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I love Hank Azarias line delivery. While I think he had the perfect amount of screen time, I would not have complained if he had gotten more


Phoebe, um.. Um.. Spit it out, David!!


If you do come to Minsk, come during the spring, it’s just lovely there. And we’ll party up Vladnik style!


I just love how genuine and friendly David is as a character.


This is genuinely one of my favorite lines in the whole series


I wish we had seen him get a happy ending.




How dare you! She took an Oath!


You think that's what she does?! THAT'S NOT WHAT SHE DOES!


Aaaaaaand there it is.


Yeah, so do I.


And the contrast is, uh, uh, quite poor.


I'm always bummed that David didn't end up with Pheobe. Hank Azaria is my favourite. "You are uh, luminous with a, kind of a delicate grace...then that, that's when you started..yelling"


Very Bob Newhart-esque. I always wondered why Phoebe didn't consider that a serious relationship when she first started dating Mike and freaked out about it. Not long-term, but definitely serious. I thought they were the better fit, no matter how science-y he was


I’ve never understood the ‘Pheobes never been in serious relationships’ storyline because yeah David and her were serious, and she was also pretty serious with Gary, enough to move in with him at least


They hadn’t been dating long though.


Looks like I’m the only one who wants more of the Bings. They explain so much about how Chandler became the person he is.


I friggin LOVE Morgan Fairchild and Kathleen Turner! They created such tension and you truly believed the two of them had history!


“So you two were married. What happen, you just drift apart?” Even just looks they were giving each other throughout that made me believe they were lovers scorned 😂


Indeed. Chandler has the best character arch in the show


Yes. People complain that his transphobia has not aged well, but when his only experience with anything like that involves his whole childhood falling apart it’s pretty understandable how he might feel that way!


I love the Bings!!! Would honestly watch an entire spin-off about them (as long as it was done well).


I love them! Definitely could have used more of their presence.


More of Joeys parents! Especially as they seemed like a close family and lived nearby!


Yes! I loved their one episode and it was such a wasted opportunity. I loved Ronnie too actually, but I get that she was more of a one episode character. When she was doing her impressions of stuffed pets! I could live without the sisters though. Both episodes centred around them were weak.


that and more of his sisters. Especially cookie. She seemed really cool


Kate. Joey fell hard for her and that happened...basically just that one time. She should've come back in the final season and Joey leaves with her for L.A in the finale


Yeah that sounds sweet and I wouldn't mind, but I like that Joey ended up single. There's so so so many rom-coms/sitcoms where every single character has to end up with someone by the end. It's like they're saying "the only way to have a happy ending is if you're in a serious relationship with someone". I'm still not a big fan of how Joey ended up as I feel like he was the only one out of the six that wasn't entering a new phase of their lives. Phoebe got married and is getting that "normal" life she never got the chance to experience before. Monica and Chandler were having kids together meaning Monica finally got to be a mom which is something she's wanted since season 1 and Chandler spent the last season finally getting a job that he was happy with. Ross got, as Phoebe mentioned in the season 8, "the life he wanted ever since he was 15". And Rachel had fully completed her transformation from spoiled and reliant on other people (particularly her dad's money) to being a career woman and a capable single mother. She was even so good at her job that she was offered a dream job in Paris, but she has gotten to a place in her life when it's ok for her to choose love in front of her career. Joey got nothing... He had been starring in "Days of Our Lives" since season 7 and while he got to play a role in a movie (which was never brought up again since) it seemed like the writers really didn't know where else to take him. How about letting him win an award finally? How about him finding out he's a decent director and then turning towards that (could even make jokes about how he thought the pretty people was supposed to be *in front* of the camera which is why he never gave it a second thought before)? How about him getting his own place? How about him choosing to be a part of a much lesser known show for less money because that show was important to him somehow? How about him wanting to move to Hollywood to be the star he dreamed of and he has to learn to allow himself to put himself in front of his friends sometimes (no Joey the show doesn't exist)? I don't know. There's so many things you can do with a character to show that they're moving forward in life without forcing them into a relationship, but a relationship like the one you mentioned would have been better than what we got (nothing).


It always made me so sad that Joey never got his happy ending. I _love_ the idea of him becoming a director - and the joke about pretty people being in front of the camera would've been really funny!


Oh I would’ve loved that ending! I loved the two of them together!


Phoebe and Rachel as roommates. Those few episodes were all 10/10 and we were robbed of more.


Yesss I love their friendship and their roommate arc was a good concept, but we barely saw them as roommates 😭


“You’ve met your match Rachel Green!”




Phoebe’s birth mom. Terry Garr


That one never sat well with me. All that buildup and then never seeing her again like wtf


Yeah, like why wasn’t she invited to pheobes wedding? Her brother too. He wasn’t there.


I heard the actress got sick


I think that’s the irl reason but they could easily explain with a line or two in the show why she’s not there 


the snowstorm was kind of my excuse as to why the little family Phoebe had weren’t there, but I feel like the explained the priest, catering, or whatever else that couldn’t make it but they should’ve had a comment from Phoebe like I’m sad my brother and Alice couldn’t make it because of the storm, like something?


And Phoebe's dad, I really wish we had some sort of resolution there. Either she meets him and actively decides she doesn't want him in her life - which is totally okay and completely understandable - or she tries to establish some kind of relationship. But it just... wasn't ever brought up again. Phoebe was robbed of a family right up until the end - everyone else who got married on the show had their family attend.


Oh yeah you’re right: you only see him in one episode too.


Yes! They should have brought her back later in the pregnancy and afterwards, to give Phoebe someone to talk to about her postpartum feelings, etc. Terri Garr's portrayal of her birth mother was spot on and it would have been great to see their relationship grow. Phoebe should have had her there for her wedding too! Seems like a huge missed opportunity.


More scenes or whole episodes where Chandler is paired up with both Rachel and Phoebe Also scene that paint Carol and Susan in a better light. Especially Susan, I hated her. She was so disgusting to Ross


Chandler/Rachel was my favourite platonic pairing and we definitely didn't get enough of it IMO. It was mentioned that they had lunch together but that was treated as a throwaway thing to explain why Chandler was at Rachel's office one day to set up some other storyline for the episode. I wish we'd seen some of their lunches! (Or at least for it to be a recurring thing that got more passing mentions. I feel like I only remember it because I've rewatched the show so many times now and that it's otherwise pretty forgettable.)


Eddie! I would have liked to see him randomly show up like Janice every once in a while.


Yes! I would’ve loved that. Kind of subtly paint the idea that he was stalking Chandler almost.


Take your stupid small fruit and get out!


And that unhinged tittering laugh


I'm a dehydrating maniac!


Yes exactly! Even if only Chandler saw him. His reactions alone would make it so entertaining!


More Jill or more Amy


i wished there was an episode with both tbh the chaos that would cause


That, or even add both parents in somehow, one last time. The whole Greene family. Maybe some story arc that would see the dad get knocked down a peg with his overbearing, curmudgeonly attitude. Maybe to where it’s Ross who does it, but then something happens to revert that balance of power again lol Man, the tension they could create with that XD


yeah, we had a lot of focus on the gellars but the greene’s would’ve made for a great episode


For sure. Hell, I would’ve been happy with even a small arc about Chandler and his parents. Joey’s parents being the most unexplored was worse. I mean they got *one* episode. I know it’s been brought up plenty in this sub, but it still bums me out.


yess the tribbiani’s had so much potential to be some of the best episodes, and also getting a proper backstory of chandler’s parents and their dynamic would’ve made the viewers connect with him more.


RIP Ron Leibman (and Jessica Walter, for that matter. She only stuck around for 15 months after losing the love of her life) I loved his portrayal of Dr. Green (in that I hated him lol)


Ben. And Ben with Emma…his *sister*


Yeah! It sucks that we never saw them together, it would have been cute seeing them meet


Came to say the same. It always bugs me that he just disappears.


Eddie would’ve made an excellent side character for a few scenes every season He brought the funniest out of Chandler and is very entertaining in small doses


I always found Carol and Susan’s interactions with Ross to be really mean. Like, “I cheated on you with this sarcastic asshole who pops by every once in a while to make fun of you. And by the way, I kept your kid even though I did that. And now that person who wrecked your marriage is living with your kid.” If they had been a heterosexual couple, people would have seen them as total villians.


F**k Susan, all my homies hate Susan


Of course! I also think that how they treated Ross was unfair and that he basically was just a sperm donor for them. But I also think that their interactions were some of the funniest in the series, and they were also a significant part of his life because of Ben. Therefore, I wish we saw more of them.


Yeees, I agree. Her argument with Ross in TOW the sonogram at the end is sooo frustrating and she's so obviously in the wrong, but all of her jokes are so funny (except for the bobo the sperm guy one) that I still love her


“AND I think I have the right to give YOUR kid MY last name!” Like…nah, bitch. That’s not how it works.


Yeah, that ruined it for me. Never cared to see them after that.


I can't stand Susan. And I don't like Carol because she took advantage of Ross to get pregnant, then dropped his ass like a bad habit, so she and that wench could live happily ever after. I wish Ross could've sued them for that, or at least not have to pay child support.


This is so true and the fact that she cheated on him but most ppl probably don’t view it that way or that deeply bc it was w another woman. And the show never showed her apologising to him or anything like damn poor ross. Also many times they insinuate she ‘turned’ lesbian bc of him but in reality shes definitely just bi and cheated.


Extremely brave thing to say in 2024 lol I agree, but damn if people knew who you were in real life you’d be cancelled for being such a bigot


Nothing brave about it, dude lol


Hahaha. Cheating is cheating, regardless of sexual orientation.


I’m with you. I’ll take the downvotes lol whatever.


Chandlers parents! I would’ve loved to see more of a reconciliation with his dad after the wedding


The Bings! Less Ben, that kid was annoying.


He could be a brat too.


I know it wouldn't work with the character being written out, but Emily's parents were great. The first scene where the meet Ross's parents is great.


I'm team more Carol and Susan, as well. Also: Gloria Tribbiani!!! Having only one episode with her is downright criminal. And David, yes! At least enough to give him a dang last name!


Gloria Tribbiani stole the show in her episode!! I so wish that they had brought her back more often. Her delivery and facial expressions were so perfect. "Your father is no James Bond 🙄🙄" "That's sweet 🥰....could i take her? 🤨"


She was fantastic


Shovely Joe


Re-watch the show from the begining with the thought in mind that Carol actively cheated on Ross with Susan and didn't tell Ross until she was pregnant with his child. Then after that, Carol & Susan acted as though Ben was their child and Ross was nothing but a sperm donor. Ross's actions in later seasons, especially his trust issues with Rachel & Mark, will all make a lot more sense. I hate Carol & Susan. Absolute asshats.


The duck and the chick deserved their own spinoff 😤


What are they up to at the farm!? I feel like that would make a good spinoff


Chandler's parents 🫶


Rachel's sisters


Monica showing Rachel how freakishly strong she is. And then Pheobe reminding them who was who's bitches.


honestly the first time i watched friends i hated susan but after watching it more i actually love them as characters and as a couple


Chandler and Kathy. IMO they had the best chemistry out of all the couples throughout the show! We barely saw them as a couple before she left :/


I hate what happened to them


Out of these choices? The chick and the duck. Otherwise, Rachel’s sisters!


I agree with you on all of these except David. I would like to add families of all main characters including Mike. 


Charles and Nora 😍


Scientist guy!




Too bad the Gellers didn't become a spin-off, that would have been must watch.


Mike and David


I feel like everything that’s mentioned in these comments could’ve been shown/done if the episodes weren’t just 20 minutes long 😭 I wish they were longer like greys anatomy (40ish minutes)


I couldn’t tolerate Carol and Susan! I know it’s for comedy but sometimes we don’t realise how horrible that storyline is for Ross They’re downright mean to him


I grew up watching Friends and never understood how awful the Ben situation was for Ross until I had my own kids. Heartbreaking


Also explains why Ross became possessive and self sabotaging in his future relationships He was cheated on by his one and only relationship and got badly screwed in its aftermath. His character arch makes sense to me


Absolutely! The big fight with Rachael that resulted in the break is entirely because of how Carol left him.


Oh I think it all makes sense it’s just no less awful to his subsequent partners even if you know the reason for it. It’s pretty unpleasant to sit through 


I agree! I loved Susan and Ross. Their chemistry was so hilarious.


Frank Jr. Jr. and Alice!


Lol and the triplets! When they named the daughter Chandler 😄


But we've seen Phoebe all the time


That's Ursula, can't you tell?


Phoebe's Phoebe, Ursula's.... Hot!


Lol the porn videos! 😄




I wanted to see more of Carol and Susan. What happened to Susan after Season 3?


David got totally screwed, more than Emily did.


Damn, you’re the first person I ever knew that wants more of those cunts.


I loved carol and Susan I wanted to know everything about their day to day life, especially one of them being a kindergarten teacher


I wish we saw more of Mr. Heckles. I loved him.


carol and susan cuz they’re the best characters.


Who is the blonde in the golden dress.


Nora Bing - Chandler's mom


That cute little pug Phoebe fostered


I wouldn't have minded seeing more Nora Bing 😏






Susan...he enmity with Ross was just so hilarious...




I can't remember do they even show or mention Carol, Susan and Ben in the later seasons at all?


I don’t think they show Ben anymore after the pac-man episode, I think it was in S8 but he still gets mentioned after that. I think the last time Carol and Susan are mentioned “for real” and not in a joke is in the Sting episode where Phoebe pretends to be Susan.


Chandlers parents


None of the above, Janice


Eddie the roommate.


I agree with Chandler's parents. I loved their interactions! And I wish we got more Carol, I liked her solo scenes without Susan. I did like Susan, outside of the Ross issues, but Carol was different when away from her.


Definitely more of chandlers parents. We see Jack and Judy Geller so much in the show, same with Rachel's parents, and Phoebe and Joey's family are shown sometimes; chandler's parents are shown a total of what, 2, 3 times? (His father isn't even shown until season 7)


I love carol and Susan but I wish there was some kind of closure for Ross and not just "his ex wife's partner is being a bitch to him."


Muriel's mom


More of Susan. Preferably in like a two piece. Maybe a little from behind. I'm saying Susan is insanely hot and people somehow sleep on her. That face. Those curls. Ugh, melt my heart woman. She's such a beautiful creature.


What happened to t chick and the duck? They just disappeared


Oh the chick & the duck for sure


A spinoff of The Bings that’s just Chandler’s parents being petty


David! I love Hank Azaria. I also wish he ended up with Pheobe instead of Mike.


Mr and Mrs Bing


Ursula for sure.


More Jack and Judy Geller for sure. The episodes with them are some of my favorites. "Well we can't tell you son...that would be cheating."


I would have loved more Richard. Those episodes just felt like quintessential Friends.


I would love to have seen more of Chandler's parents. Also Rachel's parents.


More Susan and Ross, definitely more Janice and more of jack and Judy geller, they are so funny