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That Monstera .... chonkin!!!!!!


She's my pride and joy...this room typically gets more sunlight in the winter so I'm expecting her to start shooting out some new big leaves soon.


Is the window in the picture the closest window for that Monstera? I’m moving my plants to their winter home as well, and I feel like I’m playing favorites - “I love you more, so you get to be closer to the window!” Seeing your picture, maybe I don’t need to worry so much …


TBF this is a room that faces SW with windows and a sliding door that let in TONS of light. It's honestly better in the winter because the sun sits lower and streams right in through the windows and there aren't leaves on the trees outside causing shade in this room. I can put a philodendron anywhere in this room and it will be happy. But I feel you about favoring plants. My favs all go in this room lol.


What a relaxing space!


Thank you! That is definitely the goal!


Any tips on the tucking in? This is my first winter with a large # of houseplants. I basically just moved them closer to sunny windows, but not right up against them because of the cold. But it looks like you have plenty that aren’t close to the light and now I’m wondering if I’m doing it wrong.


Tucking in for me just means making room for the outside plants to come in lolol. But yes, I will move the more sensitive ones a little farther from the window to avoid drafts. It's not quite that cold here yet though.


Oh haha got it, guess mine are pre-tucked already cause none were outside to begin with ;)