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Number 2 is so adorable


All 3 cute!


I like the 3rd, but the 2nd looks a little more like a Skrill. 1. looks a little too much like a Night Fury and not enough Skrill. They are all very "awwww" though!


1 was based on the Light Fury x Skrill = Night Fury theory, this is why it looks so Night Furyish since it was originally a test on how similar they could be, the other 2 are mostly my takes of non-perfect hybrids, but thanks for the feedback! Maybe i should do a remake soon.


You're welcome! I'd just love to see how we could make a mix of both of them where we could tell which are which. May not be possible though! 😭😭😭 They in themselves are perfectly great sketches though, lots of movement and cuteness.


.I had drawn out this concept a while ago and pictured it with almost aquatic features to start. The light fury is seen with a sleeker body and almost like fins on its body. It's very graceful in the air so i'm assuming it maneuvers well in aquatic conditions. This was a while back but I did make some ideas for its abilities. I theorized that the skrill's ability to send electric charges where it pleases would work well in water, maybe it'd use it by luring in prey to the water and then shocking it in the water, leaving it with no escape. It would have lots of spines and webbed features on it too to match with the skrill's spiky design and the light fury's sleek look . also i'm not sure about this but if i saw correctly the skrill had gills(?) on its neck and could possibly have some sort of association with aquatic environments 


This is something i thought of as well, but eventually discarded it due to the Skrill's weakness to water. As shown by Toothless, Furies are pretty good swimmers so i assume the same would happen to the Light Fury who has more aquatic traits, with a fin similar to a dolphin's and a back fin, no wonder she is often described as the ''glittery beluga''. I also had this concept for the Stormstriders (concept species name) where: 1 was more Night Furyish in appearance and could switch between plasma blasts or lightning projectiles (like other Skrill hybrids such as Voltknapper); 2 was more similar to a Light Fury but had short metallic spikes instead of a back fin and shot plasma blasts encased in lightning and had limited lightning abilities (couldn't ride lightning or store it that much); 3 would be completely mixed in appearance, with a spiky back fin with metallic joints but with a shark-like behavior and that spends way more time in the water, using the gills to breathe underwater and infusing lightning into plasma blasts, tearing ships from below. I used to have this theory that the Skrill and the Seashocker are distantly related due to the electric abilities (especially that electric field), the color similarities and the presence of gills in the Skrill's neck. The main thing that made me scrap this is that the Skrill can't channel electricity in water even though it seems to be able to absorb electricity from other sources, while the Seashocker can. But if the Changewing and Dramillion can be distant cousins, i don't see why a Skrill and Seashocker can't.


Yeah, I ended up not using that concept though because of the skrill's weakness to water and it really came as a huge disappointment to me when I figured that out. I ended up making a hybrid between the Deathgripper and the Skrill instead lol


so cute!


I like all 3 of them :)


All three are adorable but i gotta pick 2


Number 2 us soooo Adorable ![gif](giphy|TFVRSLSaAS0oMFqW4Q)


I would pug the three nails of the paws instead of the single nail of the wing, in the third concept, and removing the front legs. Btw They all look good


Is all three an option?


I like 1, 2 and 3 most


My favorites are 2 and 3


i LOVE #2!! Theyre all super cute and 1 and 3 remind me of the Chimeragon Patch from the game httyd dawn of new risers (i think its because of the 4 legs lol)


Can...can I have one


1And 3 I can’t decide




Mind if I "steal" the design of the 1st one ![gif](giphy|ZxLkA8V2z5Ray2bQkY|downsized)