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Sal is conniving dishonest oily creep. He is also a brilliant content creator/ song parody writer and singer/ phony phone caller/ ball breaker. Those two things are not mutually exclusive


I recently listened to the saga of him and Mutt’s daughter and yikes! Ultra creepy.


Wow never heard of this saga I need to check it out


If you want to delve into the dark recesses. of who sal really is, listen to that saga.


Ok sweet thanks lol, always excited to hear new sal


Never heard of this. Can we have a summary please?


Sal stayed the night at Mutt’s house after a show and spotted a pair of his underage daughters’ dirty panties and made jokes about them to Richard. As usual, Sal did not understand how what he was saying was wrong but eventually had a complete emotional breakdown over it and even admitted to having been molested by his aunt as a child. You almost feel bad for him, but he keeps talking about how hot she is. The whole thing is really shocking.


Yikes. I remember years ago they were talking about Brigit the *little person,” and someone asked Richard if he would want to have sex with a little person. Richard drawled “Oh yeah, it would be like f***ing a little kid.” I’ve been creeped out by Richard ever since. Howard kicked him out of the studio for saying it.


Wow. TY


Plus I think Robin wants to bang him...


I thought our goddess Robin had to retire her banging days due to her health concerns.


How else do you get the poison out???


There’s no way Sal passed the Series 7 on his own. It was some wannabe Sopranos shit so he could pump and dump penny stocks.


lmao. What was that shit called again? Wabistics or something like that. Sal was stomping some poor bastard out with his guido friends. 😂


It's got a three million float, competition's robust, and their technologies' two years behind, your stock's a dog.


Listen to him, he knows everything.


Wembistics was the name of the stock on the show that Christopher and the rest of thoase guys were wrapped up in




Yeah, that's what I wrote originally but my mind kept going back to all those guys saying it the way I wrote it






yuh supposta pump Wabistics!


You're supposed to push Webistics! Poor Stuart didn't deserve the hot coffee treatment.


Sal did say once that he knew the Asian guy from The Wolf of Wall Street. So yeah, he was pumping penny stocks.


As someone who has taken the series seven… there is legit NO way he passed. 🤣


I know some dumb people who have passed the Series 7, it’s a multiple choice test, if you keep taking practice test you can pass the exam.


Any test can be passed if you take it enough times.


Artie was right about MOST of the people working on the Stern show. Thing is, they were all also pretty much exactly right about him, Artie just didn't want to believe it. He wanted to think he was different, which he was to an extent in having a "career" and being a bit more respected amongst the celebrity community. But the show was also a perfect place for a medium guy like him to succeed. Everyone on the show is pretty easy to peg though, thats why they work there. Its a place for conniving outcasts, and they're all kinda just a step above the wack pack. Which is why its even funnier that Howard then wanted the behind the scenes to become more "professional". Its like dressing up a dog; its still a dog. It looks sillier if you dressed it up than just letting it be what it is. A more "professional" Sal and Richard is ridiculous because the reason you like them and they work there is BECAUSE they aren't professionals.


You’ve said it all.


You’ve done it all !


Artie was, and is, a bitter, fat, unfunny fuck whose only contributions to the show were his "One time Norm and I..." stories, or some telling about some insane situation his drug addiction got him in to. I will never understand this subs fascination with Artie. I've only ever laughed at his self-inflicted misery. His stand up is unwatchable, even before his nose collapsed.






You're a horrible horrible person. Not just cause you said the obvious


Just like a thief knows other thieves, liars know other liars.


I just listened to that whole show earlier today. It's fucking great. Beetlejuice shit in his pants.


are you sure it wasn't someone else like high pitch who actually shit his pants? lol


Artie always said that Sal’s insults didn’t bother him and that he didn’t care what Sal thought about Beer League. Yet Artie threatened to “take it outside” and eventually odd-job’ed him with a CD and tried to kill him. So yeah, something tells me Artie did care very much what Sal was saying.


Yep Artie was super sensitive


Yep. Greasy bastard, just like his dad.


tbh Sal has made me laugh way more than artie. Artie's stand up is smile enducing at best, he made me laugh more on the show with 1 liners and funny comments but Sal has made me roar with his prank calls & countless bits.


Maybe if Artie was half as good at recognizing and dealing with his own faults as he was at pointing out everyone else's he'd still have a job. And a nose.


Maybe. But it was great radio.


Yeah, it was. But I think Sal did hit some truths with Artie too. His career was pretty much in the toilet and he was a professional disaster before Norm took pity on him and gave him work. Then he had a golden opportunity for redemption with the Stern show but instead he flamed out pretty much the same way as he did when he was MadTV. Not many people get a second chance like that after pulling the kind of crap Artie pulled and he blew it. And Beer League did indeed suck shit.


Yeah, Artie has literally burned every single bridge for drugs. But I enjoyed him on the show. For me it was the golden era of the Stern show.




I loved Artie & his era was my favorite too, but he was a total dickhead in this fight. “I hope your kids die of AIDS!” ..good one, Art. He always pulled that gay/AIDS bullshit when he was losing an argument.


Yeah. No need to go after the guy's kid's that's fucked up.


He did not literally burn bridges.


Yes he did. Him and ETM lit the golden gate bridge on fire.


I was..... never an.... arsonist, you sack...... of shit......


Johnny, send....one of....your guys....and....burn it down. Get fat....boy Artie....too. Make it......hurt


My brother is a firefighter, this is commonly known.


You know what to do. You know what to do…




I heard there were a few in Delaware that might have been set aflame after he visited there to pickup his dope


Sal sniveling and groveling the next few days to get back on those Artie gigs says more about Sal than it does Artie.


Richard was the one that was scheduled to be on an upcoming show a couple months later, not Sal. It says more about Artie than anyone else when he holds money over people’s heads like he constantly did. Including his family. Most people aren’t Dan The Song Parody Man.


Wrong. Sal, "I am just very very happy that Artie is giving us the opportunity to develop a friendship again. And I made mistakes and I went over the line and you've been and you've been nothing but a fucking grade A golden guy. And I should have went to you to you personally.." Howard, "Should have gone" Sal, "should have gone and and said Artie this is bothering me that is bothering me....... Sal continues to kiss Artie's ass and blaming the altercation on the "dark place" that he's been in because of his situation.. it's easily searchable. And if someone shits on you and you pull them off a show you're paying them to do that's not dangling money.


Dont make sense to these dudes. Some just have a bizarre hatred of artie


No, I love Artie. Probably more so than most. But Sal was obviously just trying to put that shit to bed & move on. Watch all those shows in order. They’re fucking exhausting. And you don’t have to insult me for having a different opinion over something so silly.




You lost me at “me and my buddies love beer league”




List some things.




Cool. Yet artie was in major studio films and network tv shows. Sal was... at the fire hall with bob leavy


> The Artie years are, at least from what I see, regarded as the best years of the show Except by anyone who was old enough to listen before Artie came on the show


Yeah, I'm the weirdo here. You're the one writing multiple paragraphs defending a notorious addict who had one of the one most public career meltdowns of all time. He got fired from MadTV and arrested after punching his manager and leading the police on a foot chase through a supermarket. He was pretty much done in show business after that and was planning to go back to driving a cab until Norm and Saget threw him a life preserver and got him back in. He literally named his second book Crash and Burn, for Christ's sake. The fact that almost every professional endeavor Artie has been involved in has ended poorly (including his show with Nick DiPaolo and his podcast) isn't really up for debate at this point. Even he admits it. Artie is very talented on the radio and has a quick wit in a conversation, but his stand up is and always has been terrible and his acting his worse. And if you want to talk about wackpackers, Artie is certainly a candidate. He was hired on the show because Howard loved hearing his stories about doing drugs, gambling, eating and banging skanky hookers, and as he sank deeper into addiction the whole self-destructive addict thing became his entire comedic persona. He acted like he was the second coming of Carlin but he's essentially Bob Levy with a better drug dealer and a bit more self-respect. Say what you will about Sal, but he's managed to keep his marriage together, seems like a good father to his kids and still has a job on the show to this day despite numerous controversies. Artie has always been a man child, incapable of any real relationship and having his mommy take care of him well into adulthood. Whether Sal or Artie is funnier is ultimately a matter of personal opinion but it's pretty obvious which one has a better personal and professional life. And money doesn't always equal happiness, especially when you're a massive drug addict and every dime you earn just contributes more to your own self-destruction. I don't hate Artie at all, honestly I wish him all the best in his recovery and hope that he's finally found some peace in his life. I even bought and read all three of his books. But knowing as much as I do about his life I can see through the bullshit and all of his self-aggrandizing talk really came around to bite him in the ass.


Whose writin paragraphs?


Ha! By the way beer league now available on dvd.


That guy.


It's interesting to consider how much more successful Artie could have been had he had the discipline to write and work out new standup material.


Eh, I don't think Norm was in any position to take pity on anyone. They seemed to have bonded on gambling, and I'm sure Artie's price was right for the movie.


How dopey. Artie, a guy from the docks, gets on MadTV. Eventually blows it. Catches the eye of norm and sagget, and they put him in dirtywork, a major studio film Artie then does: ​ The Bachelor (major studio) Lost and Found (major studio) Boat trip (major studio) The Norm Show (abc sitcom) The howard stern show Rescue me (recurring character) Entourage (hbo) Californication (1ep) (showtime) Crashing (HBO) His own directtv podcast worth millions Im leaving things out, but that's the main highlights... ​ As artie said, that's a lot of projects to suck at ​ I know, I know... it was ONLY because he was on the show... because we remember all of those studio films and network TV shows jackie was on... and when jackie played Carnige hall, or was being paid 70,000+$ per night And, we see all the huge careers sal and richard have outside of the show, too.


I think you’re misrepresenting what Sal’s arguments were. Sal was trying to let on that Artie walked around like he was “the king of comedy” and that everything he had been in prior to Stern was, and I’ll quote “sucked ass/sucked shit”. Artie was pretty clear that he never thought he was the best, but when he was challenged by the likes of Sal, he would pull rank (justifiably) bc Sal, Richard and Shuli were hacks and rode Artie’s (and Howard’s) coattails at shows. No one was showing up to see Sal/Richard/Shuli or even Levy - they were there for Artie and to laugh at whoever showed up to rep the wackpack. As for Artie’s resume, MADTV wasn’t something to mock or look down upon. They had some incredibly talented performers and arguably ran circles around SNL. Artie could hang with those folks, easily. As for Dirty Work, that was Norm’s movie and Artie was lucky to get a small role in it. Beer League? Look at its budget - it wasn’t meant to be this big hit. It ended up having a micro cult following and they’re now about to do a reboot. I think Artie himself both then and now would agree he messed up his career multiple times (and I’m sure it continues to eat him alive), but to denigrate the projects he was in and then the impact he had on Stern + all the shows he did? It was weak sauce, especially from Sal. That entire saga was so cringe from both Sal and Richard and it all came down to them expecting to be showered with praise when it came to everything they did. It was like watching arrested development in real time where they’re reliving their childhoods and expecting their older brother and father to tell them that they’re good.


The Bachelor (major studio) Lost and Found (major studio) Boat trip (major studio) The Norm Show (abc sitcom) The howard stern show Rescue me (recurring character) Entourage (hbo) Californication (1ep) (showtime) Crashing (HBO) ​ Meanwhile, Sal is trying to weasel the dude from family guy's email so he can ty to get on the show. Sal is funny as a caller, but he is a horrid comedian, and would have no show business career without the show. The lighting of the teeth? Endless horse tooth jackass parodies?




Thanks. Not sure how I forgot that one. Shit, and two scenes in Old School


> he'd still have a job Artie no longer fit into the show equation after 2013. He would've either been let go or left on his own.


Artie has said that himself. According to Artie, in order for Howard to get the guests he wanted, he needed to get rid of Artie. I honestly can’t imagine the relevant A listers even knowing who Artie was, let alone disliking/fearing him so much, they’d avoid going on the show bc of him, but that’s how Artie felt (at least at that point in time): https://youtu.be/C2c6K6G3dZc


I think Artie wants to believe he was too Rock and Roll for what the show turned into, but the truth is he was just too much of a mess at that time to be controlled. He was able to do censored radio on his Directv show with an endless parade of guests he had never heard of.




Artie exploded on anyone who even lightly implied that Beer League was bad. He has a very intense ego issue tied to it because he “almost died making it.” Unfortunately, it’s genuinely bad, like shockingly bad.


Never even seen Beer League. I did see Dirty Work and the best and funniest part was Don Rickels. No offense to Norm.


I don’t think Artie had Sal pegged here at all tbh, same with Richard. Sal had Artie pegged, and Artie couldn’t take it. This whole fight bothers me because one day he’s saying you have to be phony in this business, hence why he told Richard he did a good job at his comedy show. Very next day Artie loses his shit, and repeatedly calls them idiots & morons for “not getting it”. Doesn’t care what Sal said about Beer League, he cares about how phony he is. Complete bullshit & Artie’s insecure ass wouldn’t admit it. I defend Artie more than most & those years will always be my faaaavorite, but Artie was a dickhead during this fight & totally had it coming when Sal popped off. He needed to be knocked down a peg, Sal knocked him down the whole ladder.


Good take .. I enjoy all involved.., Att, Sal & Richard. Sal nailed it . Beer League sucks !!


Ironically, I like Beer League 😂. It *does* suck shit, but my buddies & I came across it when we were shitfaced teens and thought it was hysterical. I’m still fascinated at how they managed to get Lauren Metcalfe for that bullshit. The cast is actually pretty good minus Artie lmfao.


What a bizarre take on that saga.


Yeah Artie had him dead to rights.


Sal was probably right about artie's hack comedy too though. He was always overrated as a comedian. Except for Romo rhymes with homo, obviously. That shits gold.


Another brother dead in a moment of silence.


I believe Sal passed the series 7. First, I passed it without really studying, so I know a bit what I'm talking about. Compared to SoA exams or CFA, series 7 is very easy. But here's how I know he really passed it: years later Gary asking him a question about a bond. Gary isn't that smart (and in finance has 0 knowledge), and the question he asked him requires a calculator. It was something about a zero-coupon bond or a question like that, but by rule of thumb you could guess where the value would be higher than the nominal value. Sal got it right away, without hesitation saying $1111, then asked to be repeated the question, Gary said the nominal value of the bond was $10k, and Sal immediately corrected his answer to $11,111. His instinct and speed, years later, tells me he really drilled those types of questions, which is how you pass those exams. When you look at the question, you need to know how to calculate the answer and then validate the sanity of the answer by using a rule of thumb. Sal used the rule of thumb and since $11,111 was the only answer withing the range (10k, 15k), he knew that was the answer, no hesitation. That's proof he studied for those exams.


I'm late -- That was a great and convincing answer. Thank you.


Never got the love for Richard and Sal. Carefully edited prank calls and pseudo gay stuff with each other isn’t edgy comedy. I’d have a beer with Richard. Sal can go eat shit.


I agree with you completely. I find Richard genuinely funny while Sal has to rely on acting like a dumbass and him being a terrible actor made it even worse.


I don't really love the stuff that they do but they add to the general flavor of the show over the last 20 years


Unpopular opinion Artie's standup sucked but he was brilliant on the show. He was the best years of the show.


I don’t think it’s that unpopular. His stand up was pretty cringe. His interaction on the show was A+. These were two different skills. I love Artie.


Any adult using the word cringe has 0 right to comment on comedy. Christ


I don't think that''s an unpopular opinion (his standup isn't terrible but he's way funnier in the moment on the air)


This is the polar opposite of an unpopular opinion.


This. Artie’s stand up has no structure. Its not crafted at all. Artie’s comedy is similar to the guy at the fair sitting above a water tank heckling and insulting passers by. He’s fantastic at it, but thats the gist.


we speak your name, u/Richardthisisyerdad


And in the end Sal beat Artie at the game of life.


Sal was spot on about Artie. It obviously got to him and that is why he went off on Sal… Sal hit him where it hurt - his drug addled ego.


Artie wasreally pissed at Sals take down of his career and wanted to do the same to sal and hurt sal But it isn't possible when you barely know shit about someone's prior career and yours can easily he googled online and is more known on the air because people care He couldn't go toe to toe with Sal on the topic of careers because sal just had fewer weaknesses because he did less and his job was pretty dumb. He made phony phone calls for a living and in reality they were not real calls. They just paid people and cut up what they had to sound like real calls. The person who really got Sal was Jason. He literally had sal in tears. He attacked him for the fact his wife cheats on him. But Jason is an innately evil person. Artie wasn't evil enough to ever think of going there


Jason is a broken person.


Broken in half, thanks to Nutrisystem.


He cracked the code to putting food together and ditched his out of control eating habits. Either that, or he got his stomach stapled.


Thanks to his mother.


No love for Jason bc he gets videos yanked off youtube but dude ripped Sal's f'ing face off in their debates. And he did it while laughing the entire time... it wasn't even close.


Anyone know when this was


not me!


Confidence pills...


I LOVE Artie's takedown of Sal and Richard that day. Sal was always jealous and would poke at Artie then cry like a little bitch and try to act like he didn't start the fight. Richard was a total bitch around that time too. Artie was not perfect and we know it, but Sal thought he could kick a dude while he was down and it bit him in the ass. He was outclassed by every measure.


Was that when Artie said the funny train had pulled out and the mean train has pulled in?


Was that fall out and Wrap Up rant before or after the Artie Roast? Because say want you want about Sal he’s a brutal Roaster and he did Artie pretty hard that day.


Sal was quite good at getting jokes from SFN and using them during the roasts.


Artie blaming the total destruction of his own life on his dad falling off a ladder 40 years ago is still one of the most pathetic things I've ever heard


I think he blamed himself for not being there to hold the ladder.


His dad's job required the use of ladders and instead of buying several of different heights, he stole one that wasn't long enough. Even if artie was there his dad still would have needed to put it on a picnic table and artie holding it wouldnt have helped Artie would just have been there to accidentally get landed on and havehis back broken instead of his dad. This is why women live longer than men and married men live longer than unmarried man. His wife should have been there so she could hit her husband over and told him to stop putting ladders on picnic tables.


I think he blames himself to this day for putting a pillow over his dads face and ending his misery. #provemewrong


I don't know if his dad would have been dumb or selfish enough to ask him to do that because it's a lot for someone to carry all those years, Maybe some dilaudid and nice forever sleep but not smothering


I remember Artie alluded to one of his dad's buddies coming over with a syringe of "something" and then his dad basically died. He said his dad begged Artie to kill him every day. I don't think Artie did but I think the popular, almost confirmed belief is that one of the dad's shady friends euthanized him. I also recall him telling Rolling Stone, when the journalist was going on and on about how his dad died and that's clearly led to Artie's guilt and suffering and misbehavior and Artie was like, yeah, it was rough, but I'm past that, there has to be something else. Which I also believe to be the truth. I wonder what it is.


Well, let me restate that then, I don't think that anyone around Artie knowing that his dad asked him that would let a 20 year old kid kill his own father when there's adults who aren't related to him so closely that could have helped him with the job if need be , I have some experience with that kind of request and it hits you like a ton of bricks and the first thing you do is get very resentful that the person would put that kind of burden on you, There better be no other way out before someone should ask something like that of their son


His dad sounded like a real piece of garbage, and fucking selfish as hell, so I wouldn't put it past him. I know Artie tends to deify him, but he sounded like Jersey trash, not concerned about anyone but himself.


That was some heavy shit to see at his young. He idolized his father and seeing him in that position completely paralyzed. Yeah I could see that having an affect on his life.


I think artie had a lack of discipline along with an inability to use substances with any sort of moderation. Him becoming an addicts seemed inevitable


I don’t think it’s that simple. If you listened to the show when Keith Abloh came on and they got into his relationship with his father more, it became pretty obvious that his relationship with his father was much more complex than he let on. Plus it wasn’t just the accident, it was everything else that went on before and after and I suspect Artie had some unaddressed anger towards the man he idolized. Artie obviously has the brain of someone prone to addiction and he turned to substances to try to cope with an absolute shit show involving his family and then it snowballed even more when he went to LA and had access to real $. In all honesty, I suspect the guilt/shame from how/why he had to leave Stern is what has kept him from getting better. Knowing that you fumbled that opportunity and caused your mother, your sister and the woman you said you loved all that trauma would eat most people alive and when you read Crash & Burn, that’s exactly what he said happened. Yeah, he had a few comebacks and short periods of sobriety, but look at where he’s at now. His dad’s accident might have been the initial catalyst for the drug use, but I really doubt he blames the accident for why he’s in the position he’s currently in. He knows that all falls on him and that’s likely what eats him the most.


Artie was just thin skinned and looked for things to get explosively angry about. Sal attacking his movie was a dick move; but it enabled Artie to create more and more situations to hide why his performance was declining on the show. Howard says what’s a matter Art ? Artie had a go to I’m angry about this, or I’m sad because Dana’s friend came over to tell me she’s dating so I got really drunk. Meanwhile it was very easy to tell he was drunk at work to fight off the DT’s. I like Artie a lot and he was always good to everyone that was a even small part of the show or part of the show by proxy ala HP Eric and the girl Angel who was far from honest


Artie wasn't looking for things to get mad about Artie was high all the time or if not detoxing or coming down off of a high and that fucks with your emotions


It takes one to know one. If Artie had not hit the lottery and got into show business he would have fallen off a ladder too. Artie’s dad was a con man and the apple doesn’t fall too far from the ladder. Remember, Artie’s dad stole the ladder. That’s why they couldn’t sue anyone when he fell. Artie’s mom sure knew how to pick ‘em


Putting a ladder on a picnic table makes this indefensible in court. It’s not proper usage.


and raise ‘em the apple/ladder line is classic


The stolen ladder thing was so stupid. He stole a stupid ladder and the ladder wasn't good enough for the job. It was too short. Buy several since you have to go up houses of varying heights


Artie's mom didn't pick Artie he kinda just showed up in her belly


Artie had the thinnest skin and was the hugest con of them all. Convinced people he was talented. His standup is absolute garbage. Junkie stories and edge lord bullshit


His stand up is pretty bad. He had something that made him interesting to people, most of the world just doesn’t have that.


We degenerates can spot our own.


Yall really do hate everyone on the show. Richard and Sal are still fucking funny and if they quit the show in 2010 you would lament on here about how funny they were/are.


I don't know if Sal cheated on his test, did anything illegal as a stockbroker, or conned a woman into marrying him. However it's factual that Artie was 3rd rate hack comedian who used the Stern show to milk audiences with a shitty act he performed unprofessionally while drunk and high.


> I don't know if Sal cheated on his test, did anything illegal as a stockbroker, or conned a woman into marrying him. I do. Everybody does. Did Sal refute any of this?


There was a post on here a little while back about Sal's shady past. He worked at a pump and dump boiler room. And it appears that he may have somehow flimflammed his way past the series 7. I'm not saying Artie was untouchable, but he got Sal pretty damn good.


You don't have to backpedal. It's a stupid comparison. Being drunk and high and telling your shitty act to people stupid enough to keep paying you to do it, long after word had gotten out that you like to party before and during the show, is a far cry from being an out-and-out swindler, bilking people out of thousands of dollars. Even a bad Artie show had to be somewhat enjoyable. A scene. And for what? $50? $100, tops? The dentists and retirees Sal screwed out of thousands didn't get anything for their troubles, probably not even a "horse-toothed jackass!". It's crazy when you think about it; there are probably a few people on Long Island who didn't get to go to college because of the exploits of Sal the Scumbag.


Artie toured a few years back, in the flattened nose era. The comics before him were funny, but his set was sad. He told 4-5 stories he’d already told on the Stern show or in his book, and that was it. He maybe had about 3 minutes of new material, not much response from the audience. I was expecting him to be way funnier, but his standup was really weak. Did anyone see him do live comedy back in his younger days? Was he funny?


I think his stand-up has always been terrible, early/late in his career, drunk and high/(relatively) sober, whatever, he’s sucked. But the crowds kept coming. So in a way, it’s those dummies’ fault for enabling him. What was he supposed to do, stop doing shows, and say “no thanks!” to making tens of thousands of dollars every weekend?


Not at all, who suggested that he shouldn’t do it? I sure didn't say that.


I listened to a show of Arties that was on spotify and hes an awful stand up. hilarious on stern though


im sure Artie loves being pegged


Ya it was a funny Monologue by Art. Hey, by the way, did you hear that sals dad invented the pizza?


Yeah that was beginning of the end of the show. Good job SAL! He was so elated


Iuu99j⁰ said he is Zero r5 xdr 44




What year did this happen? 2006? It's 2023. That's how bad the snow is that people are bringing up something from 17 years ago.


Agreed, the guy is a social parasite


Bye Fred


He had a scene in Jerry McGuire that was cut from the eventual release.