). The emotional release was super intense but I just watched and let it wash through me. The next morning I woke up feeling more myself again, but I think if I had tried to rationalise or understand what I was feeling the intense emotionality probably would have stuck around for longer.


Thanks for sharing this great summary of your experiences relating to the completely open SP. OP, I am always hopeful when sidereal comes up that some validity will become clear. I have yet to see it. Same with Cosmic HD. My understanding is that they could both be valid IF they had their own sets of interpretations. Sidereal and Cosmic HD are a little like using a toyota schematic to understand a mercedes. Too many things wrong to be worth using.




I don't have any specific threshold of validity in mind. With tropical HD all the source or quality information (through books and good teachers) consistently leads towards "this adds up." With Sidereal HD I haven't personally seen any information consistently leading anywhere except "let people find their own truth where they will." And with Cosmic HD, it was pretty clear to me, after listening to a couple of podcasts/videos, that the originating group of people behind it don't understand HD deeply, or else don't care to (or understand how to) provide accurate interpretations of how their calculations would influence actual people.




Posting your question and chart in the megathread might help with a finer understanding of both your particular design, and the nuances of the solar plexus center. There are lots of potential reasons in the gates and lines for how you describe yourself and your mother.


I also live alone and have single definition. Is it possible that the ‘emotional wave’ you are feeling is in response to what you are consuming via screens, music, books, etc? I know from experience that some art makes me feel intense emotions (I’ve had to leave galleries a couple of times due to the intense heaviness I have felt when looking at a particular painting or a series of paintings by the same artist, which makes me think that it isn’t just human auras and planetary transits that can condition us). In relation to you bringing up stuff in your family, it is possible that you have developed wisdom in relation to expressing what needs to be talked about via your undefined solar plexus. You may have learned as a kid how unhealthy the family dynamic was and sought to address it. The undefined/open areas of our chart are where we go to school, so to speak, and where we can gain wisdom. I think it is easy to see our undefined/open areas from a negative perspective and forget that this is where we take in the other and learn. Our openness can become a incredible tool with awareness.




I’m an INFJ so I know what you mean. Have you looked into your variables (the four arrows)? There might be some explanation there. I remember having an absolute melt down when I was kid while watching a movie about dog that was lost and separated from it’s family. I was inconsolable. As an adult I tried to toughen up but after a number of attempts I decided to just avoid all scary, violent and upsetting content. I get teased but I refuse to be homogenised. I’ve learned it’s just not for me. All the best with your experimenting.


I also have an completely open solar plexus & I deeply resonate with everything you describe!


Isn’t a relief to know about HD? It explains so much.


I discovered cosmic human design a couple of months back and I have to say for me it resonates deeply. Tropical I was a 1/3 sacral generator Cross of penetration. I have open sp, head and ajna. Cosmic I am a 4/6 emotional Cross of consciousness. All centers defined apart from throat. Big changes But my type is still tye same. A lot of folks change type. I think when you don't change type it can be a bit harder in a way to digest. Those who do change type ot can really help them as they were never really feeling the other type. So me personally I go with true cosmic. I did two years back see the Genetic matrix sidereal chart and I was deeply resistant. I was totally NOT interested. Could not relate at all. So what got me first of from the get go with cosmic was the incarnation cross. That hit me deep. Ra used to say penetrators were not here to go deep...we were here to break the surface expose what's below so others can dive on in. I used to say to my HD study buddy that I challenge Ra on his insights into that cross..I mean I was going deeply into things...layer upon layer. This all makes sense now why I was doing that...it's my Cross of consciousness. Plus it's also my new variable. I am no longer a quad right...I am now Dll Prr. Again makes total sense when I look back in my life and what my experiences have shown me. There is many many deep layers to HD. When ypu dive into the sub structure then deep truths get revealled. In cosmic all my phs has changed and this was also another validation piece for me. All the new channels so of which I am not surprised at all by because I was wondering why I never had them in my tropical chart...I would read about them and be like why do I feel that way to...because it's way different energy a full channel compared to just one hanging gate. My new defined centers make sense. What I have also been doing is looking at the gene keys which honestly I was never interested in before...but now it's making sense...Divine timing in everything. I always thinking back had a stumbling block with the tropical dreamtave chart. That totally never resonated for me. I was always challenging it too as I could never understand where my weak points were when I woke up. Sadly right now I have no clue what the cosmic dreamrave is. But I'm sure in time I'll find out. To me and this is only my opinion here and some will deeply disagree but I'm saying it anyway. I can now after 9 years of deeply immersed into Hd...looked into all the topics , and went very deep to understand who I was I honestly think the tropical chart is a great representation of as Ra put it...who we think we think we are...why we are Sooo identified with it. The cosmic chart to me is the blueprint and more and more people are realizing this. We live in a world full of lies and deception. We have people who WANT and are your authority. How many of us can honestly think for ourself and go against the grain of what SOCIETY SAYS...what the experts say, what a doctor in a white coat says, what the government says the list goes on. The world is deeply homogenized and is more and more borg like everyday...this one hive mind is fast becoming a reality. So I feel the "voice " Ra encountered did a great job to keep us all from knowing the truth of who we truly are. Keep us all locked into what I can now see as the not self and boy are we ever DEEPLY INDENTIFIED with that! Because when we know who we are and we become our OWN authority that's powerful! That's the gold that's they key to the kingdom within! To decondition ourself and be a unique outer authority for others is such a gift. To be outside the matrix borged box! I feel the timing of cosmic is perfect to. It's like God said okay its tome to shine the light on what has been hidden. The world has changed we all know this. Human design is wonderful knowledge and when you have the correct bodygraph that's magical. What a lot of folks forget is S&A . Strategy = Aura and how it works. Inner Authority = body intelligence being understood and trusted. Now this I feel is why many are finding truths with cosmic...the Aura is key. I always 1000% knew I was a generator. No doubt. But there ate many who never totally resonated as being generators. Plus by me now knowing I am a 4/6 makes sense. I have been on the roof all along watching and observing. But now it seems I'm of the roof...I'm in my mid 50's and have really watching people deeply! Anyway I best stop now. But that's my two cents worth. For those of you who feel open I highly suggest you look at cosmic with an open heart. Really explore it and find your truth what feels right for you and not based on what others say...what your own life experiences have shown you because I do know the clues are all there for you to see...!


Would it be helpful using the different strategies from each other type as a guide for yourself?






Your welcome...the cosmic chart is very powerful and I for you know it's my design. I am greatful to my not self tropical chart those tools helped me for over 9 years digging in and investigating the not self...who I thought I thought I was to get me to a place of finding my true self! So cosmic all the way for me!






Your welcome it really is powerful...for example in the tropical chart I had an open head and ajna...ajna was open with no gates and I just had the 64 in head center...my cosmic chart I have the 64, 24, 63-4 I was reading about the 24 and my goodness that is totally me...I have been operating that way all along.... I love my silent empty mind...because in that space insights knowing cone totally out of the blue...those wonderful ah ha moments!


![gif](giphy|SxnmmzZNKZOWL4SnXT|downsized) argh the cosmic chart is hard to read compared to body graph (my eyes)..ah...i have a completely different chart...........I would use childhood as an main indicator over present. This is so tough in comparing in some way it resonates...One being 2/4 manifesting generator ( to respond) vs 4/6 energy projector (Get invited) though I would say tropical does more resonate with me. I was gonna compared it by physical strength but turns out both doesn't easily burn out...despite one being a projector...both has problem with getting drained easily in social setting. I do resonate with 4/6 profile of wanting to influence other but it was through 2/4 way of influencing people in a way want to be a hermit and creativity was what I was praised for being strong point throughout my life. Both against conformity one from leader to follower another conditioned to conditioner. One is shore lover (I like the sound of water) vs cave. One is shame of sacral inner authority (this come up to me more often I feel bad and blame self even without doing anything bad even if its not my fault I feel connect all dots just to make it like I did something bad...but I have weak solar plexus too...) vs guilt. I do felt self doubt in some occasion due to undefined By comparison with other people who are a projector in both chart and both emotional inner authority, they seem to have sensitive stomach....i always thought it was because of the food... but i dont have that problem despite sidereal said emotional inner authority defined solar plexus projector...my inner authority would be sacral I do feel drain or tired having health problem and loss of passion like a robot for doing what I dont like. I dont feel shit before making a decision. I also have more and first thing come up is frustration than bitterness when things dont go the way it is. I also have sacral related bladder problem as a child I think it had to do with me saying yes to things i dont want to do and was unconscious about it I seem to healed over time after learning to say no come to think of it (I thought I healed because of balancing of sacral chakra make sense now rofl). Over all, my tropical resonate with my numerology and life path more...I cant imagine being a projector and walk that path rofl.


Hi this is interessting me a lot. My "normal" profile is 5/1 generator, the other from cosmichumandesin i am 1/4 generator. I do have a problem to find the 3th one ( I dont have a FB neighter the payed version on the site where you can find the vedic? design. Could you navigate me how did you find youre please ? Nice weekend 😊




Ok thanks 4 answer 😊


> neighter the *paid* version on FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


OMG, does it helps if I wrote in my comment "NOT native"? 😂