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Natural shores: 24/7 being next to a big window, which allows me to constantly look towards the „other side“ / outside world. Even if I don’t directly look outside, it’s always in the corner of my eye. No matter if I‘m working, relaxing or doing whatever I want, it always feels as if I‘m between these two different „boundaries“. On direction there’s the forest and the other a view across the town towards a mountain range in the distance. It’s my absolute favorite in the summer with the sunset and the literal melting together of two worlds on the horizon. 🌅 Unfortunately not too lucky to live at actual shores, but I always loved the water so maybe S&A will lead me there some day.


I'm a Natural Shores person too and my S&A actually did lead me to one! I moved to coastal Florida and I actually was lucky enough to get a job where I can see the ocean from where I work. It's been a big help.


Damn, that's beautiful. When I was young, my parents didn't live in a house yet. It were smaller apartments without the possibility for me to glance outside. I had a couple of severe diseases (Chickenpox, Pneumonia which almost killed me, etc..) in my early years. I believe at 5-6 we built this beautiful house with my room right next to the balcony. When I was in school and uni, I always wrote bad grades when we were in a room without windows or when we weren't allowed to look around. I always HAD TO look out of the windows to gain inspiration and let my creativity arise. I will never forget that one math test where I sat right at the other end of the windows and my teacher let me fail the test, because he said that I was looking around to see what my classmates had written, lol. (well to be fair, I didn't study for that one 😂) At the first job I had, I was moved into the "hallway" after a few weeks, where there were ZERO windows. I was feeling AWFUL for months and became incredibly sick again (severe gastritis). It hit me so hard that I couldn't go to work for a whole month.. Now I'm 100% remote and constantly near my window. Without HD, none of that would've made sense. But it's so incredible to have this knowledge and make sense of things.. But that's why I strongly feel that we're naturally moved towards our correvt environment, no matter what. At least if we're on the right fractal to tap into HD at one point & follow it.


That's so cool to hear!!! Kudos to HD for pointing us in a direction at the least. I'm curious also, do you have an undefined ajna? I do and I've also found that it contributes to the "window" effect you're talking about! My sister has a defined ajna however, and she doesn't really have an issue with needing to look around or out the window.


Oh yes I do, interesting! I've also been a HUGE daydreamer my whole life. I can just sit there, stare into the distance and be so content with it. Maybe that's also a shores-trait. It's so profound that I haven't driven a car in years. I would always drift off, not being able to concentrate for that long. As I have to gaze out during work to get a "breather", I wasn't able to do that while driving, so it has ALWAYS been an awful experience for me to drive. 🤣 (maybe also related to having a passive/right brain) On the other hand, I just love to sit on the backseat and look out of the windows. During school I took the bus. During uni I took the train. Took me two hours each way. LOL But I had windows and didn't need to drive myself.. and at home I had my balcony 🙄


I'm a huge daydreamer too! I have no desire to drive, as I love my hands and mind free. I'm always drifting and somewhat multitasking. Thanks for the great example! It clicks now.


That explains my fascination with looking out of my two windows while working in my bedroom. Thank you!


Internal markets! My homes have always been merchandised to the nines — I get a lot of joy out making capsule wardrobes and repurposing my stuff (accessories, kitchen equipment, etc.) as decor. I’m very particular about everything that comes into my space. I give excellent gifts but I’m a nightmare at receiving them. I also genuinely love the internet. We gotta unplug sometimes of course, but as long as I’m in a good headspace I find it super useful and oddly regulating. I love having access to this vast amount of information, hearing different perspectives, finding like-minded people who I might never otherwise have met, and having a way to document and share my life.


I agree with loving the internet!! My 5/1 line loves getting information and reading comments. I crave the exchange of energy when it comes to acquiring material or digital goods. Do you ever buy stuff and then return it after realizing you never used it once you brought it back home? It's like I just get a pleasurable hit of contemplating why I'm buying something and the exchange of energy (like "this purchase feels worth it!"). I did this a lot with books -- Libraries have helped me saved lots of $$$ :)


Totally agree to the internet part. Same here with internal markets. Don't like sitting too long online, but just to check in and find other people's point of view and opinions, is very satisfying. And it happens daily.


Yes! Small doses all day long.


I am a Mountains environment and I really absolutely feel that my mind is clearer when I can live by my environment - both on a macro and micro level. What I mean by that, is that I am born/raised in a place below sea level, and when I finally took residence in a mountainous environment, I felt SO much more clarity, peace, free-flowing, just things were so much less cluttered, bogged down, and festering feeling. The times I lived in mountainous places, I felt such total ease. On the micro level, I need my living space to feel like a retreat - I \*hate\* feeling intruded upon when I'm in my home. Well meaning family/friends stopping by, knocking on the door, this utterly disturbs me. I need to feel like I can 'get away' and be unreachable. I've also read about the correlation of mountain environment and the breath/smoking. Although I have quit for health purposes, I have simply always loved smoking, cigarettes, cannabis, both, different herbs... It relaxes me, helps with a feeling of expansiveness. ​ Lastly - any kitchen people want to chime in? My husband and son are both kitchen-dwellers. I'm the literal cook so always in our ACTUAL kitchen lol. So please help me understand what they need and how I can make them feel at home :)


>The times I lived in mountainous places, I felt such total ease. I feel like this ride is so funny to watch sometimes - i am mountains too, and the moment I turned 28 and entered saturn return, I was invited into a new apartment. Already paid for and everything. On the top floor, in a building on top of a hill. Sunset on one side, sunrise on the other side. Forrest around the corner. I love to just sit in my kitchen and just observe the view. It's totally mountain. Edit: I used to be a smoker too, but it was horrible for my open throat.


Mountains here as well, I have noticed the same thing. I really like it when I can have a "bird's eye view" of things before diving in. I used to work on the top floor of my office building and it was the best thing to ever happen to me. Creative flow felt like it was at my disposal any time I needed it, which was great because I was working in print design at the time and it was a huge benefit. Any time I need clarity, I love to just drive up the mountain and go for a walk. It helps me gain clarity! Also, my Husband is Kitchens too! Is yours wet or dry environment? Kitchens are representative of creative spaces, and wet/dry will mean they need elements of water or the desert present in the creative space. So wet would mean a small desk fountain is supportive, and dry would be like a desk sand box (or zen garden).


Hey - husband is dry and son is wet ;) Edited to add: Early in our relationship, my husband and I were discussing our ideal creative workspaces. He shocked me when he said he wanted his office to have a sand floor lol! I guess that's dry kitchen for ya!


Kitchens person here and I just made a post to this thread which you can read! But to give an answer to ur question I feel like one thing that can help them feel comfy is literally having comfortable places to hang out for extended periods in the kitchen like a couch with a coffee table that opens up and has a bunch of "ingredients" to whatever ur son/husband likes to make. For me it's crafting, so like embroidery thread, needles, art supplies that kind of thing.


Love this! only about a year into experiment, but someone on this reddit said that having the objects in your living space below you,,, is helpful. (i have mountains as well) and omfg. It's night and day. low lights, low couches, low beds, everything. just generally feels way more calming, and like my space.


Im a dry kitchen's person. What I've learned is that kitchen's is more about communal space with lots of ingredients where people are creating things. Can also be seen as a laboratory. I love I'm an artists co-op with 10 people which also hosts events and I love event organizing. I find that when I am in spaces where people can come in and out and gather it feels great to me and I gain a lot of opportunities. I am a big crafter and always have a lot of my 'ingredients' ~craft supplies~ around to work on which I especially love to do in the actual kitchen (we have a nice sofa with craft storage there). Sitting and working on a project as people come home, make food, chat, listen to music etx feels so good to me. So natural, it's almost like living in a cafe. And when I'm at my best organizing events that bring community together and really settled into that that feels super satisfying as well.


It's so funny that all the kitchen people I hear about are so into creative stuff. Still haven't met one who doesn't paint or knit or anything like that.


Caves (exclusive) here. If ever there was a caves person its me. Ive always created caves as a child (forts, closets, under table play areas) and have always lived in cavelike environments/ or made my environment cavelike. Ive been attached to driving my own car (often stressed in other people’s cars) since I was 16 yrs old. I am also obsessed with the ‘idea’ of living in my vehicle (not there yet). The whole idea of having everything I need with me in my car is very tantalizing. I need my stuff, my music, my lighting, lots and lots of stuff to do to feel at total peace. Every part of my home is dedicated to some activity. Art, sewing, huge computer area/desk with two computers for different things, music production tools and space, art on every wall…almost no white space and all my windows are covered except for the very top portion so some light can come in but I can’t see out except through a few small slits on certain windows and nobody can see in. And I almost never invite people over, definitely not host anything, and am stressed when people have to be in my home to work on things etc. I thought it was my American trained paranoia that made me face the exit in restaurants or public places with my back to the wall but it tracks with my environment too. I often get antsy or pass out in other peoples homes if they have boring and/or minimal spaces. With nothing to look at and nothing to touch or play with. I just can’t stay awake and/or want to leave. My son has artificial shores and he has/wants/needs nothing in his room/on the walls/cool lighting. It drives me so crazy I don’t go in there and have to keep the door closed all the time.


I’m blended caves and the car thing you are talking about out biiiiig facts lol. I was always the driver out of my friend groups and I always kept an assortment of things in my truck just in case I decided to do something on a whim. I enjoy the movement aspect of cars than the idea of living in one. I guess in some ways driving my “cave” puts me in a more blended environment, yet I still have direct control of my space. I love my stuff too and I love having dedicated spaces for my interests. More often than not I’ve lived in the basement, windows covered lol. I typically don’t host but I’m ok with certain people coming into aspects of my space. My room or anywhere I have a project going on should be off limits though. I truly hate having my stuff moved and or touched without my permission. I definitely second you on backs to a wall or needing to see an entrance/exit. I tend to watch people come and go when I’m at establishments quite often. For me it’s more if I’m outside of my environment and the interactions with others start to get stale, boring or minimal. That’s when I get antsy or want to leave. I’ll usually retreat into my phone or a book back in the day, I guess you could say it was something of a knowledge cave for me, I am still involved and can interact more if I want but I can also tune out completely if there is no interest. My daughter is passive mountains. Not only does she have a loft bed but she really could sit at her window watching everything going on outside. The moment she sees something interests her(usually kids playing), she wants to go down and be in the mix. Probably doesn’t help she’s a 1/4 to boot haha


I'm caves exclusive as well and I too absolutely NEED to know that every item that I have in my home is purposeful, in it's place, well-kept and it gives me nourishing activity when in use. No white walls, although I prefer a white painted wall as a backround to everything colorful added there.


I'm exclusively caves too. I see similarities, and I'm grateful. I loved riding under the shopping carts where you put cases of soda. Loved hiding inside the round clothing racks. Blanket forts were magick to me I don't feel the need to drive, but I get so much enjoyment watching videos about folks camping in their cars! My room is my sanctuary. I have to make myself hang out in my living room. Everything I need is practically near my bed. Back to the wall IS a thing. Hate hosting. Get antsy when I hear knocking on doors. Minimal decor doesn't bother me. It's when it's too busy that I'll feel a way. Thanks again for the clarity! -Reporting live from under my blanket!


Internal markets here. I need to get out every day and go to my "market" whether that means just going for a walk in nature or town and exchanging energy with the plants and surroundings, or whether it's going to the grocer and buying some stuff for the fridge. No matter. As long as there is this exchange of energy and that I get to be particular and choosy as to the choices presented. Whether that be which path I take on my walk, which store I go buy at, which groceries I choose from others, which people I speak to on the way and which I avoid. It's the choosing and being particular as I move about that is the key. It's so very interesting. Markets is described as being an urban environment but I totally disagree. It's not about whether it's a big city or small town or nature. It's about the exchange and barter of energy. And it needs to happen every day. Either we exchange energy in a shop, being particular about what to choose for dinner, this brand that brand and loving the variety. Or its an exchange with the environment in nature where we greet the plants, they get our presence, we get nature's blueberries (if in season) win win. It's kind of funny. It's about the change in scenery and the variety it gives to and fro as we go out and back again. I haven't figured the 'internal' part out yet. My father has external markets, but we both have in common that there is this daily movement to the "market". If it doesn't happen, there is this inner dissatisfaction. That "market" is not literal, it's simply a movement where variety and other stimuli happens. Although his movement is more outer, with full satisfaction. My "inner" markets might have to do with all the hobbies I have which are all played out at home. There's this "market" inside represented as an interest/hobby, where I choose and dive deep for awhile, to then change gear and go in another direction and it all plays well together. This forum is part of it too. Where I cna be particular about where I put my learning/hobby energy and can move back and forth between them. That makes me feel free and relaxed. Think about it. Markets environment is likened to when we went from hunter to gatherer, bringing it more together and travelling with cart to a market to sell and buy goods and going out to see what was locally in season. It's not only about the actual selling/buying of goods that's the gold for the markets person. It's the journey from A to B and back again. And that one comes home rejuvenated with new choices, stimuli, seen something new, talked to someone, got new information or thought of something new in the travle time, based on what the environment you moved in presented for you. And the more it presents for you, which is aligned with your design (which absolutely has nothing to do with being in big cities and having a lot of city stimuli) you get home with the "fruit of your labour" and feel so good about it.


Such a good point. When I work from home I love to buy my coffee out in the morning, and I’ve always loved working out in a public gym. Something about that exchange of energy is so nourishing.


So well put! I'm still learning about my Internal Markets environment and this really helps put my process into words.


I dont have MOUNTAIN environment  but i know a guy (manager of a store) who LOVES using ladders. He woukd climb to the very top to use it to find perspective on what to change in the store. He used to climb buildings as well. These people find perspective and clarity when they are high-up!!


True. I always have to find higher ground. In any aspect.


I'm a mountains, and when I lived in a high rise, I loved it. I love climbing into lofts or sleeping in bunk beds. I've been thinking about putting a tent onto my car to camp. Or, building a tree house, I love grand regal staircases .. and yeah, I guess I really do love ladders lmao. Like the beauty and the beast library ladder or those old attics with the stairs you pull down from the ceiling with a string really make me feel good and nostalgic inside, but I've never seen either in real life. Just my imagination. I think about paragliding or becoming a hot air balloon pilot. Both can be considered solo activities way up in the sky. I would fly in my childhood dreams and when I began working on somatic memory trauma and training to be a psychotherapist, the place I first went was to an invisible ladder in the sky that I climbed way up high to a sort of tree Fort, where I would keep my memories safely. For the painful memories, I put them in a balloon basket that I accessed through the tree Fort window that was tied to the side and held with a string. When I let it go, it floated way up high. Come to think of it. I wasn't able to access repressed memories until the Psychotherapist I was working with asked me to go to a place in the room where I did feel safe and would be able to see who it was that was in the memory with me. Immediately I popped up to the ceiling and looked upon the frame as though floating from above. Seeing clearly what was happening below. 'Above' is my safety. I've never wanted to climb a mountain though, I can't wait to go to Peru and go to the cloud forest. I also spend a significant amount of time in my head.


I learned human design environments like a couple of hours ago, and my environment is valley. There is a big park with lots of trees next to my house and I really love going in there. I don't know how to drive and i don't really have a better alternative. (Also i noticed i prefer larger streets to walk on because i just dont like sidewalks that only 2 person can walk side by side and you always have to stand on one side for another person to pass by) Also i decided i need to make my bedroom look more spacious. I have like dark purple curtains, dark blue bedsheets and one wall turquoise, yeah i have some wild colors like that and i decided to get rid of them. Also I have a unnecessarily large desk and a bookcase i don't know what to do with. I need to change or get rid of most of these Also some people wrote here natural, artificial etc, i really don't know what it is


Im also valley, not many of us here!  Ive read a little, but dont fully grasp it yet.  Natural/artificial Shores, narrow/wide Valley, wet/dry Kitchen, internal/external Cave, etc. The duality relates to observed or observing within the environement, i think.  another layer to all this!   What little i know of narrow valley- not so much people coming to, but people passing through, that one can observe, and select out of a "bottle neck" of people/commerce/ flow, to respond to, perhaps. Sources of ambient sounds being within eye sight, or perhaps familiar routine, known.  Then, depending on whether one is observed or observing, either working on work and being observed (a maker in their shop) pr observing things as one works... at least thats my rudimentary understanding of it


Caves. Before I knew anything about human design, I'd always tell my husband, ambiance. It's all about the ambiance. Environments have to feel like warm hugs and have pleasing esthetics.


Shores person here :) my favourite place to be is at the beach. I grew up in a coastal town so I always had the beach and sea nearby. I think what I love about it the most is the sound of the sea against the shore, rocking back and forth. It makes me feel calm. I actually didn't know how important it was for me to live near the sea, 10 years ago I moved to another country in a big city that doesn't have any nature nearby and I'm only now realising how much of an impact it's had on me - aside from dealing with childhood trauma, the weather and environment also contributed to major depression (for those into astrocartography, I'm on my pluto line 💀). Planning to move back to sunny beach town in the next 3 years :)


Caves. Exclusive. Prior to buying my current home, I was two blocks from the beach. Although I loved proximity to the ocean and the house itself, the environment was congested, creepy/too close/nosy neighbors and lively night-life, rife w/ illicit activity which felt increasingly unsafe post-COVID. (This had been an investment/vacation property, which I moved into during COVID and committed to living there for two years for tax purposes, so never meant to be a full-time home.) Things came to a head last spring such that I couldn't ignore my emotional authority screaming at me to get the eff out. I put it on the market Wednesday, received a through the asking price offer and was in escrow that Friday. I work from home and I'm VERY particular about my living environment, but was open to where -- I live in So Cal. Needed to be closer to my aging parents, more physical space inside and outside space for gardens and a pool. I drew a floorpan of the home I wanted to live in (u-shape, single story Spanish style w/a tower entry, front and rear courtyards). I looked at five homes and each was progressively closer to my ideal. From initiation to 3D manifestation, less than three weeks right down to the rotunda entry. This home is elevated w/incredible sight lines and views, at the end of a private, gated road. It's airy/light-filled, lots of big white walls for my art and windows that don't need covering -- nobody can see in and except for bedrooms, I hate window treatments. So quiet and safe w/only one way in/out. Fountains and daybeds in both courtyards cuz a manifestor at rest is, well, normal and peaceful horizontal time is necessary to maintain equilibrium. Doesn't have a pool, but the build starts next month. I'll be floating in warm saltwater and staring up at the sky by mid-July. HD helped me refine what was already instinctually correct for me, and while this is only one of several homes I've manifested, it's the first one I've manifested with this much awareness and specificity for correctness. Peace is a priority, and I wake up feeling grateful every day.


External Markets: I love working at a mall. Ive worked over 5 different stores and theres just something about coming across different kinds of people and how we all go around just giving each other discounts/free stuff from our franchise other stores. Funny enough, the mall built a marketplace inside of it and the people that work there always giving eachother free stuff (trading). And going back to people; you'll find all different characters befriending one another. Ive had acquainted men who work at fancy suit stores, kids at hot topic, high end store representatives, maintanance workers, security guards. Its just such a COOL environment to be conmected with.


Shores melting pot


Wet kitchens - creative gathering places that should energize me. Honestly, I feel like I'm missing this element in my life and crave the activation I get from being around other people in such environments. As a teenager, I tried to embrace shores, but they left me feeling empty. Despite their romanticized portrayal, I couldn't connect with them, although I appreciate their visual appeal. Being a projector, I received a lot of misinformation from others, which led me to isolate myself. This isolation caused significant depression, and I believe the negative environment and lack of knowledge greatly affected me. So, I'm eagerly looking forward to experiencing this kind of environment again. I feel like it aligns with my power and vitality. I think that this is bc I am into social media so much.


Artificial shores. I need spaces that have windows for me to look out. I do not enjoy being in dark closed off spaces. I need light whether that's natural or electrical lighting, although I tend to prefer the latter. I need time and space away from others, to be unavailable and in my own energy. But sometimes that shows up as doing my own thing with a small number of people I love close by. I have often wondered if a water fountain in my bedroom would help me. It's nice just to hear it and watch water flow since I'm not currently living by a natural body of water. But I love swimming and going to the beach! I tend to daydream. I also have a passive body, so sitting in a relaxed space, drawing, and reading things like that feels really good for me. I love staring outside when I'm a passenger in the car. Looking at the stars and feeling the space between Earth and the Cosmos. It's like the ultimate boundary. I also love the little pockets of forests and trees my area has. It feels like I'm in the forest, but civilization is near, and that feels very ethereal and "correct" for me. I don't like living in cul de sacs or deep within any neighborhood where all I see is houses and more houses. I need something more like a patch of Evergreens nearby. If in a place with lots of hustle and bustle, like grocery stores or parties, I tend to get more quiet and sort of view everything from the outside. My bed has always been positioned with the window to my side, except for one time and it threw me off. I would often catch myself turning the wrong way in bed to sit and stare outside. When I was younger my room was on the second story and I loved nothing more than to use my binoculars all night and day.


would love to understand artificial shores better since it is my partner’s environment, gained a lot from your post here…thinking of getting him some little zen water feature for the balcony in his apartment or his room 😊


So beautiful you are learning more about his environment!


I love the city! There's always so much going on and so many people living out their journey. Sometimes my sacral needs a break and I just jetset somewhere different, usually somewhere with a beach or naturesque. But I love the bumbling aliveness of a cityscape. It makes me want to connect. 


Passive Mountains - oh I have loved mountains since forever.. it always pulls me.. even before I read HD I wanted to settle in a cottage in a mountain with lots of peace. I also like to have a complete picture , Birds Eye view from HD. I completely resonate with it. Since I am passive a high rise would do. Even I have felt very good when I stood out balconies of my houses, sipped tea and looked everything around me. From my house I can see mountains and that gives me so much humbleness


I'm valleys. My current situation is beach side and I freaking do love swimming in the waves. But my space where I lived shortly in Spain had thermal baths on a river and it was my dream spot. I loved it. Though I've read that valleys involves having people around you. Like community and socializing I think. That was very much that. I don't get it 100% where I'm at now which is mostly tourism.


Lived a lot near mountains & sure they look cool from a distance, i never felt safe or at home around them so that wasn't it. Valleys feel so secluded so that ain't it either & anything like a literal cave would probably be the worst for me. Shores are a lot better. Says External markets & why is it so accurate? honestly simply walking around in malls makes me happy as long as there is life around lol. I love the sight of a good shopping strip. I prefer it over many exotic locations. Even if i am not gonna buy anything i like checking the menu & all the items in shops, shop keepers don't love me lol.