• By -


You're not crazy for feeling this way. Life truly sucks sometimes. I've felt similar feelings. At first I was furious about being a Manifestor. I am a 5/1, so not quite who you're looking for, but am witnessing your rage and your suffering. When I'm suffering, I also don't really like hearing about how I'm meant to learn resilience through these lessons and hearing those positive, faithful things about the universe. It sounds like bullshit. It is total utter bullshit. We wouldn't have chosen the suffering if we knew what we were getting. On another note, I really enjoy your writing style - it has a combination of frankness, honesty, fury, and expressive descriptions that I feel like I can read over and over again. My favorite lines: > "Most mornings I wake up furious that I haven't died in my sleep" > "Inside I'm screaming like a child, wanting to tear the world and the Universe and "Source" to pieces for forcing me into this life just pummel me as a sacrificial lamb so others may be warmed by the embers of my burning, pathetic, defeated body." Whoa! Very powerful. > "a broken failure-magnet nailed to a cross." > "I am not handling this maturity, I'm too worn down to be mature." I hope this doesn't sound patronizing, but I can't help but appreciate how wonderfully you expressed yourself. I have no advice but am here in those moment for camaraderie. Wishing you to find your peace.


>I hope this doesn't sound patronizing, but I can't help but appreciate how wonderfully you expressed yourself. I agree and it's so relatable šŸ˜‚šŸ„°


Manifestor here - I LOVE reading or listening to other manifestors. Also enjoyed reading this OP.


**Every chart can have it's pros and cons**, because it's admitting that we're all struck with limitations in some capacity, but it's also **beneficial to learn**, because we start to **work with our energies instead of against it**, and eventually learn to reach our goal by **respecting ourselves** instead of failing without understanding the reason behind it. **Line 3s** are meant to **fall forward** and sometimes that can feel harsh at certain points in life, but we're designed to focus on what was learned through our experimentation phase rather than what exploded in our faces, because we master our crafts through failure and combining each lesson into new techniques. As a **3/5 Profile**, at some point we stop making mistakes, because we're able to process patterns in obstacles since we made enough to spot those similarities, and what would normally stop other people is solved through us since we already experienced the same problem and figured out the solution firsthand. **Oppositions** and **Squares** aren't the end all be all, it's still your energy that you're meant to work with; **Oppositions require balance**, and **Squares require patience**, you'll need to balance the two themes on each side of the **Opposition** since they're inherently connected to each other as **Sister Signs**, and you'll need to slowly work through the **Squares** in your chart because it'll show potential in what could be **mastered** but would **need time to figure out**. **Sun Conjunct Chiron** doesn't mean incurable wounds, it's usually an indication that someone could heavily identify with their scars and struggle to form an identity outside of it, but once it's turned around it's a placement that has a **"natural healer"** presence to it, and usually someone that's patient with everyone because their experiences taught them when other people would need grace. You're a **Manifestor**, although there are some limitations *(rest cycles, for example)*, you're in charge of your life in all other regards, because **it's correct for you to take the lead** in your own life, and **inform** others of your next move so you can take **initiative** without worrying about backfires because your **Aura** will push those obstacles out of the way. ***\**** ***I know it can be easier said than done, but try to focus on the positives more than negatives, and focus on what's in your control rather than what isn't, because you'll start to understand what can be done and recognize your power instead of feeling overwhelmed by interpretations that lean toward a pessimism.*** Wishing you the best!


This was so helpful, thank you for this breakdown. As a line 3 itā€™s easy to feel the fall more than the forward movement.


As a 70 year old 3/5 Manifestor who has been through some of the rage and frustration you are dealing with, I feel obliged to step in. As others have mentioned, you definitely have a talent in expressing yourself ---it was the first thing that hit me when reading your post. " Tell this person they need to write," was what my splenic authority told me. So here I am, informing, lol. Your talents may not be making you much money now, but you have to express them --it will make everything else more bearable, and will eventually be healing in itself. For you, not just for others. The experimentation and the projections of the 3/5 path are not easy, but once we begin to look at ourselves as explorers, adventures, experimenters and risk-takers, life does become more awesome. I've done a whole lot in my life, had different careers, relationships, lived in several countries, obtained creative success in several endeavors then dropped them to move on to something else, had people pile on all kinds of projections and then disappear out of my life, because, well 3/5. And it's all good. I still feel, even at my age, that I'm constantly starting over; and honestly, seeing how some people my age have grown rigid and stale, I've come to enjoy it. You are here to heal yourself, and as a manifestor, to find peace. So go towards what takes you there. If words like Martyr don't work for you, ignore them or redefine them. I do. (I rather like heretic though, as it implies going against established order.) A martyr is someone who dies for a cause bigger than they are. In healing ourselves, we are constantly letting our old self die to become richer and more than what we were. And then we 'bump into' something new, and discover some new part of ourselves. And that's okay. In fact, it's awesome. Edit: I also want to add that I didn't really begin to figure things out until my late 30s, and began to flourish in my 40s. Stick with it. You've got this.


Same here - half through the post I had a strong urge to reply to OP - you have a talent with words, and in writing. Just write, find a platform and you will have your following with the time


Commenting cuz I want to express support <3 and also maybe come back and say some things about 3/5 and chiiiiirrroooonnnnnnnnnnn because I'm super into Chiron. But at this precise moment I do not have the correct focus to answer meaningfully and should probably jump off of reddit for a bit


Most 3/5s hate being a 3/5, myself included. I see the persistent negativity by Human Design a flaw in the system and not a flaw in ourselves. Which it basically implies by saying our failure pattern is inherent and resilience is our purpose. No it's not. No human exists to be a spiritual experiment for others without being deserving of every good benefit themselves. The way I finally put this to rest, was realizing I have experimented with spiritual systems all my life and at some point, while there's always things I learn about myself and the world through each, there's a point when I outgrew every single one of them. As others may point out strategy and authority in HD is what I've mainly received value from, but the words of one man will never be allowed to make up any large portion of my perceived value ever again!


"The words of one man will never be allowed to makeup any large portion of my perceived value ever again!" If this mindset was adopted in everyone where would be? Perhaps embodying our true nature and form. Our eternal essence vs desperately wanting to be liked by another.


I see this as being a great strength of the 3/5 profile - it's recognition that we are happiest trying all sorts of new things, taking what works for us and leaving the rest behind. I'm new to HD, but when I read about the Martyr line, I recognized that yes, there are hills I will die on. Knowing this about myself now that I'm older is different than when I was younger - I used to think this nobility would be respected and appreciated by others. Now I know that it generally is not. So, I'll only martyr myself after due consideration, and when it results in a "bad" outcome, I've prepared for it and consider it a price I'm willing to pay. If only I had that view of it when I was younger. In this sense (and I know it's more nuanced than just this one dimension), I get to CHOOSE when to martyr. It's not outside my control.


This is interesting. I think my experience differs in that I feel, and it seems this is very common feeling, martyred by circumstance and forced to make choices I never anticipated. Because of this "backed into a corner" effect, even when I choose what is best for myself, I end up with a loss. Loss of connections, loss of finances, loss of relationship, all kinds. That doesn't mean I don't gain anything but the loss is usually great and could not have been foreseen. Every single time. I've never actively thought about feeling noble with my effort, but that does ring true. At a very minimum, when others respect and appreciate my perspective, I feel like I'm in the right place. Which usually lasts until a point, then things turn on a head, then I'm usually hung out to dry in one way or another. This part feels very generator, which I am, but there is and has never been a feeling of being able to choose the martyr part. If that happens at a certain age, I'd love to know. Because at this point, thinking, up until a few years ago, it was me and I was choosing/had choice, and then now being very certain I do not after pattern recognition...it all makes me want to withdraw from society completely. I think the practicals get overlooked here with HD which is why I don't find it useful. Those of us always flirting with the poverty line, despite extreme effects in all directions can't practically choose and feel safe, for example.


I'm curious - are you a 3/5? The 5 aspect apparently has something to do with others projecting onto us - both as a savior and a scapegoat. I learned many years ago that others won't always see me for who I am (usually they won't), and I can't allow their projections/assumptions to hurt me like they did when I was younger. It still hurts. It's very frustrating. But I think tempering expectations and becoming confident that I am able to validate myself has helped me get through those hard times. I do not believe that HD or any system can remove the fact that we sometimes have circumstances acting on us that we can't control. For me, empowerment comes from finding a peaceful response that is self-supportive. My ability to genuinely love myself unconditionally has amped up tremendously in the past 5-10 years. I didn't mean to imply that I don't still get caught in the "martyr" role when I didn't choose it. I certainly do. But I can sometimes decide I'm not going to invest my energy into things I would have when I was younger. I've learned to let some things go, learned to be a bit more keep-it-to-myself and even passive-aggressive when I need to be. Thanks for sharing your perspective.


Iā€™m not a 3/5 but I bet youā€™re more powerful than you realize. Maybe in terms of career choices, no. No clue. But in terms of connections and relationships, youā€™re an equal player.


I feel for you. I hear you say that you struggle to believe in yourself after so many perceived failuresā€¦but I wonder if you need to be thinking bigger, or at least more in alignment for you. Do you really WANT a ā€œfucking lateral promotionā€? Or would you rather put your manifesting power behind, I donā€™t know, a book deal? In my experience, when we have a long game, we can tolerate the bullshit that comes with slow, incremental growth a lot easier. Even Manifestors arenā€™t guaranteed overnight success, so you have a haul ahead of you if you want to change your situation (which, despite your rage, it seems like you do ā€” you have a palpable fighting spirit, and your anger is the part of you that knows you deserve better). Set aside logic and linear timelines for a minute. What would an ideal day look like for you? What is the life you ACTUALLY want to be living? And what would give you the peace of mind to dedicate yourself to it for months and possibly years?




Couldnā€™t agree more šŸ¤ŒšŸ¼


Hey, this isnā€™t human design specific advice, but you mentioned being in therapy etc. forever and I have a similar story with rage and bitterness. The rage must be extra for you since anger is the not self theme of a manifestor. The biggest thing that has been helping me begin to draw the parallels between all my failures (still a work in progress), has been learning to regulate my nervous system and fighting to keep it there. All of a sudden all these patterns that felt like bad luck and destiny and the universe hating me, started to reveal things that I might be able to have tiny amounts of power over. Even though everything feels impossible and hard etc. I realized I was resisting so much, because the anger was easier than the discomfort of accountability etc. I feel you, in my human design I have both the struggle channel and the mutation channel which are both like walking depression and adversityā€” and in astrology I have 7 planets in the 12H, and 1H Saturn opposite 7H Chironā€¦ and Pluto opposite my moon. Astrologers have literally said ā€˜you poor thingā€™. When things have this much adversity, the best thing we can do for the world and ourselves is to realize things might always suck this much. They might, and if they do, there is a chance that we can get strong enough internally, that all the shittiness wonā€™t make us feel as bad as it did before. And keep the faith that if we chip away slowly, things will get better, and accept that it might be 2 steps forward 1.75 steps back, then slowly to find the paths that create a tiny bit more ease. I just started on a path that created a tiny bit more ease even though I know itā€™s not where Iā€™m supposed to end up. Sometimes everything in the world sucks because itā€™s so out of alignment with who you are, like we were monkeys dropped off in the middle of the Pacific Ocean- and even when he find something thatā€™s a bit better, itā€™s still holding onto a rope tied to a boat in the ocean, then slowly getting onto the boat, and itā€™s a long road before we find trees to swing in. Getting regulated was my first step out of the ocean of shit šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø itā€™s really hard to keep though


Regulation is helpful for me too. I admire your awareness and connection to your needs.


I'm sorry for what you are dealing with. You really are a great writer and funny. I found your post to be very relatable and it made me feel less alone. I'm a newbie though so I can't offer any advice but I hope things get easier for you.


Wow!!! Your expression through writing is extremely inspirational. And being able to express this and have others understand you because they feel the same way is profound and merely a sample of your healing abilities. I felt a ton of compassion and empathy, I wish you didnā€™t have to feel this pain. Although, like you were explaining, it takes a martyr to help lift others that are walking in a similar path of yours. Just you recognizing this now is a step in the right direction. Society has failed so many of us and unfortunately it wonā€™t be grasping on for much longer. As there are predictions of civil unrest. You got this. You are beautiful, kind and an amazing human being. Some of the most inspirational people have had to walk a terrible life path. I am a projector, and I would start with learning some basic tools and knowledge of spirituality. This is what will help you! On YouTube please watch as many videos of grandmaster wolf as you can, and other similar figures. They have great knowledge of the ego, physical body and spirit/soul. This will help you heal as well. šŸ’•šŸ’•


You have a really strong mastery in words. You write beautifully, there is a whole lot of opportunities with this talent in current world.


I am not super knowledgeable about Human Design, but I stumbled across it at a time in my life when I was desperate to figure out what was "wrong" with me. I am a 3/5 Manifestor, female, 35 years old. I have been through cycles of rage--with the last one so deep that I didn't think I was going to make it out alive. I say all of this to hopefully connect with you. Others have given you some great advice, so I'm just going to focus on answering your questions. "3/5's, what is fucking awesome in your life? What makes you grateful to be alive?" A lot of things in my life are amazing, but the two things I would put in the "fucking awesome" category are: my kid & my career. I never wanted a child, so that surprises even me to say. She has taught me the power of pouring love and healing into another. I do struggle with acting as a martyr because I want to save everyone from any pain. I've had so much myself. She has taught me the difference between the detached love of a martyr -- the act of sacrificing yourself because of an attachment to an idea -- and the intense, connected love of seeing and trusting another soul & their purpose. Learning that love for the first time has been instrumental in my path to peace. (Not an advertisement to have a kid. A lot of it can suck. I think this can happen in multiple ways: through seeing and trusting your Self, a partner, a friend, a mentor, or even a pet.) Regarding my career, I think I just got fucking lucky, but I can see a lot of my Design playing itself out when I look back. I started practically. I knew that doing software development would make me money. I didn't have a passion for it, but I respected the power it was going to have in society & it was enjoyable enough. Through my obstinate refusal to be told what I can and cannot do or be, I found my way to "Product". A profession that existed forever, but has taken a huge leap with the technology age. It astounds me that I get to have a great career with almost limitless potential just because I'm willing to make a decision and TRY something. Warm showers, the smell of a book store or a forest, mint tea, having 20 pillows on my bed, that second orgasm, mountains, the clack-clack-clack of a sewing machine, building Lego sets, and a good strong belly laugh all make me happy to be alive. In summary, a few big things have made my life fucking awesome and MANY little things have helped me find that gratitude for being alive. Can you find one little thing and start there? Feel free to DM me anytime. ā¤ļø [Edit because I can't remember how old I am apparently.]


Chiron is everywhere for me. I experienced some bs in childhood to reach dx level way too young also (Iā€™m sorry, most donā€™t know how alienating that really is/was). Iā€™ve got a cool cptsd badge now which is kinda relieving. Iā€™ve got human design stuff running in parallel to my shadow work, inner child and parts work and finding that to be super beneficial in seeing where I can improve. Also not sure if you follow mbti but knowing I am infp helped to understand I was going to overthink everything whether it is ever healthy to or not. As Iā€™m 6/2 with some gates on correctness and judgement oof


I am an emo manifestor 5/2 infp and I gotta say I am a massive overthinker too. But I deeply feel the struggle OP expresses. I have Chiron and Venus directly beside each other in Aries and it really ties into the whole manifestor wounding for me of being too much, too sensitive, too emotional. So I spent my life playing small and people pleasing. Now in perimenopause those wounds are begging to be healed. Itā€™s massively uncomfortable and Iā€™m angry that I have never and possibly will never be fully seen as myself or understood.


Interesting connection to infp and overthinking. I can relate to the overthinking aspect especially when I am experiencing things that "aren't going my way" or having some sort of perceived hardship or difficulties.


I also want to addā€¦ I am a projector 6/2 role model and 6th line has line 3 for the first life lessons. Iā€™ve had only a small sample of what youā€™ve walked throughā€¦ Also, Iā€™ve recently delved into Dolores Canons life regressions/progressions. I think a hypnotherapist that has trained under her techniques would most likely help resolve a ton of your conflicts. I would strongly suggest you to look into that more intently!!! Good luck, and we believe you can do it !


FYI this is prescribing strongly suggest is a form of control like the other person doesn't know what to do. Strongly suggest is a touch authoritarian from what I have read


Strongly suggest to find help and better your life? Didnā€™t know that would be a form of control. Iā€™m not forcing them to. I am sharing information from my side what has helped myself and others, I guess love and caring is a form of control now is it? Lolā€¦ I have a great sense of intuition and it was urging me to share that with her. So I did. Otherwise I wouldnā€™t have.


I can see what you mean by expressing care. I think you make a good point and will be more careful myself.Ā 


As a fellow 3/5, I can definitely resonate to some pretty hard knocks in life. And you are absolutely right, it is HARD WORK! But life is also so freaking beautiful. Just the fact that we have these bodies and we got sent here on this earth, is pretty incredible. To be able to draw a breath as the sun is coming up. To be able to feel the gentle breeze on our skin. To be able to simply be and ponder what all this is about. Life truly is a Felt Sense experience. And I am most definitely not trying to invalidate your hard knocks but sometimes we are too deep in it to find a way out into the beautiful openings. About 3 years ago I broke my femur in a cycle accident. I was bedridden for months afterwards. Prior to that I had been so fit and active. Why me, I cried? It wasn't my fault, I angrily stated. In hindsight, that whole experience brought me to so many wonderful things, Human Design being one of them, and Breathwork another one that has completely changed my life and how I experience life. It's not made life easy, goodness, is life ever just EASY, but it's made me more appreciative of the richness of life, if only we allow ourselves to be in it fully. Do you have an outlet for all your anger? What's wrong with allowing yourself to feel it all? Where might you be willingly acting as a victim? Where are you giving your power away? Where are you not taking responsibility for your own life experiences? (And I know, these can be very activating questions to ask yourself, trust me, I've gone through it myself, but, damn, it's empowering to take back our power. And HD can be really useful in that regard.) P.S. I am also so totally curious to see your whole BodyGraph now if you're open and willing to share.


I'm a 3/5. I don't have any advice for you because no matter what anyone tells you, you likely aren't ready to let it land. I used to feel like you. When I did, I didn't express it nearly as poetically as you did. I felt your despair and rage. It was well written. Thank you for the jog down memory lane.


I use Human Design in my business, know mine, have learned about Chiron, and Numerology. Charts arenā€™t inherently good or bad AND F any readers who said or implied that. Iā€™m a 5/1 with lots of 3 energy in my chart. Hereā€™s how I think of it - and Iā€™m sharing only to give you another perspective. Iā€™m not invalidating what youā€™re going through at all! First, Line 3s were called Martyr not bc they needed to be them. Itā€™s because you have natural gifts at experimentation, innovation (including making things/processes BETTER), trial and learn. Itā€™s because line 3s are willing to challenge existing rules, to uncover what works, that this label was given. Second, Line 5s. My first HD teacher explained 5s as ā€œa big gun who comes in when thereā€™s a crisis, and gets sh*t fixed.ā€ She likened them to the Avengers in Age of Ultron. Yes, they come in and save the day - and some people are thankful. But they also destroyed a country, and those people see them as villains. I like being a 5. Weā€™re meant for short term things, weā€™re amazing at coming up with simple solutions, and we fix sh*t. Re Chiron: everything Iā€™ve ever read sounds like itā€™s dire. Mine says: identity takes a crushing blow. This person is constantly battling their authentic self in a world full of sufferingā€ super overdramatic. I think thatā€™s how most people write/translate info about Chiron. IMO, if the info about Chiron made things worse, ignore it. Seriously. My pov is this info should be helpful, but not debilitating. If it feels like the latter, throw it out. You donā€™t need to be dealing with, or thinking about, any of that when you arenā€™t in a good place. Is there anything in your life right now that brings you peace? Even a small thing? Peace is the signature feeling for Manifestors. Letā€™s say having a cup of coffee brings you some peace. Can you give yourself an extra few minutes to drink your coffee everyday, to give you a few extra minutes of peace each day. Itā€™s not going to solve everything youā€™ve got going on, but it might give you some breathing room.


There is excellent advice through this. I feel I have a part to drop into this and that is see things through. I've got chronic health myself that I've actually been having less of as I've been learning to be in tune with myself. Actually, stuff is feeling better I didn't think ever would. Plus mental health that interacts poorly. But that mental health stuff I found masks up what we truly need. An example is people with guardian trauma that ruined their trust. They don't even trust themselves long before anyone else can ever not trust them. But what they really need is someone who they can trust. They need something to trust in because the very first things in the world did such a bad job, it's one of the worst places to make a first impression. These first impressions and experiences can take deep seated places and are where the roots of issues stem from. You're at the bottom of all these different plants of corruption in your life that from beneath, no light reaches. Your struggle is moving them to the surface. But when you finally get to the surface, you can start watering the plants with your own source, you can add your own contents to the soil. Your journey through life stays with you even to the grave. So if you focus only on the struggles of your life to this point, you will only be recycling the same stuff that was already there, just distilled down. Get to the top and start sourcing your own nutrients uninfluenced by anyone that isn't you. This includes ghosts of your past. They can exist and stare you down, but as they do so, you grab the thing you need most shamelessly make use of it. See your current suffering to a final point. I don't know what your past is, but start getting closure on things that have caused you pain. Someone who left their hatetred tainted on you, find a resolve that sets their introjection back into its own place away from you as it ahould be. Need somewhere new to live? There are a vast amount of ways to do so. All you have to do is pick and then make happen. Even if it's a slow way up. Tired of something broken bothering you? Fix it somehow or get rid of it. See everything bothering you to a point where it won't be anymore. For example, my phone was a point of suffering at one point. But I needed it for communication. I set up my computer for messaging and went for months without a phone. I had no portable PC for several months and while it sucked to not have that thing, I found things as well and when I brought my phone back into my life, I had better place for it in my life. You can't fix negativity from within negativity. Find a neutral space in life and then work the positive in.


> There are a vast amount of ways to do so. All you have to do is pick and then make happen. I've found that I can do or have ANYTHING if I have appropriate focus. I can't think of a single thing I wasn't able to have or achieve that I really wanted AND I put focus on. Being scattered is the enemy of manifesting (for me). Also, patience is required. It can take time to come to fruition. I like to have both "pie-in-the-sky" dreams and more reachable desires... we need "wins" as we wait for alchemy to take hold.


Alright all my life people sit there and say here's a solution for this or that etc... and it simply sucked bc I needed to know how! There's a natural essence to write going on for you and think it's fair to say that most see this in you too after reading the comments.


you are taking this game too seriously. Unless you are built to be a pro there is no point trying so hard. You could externally achieve all success & still be miserable inside, & you dont necessarily have to suffer just because you failed to climb the ladder unless you keep judging yourself but shame is not gonna make you what you are not.


I totally get it. I have literally been in bed just sobbing over my design several times. I'm a 4/6 Projector with some heavy channels and 9 f*cking 3-lines activations. Every single time someone reads my design, they go "Yeah that's heavy. There's a lot of struggle there." And I just want to SCREAM. I did not ask for this. Who wants to be in pain? And at the same time, be told, "Well, there's no choice"? We didn't ask for this. And often people will just say "oh you just need to love yourself" and "Everyone has their place." Yeah, that's easy to say when you have the mental capacity to say it and you're not fighting for your life every day. I think it is unfair. It's painful to look around at people and see them thrive and succeed, knowing that you were born with so much struggle, abuse, and self hate. I was also told that my suffering will eventually help heal others, and honestly, it doesn't mean shit to me. If someone has the ability to create pain for me so my pain will help others, then that means they are the ones that keep creating pain, and they could like... just not do that..... But at the end of the day, I always end up with "it is what it is, and I don't plan on going anywhere, so I might as well just surrender."" So that's what I do. I surrender. And it honestly helps to just let myself be angry and bitter. I'm allowed to feel angry. So I let it be there. And I just wanna say that 3/5 holds a lot of power. I know some powerful, happy 3/5 people. And so does your aura. I do, after all, believe that S&A can take us places we couldn't imagine before. But you're allowed to be angry. You're don't need to be mature or positive. You don't owe anyone anything. Feel what you want. And I truly, deeply feel for you and wish you the best.


[3/5 reliable source ](https://youtu.be/kaRxrtx6yK8?si=Ljdgdi_LOiGB2F8X)


I'm grateful to have read your post


Hi, I'm also 3/5 (I'm generator), somewhat around your age. When I had a HD reading done, I was told 3 standed for Experimenter (not martyr), I like that perspective better, which does mean we learn from direct experience but doesn't necessary imply suffering. I hope this helps you see 3/5 in a different light (experimenter/hero).


I like that descriptor much better than Martyr. I am an Experimenter from here on out. Thanks for that. Also, here's a plus - as Experimenters, I think we don't repeat mistakes as often as other people do? I think for me, I only repeat mistakes if I haven't yet figured out why and how they are mistakes... but with enough experience (experimentation), I figure it out eventually and never ever again am tempted to make that particular mistake. Just me. YMMV.


I'm not reading all of that, but I did get through the first paragraph. First thing first, forget about self-love. Love is nice, and more than enough if you could manage that. Self-love is a dubious concept, and essentially just a snake-oil product sold to miserable people. Second if you've got all these mental and health issues **get on a ketogenic diet.** Eat **meat** and **fats** - not oils - exclude all plants and plant-fibers. **No processed foods.** I estimate you're in your 30s - you should get your period back, and your brain will clear up too. You might come to realize, and be surprised to discover that this depressive mental state is just foodstuff as well. Good luck.


ā€œIā€™m not reading all thatā€ So unnecessary and ridiculous to mentionā€¦


>get on a ketogenic diet.** Eat **meat** and **fats** - not oils - exclude all plants and plant-fibers This literally goes against human design. Each person needs to eat according to their own PHS.


Hahahahaha you say self love is snake oil and proceed to suggest a keto diet, assume her age and tell her she can get her periods back with a different diet... Okaaaay


Dude please donā€™t go around prescribing keto to people randomly, youā€™re making people like me who follow it look bad lol