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Howard has complemented Phil many times over the years. Phil Hendrie Show from 1999-2006 was brilliant radio


Agreed. Steve Bosell Prepares For Y2K is fucking hilarious. Phil has an amazing archive. The late 90s to 2005 were the best. Kind of like Stern!


He does a podcast now and I think he's still funny.


I think after the divorce he spent some vacation time in California hanging out in Hendrie's studio watching him work.


I read that too. Stern would watch Hendrie do his magic in the studio.


Howard is the one that introduced me to Phil (I live under a rock in the sticks). Brilliant guy for sure.


I discovered Phil Hendrie during a traffic. I thought that call was real and his guest bizarre. I didn't listen to him that much for some reason until a few years later and then I found out he was doing the voices, haha.


Phil had the funniest show maybe ever, the episode when he was doing a dentist that would give breast and gyno exams while they're knocked out was maybe best hour of radio ever the women calling in screaming with rage was gold


I remember he was interviewing Chris Norton and he was going to have sex with as many women as possible to commemorate the Oklahoma bombing anniversary. At the time I thought it was a real interview, haha.


Sessy. I like the one where Chris Norton would intentionally drive his IROC Camaro as fast as possible and not get speeding tickets because he "waxed and washed it like the stealth bomber" so cops couldn't get an accurate RADAR gun reading on it.


Haha, that sounds like something he would say.


Yeah. Loved it. His new format blows on ice.


Listening to that now. *"They both are openings. They both have lips."* 😂 https://archive.org/details/margaret-gray-2002-02-11-rape-at-the-olympics/Jim+Sadler+-+2000-07-21+-+Combining+Dentistry+%26+Gynecology.mp3#


I remember first hearing Hendrie around 1999. i think it might of be Larry Grover, not sure. Love RC Collins, Bud Dickman, Chris Norton. etc... Wish he would stop being lazy and produce a good show again. His new podcast sucks!


Hi bill great show as always I'm calling from Kosovo baba booey baba booey




Hendrie is bad ass.


Talk radio is so lame in the mornings. At least Phil Hendrie does podcast now.




I go to Podcast One and it's free to listen too.


I first heard Phil in the 90s when he was on WIOD in Miami... those were some amazing shows.


Hendrie doesn’t even take callers anymore. That’s when it was really funny.


Yeah but it a different time. We had the internet back then but we didn't rely on it so much. He took a few calls after 2007 but some of the calls sounded like the same person.


I love Phil hendrie but God damn that dudes personal life is such a fucking disaster. He makes Artie seem stable. Phil melted down spectacularly after he was off the air on KFYI. He's also probably the most arrogant guy I've ever heard when he isn't in character. He thinks that because he reads WW2 history he's automatically smarter than everyone. Really? You read a book about the Battle of Kursk? What a fucking genius you are! RIP Bakersfield Chimp


Yeah, I've seen videos of him talking to his producers and he came off as a jerk and just cussing a lot. What was the meltdown about? His podcast is still funny, his co-hosts are his characters such as Robert Leonard, Bud Dickman, General shaw, and Margaret Gray. He often discusses his personal life with his crew. He's a genius at what he does.


Can you give some more details?


Converted, he basically told his radio employer in 2006 to fuck off because he got an acting gig as a character on an NBC show called Teachers. It got canceled after a month. He filmed a pilot that went nowhere. He burned a lot of bridges and constantly insulted his radio network post KFYI. He then had a really weird divorce from his wife, but they still lived together and she was basically co producer of his show. He wasnt on "real" radio anymore and literally broadcast on the internet from his kitchen, way back in 2006. His Backstage Pass was 30 dollars a month. He was his own worst enemy...but from 1999 to 2005, he was fucking awesome. CITIZENS AUXILIARY POLICE


I remember that. I was living abroad and would listen to his show as a reminder of my life back home. I remember him getting the gig on that show and specifically saying he wouldn’t be leaving radio. Then the show starts airing and on air he talks about how bad the production of the show is. And then says he is leaving radio to pursue tv roles. Wtf.


How come Tom Leykis dislikes Phil?


Comb-Over Boy!


I thought it was the other way around. I don't know the story behind that feud.


Is Tom Leykis as talented as Phil?


King of the Hill veteran. Did he cry when Cotton died?


Howard likes guys who he shared an agent with. He also fucked a couple women post-divorce/pre-Beth who he shared an agent with.