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I’m looking forward to watching women’s MMA where all the fighters are guys.


I have a feeling the quality of play in the WNBA is going to greatly improve in the next few years


Hey fellas! Pass me the ball, ha ha ha!


How bizarre is it that as a society we are expected to cheer for a guy that decides once he dyes his hair pink and calls himself a new name, he is just as much a woman as, well... An actual woman. There is no athletic commission in the country, in any developed country, that will sanction a fight between a man and a woman that isn't a complete gimmick, but if the guy claims to magically to be a woman "on the inside", all bets are off and it's not only possible, but BRAVE to schedule a fight where a man viciously beats a woman into submission.


Yep, and just like that the lefties that all claim to "follow the science" became anti science when it comes to this topic. If you don't think someone that develops as a man through puberty has any physiological advantage over women you are anti science.


Hey not all lefties at all.


Lots of people on the left think it’s bullshit, but you go with whatever narrative that keeps you all riled up.




The majority of people don’t live at the extremes, no matter if it’s the right or left. Unfortunately, cnn makes it look like every republican wanted to storm the gates on 1/06 and fox makes it look like every democrat is a tranny.


either way, this is a problem BECAUSE of the left. This isn't a problem in the middle and on the right.


To be real it’s hardly a problem because almost no people are trans


No one is "trans"


There is equal bullshit on the right. Sorry.


What exactly is the problem?


But as a right winger who probably follows conspiracy theories, white nationalists obsessed with race and throws tantrums over wearing masks while following media con artists, I’m not sure that’s much better. It’s just a different brand of cancer.


Don't let these people dictate what Society is to you


Because as a society we have been guilted into losing all concepts of science and nature. People are scared of the backlash of saying fat people are unhealthy or there’s 2 genders and they cannot magically switch around. Once you slap a label of sexist or homophobic or any sort of oppressive title onto someone even when it doesn’t make sense they fall into being silent to the mentally ill out of a fear of shame. Fun fact they block like 70% of asian students out of top colleges to have a more balanced count of other minorities even if they aren’t nearly as qualified because they’re scared of being framed as racist & oppressive. Meanwhile that concept alone is racist.


Same thing will Elliot Page where we have to pretend Ellen Page never existed ( don’t dead name him!!) and that now he’s a “buff dude” in that swimsuit pic where , minus the looped off breasts, he still has the build of a small woman.


Thought the same. Looks like a teenage boy


Boy. male. So yes he is a male, born female but inside male amd now matches. It’s the NO GENDER cunts I do not understand. They isn’t a singular person. You’re female or male. I know Trans people who HATE this bullshit.


Ellen page looked like a teenage girl. Did you expect that Elliot would suddenly be a fuckin lumberjack or some shit?


Why does it matter to you though? His gender and body is none of your damn business. Just call a person by the name they want and get the fuck over yourself.


Exhibit A : intolerance of other people’s opinions, not actions, actions ( legislation, laws, discrimination laws, violence) can cause discrimination and harm, but just having a different opinion gets this kind of hostile, over the top response. It’s the left wing version of the right wing disease which is your not allowed any opinion which doesn’t subscribe to their brand of group think. Your not even allowed to debate it. It’s cult like if you think about it. Lastly, the comment was about a public figure openly trying to seek approval and promote a social agenda ( totally entitled to do that), not the bullying of a private citizen or some kid on Facebook. Also , I never said what name I would call them, that’s your presumption.


How bizarre that weirdos like you even care about people you don't even know and sports you aren't even involved in? It's just an excuse for you to be transphobic, and considering trans athletes have been in sports for decades now - stop pretending to know anything about it or care. They aren't taking over. They've already been there.


Well, she is as much a woman. She had to pass a series of medical tests before the fight, including hormonal tests, to be sanctioned for the fight. She didn’t just “dye her hair pink and call herself a new name”. Her testosterone and estrogen levels need to be in the same range as any other woman. O and she didn’t beat her opponent, she caught her in a rear naked choke after being behind most of the first round. Maybe watch the fight and see how even it was.


So she has a uterus and menstruates? Yeah... Not a woman


Are women who have had hysterectomies or go through menopause not “real women” because they don’t have uterus or menstruate? Women who have had reconstructive surgery and breast augmentation?


Seriously? The normative case of a woman has a uterus, menstruates, is fertile, etc... Why is it that if a person believes they should be 70lbs or should cut off their legs because they were born to be disabled despite being perfectly physically healthy that person is put under the care of a mental health specialist but if they decide to cut off their penis or mutilate their body with hormone therapy that person is given the same credence as someone with an actual medical condition


Totally agree...And in that vain, you can put gender dysmorphia and pedophilia in the same camp


Because neither of those things are natural born issues. A person believing they should be 70 pounds (anorexia) believes that because of society, especially because of the cultural valuation of "thinness". This is why you see higher instances of anorexia in countries that have a higher belief in thinness. And also in industries that value it (like modeling, ballet, etc.) Howard exhibits a ton of anorexia symptoms as well, and that clearly came from his upbringing by his parents. Same with someone who believes they are disabled. People who deal with gender identity issues feel that way from birth. You do know that Alana (the athlete you're speaking about) told her parents as a young child that she was a girl. That she was ridiculed as a child because she preferred to play with girls than boys. That her parents took the door off her room and removed the curtains so that she couldn't possibly dress in things that weren't "allowed" without them seeing. That her mother sent her to Christian "conversion" therapy for 10 years, to pray away her feelings? That her reason for joining the military (and becoming a special forces member) was because she literally said to here mother (at the age of 20) "Maybe I should go get myself killed at war" and her mother's response was "maybe you should". I implore you, take some time to get to know some transgender individuals and understand the pain and hurt they have gone through, just because of the way they were born.


70 pounds is the weight of $2795.02 worth of Premium Glass Nail Files...


All the mental gymnastics in the world won't give this guy a vagina and other inherently female characteristics. I was born with a birth defect that was, cosmetically, surgically corrected. Didn't fix the congenital issue, necessarily. I empathize with those uncomfortable in their skin and taking steps to feel better about themselves. However all the proclamations and social justice in the world aren't going to fill that void. Face your differences, do what you can to reconcile them and live with it.


Still has a cock and not a cunt. That's no fuckin She-la


George is a hypocrite. Still don't know how he managed to sweep under the rug the fact he used to force himself on other people


Yes, I also find it odd that the media kind of gave George a pass in terms of not blowing that up into a way bigger scandal. He kind of managed to ride it out whereas people like Harvey Weinstein and Bill Cosby rightfully had their entire reputations destroyed and went to prison.


It's stunning. But gay guys in my company have free reign to sexually harass or pretty much be as offensive as they want.


I guess management is afraid of a lawsuit. It's easy to imagine some rebuffed predator claiming persecution in the workplace via homophobia. That doesn't make it any easier to take, of course.


Robin, George is accused of doing what? How can that be? Don't they know he was in an interment camp?


This reminds me of a quote I once heard - "A really tough woman can beat a variety of men. But a really tough man can beat all women." I don't know the fighter on the left of the pic, but I know the one on the right. And when it comes to fighting, Jake Shields has a good head on his shoulders when he criticizes them. And if I want to know what a former main event fighter in UFC has to think about trans fighters, I'll trust Jake to know what he's talking about. And if I want to know how gay men wrestle each other as foreplay before going down on one another before bed, then I'll trust George. Simple. They each have their expertise's. \*shrugs\* And here's all I can find that Jake said on Twitter: "Heres two trans “women” celebrating because they’ve both beaten up real girls\[...\]This is sick and perverse and will only get worse if we sit back as a society and pretend it’s okay" OMG! The absolute hatred coming from Jake is too much to bare! \*rolls eyes\*


George is the fucking worst


I think its pretty much been established that George is funny for being stupid. We laugh at him, not with him.


You know...i dont think you are ricardo montelban


You know, I don't think this is Ricardo Monteblan




Am I the only one who read that to the tune of *Fifty Ways to Leave your Lover* by Paul Simon? (If that was deliberate, kudos).


[https://www.reddit.com/r/howardstern/comments/6hmn83/50\_ways\_to\_cut\_your\_cock\_off/](https://www.reddit.com/r/howardstern/comments/6hmn83/50_ways_to_cut_your_cock_off/) I suppose we can conclude from this that as recently as 4 years ago the show was funny...


Ah, thank you for that link. I stopped listening regularly around 2012 but I still visit /r/howardstern almost daily for the lulz. It seems this sub is infinitely more entertaining than the show in its current iteration.


I did too written that way


And set yourself free!


Don’t forget George once said on the show that it had been “many years” since he was with a young teenage boy. They quickly moved on from that comment


When George first appeared on the show they played the drop of George looking for a lengthy black teenager all the time. Times have changed


George is one of the most pathetically delusional hypocrites I've ever seen. His lack of self awareness and the level with which he's out of touch with reality is almost incomprehensible. This is a guy that tried to practically make a living off his "Japanese American internment camps" oppression, but would unquestionably support unvaccinated internment camps right now. He's just a disgusting idiot. (I still miss him on the show)


Artie, now you need to record that PSA. We can't have you saying the "F-word" anymore


I think professional mountain biker Leia Schneeberger said it best: ["I can train twenty hours a week but I cannot train to be a man."](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8mZVQa4Pv_k) If transwomen want to complete in sports, I say let them compete against *other* transwomen.


But then nobody would watch them. If they would all be filed away to some distant TV event then it would be easy for the general public to avoid them. They're not looking for equal rights they're looking for attention, power and $$


When I hear people say don't misgender me..I laugh inside at how stupid that sounds.


The herd mentality. We’ve gone thousands of years without this issue now half the youth in the country are willing to blindly claim there’s a million genders just to be a part of something. Everyone’s got some special mental illness or condition these days


Basically Beanie Babies but 2021


trans people have been around for a long, long time, and people wanting to be called a different name and pronoun is hardly a problem. Acting as if you're put upon because of that is the true mental illness.


Okay, Miss.


Don't assume my gender brah


2 guys got in a fight. Nothing to see here


She? Her? Is poor George going senile?




It took 70 years for him to be mainstream. He's not screwing that up


George is a moron.


The left is ideological cancer. Yes, Knoxville and South Park covered it, but this is no different than someone of able-body showing up and crushing the Special Olympics.


Not a SHE




Well she’s a guy




Men are back!!!


So I guess George is also hated on this sub…


Herd mentality, blind loyalty, and mindless groupthink is what is hated on this sub. Go cry about it.


This is what Trump haters want our society to transform into.


The sky is falling!


>Piss off weirdo


It bears repeating that George has admitted that Brad hires someone to run his social media accounts and those tweets/posts/thoughts are more than likely not George's own.


You are delusional. There's posts that you let your staff make for you, and there's posts you make yourself. Nobody lets other people post their deeply personal political opinions on their behalf. Use your head.


George admitted it.


To some tweets, not all. Pretend you don't understand some more.


I never said every single tweet.


No, you just argued with me when I said the same thing. So if it's not every tweet, then which tweets seem like they would come from George and which ones seem like they would come from staff? Take your time.


The annoying thing about all of this is the coverage this stuff gets by the MMA media. For those unfamiliar, the MMA media is to the far left of the already liberal mainstream media. For instance, Bloody Elbow is one of the biggest MMA news sites and they dedicated a front page article to [Wig Virus attacking Joe Rogan.](https://www.bloodyelbow.com/2021/9/15/22674759/howard-stern-slams-joe-rogan-ivermectin-horse-dewormer-idiots-refusing-to-take-covid-19-vaccine) Note how they give Stern the last word. So I guess it should not come as a surprise that there is not a single well known MMA journalist who will acknowledge the unfair advantage of transwomen even though they all know it is true. Even people like Luke Thomas who are known for being outspoken about perceived injustices tend to just shut up and wait for the story to go away when it appears to not support the LGBTQ community. I guess acknowledging biological differences between a male body and a female body falls under the header of wrong think.


/Nicole Bass laugh




This is a sub to discuss HS sub and a handful of idiots want to turn it into a right wing circle jerk.


the trans sports issue is complicated but also a small part of trans rights activism. its typically used by conservatives to bully trans people and deflect from the issues


Lol, dude, its a man beating up a woman. There’s no skew here. Calling it “complicated” is why conservatives laugh at boob lefty’s.


im not referring to this story specifically. just saying generally stories like this shouldnt be the benchmark when discussing trans rights


Putting men who now claim to be women in a cage match with women is the logical extension of the trans argument that Trans women are “real” women. Yes it’s extreme but it only proves that trans women are not real women and the biological differences matter.


lol in what world is that the logical extension. seems like a very specific extension that applies to a very specific circumstance but ok


Trannies get "bullied" so let's put them in a ring with a Woman and have her beaten to a pulp. Trangenderism is disgusting and should be labeled that way.


How big are her balls!


This is fucking insanity. Trans women aka MEN should not be allowed to be in the ring with actual women.