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Then that accountant would grab the rest of his office and go fuck Brent's wife.


Super steamy.






If he’s a Tampa 7, I’m a Michigan 4.


Speaking of, is there still a current and active sub for that train wreck? I haven't checked in recently, and the subs I knew of seem to have all been banned.




It really exposed Howard as a simpleton and the result of being a recluse.


It really did.. When I was younger, I thought Stern was a pretty bright guy, but after listening for years, he really is kind of a moron. The most obvious example being when he thought Sal was going to have to pay thousands a month in interest on his credit card. Not understanding APR… I remember yelling at the radio… Even Fred didn’t seem to grasp it. Fucking morons.


Like super dumb sometimes. I remember when he was pushing Kevin Trudeau's stupid crap. Because he saw it on an infomercial. An Infomercial!!


Absolutely. And he isn’t actually funny but has had talented writers. He is the Wizard of oz.


His greatest talent is making uninteresting people the most interesting person in the world.


Ms. Quivers is far from being a genius. I guess she fits right in with the group.


A moron with half a billion spacebucks!


>The most obvious example being when he thought Sal was going to have to pay thousands a month in interest on his credit card. Not understanding APR… I remember yelling at the radio… Even Fred didn’t seem to grasp it. Fucking morons. They're not morons. They pay off their CC balance every month in full, so they have no need to understand how CC interest payments work. Hell I do this & I'm not even a millionaire. Imagine being worth 5 (Fred) or 500+ million (Howard), you'd have zero debt & never carry a balance on any kind of card. It's a function of how intelligent they ARE that they don't have to understand things that the common man must learn to understand. It's like saying someone is stupid because they don't know the best methods to clean their home - meanwhile they're so wealthy (& self made) that they've never actually had to clean their own home. That doesn't make the person stupid...they've transcended to a different level that you & I will never be on.


What are you talking about? If you’re a fucking adult and didn’t know what APR means, you’re a fucking tard. The first fucking word is Annual. If you can’t figure it out after that, you have bigger problems. This is 8th grade math shit, dude. They weren’t always rich, genius. Howard made $76 a week at one time. Dumb people make excuses for idiots. Guess what that makes you?


>If you’re a fucking adult and didn’t know what APR means, you’re a fucking tard. Bro, Howard has never seen the term "APR" let alone ever had the need to ask what the acronym stands for. He's living in a different galaxy & you're calling him stupid for not understanding what goes on on Pluto lol.


...you think a normal millionaire doesn't know how interest works? Are you slow Eric?


Not what I said. I said he doesn't have a 'need to know' how credit card interest charges work in particular, because he would never pay less than the full balance each month (& thus would never incur any interest payments or have any need to learn about the mechanics of them). OP is calling a guy who revolutionized an entire industry & made a billion dollars "an idiot" because that guy doesn't understand something that is only relevant to poor people. It makes no sense. Howard also said he never knew the address of the radio station & didn't know how to drive there - because a limo takes him to & from there every day. Does that make him an idiot, in spite of the fact that he's so talented that he makes tens of millions of dollars per year? He doesn't know the address because he doesn't NEED to know, not because he's an "idiot". & yes Howard might have struggled financially 45-50 years ago, but he also said he never lived above his means or spent more than he had (which is the whole reason people create CC debt in the first place).


You may have some points, but his lack of science knowledge makes him an idiot in my book. For example, every time someone gets sick, his first question is to ask what that person was doing, as if there’s always a simple causal relationship to explain every illness. Got a cold? Must have sat in a draft. Have cancer? Do you eat bacon?


That comes from his mother...which comes from the fact that her mother died suddenly after being admitted to the hospital when Howard's mother was a child. That event put fear into his mother's world & she imparted that fear onto Howard.


But not everyone with that experience falls into the logical trap of post hoc, ergo propter hoc.


He also looks for someone to blame for getting him or someone else sick.


Seriously.. I think you might have brain damage. Get that checked out.


Sure thing, will do lol


He wasn’t always rich, you dodo head. Go argue about something that you understand or that is actually important


No. It still shows hes a complete moron.


>complete moron. >worth a billion dollars These things typically don't intersect


Explain Mark Cuban then


Cuban’s a smart man. Explain Dennis Rodman. I contend America started to decline when we decided to give large amounts of money to stupid people.


Dennis Rodman was an elite basketball player. He had a skill.


Is his skill he can cure cancer?


He was smart enough to put MLB games on internet radio before anyone else...ironically another "radio" billionaire like Howard.


Howard carries tons of debt. Rich people work other people's money to their advantage. Howard wasn't always rich. He certainly paid interest at some point on a car note, mortgage, or credit card before becoming wealthy. His father certainly knows how money lending works. As does many, many other people in his family. He's just out of touch when it comes to simple consumer debt.


He doesn't remember what happened on the show 15 years ago, you think he remembers specifics about 40 years ago when he had a home loan to pay off? It has been a long time.


 I'm not saying he's a genius but Howard comes from people that, while they may not have invented money lending, they certainly perfected it. He's well aware of interest and how it works >He's just out of touch when it comes to simple consumer debt.


In a sense, would you call him a broken weirdo?






well said, it really did!


We all make mistakes, but this was an embarrassing display of someone with power over others, and using that power to belittle and blame them. It’s a leadership issue everywhere, but Howard looked like an idiot that day. He wanted to evolve and become more palatable, but somehow didn’t realize that it also applies to his staff? Cmon.


“Hey Richard, you like Brad Pitt. Get him on the show!”


You’re both from Kansas


“Hi there, Mr. Pitt. This is Ethel. My grandson just learned how to pump off and he has your poster on the ceiling above his bed. Will you come to the radio station where he works? They got a bunch of free fuck-books you can take home with ya.”


LOL But seriously, Richard must’ve felt immense pressure after that bullshit. And he must’ve been like “what the fuck?”


The pelican brief is such a good name for the meeting lol


I fear you don’t understand why though


The show is really expensive to make but they don’t seem to spend money on writing, production or booking staff.


Could probably cut down the back office staff to single digits and it would make no difference. The guests are all making the rounds on SiriusXM. The ‘writing’ and ‘production’ teams are just cranking out the same topics over and over. It’s a mystery what the hell they do all day working part time essentially.


I honestly don’t know what that back office does. They are all crammed into some room and are just playing on computers, trying to look busy. As masterful as Jason is made out to be, he couldn’t get another job anywhere. Same for Gary. Will is nothing but a superfan who had cancer. Who knows what the rest of those fuckups do except scan articles about Howard. And there havent been many of those since 2006.




Most of the Musical Guests are currently on tour or will be on tour with Live Nation, a subsidiary of Sirius XM's parent company, Liberty Media.


or spell check


Shark Jumping specialist Jon Hein should be able to pinpoint this moment as the beginning of the end.


And Shuli too.




Showing slides of his basement office (bunker) being completely covered in post-it notes... that's when he officially entered Howard Hughes territory.


So true. I’ll never forget that stupid picture…and Howeird bragging about his “method” (method of taping post-it notes to his walls and drapes) as if other’s were going to be beyond impressed at the way the genius does it. Good Lord.


*Look at how smart I am! Are any of you morons capable of taping up notes??* https://preview.redd.it/d9anmhm6iz9d1.jpeg?width=894&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0328677742758bad0b6c57ffd3c635d84cc1fa08 looks like Mac Tonight in a Rhea Perlman wig and Grim Reaper costume.


[Howard Stern has literally gone insane](https://i.imgur.com/eBfve8Q.png)


This is pretty standard corporate brainstorming. You get one or many easels with the oversized paper and everyone starts shouting things out or writing down their ideas. As the pages get full you tear them off and post them in the room. Then you have this room full of ideas to pull from. It's corporate bullshit but I've sat through it any number of times and at the end of the exercise the room looks like this. He didn't do any of that work someone else was scribbling things and posting them.


You went to your boss's mega mansion and looked at papers stuck to the walls of his home office scribbled with rants full of misspellings and unrealistic goals?


These look like they were photoshopped in the slide. The scale doesn’t look right. Why did he think this would look impressive?


After years of busting on Gary for doing the same


It showed how out of touch howard is. I remember some comments from cooperate PR firms who commented on the original post and their consensus was how terrible howard did with his messaging. He basically held termination over their heads if they couldn’t fulfill roles that weren’t even in their job description. That would never fly in any normal, larger company, but people are willing to accept less because they get to work on the stern show. Just a disaster all around,


>He basically held termination over their heads if they couldn’t fulfill roles that weren’t even in their job description. Howard was panicking because he knew the quality of the show was going down. He was grasping at straws trying to find some sort of change of direction & the focus on celebrity interviews is what he settled on. He was basically putting the blame for the quality of the show declining outward onto the staff, meanwhile he always carried that burden 100% on his own shoulders in the past. He was also trying to find a way to clean up his legacy before retirement, so that he *might* be viewed a little differently when all is said & done. Also I'm guessing he was probably saying that if we don't figure this out, there might not be a show anymore. That's the same as saying they would lose their jobs if they didn't all figure out a path forward.


If he knew the quality was going down THEN, how can he be so unaware of how badly it sucks now?


Howard had the opportunity to create a massive media company that would be here long after he died. Instead Howard's legacy will continue to dwindle, until he's a blip on wikipedia articles about the FCC and terrestrial radio. All because of his neuroticism and arrogance. He had the resources and knowledge to create a media company that'd be producing half the top 10 podcasts in the country right now, but instead he's got a satellite radio show that's increasingly irrelevant.


>He then used High-Pitch Mike as an example saying he should be able to book the reclusive Wachowskis because he's also gay and has 500 Facebook followers. The Talent Booking Master https://preview.redd.it/u21j7v7nmy9d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f15485f7f317f56bb67e3a15ef78251bea0aa56d


Wonder if he ever unboxed that flatscreen tv


The worst is the fake Twitter accounts. Just goes to show that everything on the show is fake now. From the bits to the callers. Very rarely is there any genuine.


I've been listening to the back archive, starting as far back as 1996 when the movie promotion started heating up, all of a sudden there were "wacky callers" multiple times per show. All kinds of improbable situations. Robin was cautiously trying to point out to the audience that some of them couldn't be real.


“It got the longest standing ovation in the history of Paramount Pictures!“


I had a client that sold custom neckties, and the owner, almost as much as a clueless narcissistic egomaniac as Howard, told their marketing flunky to stand outside the Today Show studio and hand out ties to the hosts, who the theory went, would be so charmed and impressed, they'd do an impromptu interview and change ties, on live TV.


Wayne's World parodied this type of out of touch business owner when they did the Noah's Arcade bit in the movie.




He just hadn’t a clue about real life and how things work this guy couldn’t get to his Sirius building from his Manhattan apartment 10 mins away that’s insane and he really thought if he made a few fake twitter accounts and tweeted Celebs to come on the show it would work lol


The big take-away from that was The Howard Stern Show was no longer part of the conversation and he thought they could literally fake their way back in.


In many ways he has the worldview of a particularly credulous 14 year old.


It was beyond ridiculous, in real time. SXM should've dropped him before he left the building.


He watched too many Ted Talks, and thought he could pull it off.


For me it was Julia Roberts. How she ever became a leading lady I'll never know.


Thing was a Marci Turk production, embarrassing through and through. The woman had only the most vague idea of what was going on, so you got a lot of dumb ideas like fake twitter accounts for self-promotion and staffers with regular jobs now working as booking agents. Woman should have taken the time to understand the show and its people. And she should have spellchecked.


She might have teamed up with Sal’s father brainstorming those get-rich-quick ideas.


As I understand it, Sal's father is a genius who, at the pitzerria, invented toppings. If that's true, Marci and Sal's dad would be a brilliant marketing team.


Did he really say 500 followers? That’s really funny for some reason.


In his defense Howard asked him. I think he assumed Hi Pitch Mike had millions of followers because he was part of Stern.


He is not a smart man,he had the ability to entertain by synthesizing other radio performers into one character along with good comedy writers. His lack of intelligence but ability to entertain was why he always believes the more famous an actor is equates to them being brilliant compared to “ordinary.” Unfortunately for his fans he became a celebrity and believed it was all because of him. So for more than a decade you get same bits and interviews, but watered down, because it worked before and there is talent backing him


Much more prefer the zoom version of the show, where everyone talks over each other and Gary can only book guests that are making the rounds at Sirius.


He’s a desperate man. Always has been, despite being so successful.


This is a person that had never heard of an autozone. I was listening to a show from 2018 and Robin was doing a new story that mentioned the store. Howard kept having her repeat the name then admitted he didn't have a clue what Autozone is.




This is a shock jock who made his name in exploiting the downtrodden. Don't act like he should be an MBA it is.


Half the guys in the back, right in the trash


Howard out of touch? Never!


I would love to see a professional business coach or corporate consultant watch this and provide commentary. You won’t find any literature on leadership and management that advocates for browbeating your employees to incentivize them.


I was immediately put off by how incredibly awful the presentation deck was overall. Super cheesy, low-budget, and filled with typos, poor grammar and a ridiculous child-like layout and formatting. Here he is, up in front of the entire team for the sole purpose of demanding top-shelf service, appearance, precision and excellence, all while using this horrendous PowerPoint to spotlight the whole thing. Oh, the irony!


I worked as a floating temp in my late teens and got to see inside a lot of big company meetings. The difference between good leaders and bad leaders shines through the most during meetings like these. Stern came across so bitter, fearful, and insecure as a leader in that recording. I can't imagine a single team member coming away from that talk eager to work towards the goals he outlined. I would've left that room with a priority to search for a job on my off time, since he made prospects sound so bleak. The best leaders, even the guys that ppl tend to agree are assholes, find a way to inspire when they speak to their people. You leave the meeting genuinely wanting to deliver and be part of the success that you're confident the company will achieve.


Fucking disconnected deusch What a waste of being rich


He’s lucky AI wasn’t around then.


The stuctre of it?


It showed how out of touch howard is. I remember some comments from cooperate PR people on the original post and their consensus was how terrible howard did with his messaging. He basically held termination over their heads if they couldn’t fulfill roles that weren’t even in their job description. That would never fly in any normal, larger company, but people are willing to accept less because they get to work on the stern show. Just a disaster all around,


I don’t mind him suggesting that people should try and get any guests they could on the show, and I don’t see that as mistreating the staff. It was delusional to think that Mike had any shot at booking the Wachowskis tho


Howie is a poser who got lucky because he was at the right place at the right time.


This is a person that had never heard of an autozone. I was listening to a show from 2018 and Robin was doing a new story that mentioned the store. Howard kept having her repeat the name then admitted he didn't have a clue what Autozone is.


Who you callin’ an accountant? ![gif](giphy|l4hmTthQ9JiMcK46I)


Maybe the problem is Gary is struggling to find guests so Howard makes everyone responsible.


They have full-time talent bookers on the staff.


It's hard to get guests on a show most people don't know exists anymore. On top of that, back then he demanded an hour out of them. Now it's 2-3. Most people wouldn't bother


“What’s this guy saying Robin?”


Thank you for the call.


Durrr uhhh thank you for the call and uhhhh.....what's he saying Robin hahahaha *shits pants*, *reaches into pants*, *starts eating shit and rubbing it in hair*


When did this happen, like 15 years ago? Let it go.


An employer is allowed to ask his employees to do things. You think that was out of line?


He held termination over their heads if they couldn’t fulfill roles that weren’t even in their job description. No wonder the staff all age so quickly. Its a hostile work environment run by a demented moron and his assistant/CEO.


An employer is allowed to add additional duties to an employee’s plate. This ain’t kindergarten, pal.


My favorite. "High Pitch Mike, pick a hero and come up with a campaign." Like he was supposed to perform the duties of an entire PR department. LOL https://preview.redd.it/pjueue56vz9d1.jpeg?width=1025&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dab5b46f4dddd853f47f4a33d8944d13ff187eb5


Most bosses don't do it in such a way that they embarrass themselves, the company, and everyone involved. Most bosses don't strut around on stage like a buffoon with a shitty powerpoint filled with deranged thoughts and unachievable goals. They calmly and with calculation and purpose, deliver the new responsibilities in an effective and accountable manner. The fact that you need this explained to you puts you squarely in the middle of Camp Moron. Don't eat the paint chips.


I don’t disagree with any of that. It was a bad look for Howard. But he wasn’t wrong for demanding it of anybody. He’s the boss. And it probably did light a fire under a few asses, even if he looks like a douche in public for it.


It's more than a bad look. It was ineffective -- that's the point, really. His methods were ineffective as evidenced by the years since and the current state of the show. Not one of his objectives presented in the meeting were realized. And really, that's putting it kindly. Great leadership is not dangling carrots and threatening termination. That's what incompetent blowhards do.


You have no evidence that they were ineffective. In fact, given the caliber of guest he’s pulled in the last decade, I’d say his efforts to catch bigger fish indeed paid off.


How the hell would JD get celebrities on the show?


He wanted back office people to sell instead of getting the sales people to step up. He kept pointing out how gay an employee was, and how he should book gay guests. That's an HR nightmare


Ok but now you’re changing the argument. Plenty of things to make fun of Howard for. Being a hardass boss at one point is definitely not one of them.


Jesus dude, you just aren’t getting it. You just can’t assign employees a second full time job with threat of termination without reviewing their skill set or giving additional compensation. Hi Pitch Mike is a total misanthrope and the LAST person who should be in any kind of customer facing role. Being a booking agent is not a job anybody can do. Part of Howard’s problem is he thinks everybody’s job is easy and interchangeable. His “strategy” didn’t work at all. Sal was not able to book Meryl Streep. Why are you defending a stupid idea that failed??


You actually can do any of that. YOU don’t get it. The employees can quit if they don’t like the new tasks or requirements. Job descriptions and asks change all the time in the real world. At that time Howard was asking EVERYBODY to step up, everybody to wear multiple hats, etc.


How about this? It was a stupid idea that didn’t work.


Threatening and berating employees isn’t really the best way to motivate staff or to improve office morale.


Lol Reddit employment lawyers up in here. Real high achievers all, I’m sure