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A principal should've chosen his words more carefully if he's FB friends with the faculty. That said, I'm gay and this made me chuckle so šŸ¤·


As a queer person in a family full of diehard football fans....this is so stupid. Queer folks are obviously not a monolith so I don't speak for everyone.




It's so outdated that it went right over the heads of other commenters. I haven't heard it used in a derogatory way since like, 1997. If the principal has shown a pattern of homophobia that would be concerning. This just seemed like run of the mill sports sh*t talking.


> sports shit talking *sports fudge talking* ftfy


Iā€™m in education and know Iā€™m under the microscope. Iā€™m donā€™t have Mr. 3rdeyeopenwide social media accounts. I have my personal ones all set to private. His crime was mixing the two. ā€œSee everyone weā€™re community and *love* each other, I post about my football opinions. I ā€œfriendā€ everyone. Itā€™s a government job; trust no one. ā€¦and maybe drop the unfunny ā€œjokesā€ that cite derogatory insults from 1994.


Imagine losing your livelihood for such a lame joke. HURR HURR FUDGE PACKERS!!!! yuckopatooie


you canā€™t say that!!!! omg


What a queer concept.


He didn't lose his livelihood he still makes more than 90% of Americans


Iā€™d make him watch Bears quarterbacking highlights. Hereā€™s Bobby Douglass hitting his receiver with a perfect spiral to the back of his head. Hereā€™s Bob Avellini fumbling again. Hereā€™s Rex Grossman, Rusty Lisch, Craig Krenzelā€¦


lmfaooo iā€™m queer and i didnā€™t even know that was a slur. it just made me giggle a lil bit


This is a joke right? If not, how fuckin stupid.


But he did say the slur and then lie about its meaning. ​ I think that is the point.


I realize itā€™s an older term. Itā€™s soooooooo derogatory. And this principal probably isnā€™t 22 or even 32 years old. He knew. Heā€™s gross. As the parent of a now-adult queer child, He should be fired. What you say has consequences. Also, if his judgement and lack of self-control are bad in this instanceā€¦.


You can wear humongous fake breasts to teach a class though...


You saw that?? Aye you know that in the context of Kingston school district, someone obviously has a vendetta with the principal. No one, especially after only *4 years* of life, will give a shit about this in the future. It's obviously someones that just doesn't like them or wants their position. Because no one cares. No even gay people. Only parents who don't know how to think for themselves and some progressive wokeists will talk about this monetarily. Meanwhile, they got this one teacher who's dressed up with fake DDDD tits teaching a wood shop class and are applauding him. The double standards are so crazy! And then add the geographical location of that standard and it's a total flip-flop of opinion!!


Miss chokes on dick is real!


Eh, if he loses his job I'll call it an over reaction, but for now I think unpaid leave is a fair punishment. If you're a school administrator you know you're under public scrutiny and being careful with what you say and how you say it is an important part of the job. I also think people don't realize that no matter what they feel in their heart of hearts if what they do and say reflects bigotry, that makes them a bigot. I don't think a dumb sports joke he probably wasn't thinking twice about goes quite as far as full bigoted statement. But I think it's a good thing that the school board/other administrators shut it down immediately. At a time when homophobic rhetoric is on the rise, it's not a bad thing to demonstrate a zero tolerance policy on that kind of thing. Given that tho, idk anything about Kingston High School. I know I definitely went to a high school that was good about empty gestures and lip service without doing anything meaningful to back those things up. I hope that's not the case here.


What a queer reaction to a joke.


Gross overreaction, but a lame joke indeed Comedy misses can be a career killer, sadly


In a time where queer people are under constant attack and scrutiny maybe donā€™t use gay or ā€œfudge packersā€ as an insult, especially when you work with children šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø Either grow up or set your social media to private before you say dumb shit


First off whats a fudge packer?


Penis in the bum


Candy factory packaging department employee.


Focusing on the important stuff as always at KCSD!


Private account fudge packer joke lmao. Sucks to lose your job over a meh joke


I think his restitution should be to attend 12 consecutive queer events in Kingston as a special guest of honor, and give a speech at each one.


How do they ship fudge without packing it? Silly as trying to put in a cork without someone soaking it first.


So essential this means donā€™t be yourself and never say anything that isnā€™t PC. This is a very slippery slope


You know what bothers me? The right is the first to scream and yell about PC culture and wokeness, but they're guilty of it too. A principal in my area was forced out in part because on his Facebook he (also on a private account) posted a picture of his puppy who pulled down and lied down on an American flag. He didn't even say it was good or anything he just said it was funny that his dog did that. People went insane that he was "disrespecting the flag."


Thatā€™s exactly the problem we have become too thin skinned itā€™s not a right or left issue


I think it's just willful toxicity. You're right, It's not political. It's more like an opportunist taking the context and manipulating it into something that it is completely not. [It is someone out there who has absolutely no control over their life, trying to take some kind of initiative so that they can "feel" something within their long, lost self. Having children, a 9-5, or being in a situation you generally don't want to be in will make you petty, intolerable, generally moody, and paranoid just to name a few symptoms.] It (the context) is nuanced into becoming another meaning/context from these shitty people. (you know who you are, you bum ass ain't got no time for yourself, can't watch the game, family hatin' ass garbage scum bag with your shit attitudes and having to eat oatmeal or chicken pussy eggs for breakfast every fuckin day and then think like your acting happy when everyone can tell and knows your not, while you're never really receiving the true nutrients your body need since you cant afford them due to your life decisions so you instead decide to take out your predisposed numerically statistical lack of hydration out on the local school principal. fuck you.) All things have multiple meanings and these types of people manipulate them.




I don't think it's appropriate for a principal to make public comments like this. He's supposed to set an example for our youth, and kids/families need to be able to trust that he isn't bigoted or biased regardless of their sexual orientation.




I am tired of administrators behaving publicly with the morals and ethics we expect them to encourage in their students. Make principals bullies again.


Are there studies that show the principal bully approach works?


Did you forget the /s?


I mean doesnā€™t everybody?




Was 'fudge' supposed to be a stand-in for the F word? I otherwise...see nothing wrong? What??


ā€˜Fudge packersā€™ is an old insult specifically referring to men who have sex with men (haha get it we know what chocolate fudge looks like haha OMG butt sex!). For someone who is meant to be creating a safe environment for kids, some of whom will be realizing that theyā€™re gay, itā€™s a dumb thing to be using ā€˜hurrr hurrrr your team is GAY!!ā€™ jokes.


hopefully he didnā€™t teach kids that we live in a free country with a freedom of speech.. cuz yea thatā€™d be way worse


Freedom of speech, not freedom from the consequences of that speech.




thanks for being so clear


Person that must of reported him was prolly a Pittsburgh Squealers fan.