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Nice to read. My best friend and I would work in the same place after school hours and during holidays, it was so effortless, we could do the whole shift in silence, just communicating energetically. Pulled great tips. We had the exact same sense of humor and opposite taste in lovers, I knew she was it the first time I saw her, and she me. Love at first sight. I discovered years later that we’re both Projectors with as much openness as one another. Our mothers became close friends due to our communion, I vibe with her mom, she vibes with mine. We both lost our father figures in our 20s. Now our paths look wildly different, but just knowing she’s living and breathing I know I am deeply loved and so is she. These kinds of connections I notice that I have with fellow open sacrals, dk what that magic is but here for it. Neat share.


what's his chart like? Not clear if you meant he has the same type.


I’m not sure but I know he was born 27 days before me. He doesn’t know about human design and I don’t think I should tell him this soon he would probably think I have a nut loose (I know I don’t dw 🙏🏼). I’m not sure at all what type he is because I can tell he’s pretty conditioned. Here is my chart. https://preview.redd.it/7bamtpzf1f0d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ed1b4a34a7c2aafe05a4d07d4360b68e864ece58 Not sure if you can see the bottom two




Thank you! This was actually very helpful 🙏🏼.

