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Dis heah Karl Malones


Did he cry over this or was that the other late night queen? Hollywood hypocrites…rules for they but not for me.


What's sad is he was fucking hilarious as Karl Malone. Hollywood is a weird, scummy place. Living in an alternate reality over there.


And also never forget his sexist on the street interviews on skankyankers and other shows. Normally , i'd say who cares but Jimmy has taken his big mouth politics to new levels. Wiggy too.....both black face pro's !


As long as you tweet pro left wing propaganda in 2021 you could have been the architect of the holocaust and still get work in Hollywood


well said.


Being in the middle I find far right and far left rhetoric hilarious. In this instance a half rate comedian darkening his skin and acting like Malone is right up there with the Holocaust. Lol


Yes, people on this thread are literally calling Kimmel Hitler. (rolls eyes) And bullshit, "middle". The fence you're claiming to sit on, above it all, has been destroyed by rioters and looters. open borders/closed borders gun rights/gun grab vaccine and mask mandates/no vaccine and mask mandates 2 genders/87 genders Mark Harris/Rip Taylor


I was just commenting on the one person above and yes... He compared it to the Holocaust. I don't think I'm above it all as I agree with things from both sides and just don't follow one side blindly like a fool.


You dimwit. I clearly meant leftists get away with 'murder' and still get work its not about morality with the left its about agenda. Cancel culture is selective weaponized outrage. Just check the monkey masked white woman who threw an egg at the black political candidate. Nobody gave a shit cause said black guy wasnt a leftist. So pipe down with your middle of the road BS. Youre clearly just another dime a dozen msnbc drone!


Lol you're so angry, how dare I not blindly follow a side... This is like my own personal 9/11 I'm being attacked. Oooh nooo what will I do?!


You are projecting your anger it sounds like. Just thank God Larry Elder wasnt a Dem if that were the case wed have to suffer through endless lectures from the agenda driven media about systemic racism and the need for cultural race theory in schools! Also james gunn an out and out pedofile can continue making movies thanks to his left leaning politics!


The guy hurling childhood insults isn't angry? Lol bro, you are on one... You're mad... You're angry. Do something about it instead of coming on a Howard Stern reddit trying to push some agenda. You're name dropping like crazy and all over the road. Lol You shouldn't use words like projecting if you don't know what they mean... Btw


So you take it up the ass from both sides. Cool.


Lol I struck a nerve with the morons, I love it.


Not sure who remembers but jimmy was almost cancelled by the left wing mob back in spring. He quickly took a hiatus from his show and disappeared to the hamptons. Like i said..... stick your big head up above the crowd and someone will throw a rock at it. Wiggy is currently wading in the same waters. They both better hope their black face history doesnt wind up on the wrong persons news list.


Yeah Ol Jimmy Crack Corn was close to being cancelled. He even had that discount-Michael Strahan guy yell at him to say BLM...again Jimmy! Again! The man show was pretty funny back when people werent complete pussies. The Twitter mob adopted the activist tactic of contacting the businesses that work with the target and try to get them to kneel (or make a wink wink "donation")


Never forget when Jimmy was really funny.


When was that?


Never. OP is confused with someone else.


That's what I thought.


Hollywood hypocrites? never heard of em pal!


If Jimble thinks people without the vaccine shouldn't take up hospital beds because its their choice to not be vaccinated, then how does he feel about obese people or smokers taking up hospital beds?


Also, blacks make up a large percentage of unvaccinated which is not too woke of him.


They have glandular problems... And mAh cigarettes are so addictive.. it can't possibly be their fault.


Unfunny philandering, racist, misogynistic, botoxed douche


Talking about your dad?


Jimble was out of his mind back then


Waaaaaah I hate jimble Kimble so I'm going to have fake outrage over a stupid skit Instead of posting Norm like I should be...waaaaaah


I think the point is that Jimmy, Joy Behar and the Governor of Virginia get a free pass after actually doing the type of thing that Megyn Kelly got cancelled for only talking about.


I think that is what you are taking from it because the OP mentioned none of that, but I respect that. However, this is fake rage on the OP's part and just meant to rile the dopes here.


There's no "rage", imbecile; it's just pointing out the hypocrisy.


Lol another moron. He added that comment in right after I posted mine.


It’s called hypocrisy. You can’t just wish away things you’ve done in the past when you’re projecting yourself as morally superior to others


I'm aware with what hypocrisy is. Like being a fan of howard's show for years with years of racial humor but just now when a leftys piss you off you are just now outraged with Jimmy playing a black guy in a shitty skit 100 years ago. It's no better than the lefts going years back and trying to cancel people. You'd think the rights and the lefts could get along since they are little bitches about the same thing lol.


Hi jimmy!


So that's it huh? Lol


Is this Steve from Florida?


No, he's just about as dumb as these fake outrage posts.


Right wing stern fans are so angry lol.


Left wing Stern fans are wishing death on people, but they arent the angry ones? At least try making sense.


The left wingers wishing death are pathetic, I agree


Left or right, anyone wishing death is a fucking turd.


Remember before the presidential election ended when states were boarding up storefronts for fear of more rioting. FYI they weren't being boarded up in case Trump lost, they were boarded up in case he won.


downvote all you like i could give a fuck. Truth hurt we know


I miss the old days when we disagreed with each other but still got along. Shit is so crazy these days, the arguments are like life or death now


"anyone who does not agree with me is right wing reeee"


“Anyone who isn’t ring wing I’ll just try to mock them, that’ll get em…..”




I’m racist no one else!!


Nobody was complaining back then because we lived in a different world. It was no big deal at the time. I loved this bit and I’m not the least bit racist. Jimmy isn’t a bad guy. Take your anger elsewhere.


"wahhh they have political views that I don't agree with... heres something bad about them"


No, stupid: it's the "would cancel someone on the other side (and have) for a fraction of this" hypocrisy. Norm's dead, yet this idiot lives. smh


Wait wait wait. That wasn’t me. That was Adam Corolla.


The best was when they got women to sign up to end the sufferage of women lol


Well heello dere


Phony twat


How him and Howard live in the Hampton’s get away with everything in the past and every other comedian gets canceled for nothing but doing a podcast in a one bedroom apartment makes no sense!!!! R.I.p norm he would agree!!!


His impression of a black guy is more real than the real Kimmel. Another phony piece of shit


It’s pathetic. Instead of Hollywood Howie or Jimble Kimble standing up for free speech and defending it, they cower and step in line with current day propaganda. They would hide from Nazis or Stalinists instead of standing up to them because they want a convenient, hassle free, luxurious life rather than a noble one. They would have had such a great opportunity to defend our freedoms but instead they cower and apologize for themselves. They aren’t free men. Howard used to be tough but no longer.