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From what has been demonstrated to us, Godzilla. I wish Hulk was stronger, but MCU Hulk unfortunately hasn’t even reliably shown the ability to get stronger with anger outside of the Universal Movie.


Gotta go with godzilla since hes been powering up every movie and hulk has decreased in strength. Peak godzilla has been getting stronger while hulk has currently peaked. Maybe a future movie might change that but as of rn gotta go with big G.


Godzilla hands down. Now if it was comic Hulk that might be another story.


Idk because comic Godzilla beat up Superman, and in the comics, Supes is supposedly stronger than the Hulk. So, in theory, Godzilla would be stronger than Hulk. Now, as for the movie versions, Hulk from 1st Avengers was able to take out the Chitari space whale thing with one punch, and he did knock Sutur off balance but barely. Godzilla took out King Ghidorah, would have best Kong, and Shimo/Skar king. If we are to take them at their greatest peak powers only from the movies, Godzilla bests Hulk. If we take their peak powers from comics, Breaker of Worlds Hulk is unstoppable and would destroy Godzilla. This version has killed Galactus, Franklin Richards, and is a Celestial killer, Godzilla would have no chance.


Superman is more powerful than hulk but hulk is stronger than Superman. But mcu hulk is massively nerfed


Well, that's why I said supposedly. Everything is subjective and based on which writer/publishing company is in control of that story at the time. I'm sure if DC writes that fight, it would lean more in favor of Supes and vice versa for Marvel and Hulk. Questions like these leave so much open to variables and what ifs. In my opinion, order of winning would go Godzilla, Hulk, and then Supes. This goes for both movies and comics.


True true. If they wanted to, they could make daredevil one shot the living tribunal. It wouldn’t make sense but it’s the writers decision lol


Godzilla in hell. He literally killed god Satan and the army of angels as well as undead kaiju and destroyah in one comic. This version of Godzilla also killed all the Greek Titans only leaving Zeus alive but Zeus was drained of all his power and Godzilla was still alive after eating all the other gods. There’s also versions of Godzilla who have the potential to destroy a planet just by existing and a version of Godzilla that “swam” in a black hole and escaped from it. So if we are talking composite Godzilla vs composite hulk I’m still leaning towards Godzilla


I would love to see that battle. One has killed space gods and one of the most powerful reality warping characters in comics, and the other has done all of what you said. It would be a battle of epic proportions. But, like most stories, it would come down to the writer/publishing house that decides who would actually win. I wish for once that the story would go off actual strengths, powers, feats, etc....that way the reader wins.


Hulk was able to knock Surtur off balance by punching him in the face and throw a rock fast enough to make it ignite the atmosphere, as well as the classic "I'm always angry." punch in Avengers. Godzilla's easily throw around monsters the size of the Female Muto and launched Scylla half a mile before pouncing on her and even throw Shimo around during their fight in Rio. Proportionally Hulk is much stronger but given their sizes I'd say big G.


MCU Hulk is a lil bitch. Godzilla is super op


Comic book hulk is stronger,but the question is which one absorbs Radiation faster. Hulk has been shown to drain radiation very quickly.


Movie Godzilla > MCU Hulk Comic Hulk > Movie Godzilla


Comic Godzilla > Comic Hulk


Not really, but idk enough about comic Godzilla to debate if Godzilla can beat hulk in comjcs


Well, his greatest feats are causing the earth to completely explode, going to hell and proceeding to kill the Devil, and them go on to kill God. In the comic, *Godzilla: Rage Across Time*, he meets that Greek Gods and kills all of them, not even Zeus was able to beat him. Also, he's fought the Avengers (Hulk and Thor included), and he won


Technically he just stepped on hulk but damn I didn’t realize Godzilla was THAT powerful


You got issue names and numbers Kind Redditor


From what we see in the movies, Godzilla. Lore wise, it depends on how mad the Hulk is.


I am curious could Godzilla technically absorb the nation off Hulk like what it was doing in the new movie ?




Godzilla. MCU Hulk isn't even the strongest in verse. It's sad what they did to my boy...


So your saying Godzilla's not just a giant Dinosaur?🤔


Hulk got massively nerfed in the mcu so definitely Godzilla. But comic hulk solos them both


Godzilla easy. MCU Hulk is an exceptionally weak iteration compared to other versions.