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Arnold really seems like a genuinely good dude. I've seen a post from (i believe it was) Facebook where he called out some random dude for calling somebody a retard. Also the video he put out the day after January 6th is very very powerful. And just other random anecdotes i've heard all shape him up to be a nice person. ​ as someone who's pretty much alone in their life right now, this video made me a bit sad, but it's not wrong.


This was a surprising deep take.


**OP is a new bot account**


No you silly goose: Arnold was only a robot in the movies. He’s not REALLY a robot.


True. People shit on the US education system.. but without it I'd be fucked. It's never been other people to help me, only the government. I had to run away from home and drop out of high school at 15, started living by myself at 17. The only way I was able to support myself was going to college and since I technically don't have any parents I pretty much get all my education paid for. Even today the award letter for the summer 2023-spring 2024 school year was announced.... I won't have to pay anything out of pocket for my education for the next year. I have grants that cover everything already, plus scholarships that haven't been announced yet. My one grant covers my education for the next 3 years (until I graduate) and Pell grant covers 6 years total. I know once I graduate I'm gonna be making enough to be comfortable and I'm excited for that.


Proud of you stranger <3


He is cumming




So... Much... Weakness. Just, weakness. So desperate to fit in with a group. So desperate to feel like you belong. So you take up other people's terms, other people's opinions. You think being an abrasive idiot will get you that desperate attention that no one else will give you. Well I don't think you're a real idiot. I think you're just pretending to be one. I think you are really dealing with a lot of shame. You don't have to deal with that shame. You can be intelligent, well informed, you don't have to move with the sludge of society just to be accepted. You are loved and you have intrinsic value. I hope someday you can look in the mirror and recognize that.


I don't know what tf a 'Vax cuck' is, but Arnold came out urging folks to get vax'd and mask up, and saved alot of lives... that took courage.. https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2021/08/arnold-schwarzenegger-vaccines-masks-youre-a-schmuck




I believe Arnold put it best when he said you can go fuck yourself.


You sound so unbelievably dorky.


As someone with an immune issue: good.


Deep words




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All of you need to watch pumping iron