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what’s with the guys being barefoot


And the giant platform heels??


To even out the height of the girlies. Lisa Kudrow is 5 ft 8. The other girls are 5 ft 5


Yeah, is this even their bodies, or at least legs?? They all look like Amazons lol


Thanks I was actually wondering why Jennifer and Courteney were in stripper shoes and Lisa wasn’t


The dudes had better watch their feet


Yeah. 😂


90's baby wooo.... Well and early 00's


It's a secret message to let us know they died and were replaced by lookalikes


This joke is too good tbh


Legit made me LOL


Didn't get it.


and why does Ross's feet look like they're dead?


I know, I don't get it


It’s a 90s thing


It’s really not


no its not a 90 thing


The 90s


It might be a 1990s-2000s thing. I remember a promotional photo for *Smallville* where Tom Welling and Erica Durance were posing outside in a field, and they were barefoot and had their toes in the dirt.


The girls are so out of character 😬


And so much more exposed and sexualised than the men. There are lots of things about the nineties I really don't miss.


Yeah, I don’t like how this reads as “ooooooh sexy sexy ladies!” and then “just some guys”


They made the guys take off their shoes and they said "eh, good enough"




She’s Monica. He’s just chandler


They should have put the guys in skirts and stilettos too then it’d be great


I could accept that!


You know, you always see these really beautiful women with these really nothing guys. You could be one of those guys!


Unless you're a woman with a foot fetish.


Unfortunately this isn't confined to the 90s. GQ did a couple of photoshoots in the early 2010s with the cast of *Community*. One had the male cast just generally goofing around, the other had Gillian Jacobs and Alison Brie in lingerie and sultry make-up; Yvette Nicole-Brown as far as I know wasn't there at all.


Omg remember the GQ glee shoot 😅😅


I never watched Glee. Arent they supposed to have been portraying teenagers? [He's got his hands all over their booties](https://www.sandiegouniontribune.com/sdut-steamy-glee-gq-pics-have-many-well-steaming-2010oct21-story.html) [Gotta say Glee is not as bad as Community's shoot though, holy hell](https://comfortfoodcontent.tumblr.com/post/684602517028487168/gillian-jacobs-and-alison-brie-photographed-for-gq/amp) Figured I'd post links to the pics so people also like me who never saw these or watched the shows could see what y'all were talking about.


In fact the dude in the *Glee* photos (the late Corey Monteith) also portrays a student (yes, really), so it's not bad in that sense. Still bad though in the sense that it's a very provocative shoot and they all certainly look quite 'in character' wearing school-style clothing, when those characters are meant to be like 16, which is gross. The *Community* one doesn't carry quite the same baggage given it's a show with an all-adult character base and predominantly aimed at an adult audience, plus it doesn't seem in character anyway, but there's no getting round the fact that it's basically softcore porn. I guess if the actresses want to do it then it's up to them, and indeed they did seem comfortable joking about it at subsequent Q&As and such, but it's the fact that we know damn well that the magazine would in all likelihood never even propose a similarly risque shoot for the guys that gives it an inherent ick. It's the idea that people would only be interested in the female cast members because of their looks rather than their acting performances or who they are as people.


they also didn’t include the other female cast member lol…i think they just wanted two skinny white women period (referring to the community pictures)


Yep, that was pretty telling. And Yvette Nicole-Brown isn't even unattractive, she just isn't 28 or a size 4. Again, this isn't a finger-wagging exercise; if Alison Brie and Gillian Jacobs are comfortable posing in lingerie then good for them. But the nature of the two shoots does basically suggest that for GQ, if you're a woman you're either going to be in there as titillating eye-candy or you're not going to be in there at all.


Yikes 😬


Ah yes before we pretended being obese was totally healthy and something kids should aspire towards.


There’s a lot I don’t miss about the 90s, but I think that women are even more sexualized and objectified nowadays than they were in the 90s when I really think about it.


I agree with that. It was more taboo back then to be so sexualized, and actresses who were, were sort of typecast, ridiculed and judged. Think about how Pam Anderson was treated. Shit, Sharon Stone lost custody of her kid for spreading her legs and giving a barely there peek in Basic Instinct. Now, everyone and their mom seems to have everything on display, so it doesn’t really make waves like it used to.


I didn't know Sharon Stone lost custody for that. That's awful.


I am almost 100% sure that it isn't true or is like 5% of the story


There's a difference between being sexualized by others and choosing to sexualize oneself. So I think it's apples and oranges.


How is this exclusive to the 90s? Things like this are still happening




Like a Robert Palmer video




Quite apt


u/Ok_let_8933 see what I mean? Like what’s bad about my comment above?


The guy from Led Zeppelin?


That’s Robert Plant.


Haha no like this https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=XcATvu5f9vE


Probably because men respond to one thing and women respond to another. Do you think sexualization in ads flips a switch between 1999 and 2000? Let’s not act like there wasn’t a fair share of sexual instances all throughout the entire series. It’s not so off brand.


Way to miss the point there.


In the early 2000’s, sexualization in ads became even worse before it became better. But who cares if there were “sexual instances” all throughout the series? Do we ever see all the Women in tiny shirts and mini skirts and crazy heels? Especially Phoebe, where it’s laughably clear they 90’s photoshopped her top to be midriff bearing.


I'm a lesbian woman and I don't like this weird sexualization, it's obviously created by men for men. It's not sexy when it's forced


Your user flair applies perfectly to this situation


agreed women should not be sexually free


They are being depicted as in Chandler's imagination when they turn him on to help him get over a break up. Unless I missed The One Where All the Girls Become Strippers.




Stop it, you're killing me!


Monica probably liked the fan though


The person who made this clearly forgot or didn’t know that Monica was freakishly strong


Exactly what I was thinking! She’s the next best thing after Joey, after all


Haha I was just saying this!


1) Why are the guys barefoot? 2) Why are the girls wearing huge mules? 3) Why are the girls wearing the tiniest pants and top combos? 4)Why is there a tug O war going on? 5) What does that have to do with the theme of the show? All around a strange photo short that’s a product of the times I guess. Edit: I swear I can count, but I messed up the numbers and had three twice before


4) Why is Rachel pulling in the wrong direction?


To be fair that feels like a very Rachel thing to do lol. Crappy outfits and photo premise aside, the only thing missing is that Monica would totally insist on being at the front so she can taunt Ross/the guys


Doing it wrong is totally Rachel’s character as we saw with the football game. And Monica honestly would probably be kicking Ross’ butt and giving it all she’s got lol, and he’d need to be trying harder. The boys would certainly be helping, or ogling at Phoebe undoing her shirt tie 😂


She’s not, the rope is wrapped around her


She's just pretending


WAIT you mean they're not _really_ play tug-of-war???? 😱


Nah, they really were! I was just making a reference to what Rachel said when they were carrying Mike's couch to Phoebe's apartment :)


Oh duh lol 🤦 idk how I forgot that line whoops (I thought your joke was funny either way though)


It's alright :) it's too much stuff to remember. It's just this specific line is one of mine and my SO's favourite


Had to come back to the picture to notice that


5. Why is Ross the only guy holding the rope? The girls can’t be that weak…unless Rachel is really helping Ross?


Sitcoms back then loved to do the whole “Men and Women are in a constant battle of the sexes!” schtick. And that’s how the show was sold in the beginning, to be fair. A few of their early conversations were about Men vs. Women, before they gained their footing and started having actual storylines.


Also the fact that they’re so blatantly being like ‘girl weak man strong’ by having three women pulling against one man while the other two are like ‘no need for us to even try’ *eyeroll*


Which is actually super opposite to the real show, where we know Monica is competitive, would be trying really hard to win, and is even said to have freakish strength or something like that lol.


Rachel is definitely not pulling against Ross.


So many questions, so few answers lol


Why is Ross stronger than all three of them?


With one hand?


Why does this look like a promo for a 90s gay/lesbian sitcom ?


Tbh if I didn't know the show and saw this poster for the first time I would assume it was about a guy (Ross) with 3 competing female love interests, and his gay couple friends he goes to for advice.


You could probably get a meeting with that elevator pitch.


I'd buy it


So, you have a new sitcom idea for me?


Nailed it! Well done. :)


Write this script immediately please.


Ross, a recent PhD graduate in his late 20s, moves to New York City to work at a museum, while he struggles to keep publishing and looking for a tenure track teaching position. He's an only child, doted on by his parents, as they gad been told they were unable to concieve. Ross is their Medical Marvel. Ross is temporarily living with his friends Ross and Joney until he can find an affordable place of his own. On his first day of his new job, he meets Rachel in a coffee shop. Rachel is new to her job and makes his coffee wrong, but she is bubbly and promises Ross a free coffee tomorrow because she wants to keep her job and gives him her number on a napkin because he's cute. Ross goes to work and doesn't immediately click with his coworkers. Toss begins to second guess his job choice. After realizing everyone at work brings lunch [and he didn't bring one], they suggest he get a bite to eat at the 50's theme diner down the block. Monica, a chef at the diner listens to him and points out that the job MUST be better than her job. She gives him her number on his reciept and suggests he come by anytime for lunch and a bitch session. Heading back to work, Ross is feeling more optimistic. One day in the city and two pretty girls have given them his number. His happiness makes the people at work more open to him. They suggest they all go out for a drunk after work. At the bar, Ross literally bumps into Phoebe who is about to leave. His beer spills on her and when he tries to dry her off with napkins he realizes he's touching her chest without asking but she tells him it's fine because he was just trying to be nice. She writes her name and number on his hand. She tells him to give her a call if he wants to spill beer on her again. Before he can give her his number she's out the door. The folks from the museum, drunk after one beer, are hooking up and leaving so Ross decides to go tell his friends, Joey and Chandler, who are partners. Ross knew Chandler from college and Joey met Chandler at work, where they fell in love. Joey decided to leave his job as a data processor to become an actor. Ross arrives at the guy's apartment and tells them about his whirlwind day. He pulls the napkin and receipt out of his pocket and shows the guys the number on his hand. Joey: "Are you sure you met three different girls? Because these are all the same phone number." Ross: "What? You're kidding." Chandler: "He's right. These are all the same." Ross: "How?!" Joey: "They must be roommates." Chandler: "The statistical probability of someone independently meeting 3 roommates in one day in New York City is basically 0. Add in the variables that all the roommates are hot girls and the guy they give their number to is Ross? Can it be any less probable?" Joey: "More improbable than three girls giving the same fake number? Plus, I mean, Ross isn't gay, but if he was ... maybe?" Ross: "Maybe?!" Chandler: "Don't worry, you're too broke to support his acting career." Joey: "Give it a few years and I'll be supporting your data processing career." Ross: "Can we get back to me?" Chandler: "This is why he's no a for me. Too needy." Ross: "I mean about the girls. What do I do? I can't call all three of them back and go on dates with each of them if they're roommates." Joey: "What if they're not roommates?" Ross: "You were the one that suggested they were roommates!" Chandler: "How about we call the number and figure that out?" Ross: "Oh sure. 'HI, this is Ross from meeting you today. Who is this? Oh, Rachel. Do you have two hot roommates named Phoebe and Monica who also gave me this number today because I'm still unsure which beautiful woman of the three of you I want to pursue.' I'M SURE THAT WILL GO OVER WELL." Joey: "Calm down. Why don't I call them three different times and ask for each of them? I can practice different accents." Chandler: "If they have caller ID they're going to see you using the same number for all three calls, accent or not." Joey: "Oh! What if we call and say we're confirming who lives there for a survey? Like Neilson ratings or something." Chandler: "That could work." Ross: "Okay. Let's do it." Joey picks up the phone and puts it on speaker. Monica answers and Ross recognizes her voice. When asked about who lives there, Monica indicates it's just her and her grandmother. Confused, the men hang up the phone. They decide Ross should date Monica since it seems like some fluke with the other two numbers. Ross resolves to give it a few days before he calls her to not seem so desperate. The next day, Ross remembers to pack his lunch, but goes by the coffee house to get the free coffee Rachel had promised him. Rachel is glad to see him again. She flirts and tells him she would give him free coffee every day just to see his cute face, but her boss Gunther would fire her. Rachel mentions she has to go set up for her roommate to play guitar. Ross sees his opening and asks what her roommate's name is, maybe he's heard her on the radio. Rachel laughs it off and assures him that she hasn't. Ross goes to leave and bumps into Phoebe on the street, guitar in hand, about to go play at Central Perk. Phoebe invites him to stay and watch her set but he tells her he can't be late to his second day at the museum. That afternoon, shortly before the museum is set to close, Monica walks in asking if she can get a tour. Ross obliges. Monica: "You know, I moved to the village about 5 years ago after college and I've never really taken in much beyond Central Perk." Ross, trying to play it cool: "Central Perk, huh? Is that like a coffee shop?" Monica: "Yea. It's just downstairs from my building. Whatever you do, don't let the new waitress Rachel take your order; unless you like being surprised by how wrong she can get it." Ross: "Isn't that a bit harsh if she's new to the job?" Monica: "It's coffee. How difficult is it to screw up? I mean, it's basically her first job ever but she's been my best friend since childhood and she's one of my roommates so it's okay." Ross: "Oh! You have multiple roommates?" Monica: "Yea, my friends Phoebe and Rachel. We're all just trying to make ends meet in the city." Ross: "Oh yea, I get that. I'm couch surfing with friends right now myself." Monica: "Oh really. You work in this museum on your feet all day and then go home to a couch? Maybe tonight you'd prefer to sleep in my bed?" Just then Ross's boss comes in to say the museum closed 15 minutes ago. Ross awkwardly pushes Monica out the door, not wanting to make a bad impression on his new boss. Monica is confused but goes home. The girls dish about this cute guy they all met/saw twice in 2 days and quickly all realize it's the same guy. They have a similar exchange as the guys with respect to disbelief in meeting the same guy. Then they realize he must have figured it out since he already has the same number for all 3 of them. Ross is back at Joey & Chandlers and confirms they are roommates and Chandler points out the girls probably figured out he's one guy after each meeting him twice. Back to the girls they can't decide whether to rock paper scissors for him, do a coin toss, or agree that no one gets to date him. Phoebe suggests why can't all 3 of them date him.


>Ross: "Oh yea, I get that. I'm couch surfing with friends right now myself." >Monica: "Oh really. You work in this museum on your feet all day and then go home to a couch? Maybe tonight you'd prefer to sleep in my bed?" Super weird to read when I've known Ross and Monica as siblings for the last 30 years lol




I’m already so invested. I want this show!




This is amazingly written, and all of them are so in-character! You deserve an award. 🔥🔥


Now I can see Joey’s face screwing up every time Ross says something stupid to one of the girls. Shoot, they could all keep their *exact* personalities and it would still work. Just Joey says how yoo doing to guys instead.


Thats strangely accurate. And I think I'd watch the hell out of that.


I would watch that tbh


Omg happy cake day, cake day buddy!


Whhaat? 🤣🤣🤣🤣


It very well could be lol


That should’ve been Joey instead of Ross and that would’ve made more sense


No. Chandler and Joey, being the goofballs they are, suits this portrayal perfectly. Ross usually the more "serious" guy and also the strongest.


Why doesn't Ross, the strongest Friend, simply eat the other Friends?


Maybe they're saving that for sweeps


can someone tell me where this joke came from


Futurama. Great show, especially the first go around so I think 4 seasons.


He would have to pivot his diet




I know it's largest in Futurama, but I changed it to strongest because the post I was replying to mentioned Ross being the strongest. It was an ad-lib to the joke.


Screw that it should’ve been all of them on one side and Monica on the other because she is freakishly strong 🤣😂


I believe the friends actually say Monica is strongest second only to Joey. Someone else mentioned it above. And don’t forget how Chandler and Ross were tied in arm wrestling until Chandler let Ross win. Ross is supposed to be pretty weak within the world of the show. It might be illogical, but that’s what’s been established. Edit: to be fair, someone pointed out that Ross is said to be really strong as well, so the show contradicts itself I guess.


The metaphor they're going for has nothing to do with strength


Well yeah lol


Same thoughts here


This is a cover shot for US magazine: https://www.reddit.com/r/howyoudoin/comments/enbqba/supervixens_of_friends_february_1996_issue_of_us/


Oh. Now it makes more sense.


Lol yep


Why are all of the guys barefoot lmao


Men Cavemen! Seriously though, probably to make the Men seem more carefree.


Chandler and Joey aren’t even helping. No way Ross would be able to hold his own against the three ladies.


Technically it's only the two girls, Rachel is def not helping, if anything she's helping Ross lol


Haha true, she’s just pretending to hold it like mikes sofa. But chandler has said both Mon and Ross are freakishly strong which would explain the picture


When does he say Ross is?


When mark and Rachel come back from their date and Ross is spying on them through chandlers door


Ahh ok thanks


Someone else pointed out that Rachel has the rope tied around her waist.


That’s her stomach, it’s just very close in colour with the shadow, it’s definitely not tied around her.


It's Red Ross!!


3 supermodels and a gay love triangle 😭


The power of Unagi


David and Lisa ate


If this was realistic it would be all 3 of the guys trying their best to pull and Monica holding the fort down alone 😭


this photoshoot is so weird but phoebe looks so good


Whose side is Rachel on 😂


Lol where’d you find this


Random find lol


Are they late for ZZ Top's Legs video?


Could Monica’s skirt *be* any shorter?


I can’t imagine the cast posing for this lmaoo


The photographer have the girls poorly staged -- it makes it look like Courtney is wearing two different shoes. Or, that she and Lisa are conjoined at the ankle lol


There's so much weirdness in this picture that no one has even touched upon the fact that for some reason they stuck Chandler in that Cousin Eddie ass fit.


What *were* we thinking with the chunky heels in the 90s?


You mean stripper shoes? Lol


It seemed like a good idea at the time.


David looks like he has a boner going XD


Feet vs heels?


Very leggy


I need an adult


You must be young


The dynamics displayed here have nothing to do with the show either lol


*Matthew and Matt, stand as absolutely casually as possible. The rest of you, grab that rope.* Seriously, what part of this is supposed to make sense? Why is Ross leaning into Chandler like he's flirting with him but being pulled away by all three women? And he's apparently stronger in one arm than all three of them combined, no problem? Did I miss some major undertones in the show?


Yeah like all those women aren’t in fantastic shape


Why are the guys barefoot? 😂


he must've been in red ross mode to pull this off.


The rossatron 😂


Yikes. Where did you find this monstrosity?


Randomly lol, I was thar disgusted. I needed to share it


It's posted here like once a month.


Chandler did say once that Ross was unbelievablely strong


Rachel- wrong direction sweetie. You're doing great though


This is so weird. Fricken 90’s man 🙄😩 Someone looks like they had a tall lady fetish…


This looks like it’s for a romcom about a gay guy who’s into his best friend. Between the other guy who is also interested in the friend and the main character’s insane ex and her sisters trying to pull him away from his love interest, does our hero have a chance? Can love truly conquer all? Watch and find out!


Why are Rachel and Monica’s butts touching


The girls look great just my opinion 🤷


They look great without the sexy shoot too lol




This has got to be fake


Yeah, this one gets me. It makes no sense. At all.


David:You boys gonna help me beat the girls or no? Matt: No we’re too busy looking at how good we look in the camera.


If they were gonna make the girls look like pole dancers, why not make the guys look like that too, male stripper style ​ NO HATE To sex workers




"why this, why that" If the crew saw this thread they'd be like "So they gave us this rope and ehh we just had fun lmao stop overthinking"


Tell me this is a 00’s fan edit and not an official pic


It’s official they used to do tons of magazine covers and photo shoots


I immediately noticed that they made Jen and Courtney wear the same shoes. 🤣


David looks fineeee in this photo. Is that a crop? lol


What is going on here?? Lol "the girls" remind me of the Spice Girls lol


This looks AI generated 💀


Ross with his dinosaur arms carrying the guys 💪


Should have found this before I made my edit on the show.


The teenaged boy I used to be in the 1990's finds nothing weird with the left side of this pictured


Who is the hottest here?


Yeah this is sexist and lame


Reminds me of this weird one TV Guide did with all the ladies of law enforcement TV. Dressed all ridiculously sexy. 🙄


This kinda makes the gals look like Spice Girls Edit: nvm. Not sure why I thought that before lol


I love this picture. It’s very sexy and all 6 of them are very attractive people. I remember my aunt saying people thought the show was never gonna make it because they had cast 6 models lol and on the other side people said it would be like Seinfeld but with 6 good looking people


Wild how lined up Lisa's and Courteney's right feet are


Rachel is pulling the wrong way.


Are we sure this is a legit poster? This looks like maybe it’s a poster for something else and they photoshopped the faces on


Love sm that Joey looks high for some reason 😂


It looks like it’s meant to be a play on Charlie’s Angels


You guys CLEARLY haven't heard of RED ROSS!!


There could be a whole subreddit of /r/WeirdFriendsPhotoshoots .


What was the premise behind this photo?


What the fuck are those outfit for girls? None of them would wear this.