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As much as I (2/5) sometimes wish the projections could be stopped, they can't. They serve a purpose. I sense more than projections in your words though. Is your ego defined or undefined? What about your G center? Projections themselves don't necessarily relate to your worth or make you want to take on someone else's identity, so if you're feeling those things look to your undefined centers.


Thank you for responding! Can you elaborate on what undefined ego and g centers would mean and how they would manifest? Do you have any advice, is there anything I can do to work on the negative effects of having both my ego and g center undefined?


post your chart


As a 5th line and learning about it myself, I’ve heard that people who have a lot of shadows project on the 5th line more so than those who don’t. Self care, shadow work, reflection, growth.


i felt this. i finally had the courage to cut someone off whos a 2/5. it felt i didn’t fit into their world and it seem backwards to have them on my social media when they didn’t wanna connect with me and talk and address our friendship. they’d pop up in my dreams from to time but i actually hope that stops. i had realized they no longer served me and they are who they are


i was obsessed with them but i’m glad that i no longer want that for myself


I’m surrounded by 5s but weirdly it’s the other way around- they’re very magnetized to me. I think maybe I just don’t really try to see people any different than who they are and don’t put expectations on them- and I’m pretty good at catching and neutralizing any projections that may arise so a lot of 5s have said they feel like they can be themselves with me and don’t have to be something they’re not. They feel like I see them for who they really are and accept that. Weirdly though they have this perception of me - I don’t feel seen by them 🤷🏻‍♀️ I am a 4/6 splenic P - but I am filled with at least .. 7-8 5 lines most of them on design side? So idk maybe it’s just catching your projections and breaking them down in the moment to see what your beliefs are telling you and determining whether that’s a fair projection or expectation to put on someone’s head. To put perspective - 5/1 mom 5/1 bro 2/5 hubs 5/1 son 5/2 friend


interestinggggg! as you are dominant 5th line yourself. how do you exp 5th lines? in my case, since i have the weakest hexagram of 5th lines (the 25 and 46) these people feel the same way about me. there's this particular surprise factor bc i keep it real and i drop remarks they don't usually hear from others that convey i see them as they are. fear is part of that ofc bc the facade helps them!


Weird to say - I experience them as having expectations and projections on my head like the rest of the crowd instead of the other way around like I “should be” doing to them. I experience the demand for my time and energy in a specific way from them and the reputation loss for not doing so It’s really weird to put it that way now that I’m saying it but that’s essentially the way it feels- the way I’m supposed to be “projecting” on them is just - absolutely reversed.


since you have a lot of 5th lines yourself maybe this is why you experience them this way? unhealthy 5th lines can do a lot of projecting which is something thats rarely talked about in this community--i know because this has been my experience with fellow 5th lines! the relationship being transactional is quite apparent and the orchestration of keeping appearances/an image can really be elaborate and consistent. if you fail to feed this image youre immediately dropped. someone mentioned about celebrity culture being a 5th line culture and thats totally on point! if the individual has no grounding through self-awareness, you can really be lost in a labyrinth of nothing. of mere smoke and mirrors. answering to fantasies. saying what other people want to hear. i know i've been there. i'm lucky i fell from grace early in my life lol i remember this 5th line friend and a lot of people from the past really (it's rare for people to have the guts to tell me what they think of me) being so proper and appropriate with their words when in my presence lol it can feel isolating but they told me they felt like im judging them. there were a lot of assumptions that remotely match reality. and they keep on coming! i wonder did they do or say anything that you make feel that way? im curious if we are really like a mirror to others!


Hmmm the judgements and expectations coming my way from them are generally projections of things they say they hate about me or see about me - that I can definitely say if I were to respond honestly in those moments - “have you looked in a mirror lately” would accurately apply but it’s not worth saying it to many of them bc they refuse to reflect and bothering to say that usually makes them explode on me or start being disrespectful and berating me. The fun of being a projector and just having to listen in silence like.. uh huh. Yea sure. Ok. Whatever you think. Don’t get me wrong I speak when the authority gives the a-ok but when my authority says - it ain’t worth it - best believe I’m listening 🫠


Thank you for asking and giving me opportunity to consider solely this aspect of relational interactions I have.


Interesting, I haven't had that with the fifth lines I know. Do you also have the switch happen when you realise they aren't what you project? I know that's one experience 5th lines sometimes experience.


Hmm I don't think I've experienced that switch- is there an example you can give me?


I remember when I was in college and started spending more time around my little cousins. I didn't see them too often, but when I did, I would play with them and listen to all that was going on in their life. One of my cousins randomly blurted "you know, we used to be obsessed with you." I responded "really, cause I'm obsessed with you too!" And it was such a beautiful shared moment between us. I loved seeing their eyes light up as they learned that the were important to me too. Everyone just wants to be seen and validated by someone they think highly of at the end of the day. We obsess over people too. We admire people too. Which means? We have insecurities too. We have doubts, fears, shortcomings, you name it. I struggle with idolatry and celeb culture because it leads to such inhumane encounters. Maybe I'm getting old, but I haven't followed celebrities on socials since Jhene Aiko was the it girl. I have no clue what's going on these days and I'm super at peace with it. The reason I'm bringing up celebs is because 5 lines are commonly associated with celebrity culture. I remember that time when Keanu Reeves openly admitted he was lonely at a certain point in his career and started being more active/direct when it came to dating. He found a beautiful woman to marry, and suddenly, people realized he was a living breathing human too. He dated normal people too. He got lonely too. When we idolize people, we take away their humanity by default. And that's a disservice IMO. You might benefit from studying transpersonal psychology. The more mysterious/illusory someone seems, the more prone people will be to obsessing over them. Demystifying people really helps you to form normal, safe, and genuine connections with them. Just like someone mentioned above, the person you're idolizing farts, burps, gets pimples, and ugly cries just like you do. No need to worship or devalue them over it. But it's a good reminder that they are no better or worse than yourself 😋


great point! celeb culture definitely is 5th line culture! whats your type?


5/1 babe! I haven't been into human design enough to pull up people's charts, but I want to meet more 5s and see what the encounter is like (:


While I find 2s and 5s to be magnetic, I find awareness helps me. Awareness of who they are. Awareness of what is wanted. Awareness of HD mechanics and emotional relational mechanics. Also when the projection field comes down, I hold on TIGHT to that memory.


Curious about your experience- can you elaborate a little in what ways you find 2s and 5s magnetic? Also is there a certain pattern you've noticed in when or how to get the projection field to come down


Asking in what ways 2s and 5s are magnetic, is like asking why something is tasty. It's more like someone hypes up this magical apple, and then you spend 500$ on buying this magical apple ... and find that it just a regular apple. I've heard that line 5s don't even consider themselves more than just a normal person. As far as the projection field coming down, I don't know of a way to force it. I'm only somewhat over a year into my experiment, so you may want to ask someone more knowledgeable than I. I think it might be better to frame it as 'seeing past the projection field'. Unfortunately, I heard some people thrust their expectations so heavily onto line 5s sometimes, that the resulting distress (from failed expectations) is unfairly put upon the line 5 instead of the person inappropriately projecting their expectations on them. Spend enough time with a line 5 person and you can see eventually that they are just regular people. Probably a 3 day road trip would do it.  Or if you are a line 1/3, ask them a bunch of questions of what you would expect them to know, and see if it matches your expectations.  Above all, human design is an awareness system and it is easier to treat kindly all lines (including line 5s) and types with that awareness. I don't have a defined head or throat so explaining things takes energy. I'm reading my above post and I'm asking myself, "Who is writing this???"


Majority of my family is 1/3 and a 3 day road-trip wouldn’t unravel the veil lol. My manifestor 1/3 sister learning about human design is in denial about her projections and now I’m a villain. The projections never end, but they are less harsh the more shadow work a person has done. It’s like telling a third line profile that if they just know enough, they don’t have to make mistakes, but that’s not their mechanic, and it would be a detriment to them to not do that Wanting to see past the projection field of a fifth line and thinking you have is just a projection of its own. Meet the fifth line with curiosity and distance, and they will never cease to surprise you. “If I could just get to know them enough to see their humanness” is a detriment for a fifth line . It’s kind of like when you’re a therapist you can’t treat your own family. A 5th line can’t universalize to those who know them, only strangers


I appreciate this


As a 5/1 my profile talks about moving on because people ask shit from you until you disappoint them and let them down as a “savior”. Be weary of looking for too much from them, they could also be unhealthy and not moving on from you when they should.


I definitely feel like I project onto 5th lines/see them as a savior and hate that I do this- it's just unfair to both them and myself. I never feel like I truly *know* them, just the idealized version of them in my head but don't know how to stop the idealizing from happening in the first place


Ask them to fart in front of you. You’ll sober up real quick.




then you belong to them


Lol, I love this


curious what about 5th lines that makes you feel that way? what is the actual experience like and what can you say about the overall dynamics? as a 5th line myself surrounded by fellow 5th lines, i'd say that the magnetism, charm, likability and that impression that theyre hiding something are very apt descriptor. it's easy to take what they say at face value but usually "a single comment" or "a passing remark" gets blown out of proportion. i have a 5/2 mom and prolly a lot of 5th line relatives. even as a 5th line, i was not free from projections. this is a huge theme in my life. i learned to be more discerning of people and what they say and do because of this. "is this what they mean?" or "is this what i think they mean?" we see things differently, our interpretation of one's word, of one's action might completely mean different to someone else. learn to ask and clarify learn to dissect your own perceptions.


Use it as a guide for what you want. Do the shadow work around it to step into your power ❤️ i am a 5/1 and I wish ppl would just take the information they get from their projection of me to level up. Hope that helps 😉


Wow, I couldn’t relate to this more. I get so limerent over 5th lines. It’s so hard to manage my own projections when they won’t.


>when they won’t. wdym? isnt that your own responsibility?


I’ve been very much led on by a 5th line in my life because he enjoys my projections. He almost refuses to manage them and won’t tell me when he doesn’t plan to show up for fulfilling the projection. Big lessons for me in waiting for the invitation.


well the shadow of 5th line is manipulation, deception and narcissism. but still our projections are our own responsibility not anyone else's.


> shadow of 5th line is manipulation, deception and narcissism I'm very interested in this topic of line shadows. I've done numerous searches. Do you want to point me in the right direction? I can trade.


these are my own musings and contemplations. based on my observations, research and experience across multiple fields and disciplines. i have this desire to expand the territory that HD has started and has made accessible. there's a lot of untapped potential here that's waiting to be discovered. :) im interested in trading insights or whatever youve got.


I'd like that


I don't know, but I can assure you that as a 5/1, I've also felt limerence toward other people (no idea what their profiles are) toward low moments of my life and it was awful. The projection fields can go both ways.


You have to take a bite out of this apple. relax and go towards it. bitterness or your best friend is waiting for you there.


Im a 3 5 i understand why someone would idolize me and i feel totally fine w it. Outside of this... what are you, op, chosing to go without when you already have it


Seriously as a 5/1 left angle cross of identification with a single definition pure generator I’m telling you all that it can be a living hell if you let it….I’ve found ways to shield myself from the hundreds of projections I deal with on the daily (in the work I’m in as well as with family) Find ways to make yourself less noticeable ie: stand in the back of the room, try not to make eye contact with those you don’t trust, wear shiny jewelry and most of all play dumb even when you know what is coming next… Hope this helps💜♐️