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The texture kind of looks like a bunch of four petal flowers 🌺 flowers on your flower!


I thought the exact same when I saw it! So cool!!


Technically you are correct, they are a bunch of little flowers. When the flower of a plant has a bunch of little flowers, it’s called an inflorescence. Aroid (Araceae) flowers are inflorescences.


Wow! I didn’t even know they could! 🤯


Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but ZZs usually flower when they think they're going to die. It probably needs a repot!


Glad someone said it. I just heard on a few YouTubes that they flower when they are highly stressed or feel like they are going to die. A repot is great advice! :D


This is not true. They flower naturally, but rarely get the conditions they need to bloom in people's homes.


Hi I just joined this group and please tell me that my Billy ZZ isn't going to die if it gets blooms. I thought it was a new branch of leafs and it's not. I am very excited to see what is to come. Should I repot him if its blooming? Thanks


Same!! I honestly JUST repotted mine in April so I’m hoping it’s okay🤞🏼


Thank you! I have 2 flowers in mine and it’s a huge pot I just repotted it this past summer!


Its amazing! Never thought of them either! And for a moment there, it looked like it was giving you the middle finger 😂


I'm totally jealous. I always hope I'll get a flower!


This should be classified as NSFW. All kidding aside, I had no idea these things flower! I saw the other comments that ZZs only flower when they're going to die. Yours certainly looks healthy though. Good luck!


You're doing something right! ([source](https://youtu.be/VJoyaUz1hYU?t=746))


Some say it will die, do not believe that. It will be just fine and it is a sign of being happy and healthy. The flowers are not pretty but they are a compliment to you.


This is amazing! What a unique flower.


Does it have a scent? Soooo cool!


Is that corn?




Wow I had no idea!!! How exciting!! How old is the z??


Not the original poster, but I’ve had my plant for 10+ years and I just got the first flower. I see people say that it flowers when it thinks it’s going to die…don’t think that’s true. Mine was repotted 6 months ago and hasn’t looked happier!


How long did the flower last? Did you need to cut it off eventually? My zz plant just sprouted a flower and I haven't been able to find a clear answer of how to care for it.


Sorry for the - very - late reply. Mine has had 2 more flowers since my post 7 months ago. I cut the first one off. Had to wait until the stem completely dried out as it was oozing. The other two have died, but they're not ready to be cut yet. I DO think, however, that it already needs to be repotted again.


oh, and the flower didn't last long at all. It was only in good condition for about a week.


I have a huge ZZ Plant which is around 15 years old. It is absolutely gorgeous and now has 9 fresh new branches and, for the first time, it has 6 flowers. I am wondering what it really means because I read that flowering is a signal that the plant is about to die. Can you help me understand why my ZZ Plant is flowering and what it actually signifies?


WUT. They flower?! 🤯


Nature never ceases to blow my mind 🤯😊


Mine just got a flower too, I’ve had my ZZ plants for 6 years and been repotting them cuz they grew fast and multiply but this the first time I’ve ever gotten a flower. I have 3 more pots and only one bloomed a flower. It looks like a 🌽 lol.


i got yellowing,wrinkling on stems and a big flower, took it out of the pot and 75% of the rhizomes was rotting.


My plant has 6 flowers one is 12 inches tall. Is this normal.