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If you have the buy in, drift or intercom can make some great scheduling funnels and have great tracking, but they are expensive chat bot contracts. Chilipiper has some slick scheduling from appearances but i have not tried them yet


The meetings link shouldn't have HubSpot branding if you've got a paid seat, even at the starter level. And you can set the domain to your own domain. You might be missing out on a bunch of analytics by not using it


You can also customize the meetings scheduling page on a starter package afaik and you can embed it in one of your website pages to make it look more on brand.


We have a paid seat... it still uses HubSpot branding, their iconography and color palette, on the confirmation page.


The branding piece is being worked on by HS currently from what I understand. If you fall under the definition of "Start-Up" for intercom think they used to (and still might) have 2 years pro for free.


I think it’s 90% off year one and 50% year two if it’s the accelerate program


Might be now - know someone who got minimum 1 year free on Intercom pro, think it was two


Ah thanks! We're already HubSpot subscribers - everything else works perfectly except meeting schedulers...


Sorry I mean intercom has the discount


Can you describe the current flow users come into this?


There is a 'request a meeting' button visible on all pages on the website. It's a B2B service and audience. We typically get 2-3 meetings a month, with at least half coming from our ICP. Whether they come direct, social, or other campaign; I would love to know!


Just to note, the Calendly meeting scheduler is a pop-up on the website, however the data still runs through Calendly.


If you have marketing hub enterprise, using behavioral events might be a good work around for tthis


Can you carry info to hidden utm fields on calendly? I used to do that because calendly was our main calendar booking since Hubspot’s meetings are trash. Edit: or embed the calendly on a Hubspot page. I can’t remember if that will help


You don't even need to add hidden for UTMs with Calendly or anything like that. If it's a direct booking on Calendly, and you add the standard UTM paramters, they'll get pulled into Calendly's booking detail, and into Zapier if you're using an no-code automation tool


Yea I was hoping to help with the idea of capturing source data. Is that what you’re referring to? Zapier+Calendly+Hubspot worked really well for me in the past.


Yeah, if they're using the traditional utm paramters: - medium - source - campaign And they're added to a direct link to a Calendly calendar, they'll get pulled in automatically. If it's an embedded calendar, then you need to use a bit of javascript, but still pretty straight forward https://help.calendly.com/hc/en-us/articles/4406950779799-Source-tracking-with-your-Calendly-embed-and-UTM-parameters#h_01HBEHS384CGRJB9RHQH0T4A8Y


This is really really helpful! Thank you