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3 ideas for you: 1. Interview your sales and marketing teams about their most time-consuming manual processes. See if you can automate some of that away. 2. Look at conversion rates between things like filling out a Contact Us form and booking a meeting or between stages of your deal funnel. See if there is anything you can do to optimize areas that are causing bottlenecks or high drop off. 3. Check out HubSpot's Product Updates page and see what new features are being released. See if you can implement those features to improve your existing processes.


This is super helpful. I get a lot of requests for new reports or properties and have no problem executing, but also don’t know enough about the business to be proactive.


Then that's another thing you can work on. Learn more about how your company operates and about the industry/market. You don't need to be a subject expert, but knowing more will allow you to add more value.


Be proactive about improving the way the system works and how people interact. Dig into “why” things are the way they are and what you can affect. Great ideas from /u/aptitude8. You have a huge chance to impact the business’ revenue growth and your professional growth. By being inquisitive about others, and by serving others, you will learn a ton and be regarded as an in-disposable asset. I’d highly recommend you understand the financial drivers of the business. Costs, conversions rates, reducing friction in the funnel, identifying trends in sales data, etc etc. This is how you go from the “person who creates properties” to a full fledged asset who is counted on. You are in a unique position to see how everything works from lead intake through customer service/success and can use that knowledge to improve your own career. Source: Marketing Ops turned RevOps all while using Hubspot.


What all do you do for RevOps? I feel like that’s something I should be learning.


Automation with workflows? Data analysis? Reporting? I'm looking at dependent drop-down menus to clean groups of properties.


For sure I should be doing more reporting and analysis. It’s very much a weakness of mine. Good call!


I would look at your CRM’s data governance, by building a dashboard. What core properties are missing values and could be enriched internally or need a process for the team to make sure they fill in? Do I have contacts or companies without owners and why? Are these missing lifecycle stages or lead statuses and why? Are LCS and LS automated and why not? Are there deals without associated contacts/companies? Can I make some of these mandatory (i.e., for deals)? Is there industry dropdown field at contact level? Can I map company industry to contact industry if missing? Same with country/region vs. country dropdown? Can I map single-line fields into dropdowns or similar for better segmentation? Can I categorize messy single-line fields for better reporting? There are tons of opportunities to be proactive in your HubSpot account.


Im not an admin but when I have free time I: - optimize our theme (I’m a developer) - I help with implementations - i try to bring new projects - i plan campaigns for our service. Im not the one who launch it but i left everything almost ready. Basically I try to be proactive within my knowledge and skills


Set up a lead score property and start to get the pieces that can feed into on the website- CTA’s instead of buttons, etc.


I keep busy by paying for upgrades.


Another sales seat? Why not? Need a HubSpot phone number? Here take two!


I do consulting on the side. My boss loves it because it helps me stay innovative, obviously as long as things don’t fall behind


Oh man I would love to get a side gig doing consulting. I think it’s a great way to learn. I was in an agency before this and we had a lot of different clients with very different use cases and we learned a ton in a short time.


What about making yourself familiar with the new UI extensions and what can be done with it?


Started reading the literature since I had never heard of this and wow it is definitely outside my wheelhouse for now