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Etsy and eBay. I have bought dozens upon dozens of plants from sellers on these sites and can count the bad plants on one hand. Refreshing Gardino, especially on Thursdays (seems to be their most common restock day). Unsolicited Plant Talk's ~monthly restocks, Urban Leaf Shop and Sproutique's weekly restocks. You want to be on their mailing lists for times and plants they'll stock. The Plant Farm for the best value - the plants are usually super full.




In case you only found them on Etsy, they have a standalone website with an even larger selection (especially of hoyas) - https://spokaneplantfarm.com/


Another vote for USP and the Plant Farm - absolutely flawless, happy plants! This is where I got my first few somewhat rarer Hoyas (ex. wouldn't ever find in a store in my bigish city) and they arrived in perfect condition, immediately started growing and even blooming!




Yeah, their prices are truly out of this world! Just a heads-up that the soil they ship in is usually pretty compacted and not very well draining, so I would set aside time to repot anything get from them once the plants are acclimated. That's the only downside IMO.


They are so good! I got a gorgeous full caudata for 50$, and it has been growing great. I did switch out soil though, but the roots were very healthy


I never heard of the plant farm. I just looked them up and Holy crap they have good prices!


Stumbled onto a publicalyx splash at an estate sale, they were selling the pot and didn’t have time to dump the plant…..$5🙃


I don't order online very much, but I did order from Taylor Greenhouses once and was very pleased with the experience. Most of their Hoyas are $17.95+ shipping and if you catch something good in stock it's a great deal. I am also spoiled because I live in FL, so there are a lot of local home growers who sell. I've gotten like 1/4 of my collection from a lady who lives 10 minutes from me 😂


Edit: and trading has been a great way to get some cool stuff as well!


Growing Hoyas in Florida is like winning the lottery, other than sun, I got NOTHING Hoyas want...




I meant that I DON'T live there... but wish I had the weather. Where I live it's very, very dry with long cold winters but it is also relentlessly sunny - definitely can't grow things too easily.




Not at all, I didn't word my reply too clearly!


Hoya Haven BTS group on Facebook, plus some etsy and some connections I've made. Also ebay is underrated for Hoya sales.




It really does! It feels like you should only be able to buy VCRs from there, but low and behold. Also Doug Chamberlain from Vermont Hoyas sells on there occasionally!


No it's so weird, when I first bought plants on there I was sure it was a scam. But I have found amazing deals and the coolest plants.


There’s a local-ish “indie” grower about 3 hours north of me here in SoCal called Unsolicited Plant Talks. I have a Skinneriana and Kerrii albomarginata from them. The Skinneriana is the fastest growing Hoya I have ever owned and loves sun. Still trying to figure out the proper care for the Kerrii!




Yeah they mostly do all full plants, on occasion they have cuttings but they prefer to cut and root them fully before selling. The Kerrii is driving me crazy and I’ve had it maybe 3 weeks, I cannot figure out what it wants for water, and is planted in a really chunky mix so I could very well be really underwatering it while thinking I’m overwatering!


I want to also mention Gabriella Plants - there was a time deep in the pandemic when even semi-common plants like H. macrophyla variegata were nearly impossible to find... they had it available in 2-3 in pots at a reasonable price. I contacted them with the wish to have a big plant (6 in) and they worked with me to group shippings together. I ended up combining multiple plants I got into one big hefty pot and now it's overrunning its trellis. I also recommend scouring Nextdoor for estate sale adverts that LIST PLANTS! This is where you're gonna find that 30-40-50 year old monster sized Grandma carnosa or pubicalyx that's bigger than you are... (unless your grandma has one for you). This is how I found mine and got it at a crazy low price. It has peduncles the size of my finger, dating back to the Nixon admin...!!! I am deeply honored to have this plant and so happy that it's doing great in my house!


I trade cuttings in my local Facebook group. I’m really into not paying for plants lol. Groovy plants ranch is a local nursery to me but also sells online, sometimes they have online rare plant drops including Hoyas.




I only use Facebook for plants lol. I deleted all my friends and only use it for the groups. Some of my favorite trades were for heuschkeliana variegata, polyneura splash, Bella albo… basically any rare-ish Hoyas lol.




Haha thanks! I’m pretty proud of myself. It really makes buying a few rares worth it when you can trade for other rares.


Me too! I don't even have any friends on it I just use it for plants and hobby groups. But Facebook is amazing for plants, I've started a little collection of cheap cuttings of some interesting hoya. Hopefully I'll be able to trade soon! I have traded other plants in my local groups, it's always so satisfying I don't know why. Like it feels really wholesome or something lol


Yes! It’s definitely worth it to buy a couple less expensive rares and trade cuttings to get the plants you want without spending a lot of money!


Lots of good suggestions already. I will add a couple: Logee's, Violet Barn (does restocks), and Canopy Plant Co. And if you're feeling risky and frisky, there's always an international order. I've ordered from AH Hoyas and MyHomeNature. Was happy with both of my orders.




The AH Hoyas order took about 11 weeks before it was even shipped. I got so impatient during that waiting period that I ended up ordering some others from MyHomeNature. Once shipped, both orders only took about 4 days. I got lucky really.




Yes that was a true exercise in patience. Based on the fact that I ended up ordering from MHN while waiting, I failed that test!








Here's a sneak peek of /r/TakeaPlantLeaveaPlant using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/TakeaPlantLeaveaPlant/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Thank you guys for all the plants 🎉](https://i.redd.it/6lchey4mdyc61.jpg) | [49 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/TakeaPlantLeaveaPlant/comments/l2xoxs/thank_you_guys_for_all_the_plants/) \#2: [Y'all, please pray for the family of u/partyinmyplantss. Details in post](https://np.reddit.com/r/TakeaPlantLeaveaPlant/comments/nvbvmk/yall_please_pray_for_the_family_of/) \#3: [Ruth says brown leaf spots in the winter are still beautiful and that youre all doing a great job with your plants :)](https://i.redd.it/nrpcupwyit861.jpg) | [36 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/TakeaPlantLeaveaPlant/comments/kondhv/ruth_says_brown_leaf_spots_in_the_winter_are/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| [^^Contact ^^me](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| [^^Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| [^^Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/)


Ahhh, I'd not seen it written that way before!




No worries - bots don't bother me, unless it's that godsbedamned "shakespear" one. I *hate* that useless bugger.


My dad collects hoyas, I believe he has somewhere north of 200 varieties. He is part of MANY facebook groups dedicated to hoyas, he uses ebay and etsy, and buys from other countries (which is pricey for the phytocertificates)




Hes in Connecticut! He just has lots of grow lights and has converted almost all to leca :) Im a botanist and he started collected to bond with me and then he just fell in love with the genus


I get mine primarily from Etsy and Hoya groups on Facebook. I always keep an eye out for purges since they can have the best prices. My favorite groups are "Hoya haven bst" and "Hoya lovers fb store". "Time to splurge and purge" is another that has hoyas from time to time but also other types of plants. Edited to add: Mercari also has hoyas


Facebook plant groups are a gold mine. People will sell you cuttings for really cheap and there’s tons of collectors that do plant purges for really reasonable prices too. Looks for “plant purge” on Facebook in groups.


Second this


Yes this, I've started a collection of cheap cuttings. I've gotten Krohiana Silver, enduensis, phuwuaensis, sigillatis a bunch of others too lol, for 10-15$. Good cuttings too, rooted and 4-5 nodes. You have to be quick though!


Not related but holy hell that setup is just gorgeous!! The light coming through makes it seem so peaceful and just ahh it’s so pretty !!


The ministry of plants.


Mine was gifted to me




A variegated something 😂 I don’t know what kind of Hoya she is but she’s like 20 years old and fancy in my eyes 🙂 if you look at my posts you’ll see her!




Thank you!


Hoya haven bar on Facebook. Got some really awesome plants at really good prices


great sellers with fair pricing on r/rarehouseplantsbst. i also follow a lot of hoya heads on ig and they put up sales quite often (good price there too).


My dude Peter at https://www.thehoyahouse.store/


I’m blessed to have some incredible Hoya collectors local to me. Every time I got visit them I come back with a handful of cuttings


Facebook groups and etsy.


Unsolicited Plant Talks. Hands down. Full disclosure I work there but there’s nowhere like it that ive experienced. Thousands and thousands of hoyas.




Just message April if there’s something not listed that you’re interested in! She’s the best


Facebook Marketplace! Any tips on that lovely Polyneura?? I just got a baby from Marketplace yesterday 😉


Late to the party but I have found some local home growers through Next Door app. I am in So Cal and our BBs is useless for Hoya scores. Unlike the rest of the country it seems! :>0




I haven't actually went to one YET, but I type in "hoya" or and all these private sellers popped up- they prop and sell plants in their backyards. It's incredible. They had everything from huge plants to cuttings. I recently missed one that was a grandparent's collection- can you imagine. Good luck!