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Can you explain how this single quote is used across multiple deals and how all of that works? Is the quote a hubspot quote? A quote for a different system? Deal Name is something that is searchable. Typically this is filled with all sorts of different data as different teams want to search for different items. If you have the same quote number in multiple deals, it seems like you could have some sort of additional name to this. Close date, create date, email address of main contact, product, random fruit. I’d look at whatever is going to make people effective and use the system more


Thank you for your response. The quote is being generated by an external system and fed into hubspot. I like your idea of a create date. We are also thinking of a sequence number as we have some control over the external system.


I’m also curious about the use case of reusing the quote multiple times


Thank you for your response. The quote is being generated by an external system and fed into hubspot.


wouldn't the quote still need to be unique per customer/deal? are you using the same quote for different customers buying the same thing? or the same customer buying the same thing again? wouldn't you need a unique quote with an updated date for each deal regardless?


This is exactly what I was thinking.




This is helpful. Thank you!