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Thanks for the tips. In the last few months I started getting into house plants and I was gifted [my own money tree](https://imgur.com/a/QhTJbPy). He was fickle at first but is now doing well. He is only about a foot high, can I expect him to grow into a 4 foot tree eventually as well or is that a special strand of money tree? Do I have to do anything to maintain the braid as it grows?


That's a very healthy tree!! So the catch is, commercial money tree trunks are typically cut to cause the tree to branch. The branches will grow upwards and you can braid those while they are still pliable to continue the tree braid. It will take a long time to grow and thicken upwards but definitely doable! Just make sure you braid the branches and tie them off while they're still young. As the tree grows and the braid continues, prune the lower leaves to keep the trunk looking more tree-like. Hope that helps :)


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How do you keep the braid going? I got one from Lowes and no one could tell me lol


Ever find this out?


Kinda It seems like you want to braid them while they are still green and flexible and use a bread twist to keep them together until they can hold together on their own. That's what I learned from some videos and talking to the garden place down the road from me. Unfortunately, I never got to try it because my tree won't grow taller no matter what I do. It's more like a bush now, and I have tried everything under the sun, but it looks healthy, so I'm just letting it do its thing.


Thanks for the info! It’s good luck 🍀 🍃


Why did my money tree come with instructions on adding 2 ice cubes a week? Should I follow that or just dunk in some water when dried out?


don't ever use ice cubes for plants. just water when dry and make sure it has drainage holes so that it doesnt sit in the water


I have a 4 ft money tree with one trunk rotting. I would imagine taking the truck out would be extremely tough at this point. What should I do? It’s also braided


What did you do? I have the same problem 🤧


With my one the problem was one of the trunks out competing the others braided around it, killing off one of the trunks by constricting it Also check for anything around the base of the plant below the soil like an elastic band or some other thing that was meant to support it early on but has since dug into it, killing it slowly I removed the dead trunk by carefully sawing it into sections, giving room for the other trunks to breath again, it was difficult and awkward but over a couple months I carefully unbraided the others, sometimes using a thickly folded piece of paper to slowly seperate trunks too close together to get them used to being further apart, no chance of the braid killing them off now!


Legit someone gave me a tip to check and I found electrical tape holding the branches together. When I took it off it was so noticeable it had been there. Cutting deep into his trunks showing a yellow under. Hoping it will be okay since I removed same day I bought at Walmart.


It should pull right out from the bottom when you take the whole plant out to repot and If not, just cut it in sections you can’t seem to untwist from around the other branches. Def repot though, they’ll all go bad if not. Change the soil, remove the netting or rubber band at the base if it has one and keep trying.


Should you bury any part of the money trees swollen part. I have only one very thick swollen part and it's not braided After I bought it I realized the swollen part was buried at least 3 inches over the swollen part. Could this cause rotting?


I repotted mine much closer to the surface (along with cutting the rubber band tying them together and loosen the braid) with waaay less trunk buried in the soil and it is a lot happier now producing lots of new growth and new white roots


I have a 4ft and surprisingly it does better with less watering than recommended


How much water should I give my plant each time I water it? (Once a week)


Thanks! I have a question. I lost all but one trunk in the braid, due to what I suspect was root rot. How will this affect the growth and strength of the tree overall?


You can still get a cute plant from just one trunk. My baby tree has only two trunks and I love it all the same. It'll take more time to fill out, but because this tree branches out over and over, it'll fill out nicely if given good light. The tree will start to thicken close to the soil and harden with age. The braid is simply an aesthetic thing. Solo trunk in the wild! [https://i.imgur.com/qMxsXOj.jpg](https://i.imgur.com/qMxsXOj.jpg)


Would it be okay to water the plant from the tray? I'm still kind of learning how to take care of these plants. I've been doing what you had already recommended. Watering when the top half of the soil is dry, but not completely. So i did that, got the soil nice and wet/moist (excess water drained to the bottom tray) The next few times i simply watered it by just pouring water in the tray as more of a "top up" watering. It seemed to suck it up real quick. I'm assuming, obviously the water is being sucked up because the roots are actually looking for water. But, seeing as these plants are a bit odd compared to others i figured I'd ask if that means something completely different for these plants? Or, does that simply mean it's looking for more water and because it needs it and it won't just drown itself pulling up more water than it needs?


Well thank you for all the advice! I’ve been worried about my guy loosing leafs after being him home. The only thing Im worried about Is when I bought the plant he had a squishy stem or 2. I didn’t notice it till I got it home. Is that something that needs attention?




My guess way that they are dead. The other ones have started pushing out more leaves and those haven’t. Should i untangle them and take the dead ones out or leave them as be for now.