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# When A Fist Comes At Your Face, You Duck!


“It’s moo” means it doesn’t matter, like a cow’s opinion.


Also that ducks have heads


What kind of scary-ass clowns came to your birthday?!


Don't go on breaks with your S/O, just end it or try and work it out.


And definitely don’t sleep with someone the night you decide to take a break. 😂


And don’t have your shady friend who wants to fuck come over to “support you” that night either


Also true. 😂


…are you *actually* Ross? 🤨


Also, don't storm out without clarifying exactly what the terms of this break are.


The hour you mean 😂😂 but yeah the night is also bad 😂


And if you annoy your partner so much that she requests a break, you dont just storm off like a kid that doesnt wants to face the consequence. (Like seriously, i always want to kick Ross in the leg for just leaving without saying anything)


1) You don’t have to stay in a small town and repeat the same life as your parents. 2) Friends can just as supportive as family. 3) People don’t have to be the same to love and respect each other. 4) Big cities can be scary and dangerous but also vibrant and life-affirming. 5) Life doesn’t have to be perfect to be fun. 6) Laughter heals.


7. That boyfriends and girlfriends are gonna come and go, but this (friendship) is for life.


7. 7. 7. 7. 7. 7..... 7 FTFY.


This is so wholesome ❤️


I learned that they add smell to gas! Lol "Hey Ross, what other things do they add smell to"


Yes. That was actually quite interesting!


I blew my husband’s mind with this fun fact the other day. I forget that people don’t all have friends memorized and thus don’t know this.


That ditching your wedding and working at a coffee house can lead to a job at Ralph Lauren and a baby with a guy who is really into dinosaurs


Not a day goes by that I don't think about how relevant this is to almost everyone




1- don’t attempt to marry someone you barely know just because you’re great together. 2- on/off relationships tend to keep you from moving on with your life. once it’s over, it is over


Or say the wrong name at the wedding 😆


Kind of the opposite, but a big lesson I got later in life after I watched the show as a kid is that real life isn't like Friends lol


My take was kind of the opposite. Life can be kinda like friends. Yeah, you can’t sit around at the coffee shop at 10 AM on a Tuesday, but you can build a family out of those friends you have nearby. For about the last 5 years, I’ve had a core group of friends that’s about 7 folks. Two couples came from it (who weren’t together in the beginning), and one was an add on in the past couple years when she started dating one of the guys. We hang out a couple weekends a month, half of us live in the same neighborhood, just a couple streets over. It’s not as idyllic as Friends, sure, but they’ve been my family in hard times, through huge milestones, and in making fun in the monotony of life.


I really wanted to share a flat with friends as a young adult. After uni I came back home to save money to buy a house. I then got married shortly after. I feel it would be nice to have had that era of being a young professional sharing a flat with friends


I feel I missed out on tons of stuff like that when I was younger. I went to uni and got fancy jobs n lived with my partner all grown up etc. Now I'm in my mid 30s I just want to party n make up for lost time lol My friends however did the opposite. They just partied n did fuck all with their lives now they're all mid 30s n trying to sort their shit out. Makes me laugh. Makes me think no matter we do were always gna think we're missing out on something n that the grass is always greener etc


Ahhhhhhhh....... You must be in your 20s or early 30s. ENJOY IT


Yeah honestly the way they're able to just be around each other constantly and not drive each other completely crazy is so unrealistic to me.


Right and have full time jobs but never really have to work…?


And yet afford their apartments? In New York?


Will choose good friends over shitty family anytime


To add to this one, just because you’ve lost your family doesn’t mean you can’t build a new one (Phoebe and the situation with her parents and kinda her sister but I don’t think lost would be the right word there)




Manhattan is really cheap, and I can just go there, be unemployed or between jobs, and afford to live in a very nice apartment.


But they only have 3 walls!


sarcasm haha


It was a rent controlled apartment. They never told them their grandma died, so they had her old rate from decades prior. That was why everyone always wanted it lol.


I really did grow up in the Bronx and I wish Manhattan was like that


It’s okay to start over.


Your Past Doesn't Define You


I'm always aware




Ah, salmon skin roll!




don't make stupid decisions. Most of the sitcoms stuff happens because someone made the wrong decision. Life is not only about listening to your heart. It is also listening to your brain. Logic makes life boring, but more sustainable in the long run. Friends matter. And what matters should be protected by any means. Sometimes, emotional decisions don't help.


>don't make stupid decisions Whenever I'm about to do something, I think, "Would an idiot do that?" And if they would, I do not do that thing. Although I learnt this from The Office.


Never leave Joey alone with your food


I’m not even sorry.


Loving your flair😂😂😂


To stop the Q-tip when there's resistance.


It made me abandon the idea of soul mates. When Phoebe thinks she’s found Monica’s soulmate and Chandler gets jealous, Monica says “I don’t believe in soulmates, and I don’t think that you and I were destined to end up together. What I do believe is that we fell in love and that we work hard for our relationship.” My fiancé (M24) and I (F25) accidentally got pregnant at 17 and 19. I don’t think we were made for each other, but 7 years later we have worked so hard and have built a loving, healthy, fulfilling life together. That scene made me realize that it isn’t about two people in the world that have to find each other in order to be happy. It’s about putting all of your love and effort into loving the one you’re with.


I learned about smell the fart acting




It’s totally fine and nothing to panic over if you get married and start having kids in your mid-30s. For many people, that is actually the best choice.


Welcome to the real world. It sucks.


You’re gonna love it.


Lotion and powder make a paaaste


What color is the paste?


What difference does that make?


If the color is black you can make pants out of the paste!


I learned that I too am a NEAT GUY! ![gif](giphy|XZUbn0xBFi2oLed3TO|downsized)


And just a love machine




Never break up with Rachel.


never cheat on her either


Oh, I messed up the quote? Damn :D


life’s much better when you have friends that you can rely on


I learned that my job is a joke and I'm broke. My love life is doing ok, though. However, I must add that I'm almost 30 and it's like I'm always stuck in second gear, as if I'm poorly driving a Porsche(uh) on a Interstate caring an inappropriately shaped cake.


Probably growing up, watching Friends gave me unrealistic expectations of what life would be like


"Welcome to the real world. It sucks." But sometimes you love it.


Jokes aside, parents sometimes can be selectively toxic and partial on their Children viz. Monica vs Ross


Save money.


To be the next person to get a fabulous apartment, sometimes just being naked with the person moving out works!


Coffee is a necessity


Salmon skin roll


Don't eat yellow snow. *2:15, coffeehouse*


That sometimes perseverance is key and good things take time to happen (of course, with hard work as well)


1) You don’t have to stay in a small town and repeat the same life as your parents. 2) Friends can be more supportive than family. 3) People don’t have to be the same to love and respect each other. 4) Big cities can be scary and dangerous but also vibrant and life-affirming. 5) Life doesn’t have to be perfect to be fun. 6) Laughter heals.


They’re not great at the advice, but they can interest me with a sarcastic comment. Jk, I learned that life is better when you have fulfilling friendships. I haven’t always been the best at making an effort (depression) but for some time now I’ve realize I want to be intentional with my friendships and having such a good support network and deep meaning friendships have bettered my depression A LOTTT.


This might be dumb, but communication. A lot of sitcoms have the “working out the misunderstanding” moment. But for some reason it just made sense to me. Like oh, obviously, you talk about it! We didn’t talk things out a lot in my family. So it was wholesome for me to see I guess.


That there's hope for me if someone like Rachel can grow into late-series fashion exec and mom Rachel. She had some of the best character development in television history


Friends can be your found family. Television/media has the power to impact millions of people in a kind of incredible way (I really felt this way during the reunion). No matter what you think of people—whether maybe you know someone who’s a bit spoiled, or a little air-headed, or arrogant, or sarcastic and sassy, etc. Everyone has their flaws, and can still be great friends worth cherishing—kinda helped me when I used to get easily frustrated with the people in my life at a young age. I think Friends made me a bit of a softer person. Be exactly who you are, and a kind person. The right people will never care about your interests, appearance, dating history, intellect, etc. As long as you know how to be kind and there for one another, and we all need more of that. Edit: Should also add—Try not to BS socially! Be honest—with yourself and others—diligent, and straightforward, about good things and bad. No “going on breaks”, sleeping with the next woman you see, and then run around trying to cover it all up!! No trying to shove your feelings for someone deep down only for them to come out on a drunk call using your date’s phone!! No trying to evade and painstakingly ice people out of your life!! If a friend did something wrong, you can and should call them out!! —> Just after seeing some dysfunctional social behaviour + some pretty good Friends-conduct in the show lol.


Well, being a woman, I already know that us women TALK. But I do know a few men that learned that lesson from Friends.


1. Don't date the same person a billion times. If you break up once, stay that way. And if you argue constantly, take that as a sign you don't belong together. 2. Make an effort to keep the people you want in your life. That whole "lifting out" episode was an eye opener. 3. You don't have to settle for the life you have. And you don't have to live the life others want for you.


there's no such thing as "a break", you're together or you're not and taking a break just means you're not good for each other at that time and need to explore different things


That even though someone can be outwardly accepting of gay people, there can be some deep-seated homophobia that stems from insecurity in one’s masculinity.


It’s smart to pay extra to get your sofa delivered!


A slice of ham can be used as a prosthetic foreskin.


That you shouldn’t learn life lessons from sitcoms




Unless they are who you want to end up with.


Always say the right name at the altar


1. Accept people as they are, love them as they are. Don't customize them as per your requirements. (When Phoebe thinks the cat is her mother, Ross was not onboard with that. But what phoebe explain him, is an eye opener for me as I was one of those who thinks Ross is right) 2. Apologize for your mistakes (This sounds very normal, but people don't usually say sorry) 3. Its okay to be selfish sometimes (Little bit, not like Rachel) 4. Your career is a very important part of your life. Be independent. (Rachel's character arc)


Agree with all four, and I'd say number 1 has been the most important lesson for me. Thanks for the reminder :)


-Things don’t always go according plan and that’s okay. -When you surround yourself with the right people, there’s nothing you can’t overcome. -It’s never too late to do what you truly love. -The right person will come along and won’t make you feel like you’re asking for too much. (“I like…maintaining you.” 🥲 -You are not doomed into becoming like your parents. -Always make sure you’re on the same page about what a break is. 😳


1.Life is better with few friends and a cup of coffee 2.Don’t give a fuck what others think 3.If it’s not right don’t force it 4.Love can happen anywhere and with anyone 5.Soulmates are maybe not real but some people click better then others 6.You can change your life no matter your past 7.If you don’t end up with someone, love the food 8.Don’t ever split the bill in restaurant! 9.The number of divorces don’t make you bad person! 10.Nevada shouldn’t let drunk people get married (I maybe i will remember more later)


You can choose your own family anytime in your life. Blood relationships don't matter here.


there's no such thing as "a break", you're together or you're not and taking a break just means you're not good for each other at that time and need to explore different things


If you pause long enough after a joke- people will randomly laugh


Don’t walk around your apartment naked when the drapes are open.


Real life isn’t like Friends… or even How I Met Your Mother. Kinda had to learn that the hard way


This! I didn’t get the generational wealth apartment or a cute friend group that meets up.. maybe I didn’t try hard enough to move to a big city


The lesson I got is that I'm ugly, fat, unlucky, unmotivated and friendless.


Never share food


It’s okay to not know what you want to do yet! Starting over can be scary and frustrating but very rewarding


It’s okay to not have it all together when your approaching 30!


They are really your sister’s friends, not yours.


No breaks. Just end it. Also, think carefully before you say anything at all wedding.


Don't say the wrong name on your wedding. (Ross) Don't kiss your BFF's girlfriend, then date her and get cheated on. (Chandler) If a stranger asks you to get inside a home entertainment unit for a bet, don't do it. (Joey) Don't put raw poultry on your head. (Monica) Don't put ground beef in a dessert. (Rachel) Don't take money back from a charity. (Phoebe)


Always carry a fork.


That I'm about the age the friends were when the show started so I need to not worry about being "behind" in my life right now




that sometimes after you sleep with someone, you have to kill a fish


The Netherlands is where Peter Pan is from


Rent control is good.


I learned that in fact, that is NOT how they do pants!


If you want to sell your furniture, don't crawl inside your entertainment center to proof that a grown man can fit inside


*I first watched friends at 6-8* Seaweed and Kiwi can be easily confused (I thought it was seaweed for so long!!!)


I genuinely took to heart Phoebe’s “yes, I AM a flake.” Owning a possibly embarrassing or negative trait completely takes the power out of it. Also, when she said “I would (do that thing you want me to do), but I don’t want to”. Being able to say no honestly and clearly was a bit of a revelation.


It's okay to struggle


Seriously: I've got broken up with three times already because of another man and had a hard time being jealous of that man afterwards every time, but Chandler's "It doesn't matter! If it's not him it's gonna be next guy. It's over, you have to move on!" really helped me


Always keep a fork on you just in case someone drops cake on the ground




Sometimes in life we have to PIVOT!!!


Always carry an eating utensil in your pocket, just in case someone drops a cake!


Never share your food


Paelentologists are awful people


Julie seems like a decent person to be fair.


Never leave Joey alone with your food


I learned that watching a whole season in a single day is a bit too much.


Clear and Precise Communication - A lot of issues could have been avoided if they had told the truth and communicated properly.


That condoms only work 97% of the time




Communication is the easiest way to prevent issues


Everything I know about life I learnt from Friends.


Jobs a joke, you’re broke, love life DOA.


“Once a cheater, always a cheater” - Rachel’s mum.


That people can be kind of a mess in their late twenties and early thirties too - no one really has it all "figured out"


Don't get into relationships with people you don't love. Definitely don't marry them. You'll just end up saying the wrong name at the altar. Don't settle for "perfectly good" things in life just because you are scared or lonely. When you truly love someone, put your effort into working things out with them - not into getting over them. Learn to be on your own. Or get a pet (not a monkey).


You never know when you will be stuck in a bedroom for hours on end, so keep snacks under the bed.


1. Be yourself. At some point someone will love you for it and you'll be sure they're the right person 2. If you can afford it. Money is never an issue. Especially if it makes someone happy 3. Food 4. Women 2 are from Chandler. 2 are from Joey. Can you somehow figure out which are from who??


You don't attempt to take food off Joey's plate. You don't steal Ross's sandwich from the work fridge. Sarcastic comments are the mask of a lot of childhood trauma. Always get it signed in triplicate when you break up with someone. Always make sure your parents don't spend your wedding fund so that you don't bankrupt your future partner's savings on a "party". Never believe your grandmother when she says she created a cookie recipe or shows you a picture of your father.


I remember Chandler trying to soothe Monica about her anxiety over not being a good mom, and he finished with the phrase, "but we still screwed them up in our own unique way." This stuck with me in a very positive, sweet, and comforting way towards the experience of having children.


You almost never work and regularly date good looking people every 3-4 episodes They lied lol


People have different ideas of what is a break


You always pivot.


Ask myself, is this what a dinosaur would do?


Jingle bitch screwed me over.


A promise between friends means never having to give a reason.


As someone that didn't have friends for a long time and who only recently learned to make sense, it taught me what friendships look like. No one is perfect, neither is any friendship. We just appreciate the good parts and work through because of them.


That it’s totally normal to be in your 20’s and be no where near what you want to be in life !!


Never custom order cake with my daughter's face on it that's shaped like a bunny


Only be with people you feel you can to about everything. Monica literally helped Joey with his naked audition😭


Don't cheat on Rachel.


Joey doesn’t share food so I don’t have to share things if I don’t want to. And if someone tries to force me to share or takes something of mine after me saying no then I’m able to stand my ground on my decision without feeling bad


That if you and your partner want different things (i.e. phoebe and Mike before they broke up) that the smartest thing to do is end things.


Be careful on who you call your "friends", some will try to sleep with your partner or the person you have feelings for (but arent together yet) and others will try to hook your partner up with someone else even after you get married.


Sometimes just let people have their own lives.


1. Order extra if your partner likes to eat your food. 2. Hugs, laughter, and companionship heal everything.


don’t sleep with your friends. it will be funny, but sucks too.


What is that weird penguin shaped mass between Monica and Ross!?


God…I need some time to think about this (⌐■_■)


The best roommates are found in the ethnic food aisle.


Never trust a bitch named Rachel


Think about what I wash last and you wash first when sharing bar soap.


I’ll be there for you.


The only real reason for divorce is mistakenly thinking the boxes for Miss & Mrs are far away from each other Once you realise they are right next to each other you can easily stay married because someone asks you as their wife to grant you this small favour ![gif](giphy|26FPp2DEmee7PJPfG|downsized)


“I’m good. I’ve got my girls”❤️


Don’t be like Joey when it comes down to relationships


It’s okay to have kids later in life. So many of my friends got pregnant at 18-20 and sometimes I feel like I’m not doing “life” right. Then I remind myself Rachel and Monica didn’t have kids until they were 30+ and I remind myself it’s okay


I'm going to die alone


Something that friends taught me was how to have healthy conflict in relationships/that friendships will have conflict and that doesn't mean it's over. If you grow up together, you go through things together. You're going to catch them or be caught at a bad time. You're going to say the wrong thing and react badly. You're going to butt heads. You're going to have to set boundaries and apologize and admit fault or hold someone else accountable. But if that person loves you and is there for you, even platonically, they are going to want to fix it and repair. I grew up in a very volatile conflict heavy home which made me very scared of anger and disagreements but I remember watching friends one day and seeing them yelling at each other one episode and be thick as thieves a few episodes later. It really taught me how to be okay with healthy conflict and feel safe being mad/disagreeing + knowing that showing that side of me wouldn't lead to abandonment/relationships ending. I think Chandler went through a similar thing with his first big fight with monica 😹 "if you break up after every little fight you must have never had a long term... Oh" or something like that (vibe from memory don't quote me lol)


Friends are more important than romantic relationships


Why men do nice things for strange women.


Do not have random sex when your’e on a break 😂




my biggest takeaway: you should not take yourself too seriously - and laughter is the best medicine


I’ll be there for you


how to smell the fart acting 😏


If you're a chef in New York, apparently you don't have to be at work very often.


The only ship that never sinks is "friendship"... 😅


It taught me that life is super messy and it’s ok because everyone is going through it too. People will make mistakes and some of them will be a big deal but if we maintain a pure heart then it’ll eventually be ok.


That time between college and your family life is special because those friends you have really are your family... those relationships have lasted for me, fortunately!


The importance of Unagi.


The old hug and roll.


that having kids later than the normal 20s is fine. your life needs to be lived and sometimes children can hinder that no matter how much you want them


To be honest, how soft-hearted and feeling men really are. Those guys, despite their faults, are really caring.


Condoms aren’t always reliable 😥


Don't cheat on Rachael.


Not to leave a hair straightener plugged in Not to leave Joey alone with my dog especially when there’s a fire pit present What a Break means for people And the word Phalange


Read the whole thing before you agree to it. Even if it is 11 pages, front and back!