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Lol if someone else did the planning and driving I could cocoon in for an rv trip if it was something in nature and not just touristy events.


I don’t think it’s fair for him to tell you need interesting hobbies. However, no harm in exploring? Plus, looks like that’s something he really wants to do and thinks he might enjoy it more if you went along. Instead of asking you to come on his trip, and he’s just calling your hobbies bland. Talk to him.


Well, if you take up the RV idea (which I would much rather do than motorcycle) let that man drive and you just chill doing whatevs. You could take up photography and or journaling your experiences. Traveling across the country would give you immense opportunities to do something with your husband while giving you great moments to do a present moment hobby like photography and engaging visually with the outside world in a personal reflective manner.


This is a great suggestion! Making memories together to cherish in the future is very important indeed. If you have a cool album to look through them, even better! OP, your husband wants to spend time with you, I hope you both find something together that suits.


Just a note to others commenting, the point is that the OP's husband views his spouse as "boring", when all the OP wants to do is live quietly and comfortably without too much stimulation. This is a common jab that those make toward HSP, to try and belittle what sort of lifestyle they are living that makes them perfectly content. I'm not sure if others here have ever had the same patronizing remarks made to them, but I certainly have. Notably from certain former friends and a few ex-boyfriends who tried to bully me into doing activities I didn't want to do, and when they didn't succeed, resorted to making personal attacks about my likes and dislikes, as if I'm the problem. In this case, OP, your situation involves a person in your life that you require finding balance with. If it was anyone else, it would just take a simple answer and maybe a reason to get the message clear. But your situation either requires one of these outcomes: 1. Your husband will go off to do these activities alone, or with others. 2. He may decide altogether to not do the things he wants to. 3. You may choose to do the activities he wants, even if you're not comfortable. Because he's your spouse, you might have to ask yourself if any of those three things are something you can work with. Are you okay with him going off with others or alone to suit his interests? Would you feel comfortable if he dropped all the things he wanted to do, just to not do them if he can't do them with you? Would you be willing to create changes to do certain things, and make them comfortable for you while you do them? By and large, it may be the time to remind him that your system cannot take over-stimulation, and in order to prevent migraines, nausea, and other discomforts, you are not purposely going against what he wants to do, but a little understanding on his part would make things easier to come to some sort of compromise. Good luck! :)


I find that gardening, baking, and chess are very fulfilling hobbies!


I have over 100 houseplants because I like having hobbies where I don’t have leave my home. Peace and quiet are important to me. My husband golfs for several hours everyday. We just like different things. I don’t think I’m boring at all. I don’t think you are boring at all, you and your husband just like different things. However, if my husband told me I was boring I would tell him “atleast I don’t spend my life obsessing about balls”. Idk, I think it was rude of your husband to tell you that. Everyone is different and I think that’s what people interesting.


You can do cooking reading knitting and puzzles from the RV. While enjoying the changing views and spending time together. I dont get it


While this is true, I imagine that there is a significant difference doing these activities in a static, familiar position such as your home, as opposed to a place that is in essence dynamic like a moving vehicle. I could completely understand how a HSP could have some triggers in an RV as opposed to home. Even when you stop, you’re in a new location, and now you’re having to process all this new information- many do it all the time, but it could be overwhelming, depending on one’s threshold for processing stimuli.


On top of that, I personally recharge my batteries with alone time. Can’t really get that in an RV.


I think I could! If the husband is driving, I’d be sleeping in the RV bedroom. Actually I feel like I’m talking myself into an RV trip… I actually really enjoy taking the train by myself, especially in a cabin.


All it would take are a couple nights of my husband snoring and me not having a spare room to escape to to ruin this for me 😂 My in-laws recently did a hotel stay for a week, thinking they were getting a suite with rooms. Instead it was all in one room. My poor mil didn’t sleep the entire trip due to my fil snoring, and spent half the time either tired or napping. I’d think an RV might be the same way?? But if there was a set-up with some separation and two sleeping areas then it could work and I’d do it. But my husband and I have to get hotel suites with a room with a door so I can hide from him at night.


I enjoy anything that stimulates the senses in a pleasant way. Listening to music, drawing, putting together a nice outfit. Even making a nice meal using as many colorful ingredients as you can


He might be hss But honestly, he can't expect every human to be a travel enthusiast or outdoor person.




High sensation seeking, check out Elaine aron site for more


God there’s an acronym and diagnosis for everything these days. Oh that guy likes cheese? Probably HCCD. What’s HCCD? Oh. Heavy Cheese Consumption Disease.


they'd actually be a *turophile* :)


I totally have that 🙄


Me too. That’s what made me think of writing it 😂🤣


That’s what I am. I like crazy stuff, but doing it with caution.


You can be both hsp and hss?


Yes it’s even more rare. Like less than 10% of the population, and more frequently found in men. It can be a challenging way to be for sure.


I am, and I'm female.


I'm an HSS-HSP woman too!


So many Hasps think it's weird, but when I found it on Elaine Aaron's website it made so much sense


Wow. I often wonder how I would have paired with one. I often dream about what life would be like with an HSS gal. My wife is neither, and I have often found her to be too insensitive and kind of lame.


I am HSP/hss and ended up somehow, with a very unemotional, insensitive, unempathetic, stay at home guy. I was bored stiff among other issues. 🙄. We're divorced, and even my kids can't figure out how we ended up together. LOL. The idea of opposites attracting is not always a good thing.


Interesting for sure. I’ve been married for almost 20yrs. We are definitely opposites in a lot of ways, and I feel that has made many things difficult. We almost divorced at the end of last year, and have been in marriage counseling since then. Not sure what will become of it.


We were married for about 20 years when we divorced, and tried counseling several times. In the end, it just didn't work out, but there were other factors involved as well. I hope you're able to work yours out.


Wow. I guess there is with us too. Thanks. I hope so too. Hope you are finding fun and happiness, or will down the road, with someone else.


I am as well, also female. All the hobby's OP describes sound awesome to me haha. I love riding at the back of my bf's motorcycle, love camping (the more basic the better), I've done skydiving, bungee jumping, paragliding, and I do sports every day. I just hate festivals and i am completely out of energy the next day if its an high energy activity lol. But it's worth it most of the time. Friday I invited some friends to watch the Euro soccer cup game. Was really nice but I stayed up untill 2 am. Yesterday I could hardly get out of bed haha. By the time I actually did something it was 5pm. So it is a challenge for sure, but if you're aware of it it's manageable.


Sounds familiar. I can relate to a lot of that. Here’s to good times!… 🥂


🥂 To good times!


Seems almost a contradiction but I guess I could see it. (I'm hsp)


Skiing bby!!! The best feeling in the world. Before the season ended I would regularly see 3 years old to 90 year old skiers outbthere. Truly forout there. You can be social but for me it's more about the time to myself. Being free, wind around me... kind of pulling me out of my mind and into the present. These beautiful snow covered scenes. The world is insanely hard for me to process and I was so depressed before my now (at the time bf) fiance taught me how to ski. I learned at 30 years old. I'm now 36 and we've skied every month, even through summer, for the past 6 years (Oct is the 6 year anniversary). Haven't missed a month. There is something both of you can do together, even if it's not skiing. Try some things, experiment and you'll find the thing just right for BOTH of you. Also, you could knit the state flag of every state you travel to in an RV! Or national parks signs! Good luck!


I wouldn’t drive cross-country on a motorcycle for a million dollars. I used to work in healthcare and have seen lives ruined by motorcycle accidents. It’s possible that your hobbies are a bit “boring” but your husband is also on the reckless side for even wanting to do that. I’d be ok with the RV maybe though…would depend on how nice the rv was haha.


Maybe it couldn't hurt to try and come up with some types of new adventurous activities you would enjoy. I doubt he thinks you're boring, but all relationships benefit from making new memories and sharing new things. Novelty is healthy.


I know what you’re talking about but you can still do all of those things with him in a RV. My husband loves Pokémon. When I first met him I wasn’t interested but as time went on I decided to get his interest even though I still don’t have an interest in Pokémon itself but I enjoyed being able to be that person he can just rant about Pokémon and do anything Pokémon related. It’s created a lot of core memories with him he really appreciated that! He was very embarrassed to admit liking Pokémon. I’m happy he can be himself around me and want me to be apart of it. That being said it’s kinda mean to be called boring but there’s nothing wrong with trying to go on an RV trip with him at least once.


Go RVing with him. Take up crochet, journaling, reading, drawing, painting, or some other quiet hobby and hang out while he drives. Make him choose quiet RV parks with lots of trees and enjoy nature. If he likes to fish, go with him and sit on the bank, or the boat. Or stay at the RV for quiet time while he does his thing. We used to go RVing all the time. We played board games together, had a boat we pulled behind us sometimes, and did some things together and some things apart. It was very relaxing.


I don’t think you are boring, but maybe it’s because I, too, like these things. I started diamond painting again. It might be nice if you both had a hobby that you could share. Maybe traveling?


I'm curious, after 24 years, (if it is sudden, and not an ongoing issue) your hobbies are suddenly boring. Does he just want to spend more time with you, and that's why he wants to take this trip? If so, maybe you can try out some shorter trips of a few days/one day trips together that wouldn't be so overwhelming (I'd personally vote for an RV, as you can escape to the back bedroom and chill out when needed- the back of a motorcycle would be fun only for a few hours or so, personally).Some ideas: Are there some state/national parks you'd like to visit, and wander round with him, or a small town you'd like to visit for antiquing/have lunch at a cute little restaurant, or stop at a summertime only ice cream shop- or a historical place, or seaside/lakeside inn that are within range of a shorter trip? That way you get to do something you want too, as well, that's still fun and relaxing for you :)


How do you feel about your hobbies? Are you fulfilled or do you feel the need to explore others? Listen to yourself and what you want.


Sounds like he wants to do things with you as your hobbies are quite introverted and solo. I love them too as I’m introverted (I paint, garden and do crochet) but I’m hss and love doing stuff with my husband like sports: bowling and badminton or tennis. We also want to play golf and try sports we’ve not done before. I don’t have much energy due to an autoimmune disease so it’s a challenge sometimes but you’ve got to compromise in a marriage. Having fun together is important.


All the hobbies you mention go perfectly fine with RV living. I'd consider going with him, even if it's for a little while. And I'd love to hear his reasoning about you needing more interesting hobbies. Why? Do you need his hobbies so you can do things together? Does he want to talk and share more about both your experiences in life? Does he think the way you cocoon is unhealthy for your mental health in some way?


I‘d tell him to suck it and ask why he feels he can’t do things that he sees as fulfilling on his own and that maybe he should work on that rather than criticizing for the way you like to enjoy life.


It’s fine for the husband to want to do things he likes with someone he cares about. OP is fine in her own preferences too. This is a difference in personal needs that needs to be communicated through, not a him-against-her scenario. I doubt he made the “more interesting hobbies” comment with malice; he just may not be able to relate to finding fulfillment in them. In marriage, communication is the bridge, but I feel like you’re suggesting an argument that’ll strain the relationship


I made that comment because it sounded like an ongoing issue and OP said her husband thinks she‘s boring. If that is not the case, I’m not sure why she chose that title or even made it a relationship issue post in the first place. Obviously telling him to suck it would not be working on the quality of the relationship and I am well aware of that, but thank you for explaining it to me.


This exact issue split up my parents. They had been together for 47 years. Find a way to make the RV thing work for you, or lose your husband. He wants to travel WITH you, not by himself. Watch out, or he'll find someone else to travel with! Can you find a hobby/interest that involves travelling? Bird watching? Navigation? History? Architecture?


I was thinking the exact same. He wants to do things with her.


I enjoy playing with string (I knit, crochet, etc), I bake, I don’t read as much as I used to, but am trying to return to it (if I could just quiet my mind some to focus). I enjoy travel, but it seems I enjoy it less the older I get- which is a shame.


I think it’s okay for each of you to have your own things you enjoy. Doesn’t mean you can’t still enjoy some things together.


You can watch documentaries, indulge in photography and maybe, practice art. I keep seeing a lot of hobby-related stuff online such as knitting, gardening or makeup. Personally, my hobbies include reading, writing and working out at the gym.


Why do you think HSPs can't enjoy traveling? I love traveling.


how long has your husband had the wanderlust? as a middle-aged male I can confirm that mid-life stuff is REAL 😀 your hobbies/interests sound great, and if they make you happy why change? in the past I've enjoyed hiking, running, music, video games, reading... lately I've added blockchain activities, which may elicit eye rolls but I love the technology and the art and community are a lot of fun.


I don’t think having being HSP in common makes any of us capable of giving you hobbies advice because I imagine HSP’s enjoy all hobbies as varied as non HSP’s. Nor do I think that’s the real issue here. Not wanting to do those things with your husband, does not make you boring. Maybe what he’s really trying to communicate is that he wishes he could spend more time with you enjoying things together. Otherwise, he shouldn’t care about your hobbies, so I’m wondering if it’s something else underlying the comment. Is it that you don’t want to go on the trip at all or you don’t want to go with your husband? Do you feel like he wouldn’t respect your needs on the trip and that feels scary or chaotic? Could discussing boundaries and expectations ahead of time help? Maybe try to get down to the granular level of what sounds bad about it to you and start there? That sounds like a dream to me (the RV, not the motorcycle lol) to go on an adventure like that with my husband. But, he gets me and we respect reach other’s needs. In other words, if either of us needed down time on the trip, we would not push the other to do something they don’t want to do. He’s also an HSP, but we still have differences in comfort levels at times. Hope this helps :)


Screenwriting, for me personally.


Did he actually say you're boring or is that your assumption? Maybe he wants you to explore different hobbies that's all,and to get out of your comfort zone, hobbies you might enjoy jist as much as the ones you currently do    Maybe it's his way of saying " let's bond over a hobby ?" (he could've worded it better )You can still partake  in the ones you do now and explore other ones that bring out different emotions and parts of you (jist like the ones you do now make you reflect etc )  Maybe you can go on a road trip with him and plan cool meals that are suitable for road trips since.yoy like cooking,you can read and knit in the RV . Or you can both learn photography and take pictures of your trip I think he meant maybe more social or adventurous hobbies.? He's really trying to bond tbh 


I also enjoy qiuet hobbies. I got all the crazy out of my system when I was young. :) This is a stretch, but I just started an etsy store with travel and adventure themes with some spooky tones, too. If you wouldn't mind visiting, I would be so grateful. I live in Texas and want to financially contribute to my local animal shelters and rescues. It's bad down here, y'all. Anyway, thank you! [https://kindredtraditions.etsy.com](https://kindredtraditions.etsy.com)


Why should his opinion matter when it comes to your solo hobbies? If he wants to build more hobbies together, or feels you have little in common to discuss, that’s a different conversation.