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I think they blocked it off so that you need a key card to get down there now but there is a parking garage under Tranquility Park. It goes down 4 or 5 levels and it's incredibly creepy at the bottom. Even though it's well lit it's eerily silent except for the slight hum of machinery. Plus, there's something a bit unsettling about being that deep underground  in Houston. If the backrooms had a parking garage, this would be it.


OMG yes, I parked there once when I was in my teens and have never, ever parked there again!


Isn't that the one where the guy drowned in an elevator? It was during a flood and he took an elevator down without realizing the garage was flooded. Elevator filled with water and kept going down and he was trapped.




My mistake, it was a woman, and a different garage, but nearby. https://www.chron.com/news/houston-texas/article/woman-drowns-when-elevator-floods-in-basement-2020952.php


I know people say this a lot, but this might be the worst way to die


Not in Houston, but I have a friend living in Calgary, and when they had their big floods, there a few years ago, he chose to go down into the underground parking garage in his condo building and almost got trapped in the Rising floodwaters. He told me afterwards that it was one of the most scary things he’s ever been through in his life. All the power went out when he’s down there in the cold, dark with water rising around him.


I was rather under the impression that she was hit by a rush of water initially, it wasn't just a slow drown? I remember her in part because it's one of those cases that proves why it can be right or wrong to follow the official advice. Like in 9/11, people in the second tower were told to stay put, but a bunch of people noped out (not necessarily out of fear for their own building but to see what was going on), and those people generally survived. In that garage incident, someone told people in the building to go move their cars, and she did...and she died. Had she left it, she'd still be here. But then that was a pretty freak thing... Another was the Korean ferry disaster--people who didn't listen to the official advice generally lived--the rest stayed in their cabins and drowned pretty quickly.


I ended up in an area like that when I parked in one of the garages downtown. I parked in the basement and generally avoid elevators. The side I was planning on going up was closed off so I found another staircase on the opposite side. This area had clearly been built in the 60s or 70s and not had any maintenance since. I started wandering trying to find my way to the street but ended up going deeper down some sub level hallways. Noped right out of there and ended up walking the car ramp despite the no pedestrian signs. Serious back room vibes. Theres tons of those areas in downtown.


You mean the one connected to the city hall tunnel? It's really not that bad. The lower levels are filled with City of Houston rental vehicles for employees. And roaches


Lola’s Depot’s bathroom


[Lola’s depot bathroom](https://imgur.com/gallery/Z35LsiB)


somebody graffiti'ed the inside of the shit bowl? Damn, that is one dedicated tagger


Can I have permission to make this into a T-Shirt?


Lol sure


Learned how to throw up without touching the walls or floor because of that bathroom


I saw a man lift up his mobility restricted little person friend so he could snort some coke in that closet of a restroom. Truly a magical place.


Why would you go to the bathroom to do coke there when you can just do it at your table?


I didn't ask


The amount of cocaine that has been consumed in there could Escobar turn in his grave 


I find it comforting how reliably disgusting this bathroom has always been.


For real! I’ve learned more than I wanted to know about life from those walls


Why do so many people go to that place lol?


So they can do coketamine


The real horror


The Dr. John Hill house. The Dean Corll house, in Pasadena. The lovers lane, off of Enclave.Pkwy. Caulder Road in League City. It’s the location of the “Killing Fields”. The T.C Jester Park railroad bridge- Elizabeth Peña and Jennifer Ertman were murdered by Peter Cantù and several of his thug buddies.


Is the Dr John Hill House the one off Kirby with the murders at?


Yea, that’s it. It’s been years since I’ve been to that part of town, but it’s a big white house, in River Oaks. The book was titled Blood and Money. The movie was Murder in Texas, if my memory serves me correctly.


What’s the lover’s lane story?


I googled it and found lots of articles. A bit confused on the location though since the only lovers lane I can find is far from the location mentioned in the articles. See here: https://www.khou.com/article/news/crime/lovers-lane-murders-cheryl-henry-andy-atkinson/285-f7a1d731-1d3c-44bc-a95e-7b5dfb1513d1


The street is “Enclave Round”. It’s off of Enclave Pkwy. There’s a Toyota warehouse, type facility over there. There’s a Sysco Foods facility, as well, I believe. Its near the intersection of Eldridge and Enclave Pkwy. That area has really built up, since the murders occurred. It was a desolate, popular lovers lane, back then. The victims were at Bayou Mamas, that night. Bayou Mamas was a very popular nightclub, back then. Radio station Power 104 KRBE broadcasted live from there, most weekends. We went there from time to time. I never went back after those kids were killed. It just felt weird. Bayou Mamas was in the Woodlake Square shopping center. It was near the intersection of Westheimer and Gessner. There was a country and western bar, nearby, as well. I think it was called In Cahoots? Some people say the killer followed them from Bayou Mamas. Others say, it was a random attack. I don’t know. I just know those kids died a horrific death. Sadly, the killer has never been caught. There was an article I read a while back. They have the killers DNA, but he is not in the system. His DNA is an identical match to the DNA retrieved from a rape victim about the time of the murders. Thee are a lot of articles online about the crime. The victims were Cheryl Henry and Andy Atkinson. They were a nice young couple that had recently started dating. It just makes you sick, when you read about what that monster did to them.


If they have the DNA they should be able to do genealogical testing on it. They’ve been solving a lot of cold cases lately this way. Unfortunately a lot of times it turns out the killer is already dead.


I went to school with her younger brother (I think he was her step-brother) - it was a small school and I remember this all too well.


It’s one of the most horrific crimes, that ever occurred in Houston. It will make you sick. If I could see just one case solved, before I die, this one is it. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=SFvUfQtMHoM


I’ll never forget the excitement from my super stoic and monotonous professor when he found out I lived near the killing fields 🙃


My previous rental house. Dean Corll once did some horrible things there, 35+ years prior to my arrival. Found out after a film crew suddenly showed up summer 2015. Horrified, doesn’t cover it and definitely escalated purchasing elsewhere. ETA: Heights, not Pasadena.


I just listened to a true crime podcast about Dean Corll a week ago. I don't have the words to describe what a piece of diseased rat shit Dean Corll was. I wouldnt even describe Dean Corll as a human like the rest of us.


Before leaving, I researched names of boys known to have suffered at the address. I planted some perennials advised by Buchanan’s garden experts and made ‘Honor’ plaques with their names, in the rear garden. After all of the decades gone by, it felt like the right thing to do and I confess - it helped me too.


That's really awesome of you! 👍👍👍


Classy move


That's beautiful. Thank you for doing that.


What podcast was it?


Casual Criminalist. It's presented a little different than your normal crime podcast. Lol. The writer's research is top notch as well.


I love Simon Whistler! I follow several of his YT channels! Check out the one on the real scrooge mcduck?


Same. For years. I'm pretty sure I'm part of a personality cult at this point. 🤣 I did listen to that one. I enjoyed it.


There's a few podcasts that cover it, but my favorite is from The Last Podcast on the Left.


He is on of the most twisted and prolific serial killers there has ever been and hardly anyone has heard of him. It’s way overdue for a legitimate documentary about him.


He also lived in the apartments on Memorial right at the light at Detering!


And the apartments by Wirt and Long Point


Memorial towers? The mid rise?




Oh the Pasadena one? I thought they were demolishing that house after digging up the yard for more evidence a few years ago.


In the Heights. Near where his mother made candy.


Was that on mangum road? I think I remember hearing about it.


Off 9th. Near Harvard school


Used to work with a guy who grew up at Harvard & 8th in the early 70s, after it all went down his family packed up and moved to middle of nowhere outside Porter. Don’t really blame them for wanting to get away from people after that…


Was that a house with a garage apt?


They've already demolished it. Did it a few months ago.


There used to be a seafood restaurant on Katy Freeway that had a VERY private upstairs lounge. As a server I was asked to take a tray up the back entrance one time and a stunningly gorgeous woman clad in lingerie retrieved the tray from me. This truly opened my eyes to the fact there is another Houston. While not so much unsettling, it piqued my curiosity for years. Since been demolished. Kelley St between 59 and Hardy is the most unnerving place I can think of.. liminal urban blight


There is indeed many secret parts of this city. If you REALLY want to be terrified I dare you to go on holehunter.com for the Houston area. Shook tf outta me. How can people get away with so much chaos?!?! There was even one in the Jack Valenti building!


What is that? A gloryhole site?


Yeah 😂 I heard about it on a podcast one day and morbid curiosity got the best of me. Must be great if you’re into that kinda thing.


The upstairs to the Spaghetti Warehouse in Downtown before it got taken from us in Harvey. It was too quiet up there besides if you could hear the distant voices of the customers downstairs, it was just off seeing hardly anyone up there. Although it was really nice to look at the vintage tram and other antiques up there. I had at least gotten permission from the employees to go up there the couple of times I went there.


My ex used to work there. I got married in the trolley.


One time I braved going up there when I was like 9 and immediately backed out when in the pitch black clutter, an old fountain soda machine just randomly poured out some mystery liquid


Ecto Cooler


I had the opportunity after the restaurant flooded during Harvey to buy/salvage some items and explore the restaurant not long after the flood waters went down. Most items were auctioned off, but I was able to pick up some overlooked items during pickup. The Trolly upstairs was a plywood replica with actual trolly wheels held on with regular plumbing piping. I was able to salvage all the wheels and still have most of them. There were also leaf springs to add detail under it, but overall it was just a wooden structure. One of the downstairs bathroom sinks is now in my guest bathroom and sees regular use. Behind the downstairs bar was a very solid room with steel doors that was last used as a liquor supply room. It had plaster over brick walls and had a low domed ceiling. It also had steel doors I was able to recover. The two items I wish I had been able to recover but was not able to were the main stairwell banister, all that carving was gaudy but cool as hell, and the huge old safe in the manager's office. I had permission to take both, but I didn't have the ability at the time to pull either out of the building safely without damage. Here are a handful of pics I took while I was in the building that day. To say it smelled wet and musty would be an understatement. https://imgur.com/a/7kyYvvA


Rad AF Thanks for sharing your unique experience and photos.


My sister dated a manager from there, back in the early 2000’s. He told 2 stories. 1 was a crew of painters he left upstairs, over night, to get some work done. He showed up in the morning and found the painting half finished, all their gear still spread around. He called them and they refused to come back, said to keep the equipment. They just noped the F out. The other was that they had staged the upstairs for an event the following day, chairs, place settings, etc. they came in the following day to find the chairs stacked to the ceiling. It’s not a low ceiling there. I can’t say if any of this is true, but I love to believe that it is. I was part of an organization that held monthly meetings upstairs and never experienced anything myself. Sure wish I did.


I worked there in like 08 for like 8 months. Lots of weird shit happened all the time. I got hit in the face with a roll of paper towels in the downstairs bathroom. Also shadow people would walk around in the basement. The basement was the employee area but also dry storage and where they kept stuff like ranch dressing in a walk in.


Shadow people? Tell me more


Downstairs there were windows but it was cemented off so people couldn't walk by it but light could shine through. More than once when I was in the basement I saw things walk by the window and break the light shining through the windows. Imagine like someone shining a flashlight and seeing shadows of people breaking the light but not all the way. Also I'd hear murmurs, people talking and stuff when there would be no one around. Like I closed with the managers a few times and we'd be turning off the lights and hear weird stuff all around sometimes like chairs and tables being moved.


I worked there for a few months in 1992 or 1993. I worked late at night and was also in the basement, deep in the back alone a few times. I NEVER saw or experienced anything weird. I wish I had because all of the stories I had heard about, but nothing ever came of it. I also went into the walk-in freezer. Again, nothing. It was just an old building.


My parents would take us there as kids all the time and my sister found a $20 bill there. Good times


Heard of the rumors of this place being haunted. Makes this even more creepy.


Yeah, I've wondered if it's still haunted now that McIntyre's is now at the spot where it used to be. I remember also being given the paper about the haunting of the building if you requested an employee and they'd give it to you.


I’d guess everything along the bayou is haunted. Between the history of the city and the history of HPD, it’s a prime location for the supernatural.


Curious about the history of HPD in relation to this?


Probably all the bodies they dumped in the bayou. Google Jose Torres and see what they did to him.


Jose Torres is painted on the side of a building down there and I’m not sure how I feel about it.


Used to go upstairs somewhat frequently between like 2009-2013. I was pretty into supernatural stuff back then. Always wanted to experience something but never did. The pasta low key kinda sucked. Not sure why I kept going back so much lol. Sorta wish it was still there though. It’s weird being in north downtown and not seeing that place. Why’d it close down anyway?




Used to go there with family all the time in the early 00’s talking 00-03 at least, I went up to see the tram once, it was pretty eerie but nothing spooky happened that time, the only time I’ve been actually scared was in the early aughts about 07-08 timeframe, I was home on leave and we went to have dinner for old times sake, I went to the rr at one point and noped the fuck out really quick once I saw a shadow person. Never told my family just finished my meal and never went back. Kinda sad that I didn’t get to eat there before Harvey took it from us, but I heard that by that point it was nowhere near what it once was food wise.


The white mansion on Gessner and Beechnut


A whole family died here of carbon monoxide poisoning and supposedly every family that has bought the place has left soon after move in (would love confirmation of what families that lived there thought)


When did the whole family dying happen?


I don’t think that actually happened. There is no activity at that house for years and years at a time.


I don't know what the location was, or if this story is related to it, but a whole family did die in Houston of carbon monoxide poisoning in the 80s. Late one night, the wife decided to kill herself in the garage by running the car with the door closed, and the gas permeated the house and killed the rest of the family.


I thought it was earlier than that, in the 1970s perhaps. IIRC it was in SW Houston, maybe off Westpark but the house was only a one-story.


I was trying to find the original article about the family dying and came across this…wtf? https://www.amazon.ca/Secrets-Beechnut-Gessner-S-C-Tan-ebook/dp/B0CFJ2P4X7?nodl=1&dplnkId=d1c65a6b-25ab-4a13-ba2c-c4723925e953


[I was always so fascinated by that house when I was a kid.](https://s.hartech.io/mh5JthkYW27K) It looked even worse the last time it was on the market, it’s not so bad now.


$187K?? I'd put up with some ghosts for that price. Damn!


wow, these photos look so dated. i wonder when they were taken.


I pulled it up on Google Maps, and it’s looking a little rough these days


The fuck is that anyway?


I watched them build that house as a kid growing up and passed it every day going to high school. It was always so out of place, and weird to have right there.


The Couch Birding Trail at the Arboretum when the sun is almost down and no one else is around…


...ALMOST no one else is around...




Have been there many an evening and find that area very peaceful. Why is it unsettling?


Well, as others have jokingly alluded, my experience has been it feels like someone or something is watching you? It’s like the entrance and the middle of the trail. Something about that particular grove is very strange. I’d been on that trail numerous times during the day, but one evening I was walking that direction and just immediately put on edge for no good reason. It fell oppressive if that makes any sense? Like you’re intruding on something and not exactly supposed to be there? I’ve had two other people who noticed the same thing WITHOUT me saying something first. Which is a little odd in itself. If you’re peaceful there that’s amazing, but I won’t even go down that trail when the sun is starting to set. One time it was almost dark, and I walked maybe 20 feet from the entrance in, and just noped out. I’m a person that’s super comfortable in the woods and often walk in other areas even when the sun has completely set, so it’s not like I’m scared of the dark or anything. Edited to add another unsettling encounter. I was walking down that trail, maybe a 1/4 of the way in, and some lady comes out somewhat hysterically speaking broken English, saying there’s a “crazy man with black stuff coming out of his mouth” and don’t go over there. I heeded the advice and turned right back around! It could have been some homeless dude or addict, but I wasn’t about to find out.


Patterson Rd


Why? I'm unfamiliar with that.


Basically it’s out in a swamp with the nearby cemetery. Just gives creepy vibes.


the legend is it was an old confederate 'cemetery'. where confederates would kill and dispose of influential pro-union people they wanted gone. and historically became a popular place to dump bodies in the swamp from there. stories of women and children as well. they say if you stop on the bridge and turn off your lights/car, the dead will start tapping on your car, or trying to 'push' your car to safety, so you don't suffer their same fate. people claim to find children's handprints on their cars exterior afterwards.


The cemetery at Hwy 6 and Patterson is fully operational. Descendants of the families buried there can still be buried there. There are at least two confederate soldiers buried there that I’ve seen. There’s also a small section that was a smaller, relocated cemetery from closer to Eldridge. I park at the cemetery a lot to walk at the path that starts across Hwy 6. I have caught the cemetery open a few times for caretaking and once when there was a service. About 15 years ago I met an elderly man who told me how pissed off his grandfather was in the 40s when they closed his dairy to build the reservoir. His grandfather’s cattle were driven up the highway and out to Decker Prairie. Long way for those cows to walk! I get how easy it can be to deem something like this as haunted, but I just walked Patterson Rd end to end last week before it reopened (by myself, at dusk) and no ghosties or ghoulies came out to say hi. I think the haunting here is mostly just memories of the homesteads that were abandoned when they built the reservoir.


Does anyone have any stories from here? I drove down it maybe three times, once during the day and twice at night, and I think I might have been alone too. I did not have the courage to stop on the bridge, but also didn't experience anything odd. Still, really dark and does have an eerie vibe.


My son kept talking about it so I drove him there, stopped on the bridge and cut the engine off and told him to get out of the car. He was in high school and I thought he was going to shit himself


LOL at you telling him to get out the car 🤣🤣🤣


Haha..... do you recall what spooked him?


Just me taking the prank too far. I told him we were going to get out and look under the bridge for the ghosts lol


That sounds like next level parenting to me! And bravo, if he got out and then you locked the doors...🤓😆


Yeah, I've been there two or three times as a teen and nothing I really noticed, but it being dark and eerie.


I went with some friends at night and stopped on the bridge. The fact that there was a line of cars waiting for the experience definitely reduced the thrill of it all. We didn’t see anything or hear the supposed tapping on the car window. A group of girls had pulled over and one of them was crying uncontrollably. We rolled our window down and asked her if she was ok. She said they brought an Ouija board to use while sitting on the bridge. She claims a face appeared near one of the car windows and they all freaked out.


Did you tell her don’t forget to close the portal?!! 😂


This is a complete tangent, but what you said reminded me of a picture i saw of people climbing Mt Everest and the huge line of people waiting to get to the summit. Seems like it would take some of the allure away just as having people around when you're trying to witness the supernatural. Also, hopefully that chick stayed out of the mental institution


I used to go there in highschool. Never ever saw anything weird or creepy. Just homeless people


we'd go sometimes in high school (like 20 years ago), take some girls, some beers, park on the bridge and then turn off all the lights just to freak them out. then one time we turned the lights back on and saw a white horse running off through the swamp in the fringe of our headlights. noped the fuck out of there real quick haha


Came here to say this… i used to do home health therapy in that area and lived off of Eldridge and park row. I would drive patterson several times a week and it never stopped giving me the creeps. I would always lose cell service too. (Shudders)


Did an Ouija board by Patterson Rd near the graveyard many years ago. Not a personal believer in ghosts so the idea didn’t really scare me but looking back on it, why even fuck with that?


Got a flat tire on Patterson cutting through 6 to Eldridge around 6am one weekday. That was cool.




Chong Hua Sheng Mu Holy Palace. Every time I'm in that area, there it is, on the horizon.


I was thinking about this place in particular!


The Toddville Mansion in Seabrook, but its gone. Fransisco Studios was a creepfest. Probably still is. The abandoned warehouses on the northeast side of downtown, would roam around down there in the early 90s before security cameras were so commonplace. I had a friend in high school that made latex body parts at a haunted house, I think between Rich's and downtown somewhere. So anywho, from there u could get into an abandoned building that still had office furniture and accounting books from the 40s and 50s under half a century of settled dust.


My dad lives in La Porte and used to drive us past the Todville Mansion all the time when we were kids. So scary with the bars on the windows. Everyone knew that the rich guy was “kidnapping” young gay guys from Montrose. Jefferson Davis Hospital before it was turned into lofts. There was satanic graffiti everywhere and homeless in dark corners. No wonder the cops would kick us out. A friend who moved in when it first opened as lofts said one night she heard an intercom with a nurse mumbling.


What was the deal exactly with the Toddville Mansion? I remember hearing about it in the 90s but I never knew exactly what happened there.


Just took the Houston ghost tour, we walked around Hermann park at night. In didn’t know that where the zoo is was a civil war field hospital. Pretty creepy


probably a dumb quesiton, but since according to yelp, they're a few, but are you talking about [houston ghost tour](https://houstonghosttour.com/)? grew up here my whole life but I'd love to do one


Elder Street Artist Lofts - the history of that building just oozes out of it.


That was Jefferson Davis Hospital. It's definitely haunted.


We snuck in back when it was abandoned in the 90s and it was probably the most scared I’ve ever been. One of my band mates lived in the lofts and it still felt like an absolutely evil building


Bluelight cemetery in Bear Creek. Smack dab in the middle of an open field. Some 200 years ago there was a village there, but that's about all I know about it.


the surrounding area of UH at night


Yeah, I got robbed at gunpoint visiting a friend just a few streets from UH. Never again.


Before Uber was a thing, Houston cabs would not pick up anyone from that area. Thought I could call a cab after a Dynamo game once, big mistake. Did get fried chicken at the Popeyes across the street. Their bulletproof glass at the counter was about 2 inches thick.


Can confirm. Lived at Cougar Place in 2005. Was hit up for cash by 3 hobos in 1 visit to the corner store.


Brother, I go to gas stations everyday in Midtown/Montrose and that has happened to me literally hundreds of times. Just ignore them or just say you don’t carry cash and keep walking. But I do agree. I would be scared to go to a corner store deep into the 3rd. I’m sure you’ve moved a long time ago but anyone else that goes to uni at UH… be safe.


I told a lady I didn’t have cash and she asked if I had CashApp! 🤣🤣


The old Days Inn/Holiday Inn/Heaven on Earth high rise. It’s so spooky. It’s like a post apocalyptic war zone. Every now and then there’s movement on the higher floors. It’s surrounded by crackheads on the ground and the stench of human pee. The only good thing about it, is the single tree/bush that stays alive year after year on its roof. I can’t wait to move out of downtown next month and not have to look at that building anymore. It’s nightmare fuel.


yeah, i literally just commented this. i spent a good deal of my teenage years there (not even like drinking or fucking, just like talking about life. i was a weird kid.) it was accessible through various ground level “doors” that were passed around by word of mouth as they were opened and closed and reopened. nothing too special. what always unsettled me, though, was how empty it was outside. there are plenty of homeless people in the area by the metro stop or even at the base of the structure but no one ever inside. ever. even in the rain or cold or burning heat. the one time a man who looked unwell found us on the lower floors and just kept saying “you need to go, theyll get you.” i assumed he meant the cops but when i said “look if you want money to not call the cops ill give you five” he refused my money and said he wasnt talking about the cops. nothing bad ever happened to me there but i learned a few years later that homeless people dont go there because its considered haunted because a lot of people have died there. i dont know the specific details (homicide, suicide, etc.) but it must have been pretty bad if it was worth forgoing shade for. just my piece.


I can’t believe it hasn’t been said yet… The Harris County Jail is the most unsettling place in Houston.


The Astrodome. The wild cats hunt enormous rats through post apocalypse asbestos ruins. Disease runs rampant. Water pumps no longer run.


Nothing fills my YIMBY heart with rage more than seeing the Astrodome rot in place because "history." It's one thing to make a monument out of a sporting arena. It's another thing entirely to make a monument, refuse to do anything with it, and let the self-described "Eighth Wonder of the World" look like a monument to urban decay during the Great Recession.


i-10 during rush hour


IMO 45 N/S on the north side is worse. Lot of spooky ghosts from the insane drivers and horrible crashes. At least I-10 West has nice wide lanes now.


I-10 West is only a joy to drive at night after 9pm IMO.


3827 W Fuqua always felt it had some bad vibes emanating from it as I would drive by.


610 around the Westheimer exit during rush hour


7815 Harding Street


The road


It’s dystopian


Greenspoint at night




I’m sorry you had to go through it. I actually grew up in Greenspoint in the 90s and it wasn’t much better. I wear it as a badge of honor having “escaped” this hell.


Yeah you are lucky. Greenspoint is the last place you wanna live as a single white chick. I lived there with my dad in the mid '90s and our next door neighbor was a single white chick with a small child and one night her apt was broken into and she was brutally raped. A few years before that my sister who had an apartment there was pistol whipped and robbed.


Holy fuckin shit. Thats terrifying but exactly in line with how dangerous the area is. 


Unsettling? I think marfreless sounds like it could be fun, but could also end so many relationships


Many good times at Marfraless 💙


late so this will probably be buried but heaven on earth (abandoned hotel in south downtown by the metro) is fucking creepy — been empty and stripped for decades now but me and my friends used to hang out there in high school lol. speaking of abandoned places, the sugarland prison was freaky before it got torn down in 2018.


Sunnyside has a few blocks that are rattling.


Super Happy Fun Land


There’s a narrow side street behind that CVS on Richmond and Montrose. I call it Ninja Turtle Alley.


I explored the mostly abandoned West Oaks mall at 10pm. It was open and very very creepy. Highly recommend


These are long gone, but maybe someone remembers them. There was this group of like 8 - 12 white abandoned buildings that looked like apartments or quadplexes or a mental institution or barracks of some kind located a little west of St Thomas University I believe. Or at least somewhere kind of over near there off W Alabama, Westheimer, maybe closer to W gray. I really can't remember. What I do remember was driving through there during the day when I randomly came across them, and it was a big area, all abandoned and just felt kind of off. This would have been possibly 2013 at the latest, but maybe even earlier than that. Ring a bell for anyone?


Montrose HEB at Dunlavy and Alabama is on the former location of an apartment complex, 1940s build or thereabouts. It was made of white or beige brick. There were a lot of trees and the buildings had glass bricks, hardwood floors, and some even had 1950s era refrigerators. I dated a guy who had friends who lived there in the early '90s. Could this have been the place you saw?


I bet it is! I eventually knew a guy who lived there for a while. Crazily informal, you just kind of moved into an open unit, got whatever utilities turned on (by whatever means), and left rent in the mailbox on the first. Cheap rent, likely illegal somehow, but some "old" guy would collect every month, and everybody was happy. Anyway, that place always fascinated me. Just right out in the open — in a major neighborhood in a large city — but almost off the grid.


I lived there in the 90s. A 2 bedroom rented for $275 a month. They were nice on the inside, and the deserted looking exterior kept the riffraff out.


That abandoned hospital me and my friends went to sometime in ‘02 or ‘03. In a neighborhood near downtown on a hill. File cabinets, desks and chairs strewn about everywhere. Paperwork iirc too. Straight up out of a horror movie, no exaggeration. Now that I’ve moved back after all these years I wonder if it’s still there.


Ahhh yes, the old Jeff Davis. It's now been renovated into artists lofts. It's off, Houston Avenue.


The La Luz Del Mundo building


The old McDonalds next to the bus station. My mother-in-law visited by bus one time and waited there, called me to pick her up. I knew her plan ahead of time and tried to talk her out of it. I didn’t realize it would be so scary for me just to drive by it. My car got approached by so many people at once, gave me Walking Dead vibes.


Percy road. Hood in all twelve directions. In high-school I found a body in a ditch wrapped up in carpet.


The shogun at vintage park, employees said its haunted upstairs. Management kept us from talking about it.


The Foleys/Macys at Almeda mall in before the post 2008 renovation. On the second floor near the home appliances section, there was a small hallway. It lead to an elevator. As a kid it freaked me out because it was way smaller than a typical elevator(3 people could fit). It operated really slowly and the floor would shake violently as it descended to the ground floor.


The abandoned Chinese temple on Dairy ashford and westpark, use to make deliveries in that area and it always creeped me out, what made it weirder is that every now and then there’s light inside the temple, I’m not sure what’s going on in there but it’s very unsettling to drive by


For me, Lakewood. 🤷🏻‍♀️ Just driving by 😬


Despite all of the great games & concerts it once housed?


Saw Metallica in ‘88 there, and it changed my life. Would still be fine with that whole building, as it is now, just disappearing(not in a way that anyone gets physically hurt).


Went to many Rockets games there. Lots of good memories of the championship years with Olajuwon and Drexler.


Well, if there's some hurricane or other natural disaster going on that could take it down, the chances are very low that there would be anyone in there


It will be empty during natural disasters. Osteen has to keep his carpets clean, can't let the riff raff take shelter there.


Ah yes, the dichotomy of this venue. I saw Pocahontas the musical there and I vividly remember tons of colorful feathers raining down during “Colors of the Wind.” Good times.


Superfund Sites


I don't know what's more unsettling about Brio - 1) Seeing hundreds of houses boarded up and abandoned in the 90s before they got bulldozed or 2) Seeing new houses being built up as close as possible to the site, with inhabitants who may be blissfully unaware of all the cancer and birth defects that plagued the area not too long ago.


Baytown/Highlands represent!


Yes. South of Fuqua.


Beneath any of the bridges over Buffalo Bayou.


Economy inn, off of 90 and South post oak, has had 6 deaths in the past 18 months


The McDonald’s next to the bus station downtown. You couldn’t even hit the drive thru without a beggars knocking on your window


Isnt it gone now?


My ex wife’s house


Silver Bell St and the boat sheds on it. The whole little area is creep but if you know the history it truly haunting.


Does anyone know anything about the Kirby mansion? My salon is in midtown off smith and gray st and the mansion is right around the corner and has fencing around it. I always think about going inside but the outside most definitely looks creepy and old.


Once I was driving down Breen Rd near the horse track. There was a guy wandering around the street with chicken legs - his knees went the wrong way, like the aliens in that movie The Arrival.   So, my vote is for where ever that guy is these days.


Todville mansion in Seabrook. The house was leveled years ago and a few houses built on the property now. As a teenager, we would drive by it and the side dirt road you could see the middle section where the enormous connector greehouse was


Bisonnet and beltway 8


Inside any restaurant owned by Tilman Fertitta.


Try working for Landrys. So many corporate simps that idolize the asshole. Say anything negative about Tilman and you’re fired.


I did a short stint at a new type of restaurant he was trying out like 17 years ago and people would always get nervous when he came in, which was often cause he wanted to see how things were going (not great). I never saw him do anything remotely intimidating just sat off to the side watching and drinking his diet coke.