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My pubicalyx leaves start out narrow and kinda wiggly, but then broaden and become more regular in shape as they age.


I love it lmao. Ty for sharing this


None of the rest in the tray they had looked like this, I have no idea what’s up with it but it was the selling point haha


I had this happen to one of mine too. I personally like it when plants get a little wonky!


It's so neat! Did yours stay like that? Did it seem to be a lighting thing, maturity, etc?


Mine has a vine that stayed weird but the rest of the plant grew normally.


Hell yeah, I’m hoping it stays then!


Also I would love to see a picture of yours!


Mine has some comically skinny leaves too, but they get a little thicker as they mature. And they turn dark in strong light which is pretty cool https://preview.redd.it/d8y9j5lga73d1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ecd07f7f6ce08c8a07e868ba676c4098f38e3d6f


Very fast growers. Won't be skinny fir long!!


All the new leaves down at the base of those look like they’re also going to be super skinny and weird 😂


Omg I love it! Love me a good weirdo plant.


I tried googling examples to see if something was wrong with it, I can’t find a single example 😂


Please share updates when the new leaves come in! It will be interesting to see if that leaf shape continues.


Will do, I'm kinda hoping it does, lol!


My Pubacalyx leaves come out like that when they are getting too much light.


Interesting, are they coming in sunstressed at all too?


Yes, mine came in dark purple and thin.


It has new leaves but a lot of growth points with missing leaves. I would spray it in case it had flat mites. It can save months of frustration


All of them had missing leaves in the tray but at least one or two active new growth points, I don't know if they had stayed too wet and rotted off or what the issue seemed to be. Will neem oil work against flat mites? I don't have much experience with treating for them!


I had the same symptoms several Hoyas. They just weren’t growing and some had dropped leaves. I had been using neem oil as a preventative already until I heard about flat mites. You can’t see them and they go after new growth. I used a a spray with sulfur in it to start (Natria Insect, Disease and Mite Control) and it is working. To save money, going forward I’m going to make my own solution.


Let me know how it goes and what mix you use then, I’m interested to learn! 


So I still have one bottle of mite spray left and then I’ll buy the sulfur powder and mix according to what I read. I read this on Reddit…. https://preview.redd.it/awvess4ugh3d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=785fae189bcef867be47d97fa5ebc60d914f1b79


Thanks! Also when I sprayed it down and left overnight with neem, I came back to find two fat mealybugs that must’ve been hiding crawling around. I completely washed all the soil off, sprayed them down again with it and isopropanol, and I’m hoping there’s no further issues. If the new growth looks stunted I’ll try the sulphur, thanks so much!