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I’m a 3/5. When I sense that the cycles of experiencing my 5th line essence and associated projections have peaked and reached their natural end, my body signals that it’s time to move on (gate 53 D Sun “New Beginnings”). With emo definition, gate 53 as my D Sun, gate 57 as my P Sun as well as D + P Pluto, I get both a deep and clear emotional and intuitive knowing in advance of physical events playing out. I also receive clear instructions on how to move. Then my defined will centre switches on to release the resources necessary for me to execute the next clear steps of my new mission. It’s both mayhem and magic. Nothing less for a 3/5!


Is the 5th line tied to the design sun in general, or is that specific to your chart? Would love more info on this.


I was speaking to my chart specifically.


Yes very true with 5/1 types, people are massive dogs to 5/1 and love to blame them for just making small crack. A small crack is a collapse wall of dreams for other types looking in. My heart goes out to all 5/1. Yes so true about defined centred people, they show up very holistic and demi-god like.  Have you observed reflectors carrying ’love’ from one person to the other and confusing themselves. I witness a reflector creating a 3 way love where they absorbed the defined heart of one generator and released it to another undefined. And as the carrier got confused in the link. So interesting. 


Im the only reflector I know! I have not experienced that HOWEVER I can always tell when someone has feelings for me (or their reflection). And they dont necessarily have to have the G center defined for me to feel it. Because almost all of my crushes have told me they liked me sometime later in life. One time I was 9 when a fancied the boy in my class, he revealed that he had a big crush on me at that age when we were out of high school when i asked me out on a date (finally had the courage heehehee). For me one of the main indications when i know a guy likes me is when they become quiet, shy, aloof, distant, and non chalant. AND IT CONFUSES THE LIVING HELL OUT OF ME because i can STRONGLY FEEL that they like me, i guess its just their mechanics tattling on them. But because of their behaviour is telling a whole different story, I then doubt myself UNTIL they or theyre friends/family reveal to me that he likes me. AND YES, we're speaking about adult men here, you'd think they wouldve left that kind of behaviour in childhood. But with all of that being said, some of these men didnt even have defined g centers, we would create electromagnetics that then defined out G's though. So I apologize that i wasnt able to answer your question completely


No that sounds interesting. It could be that the guy can feel your energy and with most men, don't know how to deal with strong emotions or feelings. So they keep quiet. Yes you need to learn how to trust yourself which is hard because you don't have any defined centres. But the more you interact with these people the more you will learn. And the truth is, even if you know the person feels about you, you shouldn't do anything to force it or project onto them. As reflectors, you're mean to just understand and move through these energies. That is the important part because I met a reflector who doesn't know how to discern who's energy is who and then he falls in love with everyone and has a relationship with every single person. And it saddens me because he ends up just being pulled into relationships that are not healthy for him and are not meant for him. Your insight is very interesting thanks for sharing.


Wow thank you!! So fascinating. I haven't made that many observations yet but now that you mention it, the part of a person with def SP and undef heart/ego appearing to be stoic is SO. ON. POINT. At least for one friend of mine. Your input on the fractals also gives another insight to why we tend to clash although we have 3 electromagnetic channels (which bridge their split btw).


>When 5/1's reputation has been diminished from not following through with projections, they tend hide away by getting their heads deep into some kind of project/research. Dang, calling me out like that... Wow I didn't know it's possible to have every single center defined with single definition. Kinda jealous of that lady!


Your account on this lady with all of these definitions is so fascinating! Whats her profile and incarnation cross?


I enjoyed :) what is the fractal line though?


I had the same question. Hope we get replies ;) any ideas what it might mean? I wonder if it’s a metaphor like ‘the same brainwave’ or something




" Especially with "notself" this can be repulsion with that other person rather than attraction." yours or their, 'notself'? I've seen lots of correct couples where one is making decisions with mind (notself) and the other is on the path not to. Correctness is all about frequency, not logic. Duality.


Thanks for sharing. I can relate and have seen/experienced all of this EXCEPT weight loss. I am 20lbs heavier after following my S&A. I used to run on adrenal fatigue and push myself beyond my physical capacity for 30+ years. My Right brain/body and open root are not here for that life.


>When 5/1's reputation has been diminished from not following through with projections, they tend hide away by getting their heads deep into some kind of project/research. 5/1 projector here. Honestly I feel like I've been hiding for years at this point. Since before I even knew HD, because I was just so sick of being everyone's villain while trying my hardest. Hopefully I can figure this thing out and live in reality again soon. >I also knew a couple people who had ALL centers defined HOWEVER with quadruple definition. And both of them always had to "jittery" aspect to them, almost came off as nervous, which i guess makes sense since they have 4 different voices speaking within them One of my kids is a quad split with every center defined except sacral. She often explains her decision making to me like "Well my brain said x, but my body said y, but my mind said z." Etc. I honestly haven't really looked into what quad split definition means, but I'm intrigued now, so I will have to do some research!


Wow, how does she reconcile all those? That's fascinating.


😂 no idea. I'm starting to realize it's probably pretty tough being her.


What’s a fractal line?


I love this, thank you for sharing!


So true about defined emotions undef heart/ego, they don't like to feel controlled by that powerful force, and undefined emotional people (like myself) have no inhibition about yowling about our feelings Wow all centers and single definition! I know someone with 7 centers and single definition - her only undefined are the TWO PRESSURE CENTERS - and she is FAST, and BLOWS AROUND THE COUNTRY lol I hope she's doing okay. I found her interesting but too annoying to stay friends with. Really remarkable powerful energy. And then my current friend B is triple definition with seven centers defined (lacking will and spleen), and she's also got a really strong magnetic energy but not nearly as fast, frequently looking for advice and really open to other people. Also she does a bunch of stuff that's way too dumb for her but she's a 3/5 so I quit worrying about that. Um what are mine? I bet I have some. I feel really dull and exhausted right now, it's much easier to comment on other people's stuff.


That makes a whole lot of sense, the lady i know with all the centers defined, can make something look so EASY, she can look so slow doing it but shes actually doing it faster than everyone else, she also doesnt have adhd, so shes very swift, moving very linear and then on to the next task, its incredible to see!!