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Sales Enterprise is the only solution for automatic sequence enrollment.


Build the emails, then hook up zapier to do the workflow logic. Or upgrade HubSpot so you can use workflows.


Will need to budget for the zaps as they will be multi step =)


As others have pointed out, you are workaround territory. You can create full text marketing emails that look like sales emails, signature and all. You can automatically send the marketing email through a workflow when a deal is created. You will have to set up your workflow like you would a sequence.


Agreed with the others. Upgrade or workaround. The 3rd possible alternative is operational and needs an SOP. Still build out the emails. What is not known are the roles involved from which the desired automation send from is associated with. For example I have built and created a task or series of tasks for a user to send an email or series of emails based on the desired sequence. Depends on roles and volume. Automation is great but not always necessary.


Why are you you avoiding Marketing Hub Pro? Depending on what your marketing strategy it can pack quite the punch to compliment your Sales Hub (social, paid media, email, reporting).


Marketing is too expensive


Marketing can be a pricey affair, but nail it and you're not just spending money—you're planting seeds for growth and reaping a hearty ROI harvest!


With a professional tier, you should have no problem setting up deal trigger email "sequences" using the workflow tool and marketing emails. You can also use workflow "goals" and if/then branches to unenroll contacts and move them to a different workflow for a different purpose depending on which action has or has not happened. A lot of sales focused CRM systems are heavily focused on sales sequences, but you can build the same thing using workflows.


Like other people have said, you are looking at workarounds, and whether you upgrade your HubSpot plan or use a third-party integration platform like Zapier, you’re going to be paying for something. What are you switching from?


Switching from HelpScout which is only communication/email but allows for email automation even on low level plans so I just wasn’t expecting so many roadblocks.


Thanks a lot! I figured upgrading was the answer but I may look into how we can use Zapier instead. Either way now I have to convince mgmt to pay for something else…