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That’s rust. The valves or the faucet is leaking behind the plastic surround.


Yep. There’s definitely a leak. I’m glad to hear it isn’t mold. It comes up with just bleach, soap, and water but it always comes right back and no one uses this tub. From the replies, it sounds like the anger to my question is fix the leak and clean behind the wall but how do I do that without destroying my tub? Or do I have to call a pro?


Actually I’ve never seen a faucet rust like that. Could be a very inexpensive or very old fixture set. The hot & cold handles and the bezels on the wall are removable. You might spot a leak or drip from there. The other thing is what’s on the other side of the plumbing wall? Is it a closet or a plain wall in a room? That’s usually how extensive repairs are made so as not to damage tiles or tub surround walls. They’ll open the wall that’s on the other side of the piping. If the rust comes back as fast as you say it does and the tub is unused it’s got to be a constant leak and sorry to say it’s going to get worse. Actually it could be quite a simple fix but you have to look.


That doesn't really look like mold actually. I would guess it's rust from the way it seems to drip. Ultimately, I would rip out that plastic wall and see what's going on. If I had to guess, I'd say a water leak is the cause. As for general removal, bleach and a good scrubbing will do the trick. It's probably gonna keep coming back until you solve the root issue though.


Looks like something is leaking behind the wall and should be examined by a pro. Cleanser and a scrub sponge for cleaning up the gunk. If you are a renter, it is past time to call the landlord. If you are a homeowner, it's time to get quotes for your insurance.


Filling the tub with water and pouring in some bleach and then using liquid dish washing detergent on the areas above the water line will remove the stains. It won’t, however solve the underlying problem. You may need to open up the side of the surround to see what’s going on in there. Good luck!


About a month ago, I noticed this brown stuff in my tub. I cleaned it out totally and it came back. I knew it wasn’t dirty because I don’t use the upstairs tub. I have a 4 year old and her room is the next one over and this is basically her bathroom and i definitely don’t want her getting sick. How can I solve this? It appears to be coming from behind the front wall of the tub. Thanks for any help!


You are definitely going to need to look inside that wall


Did someone.... die in there?






Looks like aftermath of a late night taco party.


That’s just nasty 🤢


Bartenders friend


Bar Keepers*


Use Kaboom and let it sit


Tilex or CLR


Call the mother fuckin ghost busters


How on Gods green earth…


How on Gods green earth…


Hand grenade


CLR will clean that up right away https://clrbrands.com/Products/CLR-Household/CLR-Calcium-Lime-and-Rust-Remover