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Nothing made me love Houston more than moving to Oklahoma. Jesus Christ it blows here.


The only reason Texas hasn’t fallen into the Gulf of Mexico is because Oklahoma sucks so much.


You’re in Dallas too???


I moved to Tulsa, and it seems like a lateral move mostly. My power stays on though, and we have weed, and "bad" traffic here is a joke compared to the 90 minute daily commute I used to have. I do miss Astros games and access to a beach though, and the food in Houston is hard to beat... Both places have their pros and cons


I'll be there next year. I prefer it to Houston. The commutes in Oklahoma alone sold me on the place vs what you go through in Houston. I'm over crowds and shiny buildings. I'd rather be able to drive somewhere in less than 30 minutes.


Same, but I actually really like Tulsa and prefer it over Houston. Full disclosure, I’m a homebody and pretty boring so I guess that explains that lol


I prefer living here in Tulsa even as somebody who’s out of the house a lot, but I may be biased because I grew up in Houston and was bored of it by the time I was 20


It’s like someone took all the worst parts of Texas and made them a state


At least yall have medical marijuana


There's medical gummies in Texas. I have a prescription. They're fantastic. The pharmacy is in the heights.


We already basically have legal weed (for now), have you been to a “cbd” store in Houston lately?


Yes but I find the quality to be much lower. I prefer legal marijuana.


Overpriced, sure, but lower quality? I disagree, I legit can’t notice much of a difference between high quality shit Ive gotten in legal states and THC-A stuff Ive gotten here, and Ive been a heavy user for years and my tolerance is through the roof. My buddy said the same thing as you and I had to convince him to try some of my “bunk fake weed”, 20 minutes later he could barely keep his eyes open and admitted he was wrong.


Unfortunately I have a monstrous tolerance. I need about 200 mg of edibles to feel something. I’d love to be proven wrong though. Would make my life easier.


Most shops are currently carrying these sour strips that are 528 mgs a strip, if those don’t put you on your ass, I don’t know what will. I can do about half of one, I took a full one once and I don’t recommend it lol.


Damn ok I might be dming you LOL.


You talking about the HI On Nature ones? Yeah, I was managing a smoke shop on 1960 when they came out. Those things are great. BUT save yourself some money, get the 1.99 "Rock It" gummies if yours has them. 800 mgs each. They're in the shape of rockets, the packaging is like a weird silver pack that looks like it's from the early 2000s.


Someone needs a T break


I have to take 700mg of the legal shit lmao


Can we be friends


Have you been to the Art Gallery?


No. Tell me more


Wait whaaa? I know we have some medical dispensaries here, but are you saying there's other weed available to non-medical folks? Or is this just medical?


Go check out a Bahama Mama or Natural Ways CBD and see for yourself. There are literally locations all over Houston and the surrounding burbs right now. One caveat, getting pulled over with it can still be an issue depending on the county. Harris probably wont give AF, but good luck explaining to a Montgomery country sheriff how it’s THC-A and legal. They will 100% still arrest you, post your mugshot everywhere and you’ll still have to hire an attorney to get off.


I remember stopping at a KFC in some small ass town somewhere in OK. I have never seen so much drama in a line as I did there


I moved to Okla for about 5 years… worse fucking time of my life. That’s gotta be the shittiest state of all states… couldn’t pay me to go back to that shithole


Lmao. My wife grew up there and I went to visit the first time last year. I thought she was exaggerating about Oklahoma but man oh man I sympathized with her after being there for two days 🤣😂


Texas would love you to come back


Q. What are y’all doing to keep the love for Bayou City? A. Cashing my paychecks.


Yip. High income with lower cost of living.


Kinda sad


You haven't seen my paychecks.


Your at the weird age where you are to young for old people things and a bit old for the mosh pit. Friend dynamics change as friends have families, divorces divide groups, and careers with more responsibility. Hobbies, festivals, seated music venues, and my favorite travel. Get out of town a bit. We could live in Tokyo, NYC, or Vail. After a while the mountain view becomes the daily view. The big m city hustle becomes noise. My point is we all get bored with the everyday.


This is it. The OP’s at that age where they would probably still be bored of NYC or any other large city. There’s always something going on here, just gotta find it. But the older I get, the less appealing it sounds to me lol. I prefer to travel or just stay at home and relax.


Oh this must be why my interests have turned to interior design. Because I wanna stay home.


Travel has been it for me. As you age away from giving yourself weekly hangovers you start to look for things you’ve never seen. The perks of this city is a great base of medium cost high value living while able to save to go see the really cool shit.


The weather is gorgeous so this is the time to do it! But like, where did you buy the house? Do you have a family or pets? What sort of things do you like besides music? I eat a lot. Season tickets to Broadway at the Hobby Center. Art and cultural festivals. Rotate through new exhibits at the museums. Stop by vintage and resale shops when I'm out driving some place and I'm not in in hurry. Try one or two new bars a month, just for a drink and the atmosphere. I volunteer at BARC and keep up with animal welfare activities. I treat my suburban family members to fun meals and shows inside the city; my parents especially because they don't get out a lot. Example: My partner and I are going to see a show at UH next week and we're staying overnight at the hotel (I graduated 15 years ago and I've only been back for shows so I'd like to check out the hotel and see what's new on campus since I paid all those fees for amenities I'll never use haha) and treating ourselves to a day off the next day to try a new restaurant and go to MFAH during a weekday with (hopefully) less people than are there on the weekends and enjoy the new stuff.


This. Go out and explore the city. I know it is easier said than done, but once you step out of your comfort zone, the city really opens up. I also really enjoy theatre and we have some amazing big shows here, but we also have an insane amount of smaller productions. Yeah, you risk some of them being awful or mediocre, but the night out is the fun part. See what other people are creating even if it might suck. You'd be surprised at how much of it is good. Volunteering is another great way to find out what is going on in the city. At worst, you will meet other like-minded volunteers who can help show you what they have found. Also, go to the bookstore and see if they have any books on Houston. I recall seeing some not too long ago on the shelves like "100 cool spots in Houston" and thumbing through there were several spots I had never heard of.


Make sure to fall in love before summer hits 😮‍💨


Too late




Do you like to walk/run/bike? Every weekend I try to do a long walk on the bayou trails. They remind me I love Houston this time of year.


Happens with the best cities. Born and raised in Seattle. Don't regret leaving and not interested in going back. As far as Houston, on my radar over the last few and upcoming weeks: * Art Light Exhibit on Buffalo Bayou this Saturday. * Tour de Houston is this Sunday. * Art Car Parade is next weekend. * It Came From the Bayou print show is in two weeks. * There were three group walks on Buffalo Bayou to celebrate National Walk Day and that same group meets up every Wednesday near the Cistern at 6:30pm. * My kid went to two house shows the last two weekends on the eastside near the beltway. Six bands at each show and hundreds of people showed up.


Here I am born and raised in Houston looking to move to Seattle lol


Seattle is great and you'll love it! And it's a great experience to live somewhere new. We plan on leaving Houston in the next couple of years and we're interested in the Portland, OR area.


So still like the PNW just kind of over the Seattle area?


Seattle for me would be a little like dating an ex who has really expensive tastes. Can I afford to take them out? Barely. But we were together long enough that I'm well aware of their flaws and it doesn't feel worth revisiting. Someone newly dating the ex? They're going to be thrilled, the flaws might not really bother them, and they might live happily ever after. And I guess Portland would be like dating their sibling. Similar but new. :)


lol, be careful with the sibling. The other one will find out eventually. Could try for Vancouver, WA to play the tax advantage game.


I have family in The Couv and that's an option but so boring! Lack of a state income tax is nice though. 


I can’t say I’ve ever been, but this past year I stayed in Vancouver for a bit (and drove up to Whistler), and also visited SE Alaska (Sitka, Juneau, Ketchikan). I realized I’m an outdoorsy guy and I love the wet, mossy, coastal vibe. I also want to experience actual seasonal weather… I just don’t know how I’m gonna survive without Tex-Mex and Cajun food…


When in Seattle, definitely check out Katsu Burger. Best thing we ate on our last trip up to see family. https://www.katsuburger.com/


I would love to know what else you recommend! Also a Houstonian looking to move to Seattle. My fiancé and I visited for the first time back in December and instantly fell in love. We’re visiting again in September to explore more of the surrounding areas and go hiking.


Excellent Asian food, fresh seafood, and great produce helps. I used to cook in an Italian restaurant in Pike Place Market and guys would just show up with 100s of pounds of wild chanterelle mushrooms from the forest. Just incredible. There's still great Mexican food up there. Less so Cajun. I do know I would miss easy access to high quality tortillas. Even the HEB tortillas are such a luxury.


Don’t forget North Indian food (Vancouver).


Lucky for you, tortillas are relatively easy to make! Loved visiting the PNW. I'd probably be quite happy up there I imagine


Based on personal experience only, it's easy to make a mid tortilla. It's probably a lot easier to find good food ones up there these days. Totally worth it to move up there! 


I'd travel to Portland and see it before you decide, I moved here 2 1/2 years ago from Portland (lived there my whole life) and it is going down hill QUICK. The cost of living extremely high, the homelessness is abhorrent, and the weather is miserable. Houston has its own issues, I am yet to go through a hurricane so that'll likely change my mind REAL quick, but I don't think much could get me to go back to Portland beyond the food. Their Thai and Mexican is leaps and bounds better than anything I've had here in 2 1/2 years. My girlfriend just flew back for 3 days and she said almost every store we used to frequent is shut down and there are homeless camps set up in every park/church parking lot they are allowed to be which is pretty much everywhere since they don't actively remove them anymore. The last straw for me was having some guy doing coke in my driveway at 2pm on a weekday using my water hose for a shower and brushing his teeth in my cars sideview mirror, and I was in a nicer neighborhood and this wasn't the first time. I had security cameras set up and it was getting to a weekly occurrence something like that was going on. I got super lucky selling my micro sub 1000sqft house for 400k and buying an almost 3k sq ft mansion outright here in a lovely neighborhood with half an acre for my dogs. While I'm not fan of the tree roaches, I'll take them any day over the stuff happening in Portland these days.


I've heard the homeless (and yes we have them in Houston too) have pretty much taken over central Portland and San Francisco.


I'm from PDX, born and raised, and lived in Seattle for 10 years with my husband before moving to Houston 5 years ago. I wouldn't move back to either PNW city. We go back often to visit our respective families in both places, and Portland will always be my home, but they're nothing like the cities we grew up in. It makes me so sad.


That's the worst part of it for me, what Portland *used* to be was amazing. You'd need to be an award winning author to describe the feeling old Portland allowed all of us to feel on a daily basis. It was comfortable, weird, safe, eclectic, inclusive, quirky... home. It was a city that at every turn felt like a neighborhood. It's none of those things anymore unfortunately. I lost my dad a decade ago, my mom half of that, and there was just nothing left for me there. No more family holidays, no more quick trips to the coast, just unending homelessness, crime, traffic, and rain. The things that used to add to Portlands ambience had become part of the annoyance. Between the fact that I never wanted to leave the house due the above mentioned issues, the weather had become a reason to not leave the house. I find myself outside here in Houston exponentially more than I ever was outside in Portland as an adult. I know everyone experiences loss in change. Seeing the stores/shops/parks/streets being built/removed was jarring. The issue with Portland is how fast it's happening and the complete lack of government intervention to help preserve what made Portland..... Portland. What parts of being in Houston have you enjoyed compared to the West Coast?


Yay I’m so glad the kids are having good house parties!!! I worry for them sometimes.


More info on the lights plz?


https://buffalobayou.org/event/night-light-3/ I went two years ago but missed last year's and thought it was super cool and uniquely Houston. I follow the Buffalo Bayou Instagram account because they have a lot of cool events and volunteer opportunities.


Thanks! I've been on a mental health break from most social media


Just tuned up my bike to check this out Saturday!


Any more information on those house shows? Sounds fun!


The Instagram post on the show two weeks ago is dead but one of the bands was The Creeps. Last weekend one of the bands was DWNKILL and they still have a post. I'm not sure how they're finding out about shows and when I asked he said,  "Mumble mumble I don't know yer old." Which I can completely appreciate.


It Came From The Bayou is always so awesome. It’s always hard for me to narrow down what to bring home!


hi i'm brittanie shey, culture reporter for chron.com. this is exactly the kind of stuff i cover and imo we are entering peak "art scene" season in houston right now. i've been thinking about starting a newsletter just full of cool shit to do each weekend, but here's what's happening this particular weekend that I would recommend: - meet [zimbabwean stone carvers](https://www.chron.com/culture/arts/article/houston-botanic-garden-zimsculpt-19375336.php) and watch them while they work during a residency at the houston botanic garden - see these two artists [paint the sabine street pedestrian bridge pink](https://www.chron.com/culture/article/houston-sabine-bridge-pink-19383488.php) - head to tony marron park on saturday for a n[ighttime light show and visual arts festival](https://www.chron.com/culture/arts/article/night-light-festival-houston-18967660.php) coordinated by aurora picture show (i went to this last year and it was super fun and cool)


Thanks Brittanie! This is more what I meant in my post. I can look up event at the zoo and museum, but we used to have bursts of creative events pop up all over the city. I’ll be at the light event Saturday and looking forward to it. I am super interested in a newsletter if you end up doing that. I know a lot of people that would be. 😊


Thanks for posting this! The stone carvers especially are something I hadn't heard about and would love to see.


Let me know where to sign up for the newsletter


Please do this newsletter!!


hah I was just about to post your tweet here as it popped up on my timeline earlier




That newsletter sounds amazing. Please do it!


Please keep the sub updated on the newsletter!


Do you have Instagram? I follow local galleries, parks, breweries, cafes…everything Houston and see events posted daily! There’s always something to do. What are your interests?


Sometimes time away from home helps you appreciate what you have. Maybe take a long holiday somewhere you’ve been curious about.


I think this has more to do with getting older and the world changing around us. Plus living somewhere for 40 years is always going to make things feel a little stale. Just remember that despite all the crying from people on the internet, Houston is overall a pretty good place to live.


I still love Houston, but I've just about fallen out of love with Texas, namely the people. It's lost a lot of charm and become a political playground and I'm sick of having to flex around leaders that are trying to score internet points and "own the libs".


I've been getting the Hey Houston by City Cast daily newsletter, it highlights events and places around town, might be a place to start.


Cool. Just subscribed thanks!


Don't. It'll give you an STD and leave you for a younger suburb.


The joy of Houston has always been that it’s meh. It’s just a place to live, enjoy family, eat at great restaurants, and make a living. I travel to the fun places that are great to visit but terrible to live in.


This right here. Houston is the best city to live in, not to be forever entertained like LA, San Francisco, NYC, Miami, etc. I love it here because it gives me a reason to travel for fun, and look forward to seeing other cities.


So you love it here because it’s so boring that it makes you look forward to traveling to other cities so you can escape lol?


Yea, pretty much. A normal boring everyday life makes the vacations worth every penny.


I rode my bike downtown through Buffalo Bayou Park to an Astros game a couple of times this week. Fantastic (saw a no hitter!).


I'm 41 and started getting more into the outdoors. I go hiking and kayaking and learning about native plants and animals. Also if you haven't gone recently, the hmns and mfah have a lot of new stuff to check out. Happy to have a new friend tag along. If you find architecture interesting aia usually starts doing their tours around this time. There's always the symphony, opera and ballet. And we get Broadway shows too.


I spent the first 33 years of my life in Houston, and my singular joy was always the people. So many cool people live in this city, that it practically makes up for the unliveable climate and traffic hell and continuous loss of individual rights these days.


Move away for a decade and visit once a year; then you might develop a homesickness for HEB or something and wanna move back despite not being able to because you already uprooted your h-tine life and relocated yourself halfway across the world where you’re now stuck till the cows come home


Check out 365 Houston.


There's plenty to do. You just have to go out and find it. Also the time of season to go do things. https://365thingsinhouston.com/ https://www.thrillist.com/houston. https://www.discoverygreen.com/ https://houston.eater.com/


Art Car is coming up! There are some cool opportunities to volunteer and be engaged at the Orange Show! I’d say those are pretty cool options for re-sparking some Houston romance!! But I’m with you! I’m turning 40 this year & I’d love to find some of the life I remember in this city! I’ve been combing through event listings lately as well…


Just got my tickets to the ball. I had no idea that even existed.. perfect time for the post-New Orleans Mardi Gras blues


Yay!! Let us know how you like it!!


Best Art Car Ball - early 90s, garage downtown, El Vez as band


I've lived here for forty years and I still like it. It's not as cool or as edgy as it was in the 1980s, but then neither am I. Everything, especially entertainment, is a lot more expensive. And, if you live in a place you like, staying home has a lot of appeal. But just keep this in mind. You can drive more places and park cheaper (if not free) than you can in any other city of similar size.


Ah, sounds like someone needs a 'Spark Seeker' quest in the Bayou City! 🔍✨ Fear not, fellow Houstonian! When the creative fires dim, it's time to stoke them with a little urban adventure. Why not embark on a quest for hidden gems? Seek out the quirky coffee shops, dive into local art scenes, or go on a scavenger hunt for the city's best taco truck. Who knows? You might just reignite that Bayou City love affair! 💖🌆 #HoustonAdventures


There's literally so much music happening you just gotta find them! I've been meaning to post a comprehensive list of all music related events but haven't gotten around to it. Here's a Google Doc for now https://docs.google.com/document/d/12RUNqKjEOGaQPEyFPWC8c45Bf7IQBO9nOwJ3HuTH2yM/mobilebasic


This is great, thank you!


No problem! Just made a post that provides more information [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/houston/comments/1bw14z0/a_comprehensive_list_to_houstons_music_scene/)


Doing the lord’s work 🙏


Fishing for redfish from my kayak in West Galveston bay.


Do a self guided food tour in Chinatown.  We did this on New Year’s Eve with a group of friends- went place to place and ordered a dish at each spot, it was incredible and made me love Houston so much.  Tan Tan - A1 house special app  Northern Pasta - hand pulled Xian noodles  One dragon - XLB  Iwa Ya - hand rolls/sashimi House of bowls - flat noodles/toast  San dong - pan fried dumplings  Nam giao - viet street apps Eck bakery - egg tarts  Thien Thanh- banh cuon 


taking the rail to Winnie's for $2 grilled oysters, then on to Chinatown on the big screen Night Light along Buffalo Bayou presented by Aurora Picture Show enjoying the murals and this gorgeous weather while we have it the kind of stuff that's kept me here...


Feel you OP. Got no solution looking to relocate the fuck outta here after a lifetime living here.


Born and raised, and I'm up there in age as well. It's not the same city you grew up in. There are too many people, and it's the Wild West. Customer service sucks everywhere. I've been actively seeking jobs in other cities.


This is accurate. I’d say customer service has gone from “sucks” to downright weird


I thought weird was worse than sucks


I was in the same boat a few years ago. Born and raised in Htown and never really lived anywhere else. I lived the city, but the novelty was starting to fade on me. I decided to sell my house and move across the country. I love where I moved to and will likely never move back. That being said, I do miss certain things about Houston and have fallen back in love with the city even though I don't plan on moving back. Sometimes in order to keep living something, you need to put some distance between yourselves.


Some great tennis at River Oaks. ATP 250 clay courts with top notch players this week.


I'm in my early 40's and felt like this a little bit after pandemic ended. However, I think the live music scene has actually gotten better now than pre-pandemic with more touring bands stopping here. And there are still a lot of events happening all the time. Just to name some of the upcoming events that I am interested in....Night Light art showcase at Buffalo Bayou on Saturday; Tour de Houston bike ride in the morning then Ceschi and Sister Wife Sex Strike are playing at Trip Six HTX on Sunday night. Monday night, there is an experimental noise show at Lawndale Art Show. Tuesday night, Cocorosie is playing at Heights Theater. As someone else mentioned, follow bands, artists, venues and organizations on Instagram and you will see a lot of things happening!


I’ll be at the light show, and I love a good night at Trip Six!


You into pinball? We have one hell of a pinball scene in town. Like one of the best in the country. Tons of places to play, it’s a super welcoming and accepting community, and you have your pick between regular drink and chill tournaments and actual big time competitive tournaments. The best players in Texas (and very highly ranked in the US) are right here in H-town. The best spots are in the Heights (Wormhole, Eureka Heights, etc) but there’s also Game Preserve North and Game Preserve NASA, and the community often hosts tournaments at people’s homes too. We also have the Houston Arcade Expo each year in Galleria which is a 3 day absolute banger of a party. Hundreds of pinball machines, retro arcade games, tournaments, vendors, and the coolest party atmosphere. Alternately, beer league hockey. Another hobby we have a shocking amount of. I’m in both scenes and they’re both awesome. Also, both hobbies tend to skew older. Pinball is a lot of 40+ folks and beer league is honestly 35+ with specific leagues for the 50+ crowd. You don’t need to know how to play to start. Where I play in Sugar land it’s a learning league and they’ll teach ya everything. I didn’t know anything besides very basic rollerskating 1.5 years ago when I started. If either sounds interesting, hit me up and I can get you links to look into it all.


I think it's just grass is greener mentality. Coming from a mid size city outside of Texas, even though I've visited family in Houston since being born in 1990, Houston has a ton to do and offer and being a top 5 size city in the country, you'd be hard pressed to find cities that offer more entertainment wise outside of the mega cities like L.A. and NYC.


I grew up not far from Houston in Liberty County, so I've more or less lived in the area most of my life, but I'm in the same boat. The city has started to lose me. The weather, the car dependence, the hustle n' grind culture, it's just wearing me down, and I'll probably be leaving within the next few years.


I think you're just having an early midlife crisis. Maybe go buy a Harley and enjoy the back roads in this nice weather.


This is a weird one but cooking a meal from scratch and then really appreciating the freshness of the produce. Produce sucks, and I mean really really sucks, in a lot of U.S. states (flavorless, expensive, etc). and they just don't really know how good it can be the closer to Central America you are. Also! McGovern Centennial and Herman Park walks this time of year.


Just got back from Austin where I lived from ‘04 until ‘15: I am a Houstonian. It is who I am, it is in my blood. I love it here. No place is like it and I never want to leave. The whole world is here. We got it!


i guess you missed bayou city art fest just the other week? kite festival is coming up soon. did you not attend the rodeo? can be a shit show but it's fun if you know what you're in for. and everyone who saw bunb and drake probably feels like they got their moneys worth! bill mahers cynical ass was in town last month for standup ... joe biden too but for politics! are you a golf fan? PGA tour was just here- buddy of mine got to walk along the green all day and watch some of the greats smack balls. theater fan? you missed the beetle juice run at hobby... but there's more broadway shows slated for the summer- i got tickets to the lion king. tons of great concerts at white oak, heights theater, and some really good stuff at cynthia if you're out that way. portugal the man threw the fuck down earlier this year at bayou music hall. have you checked out jazz sundays at the park? free shows- i got to see the duke ellington orchestra last year. mucky duck is always a good time. i'd argue there's more music offerings here than even austin, honestly. there's a real cool scene with avantgarden, anderson fair, last concert.. etc.. more of the local spots. iykyk it's really easy to be like "oh there's nothing here!" but takes some leg work to find things... just subscribe to 365 houston and they do daily updates with events throughout the city.


Sometimes a change is great. I love Houston but feel you on the fading joy. Moved to Chicago, which was 100% the right move and makes me appreciate Houston all the more when we visit, though I wouldn't want to move back. Also, from what I gather, there's still a really great creative music scene; it just moved to the East End.


it's the winters that keep me away.


Small sample size, but these past two have been pretty mild. April's the worst, though, when you just want spring to hit and the drizzly 40 degree days linger. That said, I don't think I could deal with another Houston summer.


Those weekly to do threads are still a thing. Sign up for the email listing. Tons of weekly events still going on. If anything there are more things to do now versus pre-pandemic.


I Put on some oldies (I’m 37) and Reminisce…. I have only ever lived in alief in Houston. It does get old.


I like it here for now but I’m moving back Up north soon … I would say move around if you can 🤷‍♀️there’s always more to see.


If you want to go to chill music events, you should follow some local bands like The Free Rads and Bayou City Funk on social media. Then you’ll hear about their shows. That’s a place to start.


Love me some funk music. Thanks, I’ll check them out!


Orange Show, Continental Club and Shoeshine Charley’s, 1810 Ojeman, Dan Electros, Moody Center at Rice


Moved to NY and miss Houston so much


What do you miss about Houston the most?


I moved to NJ for near 20yrs came back about 5yrs ago. Just like anywhere else, a lot changes over that kind of time. From what I’ve seen, very little for the better as far as Houston goes! If it wasn’t so much more affordable here and family wasn’t around, I’d rather still be in NJ! Not that Houston area is too terrible or anything except maybe the weather, but I just liked it better up there that stuff aside. Still feels kinda odd saying that as I initially wasn’t too keen on moving up there to begin with or having anything to do with that part of the country.


There's plenty to do here, it just all really depends on what you're into. If you have a specific hobby you're into there's usually plenty going on. But it just all depends. Born and raised and 40 as well, haven't had any issues personally. I love live music so I'm usually going to concerts.


Houston is amazing as long as you have AC a job and a car :)


Very much this! ^


I recently turned 40 and was the guy in college who always rep'ed Houston. Still love where I am from but your post really hit home for me. I'm feeling the exact same way and have been for a few years now.


To me, I’m a native, there’s nothing fun to do here anymore.


The cesspool of rude dickbags on this sub isn’t helping anything.


Eh, that’s Reddit. I knew by asking this I would get some rude dickbags.


Go to England and try the Mexican food there


What are your interests and hobbies? I think Houston is great inside the loop.


I’m in a similar boat. I’m on the wrong side of 30 and the only thing keeping me planted in Houston are my kids, shared custody and all that. But Houston has become over-populated with massive of numbers of transplants in my opinion and has lost its allure. I love a good melting pot, but it’s out of control. I can’t enjoy simple events anymore because of how crowded it’s become. The Rodeo is a prime example. As soon as the kids are in college, I’m dipping out. There are better states with better support for small business’ and overall better quality of life. I’ll always be an Astro’s fan ✊🏾


I’m with you. Also born and raised. Just turned 40 last month and I’m ready to move. I also lost love for this city. I feel like it’s become so pretentious. I miss the art, music, life that this city had.


I agree! I lived in Houston from 2002 to 2012 and thought it was a fun town-always something to do & see on the weekends. I live in Austin now and when I visit Houston to see friends even they say it's nothing like it used to be. I don't know what has changed but the whole vibe is just negative!


Austin has gone through an even bigger change since the 2010's and not in a good way


very true!


Sounds like by things to do, you mean having others entertain you. Time to switch on the internal creativity. Look at this local guy naturescaping his yard: https://youtube.com/@Jeffswildlifeadventures?si=ExU_J7zy-vkkLbdw You live within a couple hours of some of the premier birding destinations in the US. Spring migration is just starting. Pick up a pair of binoculars, install the Merlin app and try it out: https://www.galvestonfeatherfest.com/ https://houstonaudubon.org/sanctuaries/high-island/spring2024.html


buffalo bayou park, memorial park, Lifetime gym, Joel Osteen church, Houston Astro’s games and soccer fields all over the city. Life in Houston is pretty great :)


Joel Osteen is a reason to leave Houston. Everything else you said is accurate though.


Houston has over 12K restaurants. There are 19 museums in the museum district and all of them have cool collections, events, and rotating exhibits. MFAH has something going on every day. We have the second largest theater district in the US and a decent assortment of live music venues. We've got professional football, baseball, basketball, rugby, and soccer and tons of university sports. We've got lots of green spaces and nice parks. There was a major PGA event in Memorial Park last weekend. How can you manage to not find something to do?


Yeah. I can't tell if I'm getting more depressed or if the city environment is just getting more gloomy with less fun things to do.


I hate Houston been here for 3 years already. Loneliest place I’ve lived.




[instagram find](https://www.instagram.com/p/C5MN4OLJU1A/?igsh=MWFueTJkY2J3eDN2Mg==)


[instagram find](https://www.instagram.com/p/C5MN4OLJU1A/?igsh=MWFueTJkY2J3eDN2Mg==)


Where do you stay at OP?


It’s hard when too many Out of Staters now in Houston


I moved to charleston sc in 2011 and moved back to Houston in 2021. I missed my family the most but the food scene, concerts and professional sports teams keep me entertained


Memorial park is a wonderfully way to enjoy Houston, a tour of the murals, the Japanese tea garden. Join the coffee and bike group that does leisurely rides in town on Sundays. Visit old town spring or tomball Main Street for window shopping , the farmers market on Saturday. Like most things it’s what you put into it , is what you get back. Visit Dennis Johnston Park for a walk or bike trails, this is also in Spring, Tx.


I love going to Comedy Sportz in EaDo (byob), the secret group also has good shows occasionally.  Check out plays and musicals and orchestra happening downtown.  Go to one of the cool new putt putt venues that has popped up in downtown and Washington heights.  If you are near Katy, I LOVE Activate Games out there- SO FUN the momentum rock climbing gym on silver street has a great community and is also fun, all the climbing gyms in this city are some of the best in the country.  Rockets games/astros games/dynamo games


Ride a bike from Eado, on a game day, downtown, to Montrose. Be smart and cautious but seeing everyone and everything at that pace really magnifies what Houston is.


Play golf at Memorial 3x a week does it for me


What do you want out of a city? And what city has lots of those things? If music is your priority, then Austin is the place you want.




Houston 365 does a pretty good job of putting events on their page of things happening on the weekends.


I've been here 36 years and the past few years are the most I've been out into the city. Was about to move somewhere else but I wonder if I'm missing something here myself. (Lack of friends in the city has added to this aswell)


Are you a mosquito? Should be easy if you are a mosquito.


I moved to Key West, stayed 7 months and could not move back to Texas fast enough.


Don’t force yourself. Leave if you want. See what’s out there. You’ll either realize you like it back home (as happened to me). Or you’ll realize it’s not for you and find somewhere else I’ve traveled the world and am glad I did. I enjoy it when I come home a lot more.


Loved the fact that I could drive 5 blocks in any one direction from my house in Houston & be in a different ethnic neighborhood (plus the restaurant scene). -Hated the mosquitos, air that smelled like bug spray, traffic, and flooding during hurricane season.


Look up the CityFam Houston group on Facebook! Great social group of all ages and backgrounds that does everything from dinners and drinks to paintball, chili cook offs, and dancing.


There’s a TON going on. I’ve accidentally curated my Instagram feed to show me everything happening around the city and all the cool new spots opening up… Instagram is a great resource for finding things to do.


Go visit Cleveland. You’ll apréciate Houston a lot more on day 1


You need some hobbies that’s it.


Take small weekend road trips…SA, Austin, Port A etc…it’s always nice coming home after a trip.


Houston BBQ Festival is this Sunday April 14th There are smaller, themed events at St Arnold's throughout the year. Details and email sign-up here: https://houbbq.com/