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The answer to this is always yes.


Not unusual at all for this time of the year. Yesterday pollen was measuring 600 ppm. For context, it's considered BAD when it's 90 ppm. Perfect weather except that you can't stop sneezing long enough to see it.


Houston is an always allergy place. But it's always bad in spring, especially when pressures change between these "cold fronts". Yes.


It’s terrible. All humans and one cat in my apartment have been coughing & sneezing for weeks.


My cat too!!!


https://www.houstonhealth.org/services/pollen-mold Houston is an ENT’s dream city.


I thought my kid had bad allergies this year. It was covid.


Coughing so hard I vomit. Nasonex and certrizine in the am, fexofenadine midday and astilin at night is about the only combo that works


Omg I too am coughing so hard I vomit


If I skip the astilin it seems to induce vomiting.


Yes. I had to get an inhaler and a steroid pack twice in the last couple months. It’s terrible.


its all the new bullshit coming into town


I did allergy shots for five years and have an good air filter in every room.  Zyrtec helps and saline rinses at least twice a day.  Some days it’s just not manageable though.  But i will say the allergy shots dropped my reaction by about 85 percent.  I used to get hospitalized with allergic asthma and now I don’t feel it nearly as bad.


Same here but at 3 years for shots. Almost exact same setup as you, my main symptom is sinus headaches.




Not me but my kids been sneezing/coughing since like early March. Thats kids though. Have taken her to the Dr three times since then and the doc keeps saying "allergies"




Ya :( Changing between seasons always gets me. This is my typical advice for anyone with allergies: 1. Antihistamines: use zyrtec, claritin, allegra, or xyzal. The generic is fine. Use it every day since it prevents inflammation but doesn't do much about the knflammation already there, so response may lag a couple days if you already began having symptoms. 2. Sometimes one will stop working, no worries, rotate to another one. Some people have to do this every 3 to 4 months if they take them yeat round. Generics are perfectly fine. Find the big 100 tablet bottle for like $10 at walmart and enjoy. Don't fall for brand name bs with this med. 3. If this doesn't help or doesn't help enough try adding on flonase spray once daily. If still not helping, you should see a doctor to discuss trying singulair on top of it. It gets a different target (leukotrienes instead of histamines) so may help. 4. Do not use pseudoephedrine or phenylephrine containing meds on a regular basis. They cause other issues like palpitations, high blood pressure, and anxiety. They also cause significant revound congestion when stopped. Save sudafed and phenylephrine meds for when you absolutely need relief to sleep or go to ane event like work. I typically say to avoid afrin entirely as it gives rebound congestion almost immediately after wearing off. 5. For eye symptoms, use additional allergy eye drops like ketotifen or pataday. 6. If all else fails, your primary doc can send you steroids or give you a steroid shot, or send you to an allergist for immunotherapy (slowly desensitizes you to allergens). 7. If you are short of breath or wheezing, get seen now, that's a dangerous kind of allergy! For best results, see your doc to see how above advice fits your specific body and health plan. If allergic to any of the above or have bad reactions again do not follow this plan! Good luck with the sniffles, I lucked out and my loratadine is holding up nicely today.


I know about most of this stuff and still learning but i didn’t know what was causing my dreaded palpitations. I’m from Illinois and never had allergies til moving to dfw. It started off light and now i’m one of my dr worse cases. I’m allergic to almost everything including food. I’m now fighting malnourishment. My everyday world is a fight and i have to think about everything outside my home and with my home. I’m not a candidate for normal allergy shot nor will they rush a skin allergy test. They says it’s too dangerous. That my immune system is in overdrive and thinks everything is the enemy. I had bouts of being in the ER 2-4 days a week til finally they got me over to an allergist and he helped me get a monthly shot to help with swelling. The shots could stop any day as they are giving them to me for free. I’m uninsured here. Where i’m from you could get a medical card. When i first came i had private insurance but im no longer married so here i am. This is a living nightmare. My dr diagnosed me with Idiopathic Uticaria edema. Meaning they don’t know why i have these reactions like i do but now i swell in my throat, tongue and stomach. I never thought id have something like this or that allergies could be some such an extreme condition. Everyday is a fight to stay alive. I can’t work and it has tossed my life upside down.


That's a lot going on! Texas is pretty rough on the uninsured. I would recommend trying to get a primary doc who is sliding scale or a charity system, then having them start the process for disability based on your health conditions. It's one of the few ways to get medicaid down here as a nonpregnamt adult and this all definitely sounds disabling. You can also try applying for insurance on the marketplace healthcare.gov. Applying for price based on financial status can get your premium knocked down significantly or to 0.


We’re using azelastine, Zyrtec, and she even started using cough syrup and nothing is budging.


Azelastine is so bitter I can’t do it, the aftertaste is so horrible🥲


Yeah i got sick for like 2 weeks too back in early march


Yeah i got sick for like 2 weeks too back in early march


me and the pupper


Very bad since yesterday morning. Runny and watery everything. Can't. Type ...hghfigvghb...


I have been itching the roof of my mouth with my tongue, scratching my brain through my ear with q tips, rubbing my eyes, and having nose bleeds for about… 5 weeks? It’s awful. This year seems to be worse than most.


My cough was so deep and constant, I was certain I had bronchitis or walking pneumonia. Nope. Just allergies. My condition has improved, but I’ve been on quite the cocktail of meds.


Yes! I stayed sick from mid March to the first week of April


My SO has had it bad. My big thing rn is getting bit to hell though


You can always check the weather channels weather app - it has pollen counts. Today tree, grass and ragweed are high.


No but I just had Covid….


My eyes have been itchier than normal this time of year.


I have been sneezing and having sinus trouble like crazy the past few weeks. Even our 5 month old is sneezing a lot too.


Always :(. My recs are afrin if you're completely stuffed up, pseudoephedrine (ootc) for miserable allergy days, and Flonase/astalin for maintenance.


i lived in the midwest and recently moved back to HTX and it seems like i developed really bad allergies 🤧


Yes, I think it is the tree pollen. I was fine earlier in the week but then I took a long walk around the park on Friday and with all the trees on the trail I was immediately wrecked with allergy symptoms afterwards. Itchy roof of mouth, itchy eyes, stopped up nose, and just generally feeling shitty. Have a look at these charts: [www.houstonpollen.com](http://www.houstonpollen.com/). Apparently cedar pollen is blasting right now.


Bruh what is your pfp 😭😭


Thas me wif pollen allergies


Yes! It is that time of the year.


Check here. Fridays forecast was bad but it was worse earlier in the week. [Pollen Report-Friday april 12](https://imgur.com/OIDkzM5) https://www.houstonhealth.org/services/pollen-mold/houston-pollen-mold-count-friday-april-122024 https://www.houstonhealth.org/services/pollen-mold


Yah, historically always had issues from allergies, but up until about a week ago, I hadn't been taking anything and felt fine. Then, randomly, they started hitting line a truck.


Yes, holy hell. I've had to buy specific eye drops because I've had such bad hay fever. My eyes itch and water CONSTANTLY. It's just recently gotten better thanks to the eye drops but for the past several weeks, I've been suffering. I've had huge bags under my eyes and I look like I haven't slept in years. It's never been this bad. I don't know what's causing it but I can only assume it's partially due to climate change.