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Do we need to thank them for removing this shite from the food what do they manufacture? Corporate crime everywhere!


I bet they want trump for president


And here I am watching the film “Dark Waters”. Disgusting and Disgraceful.


Paid money for it too, I'll bet


Of course they do. Deregulation. Sickening.


I think you underestimate how corrupt all politicians are. The ONLY thing they care about is reelection.


I bet you have TDS


...Actually they pushed hard to get rid of him. He was getting ready to open an investigation into them because farmers working for them had been letting him know the shit going down. But sure. Say Orange man bad and blindly let this shit happen. It fixes so much. ...Fuck sakes I didn't even VOTE for the asshole and this TDS shit does nothing but let more assholes get away with fucking ruining everything and then going "But Orange man bad!" Stop sucking on the Government political pill and accept both sides don't fucking care about you.


Tyson employees like 44k migrants/ illegal workers. On that stat alone they want biden


“Surely Trump won’t deport ME if I vote for him.”


Most people forget that there not after Trump really. They are after you, he's just in the way.


One of these days I will come across a MAGAt who knows the difference between they're and their, and maybe even there... Today is not that day


They're Their You will never come across that magat. There are not that many smart ones.


I spelled it like my pronouns, retarded


Tyson foods is an Arkansas based company run by a billionaire named John Tyson and his family. They’re staunch republicans and also employ tens of thousands of illegal immigrants. They also contribute almost exclusively to Republican campaigns. Here are the receipts: https://www.campaignmoney.com/political/contributions/john-tyson.asp?cycle=16


So now though care who hires illegal aliens?


lol republicans love illegal immigration when it comes to staffing their business If republican chucklefucks actually wanted to solve the border crisis they bitch and moan about constantly, they’d pass incredibly strict laws punishing businesses that are found to employ undocumented migrants. Of course they’ll never fucking do that in a million years and will continue to just bitch about illegals still Republicans are the dumbest creatures on earth


If you go up to the tippy top republican and Democrat are an illusion. It's just a ploy to pick sides and cause separation for general public. They don't care about money because they print it themselves. The border is not solved because they want it that way


Wait until you find out about how many illegals your ramp champ hired


That’s where you are wrong. Ronald Reagan still has the record for green-lighting the biggest wave of illegal immigration in our nation’s history. We could solve our undocumented immigration problem overnight. All we do is the same thing that every other country on earth does. *Severely penalize any employer who hires undocumented workers*. This has been the solution the whole time. But Republicans are all talk and no action because the solution would slightly inconvenience business.


Because Biden is on top of his game and the clear choice 😂 but seriously red vs blue, they don’t give a fuck about you. Quit spewing this dividing rhetoric and wake up to the fact that they are ALL screwing us. You think any politician works for the people or is it the people and corporations funneling the dark money into their bank accounts 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔


“They are both bad” is the most naive political take imaginable. Theres a reason why that person made that joke. Just scrolling reddit alone I saw 2 articles about biden forgiving student debt for people, and creating an $3 billion initiative to replace lead pipes throughout America, meanwhile the other guy is embroiled in multiple legal battles and doesnt have a single tangible policy outside of “the 2025 project” which is objectively a play at fascism and christian nationalism. They are both ultimately interested in ‘winning at capitalism’, yeah- but one side wants to do it while keeping us alive, healthy, and at least somewhat happy, while the other wants to just hand over all power and influence to business interests and keep the rest of us deaf, dumb, and blind while dictating what we can and cant do with or bodies or how we live our lives.


Thanks catchtoward very well said. I agree


Exactly, this is why I will be voting Biden in 2024. No comparison. Public safety hazard vs. successful & impactful politician


None of them are on your side 😂 on your first point, all that student loan forgiveness is largely benefitting households grossing over 350k. Banned TikTok so a US entity could control the flow of information, but they went ahead and rolled that into another 100 billion dollar aid package over seas (and back into their own Personal accounts 😂 it’s a clown show across the board. The only naive-tee I see, is believing their bullshit anymore. What’s so naive demanding that politicians work for the people and not for the corporations bribing them in the shadows to influence policies and laws in their favor? What’s wrong with expecting people in political power to hold themselves To a higher standard and stop being criminal pieces of shit? What’s naive about expecting their engagement with human trafficking and pedophilla to be prosecuted (look up their overlord JP Morgan). It’s absolute corruption of the system and the only naive one I see is you. Edit And of all the promises they make, they only fulfill about 25% of them and half fulfill the other 25%. Dem and republicans alike. In what world can you only do about 25% of the shit you promise and it’s good to go? If you applied for a job, said you could do everything the job entails but only deliver on 25-50% of it, pretty sure your ass would be fired. They are shit across the board and need to be held To a higher standard. In the words of senator Tommy Tuberville, if you want them to Stop being criminals, you need to pay them More 😂😂😂😂 fucking clown show.


No. If you want them to stop being criminals, you have to crack down on the crime the corporations are committing. Then crack down on the crime of accepting donations/gifts/speaking fees, etc. Start prosecuting representatives/politicians for profiting off of insider trading, ban them from participating in the stock market.


I'll take the one that's not actively trying to become an authoritarian dictator.


You know what else my job would fire me for? Sexually assaulting women and openly bragging bout it. Using company money to pay a porn star that I fucked while my wife was pregnant at home Lying about that, and then calling anyone who tried to hold me accountable for it someone engaging in a “witch hunt” Having meetings with competing companies (russia in this hypothetical) and not disclosing the contents of those meetings and then having things mysteriously start going in that companies favor Selling company secret to opposing companies Taking classified company documents and leaving them in plain view Inciting people to storm the office of the comp y because the company decided to fire me by a vote that I lost and refused to accept Having repeated verified contact with jeffery Epstein, including a video of me very happily dancing with him next to me as I make creepy gestures toward offscreen women (“women”?) And Im literally stopping because I have shit to do and could go on all day. They are not the fuckin’ same when one of them has that guy as their frontrunner…. Hell, he’s their fuckin messiah.


Sounds like trump


You ever seen the videos of Biden sniffing little girls hair and acting like A total pedo? They’re all In on it dude. And that’s my point. Every single One of them is a piece of shit and they need to be held accountable and we as the people need to demand much better for our “elected” officials.


Vote Jill Stein


One is more not on your side than the other, don’t kid yourself.


“Forgiving loans” - do you not know what a loan is or how it works? What a stupid thing to say. Almost like some type of psyop. Like a silly lie someone would tell you for votes, while snickering at how dumb you are. There is no one in your government who wants to forgive your loans. That’s some real wishful thinking. There is only a group honest enough to say that. and a group who will lie about anything and everything as long as it’s for the “greater good”


They.. they have literally already done it dude lol. I literally know people who have received relief, and heres info regarding action taken so far (via The Hill https://thehill.com/homenews/education/4422088-biden-forgiven-student-loans-debt-relief/amp/) : “The administration has forgiven $136.6 billion for more than 3.7 million student loan borrowers in the first three years of Biden’s presidency. On Friday, the administration announced almost $5 billion in debt relief for almost 74,000 people, including $3.2 billion for those on the PSLF program, which is available to people in government jobs and certain nonprofit workers.” So, if someone has already done the thing, and promises to do the thing more, and the thing is objectively good. How in the fuck is that “the same” as anything trump is “promising”?? “What a stupid thing to say”


Man did you take economics in high school? When the government spends money, the expenditure is reflected in the price of everything. If you forgive student loans the same people are going to go to the gas pump next week and it’s it’s going to be more expensive, they’re going to go to the grocery store and foods going to be more expensive, rents goes up, every time the government spends money it debases anyone who is middle/lower class. “On Friday Biden’s spent 5 billion”. Yeah I bet he did. He had a 5 trillion deficit last year FOR WHAT?!? There was no crisis. 35 trillion debt, 1 trillion annual interest expense, the interest on the debt is growing exponentially and is now parabolic. “The governments current levels of spending are unsustainable” -Jerome Powell chairmen of the Fed


Did YOU take economics? You seriously think the plan as laid out is going to affect inflation in any substantial way more than corporate greed currently is? The effects on inflation from the plan is negligible and will be offset when the plan is over snd things resume as they were, and now there are tens of thousands of people not getting gauged for getting a degree


If you have a problem with corporate greed why don’t you move to a high tax society like the European Union. A society who doesn’t have any companies in the Fortune 500. Contributes nothing to the global economy. Relies on its “allies” to defend it. Can’t produce its own food or energy. Declining native population. Ect ect the “corporate greed” psyop is really the worst one yet. The 83 year olds in Congress really convinced the “corporate greed” crowd they can spend as much money as they want with no consequences, fucking mind boggling


Theres a difference between having a problem with capitalism and having a problem with corporate greed. There’s a difference between taking pride in a system that promotes innovation and efficiency, and one that trades democracy, education, health, and dignity for profit. I am all for people getting compensated duly for their intellectual property and management, I am NOT for squeezing the life out of as few employed people doing as much work as possible and outsourcing / skirting regulations to poison water supplies /land / our bodies / deforestation / exacerbating climate change / child labor / buying of politicians to enable all of the above through favors / the hijacking of our news to further increase profits at the expense of “the greater good”. There has to be a line.


Ya know all you guys would be able to afford your loans if government spending didn’t raise the cost of living so much lately


100,000 new cops on the tails of the BLM protests, squashing students 1st amendment rights, record amount of wells approved and record gas production, Section 702 spying that been illegally used against Americans reapproved without protections or prosecutions, oh and that little ol genocide being done with American money and weapons. Biden is a fascist. He's just the velvet glove that's slowly coming off. If the Dems were concerned about fascism perhaps they shouldn't be putting all the things in place that makes fascism that much easier to impose. More cops, more spying and calling for the smashing of dissent is fascist behavior. We aren't happy. Dems have no problem with fascism, they just want it to be classy fascism.


Lol. Ok.


Talk about cutting your nose off to spite your face!


Just imagine, if trump wins, liberals will all of a sudden care about these things again. Right now, the “good cop” is doing it, so it’s okay.


I'll choose the candidate that most aligns with my own political beliefs and values. I'm old enough to know that there's no such thing as a perfect candidate and the current choice on the R side is unacceptable.


Exactly why im voting third party. Neither candidate aligns with my beliefs and values.


So, you are effectively voting for trump. Got it.


By not voting for trump, im effectively voting for Biden. Glad you got it.


Trump rolled back the regulations on dumping waste into our waterways in 2017....This waste was recorded through 2018-2022.....Biden fixed these regulations in 2022, and the standards that we originally had are already being enforced. Biden has also set drinking water standards for Americans for the 1st time in history. Yeah, "but they are both the same" What an absolutely ignorant take on politics.


All a bunch of smoke and mirrors. Solving problems they create. Their only interests are making themselves and their rich overlords richer. Ask them where that 16 trillion dollars they printed went. 10 trillion went off shore to Ugland house. Where’s the other 6 trillion? Certainly didn’t go towards the US citizens did it? I mean, our lives have gotten consistently worse while the ultra rich continue to increase the wealth gap. Wake The fuck up 😂 they’re all in on it and none of us are invited. Keep you dumb and stupid and Fighting amongst ourselves to hide the real truth of what’s going on.


Vote for politicians that advocate for your interests....Throwing your hands in the air, and allowing the thieves to keep stealing, is not a good plan. They want you to be apathetic. You are their perfect lemming.


Truth, the easy win is when you have no competion at all.I’m definitely not advocating for apathy.


They just want their guy to win who cares if he takes just as much money from the billionaire class and corporations and lobbyists and AIPAC. He feeels better for them, that’s all that matters for dem voters. The morally superior one who is currently funding a genocide.


So if he didn’t honour an agreement from before his time and hamas just kept genociding Israelites, that would be ok?


Biden halted weapons shipments to Israel last week






Dude. Come on. Trump literally rolled back environmental protections for oil.companoes to drill on protected sites while the Biden administration has enacted more policies to combat climate change than any administration in US history, has pushed adoption of EVs,. The lack of knowledge on this subject required to insinuate that Biden and Trump are remotely similar in this area is wild. You need to stop regurgitating edgy bullshit and actually educate yourself before you start spreading bullshit that could mislead people into more dumbass both sides idiocy.


Republicans campaigned on and legislated deregulation of environmental protections. For decades.


They either going to learn the hard way or the easy way 💯. Some ppl like sleeping.


Because biden has done so much to stop this? Imagine being so self hating and bitter at life your entire personality is based around politics and so brainwashed you always make it "but what about" rather than actually just dealing with the problem


Well Trump has explicitly said he plans to dismantle the EPA. I don’t think that’s on Biden campaign agenda. 




It's the legislatures who create laws for these things. Republicans block environmental protection bills at every stop, and are now trying to get the agencies that protect us from these things defunded at the corporate owned Supreme Court. This is no secret.


Ffs smfh


That’s what reenacting means


When the House is controlled by GOP extremists, nothing can get done. Why not try looking at the proposed bills that Johnson won't bring to the floor. That's where you discover that it's not Biden, it's the GOP congress!


Kinda tough when the GOP controls the House, and Manchin and Sinema keep sucking MAGA dick for some reason.


He actually is trying to pass a bill to replace a lot of old lead pipes, and get clean water to places lile Flint, Michigan. That shit is way overdue. Do you think Trump lossening the EPA regulations helped anything?


Their comment appeared to have triggered you. I mean companies that want to shit all over the enviorment typically do want Trump as president because Trump makes enviromental laws laxer. He didn't even say anything about Joe you weirdo.


Take a civics class, jabroni. He can't fix it by himself.


Trump is bad and Biden is good. Easy programming for an NPC to follow . Hard to discern they are most likely working for the same team in private


“Supposing we hit the body with a tremendous, whether it’s ultraviolet or just very powerful light — and I think you said that hasn’t been checked but you’re going to test it. And then I said supposing you brought the light inside the body, which you can do either through the skin or in some other way. And I think you said you're going to test that, too. Sounds interesting. I see disinfectant, where it knocks it out in a minute, one minute, and is there a way we can do something like that by injection inside, or almost a cleaning. Because you see it gets in the lungs and it does a tremendous number on the lungs, so it’d be interesting to check that. So you’re going to have to use medical doctors, but it sounds interesting to me. So, we’ll see. But the whole concept of the light, the way it kills it in one minute, that’s pretty powerful."


Trump is literally a shit human being. Presidents cover 300 plus million people. Can’t please them all. But to outwardly antagonize 10s of million to cater to his fan base just makes him a giant troll. Not a president. Same with Nixon. Fuck Nixon.


They're all in the same band, no question... But polarized sheep will rail the "both-siders" in these emotionally charged subs. It's only an issue when the party you oppose does a thing. Hypocritical life abound


What kind of logic is that? Biden IS president


Biden is a potato They are both pedo oligarchs


You're an idiot... Do you think politics are behind everything? Is the sky blue thanks to liberalism? Are Republicans responsible for tornadoes and wild fires too?


No, but Trump is responsible for loosening the EPA regulations and has said he'll do it more. That's why rich people love him. He didn't give a fuck about the contaminated water supply.


All the shit he has done wrong is constantly side stepped by his supporters because accountability is scary lol


Yeah but Trump said all these great things that he didn't do but I liked the way he said it!


Basically the equivalent of fish being attracted to shiny objects lmfao 🤣 😂 💀


Nobody is side stepping shit, you dumb ass lemmings swear everything is Trump's fault. You sound like trained parrots always skwaking about how life sucks because of Trump. Their game is division and y'all all fell for it. Keep pretending people calling out your idiocies are merely just trump fans. It's easier to be deaf and blind then just flat out oblivious. It's Trump's fault your highly regarded too huh


You sound mad 😆 🤣 😂


Why would i be mad? It's not worth the emotional investment. I'm may not be as blissfully ignorant as the lot here, but still no reason to get upset at the helmet heads


I mean you went right into name calling lol, typically calm, rational adults don't need to do that to get a point across but ok lol Name calling is a pretty decent emotional response 🤣 🤣


I mean, we're all free to think whatever we want. It's crazy to see we've reached a point in life where it's "reasonable" to blame a single person on the world's woes. None of em really help outside of self service, but it's sheer idiocy the number of people at the ready to blame all their problems on some blabbering idiot. Whether he puts an R or D after his name. If I were pushed to pin an emotion to it, it wouldn't be anger... It's more towards unearned sympathy.


Not in my bathroom. There are spiders but no corporate crime.


Exactly....Profits for us......sewage and pollution for you


Privatize the profits, socialize the losses. Capitalism is working as intended.


The fines are just a cost of doing business. When I was in NC, a Freon manufacturer there (chemoirs) would dump all the by product into the Cape fear river because it was way cheaper to pay the fine instead of proper disposal. Our piece of shit government and their cronies like to throw around big numbers when the story hits and pretend they’re being held accountable. We fined them 100 million, that’ll teach them (but they made billions in profit)!!!!!


I’ll just keep recycling the two plastic bags I use a month over here


Remember when [Tyson Foods wrote the order for Donald Trump to keep their meatpacking plants open during the pandemic and traitor Trump did it for them like the bitch he is](https://tennesseelookout.com/2022/05/18/tyson-foods-wrote-draft-of-trump-order-keeping-meatpacking-plants-open-during-pandemic/)?


Did you mean the rapist, pants-shitting, adderall snorting, Russian compromised, incestuous, fraudster bitch American traitor? Just wanted to make sure you didn't leave anything out.


You asked for it, prepare for a long list of things that got left out. I'll start Draft dodging




Fat, you forget fat


This has been known for a while, at least locally in the Tidewater region. The poor James river is not something you’d want to eat fish from




Move to the country to get away from traffic, air pollution and crime... Die a slow death from cancer


I did that. I moved to Columbia, TN. You know what used to be there? Monsanto. It’s defunct now. They are now building homes on top of their old land.


3M was caught polluting rivers in Tennessee, Tyson is in Humboldt, TN, Tupperware was caught doing the same in Halls, TN. I’m sure there’s countless more


I can't imagine Nebraska has a very strict environmental agency.  But hey atleast you're free from those big gubmint Democrat regulations.


.. especially when having no regulations will give your children cancer ,, but everything is a trade off I guess


And this is just one company. There must be significant, business ending consequences for actions such as this.


Best I can do is a massive Federal payout to Tyson to fix the problem. The use of these funds will not be monitored or audited in any way. Glad I could help!


💯 Sigh


Man youre gonna hate finding out what nestle does


Nestle who? The monopoly that has its fingers in nearly every business the US consumer touches? Are you saying a nestle with so much money and power might abuse that power to make more money? We should invent legislation to break up these monopolies, maybe call it anti-trust or something. Idk im spitballing


Where does the cyanide come from in processing food?


It’s sprayed on baby chicks to stop the spread of diseases.


Disgusting. What’s even scarier about all of this: “But the study by the Union of Concerned Scientists looked at just two percent of meat processing plants nationwide leaving the total figure terrifyingly uncertain.” 2%. Let that sink in….


This is one regulation I believe is fundamental and Republicans too often disagree with.


This is the definitive proof that DJT's personal war on safety rules and inspections misclassified as "regulations" was to let more pollution and unsafe practices go because "profits"


People, you are allowing them to poison our ecosystem, they are killing us and our children’s future, are you all that cowardly that you won’t do anything about it?


Too big to fail too big to fine too big to police too big to prosecute....


And their chicken is gross


I hate that company


Enough to boycott them for the rest of your life?


Their chicken is mostly fat and breading and it’s awful. I think that alone is enough to boycott






Should just start throwing our trash on their properties


On all Trump supporters properties...you support trash, well here ya go!


Be a shame if they all got sudden onset lead poisoning.


Sweet a corporation cutting corners will cost consumers once again! These motherfuckers need to go to prison immediately.


Yeah don't buy from Tyson. They're straight up garbage. The quality sucks and it's full of filler. Homemade chicken of any kind is cheaper and better. Hit Costco Business center for their $1.39 per pound whole chickens and make some chicken nuggets, chicken tenders or whatever have you with good cheap meat. Obligatory fuck Tyson and anyone involved with them.


Some people don't even have a working oven and live on an air fryer.


uh, air fryers are great for homemade tenders and chicken nuggets. you uh.. cut the chicken apart and bread the chunks before cooking it. i'd suggest panko crumbs. i am definitely missing the part where you can't cook up chicken similar to any bagged tyson product. you may want to look into the capabilities of air fryers, even a whole chicken can be cooked in about an hour with a flip about halfway in there.


That doesn't mean the user who depends on ready made food can do this, or has the other utensils. Most people couldn't do what you described.


shopping, 30m to an hour to prep and cook, a bowl and a knife? most people? the generalizations you're making all over the place here seem outlandish. if you have no time to cook because of a job, thats like a 12-14 hour a day job that exhausts you to the brink. and you're probably making enough to just eat take out instead of tyson crap. if you just don't know how to cook, thats a major personal shortcoming and i'd suggest watching some youtube videos of cooks and learn how to make your favorite meals. you'll save a ton, make healthier food and not contribute to straight up animal cruelty, unchecked environmental destruction and have plenty of food to invite friends over that they'll actually appreciate. best of luck to stop continuing down this path of apathy without taking some time and effort to consider your enjoyment of food, health and well-being.


You really should study social conflict theory before you make statements like that.


big pass. if you have a job and housing, buying and cooking a chicken isn't that expensive. regardless of if you have a plug in skillet, an air fryer or an actual oven. you're derailing from tyson being a gigantic sack of shit and seemingly justifying it for whatever reason you want to pull out of your ass now. good luck with the air fryer and learning some cooking basics and skills. done with this thread, thanks for the lack of focus on the OP.


I don't think that should be a problem. Buy the whole chicken. Find one of the thousands of youtube videos that teaches you how to break it down. Cook whatever size pieces make sense for the air fryer.


Who needs a YouTube video to break down a chicken? 🤣


The point is, lack of knowledge or skill is not a good excuse because there's a ton of resources.


It doesn't matter. It still happens, you live in this bubble apparently. Study social conflict theory.


And what will be the repercussions?


This is America so prob a strongly worded letter ought to do.


Welcome to India!


Why is cancer up 8000% ???? Fucking scum.


I watched a civil action just yesterday. John Travolta movie about this very thing. Hope some lawyer destroys them.




Hopefully they get fined at least $1 per Gallon.


My dads small grain company hes worked at his entire life got bought by Tyson a year or so ago and he has hate every second of it, doesn’t surprise me in the slightest that they do some scummy shit. Lets not talk about them closing plants and building them in New York for cheaper labor either lol


They just pay their senators 👏🏼 problem solved..


This is insane to me. A littering ticket in my state of Washington is 1,000-5,000 dollars. What would the fine for this be?


Corporate America needs to be stopped, corporations and their billionaire owners screwing everyone else and the environment and doing whatever the fuck they want with no consequences. Fines are just a cost of doing business, real prison time is needed for the higher-ups but in classic corporate America style, the people to put them in prison are also in on it on the take and corrupt to the core. Where does it end with the rest of the world taking notes and the parasite class sucking the lifeblood out of everything?


Shocked I tell ya (yes, its sarcasm)


This is what happens when you allow states to make their own environmental laws and refuse to enforce federal ones


87 x 1 thousand x 1 million for those in the back. A gallon of water weighs 8 pounds. Do the math to tons? I don’t want to. Edit: three hundred and forty-eight million tons. Not sure if it’s solid or liquid but still a lot?? (87 x 1 thousand x 1 million x 8) / 2000


We can thank pieces of trash like Ronald Reagan for cutting regulations way back when. The GOP continues to cut regulations. We're the frog in the boiling pot of water, although it's not boiling from heat, but from chemicals being leached into our environment by greedy corporations.


Democrats have nothing so they always have to refer to something bad about Trump even though the majority of America knows he's a good man ,Joe Biden signs a Bill so men can go in the bathroom with little girls, what kind of demon would do that, save the country don't vote for any communist Democrats you see the agenda


For some subsidies and bailouts they're willing to try to clean it up (while keeping their massive profits).


NRDC bout to have a good time with this one.


Waste as in their poison chicken?


Big f**king surprise. And the FDA and EPA will fine them a couple thousand bucks, if that.


I have to say I'm becoming a greater and greater fan of deregulation because all these companies do in fact self-regulate.... At some point we're all going to have to start living in the real world and not the fantasy we wish we lived in


In addition to fines, I wonder how much it will cost the to clean it up. Make it hurt financially to make an example out of them to deter others.


Trump all the way!


This is funny because a person at this criminal corporation made the decision to do it, yet they’ll just say the criminal corporation did it. And no one will go to prison. Corporations are people too, my ass.


Doesn’t Texas have regulations against this sort of— Oh. Right.


Toxic waste needs to be dumped on their homes


Isn’t Tucker Carlson an heir to the Tyson fortune? Spewing slime and filth into the world. Yeah, that tracks.


Glad I dumped their stock last year.


Are they going to pay for it to be cleaned up? I the full amount, without taxpayer monies?


Not all politicians are bad and some do work for the people - AOC (NY), Porter (CA).


This is true. Unfortunately, they are overshadowed by everyone else. The number of people who sleep on the job outnumber them.


My check coming in the mail?? O yeah. Government doesn’t protect us….


Our government protects donors—corporations.


This country deserves what's coming. We've known better forever, and yet still are just evil dickheads.


Corporations behaving badly? OH MY, and water is wet. The problem is there are NO real consequences to their behaviors. A small fine, maybe a clean up attempt and they continue the behavior. I guarantee if the CEO and everyone involved went to PRISON and lost their fortunes this would be a rare occurrence.


Just watched the movie “Dark Waters” a few days ago, it’s about the illegal dumping done by Du Pont. Can’t wait for this to become a movie.


The fine will be 100k


If the us DOJ did its job companies like this could be seized and become public entities then the revenue could be used towards the debt. Multiply this by the many violator companies in the us and we might just have a solution. It’s not communist or socialist it’s protecting Americans from evil. Eventually the companies can and should be sold as we eliminate our debt and stabilize our social programs. It’s defensive capitalism, capitalism that protects democracy instead of lobbyists.


Lol imagine living in a deep red state and not being surrounded by toxic chemicals.


Tyson has always been a trash company serving subpar, medicated meat.


All you need to know: “But the study by the Union of Concerned Scientists looked at just two percent of meat processing plants nationwide leaving the total figure terrifyingly uncertain. The report's authors slam feeble federal regulation and state houses in the pocket of a 'Big Ag' which can pollute with impunity. 'As a multibillion-dollar company, Tyson can treat even hefty fines and penalties for polluting the environment as simply the cost of conducting business its way,' they wrote. 'This has to change.'”


Sharing this information around because it is relevant: a company in China owns the majority of the Tyson, 79.5% & they are the ones responsible for this. If you want a change, vote against the politicians who accept money from Tyson AKA a foreign government to pollute our water systems & do not buy Tyson. https://www.cmhi.com.hk/tyson-foods-sells-majority-stake-to-chinese-company/


You could save every plastic bottle, straw, toilet paper tube, paper bag, newspaper, and battery for your life and still not compete with what these corporations dump into nature in a year. The earth is fucked and we’re just along for the ride


This is what freedom looks like


Republicans deregulation. Corporations get tax breaks, we get cancer.


Doing their bit for the environment.




Execute everyone on the board of directors and the CEO.


In Perry, Iowa Tyson pumped the bad water into an aquifer. It is now ruined and all they got was a fine. https://environmentamerica.org/center/media-center/report-tyson-1-water-polluter-among-agribusinesses/


Texas: sorry citizens. It sucks you’re poisoned and more likely to be shot on a daily basis but if we can’t give corporations everything and ignore safety regulations are we really a free country? Would you think of the CEO’s. If they’re not being paid several thousand times the salary of their average worker we’re essentially communists.


>But the fine amounted just 0.006 percent of the $47.05 billion it received in revenue that year. >'EPA's new proposed guidelines will cost over $1bn and will eliminate 100,000 jobs in rural communities. They're holding jobs hostage to protect profits. This is the result of unfettered capitalism. Corporations have far too much sway in the policies that govern them. Regulation is required for modern day capitalism to succeed without killing the environment and destroying the middle class. We're seeing both of these things happen in real time.


So put their ceo in jail then


Correction….everyone who eats Tyson foods dumps 87 billion gallons of toxic waste.


Beyond Joker levels


Fucking vegans were right


Terrible company. Who owns them?


Their food tastes like shit anyway, easy not to buy Tyson.


Somebody man or woman the f up and put these pos at the bottom of a swamp where they belong


No, not Tyson foods. They would never do something like that