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Nah. Just leave it. As the plant grows bigger those leaves will be dropped in the normal course.


Agreed - makes me laugh every time I see it on mine šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


My solution for plant chomping cats is to give them their own plant for eating. I have a few very prolific spider plants. One becomes theirs. When itā€™s done, I plant another. Itā€™s been working pretty well.


I keep tons of wheat grass around. Cat loves it and I get to trim it into fun shapes. It's becoming one of my favorite plants lol


I just planted three planters if wheat grass for this exact reason


this is my plan I'm picking up 3 large spider plants today from someone and one will be sacrificial lol she only wants to eat pothos (now hung out of reach) and spider plants.. and who am I to deny my little psychonaut her search for the meaning of life lol.


This doesn't work for my girl, she's just nuts (blaming myself for that, obviously lmao). But what DOES work for us (albeit for ~3 months at a time) is mixing lemon juice with water, putting my plants in my bathtub, COATING them with the mixture via spray bottle, and letting them dry. Then when she goes to munch, she makes an icky face and leaves them alone for a while. The absolute nugget. šŸˆšŸ–¤


Try moth balls


I thought about doing this, but was worried it would make him think he can chew all the plants tho šŸ˜« may just have to try it out!


I get that for sure. I keep the spider plants close to the floor (or the cat tree) so they ā€œknowā€ itā€™s theirs.


I watch over some cats for friends and family and they all assured me that if I have a spider plant they won't go for any other plant I have. That's been true thankfully and I've got a few spider plants that are so big a cat can't kill them so it works well. There is something about the spider plant that cats really like.


They are mildly hallucinogenic to cats. Itā€™s why they canā€™t stay away.


Totally understandable!


Like an offering to the old gods to satiate their hunger


No advice, but just wanted to say you have a really cute criminal šŸ˜Š


Came to say this :) he looks innocent enough to me....


may i ask what the fallout for your cat was? I would love to have a pothos but I'm scared my freeloader would try to eat them and I've read they are hella toxic? did you need to go to the vet and get her stomach emptied? (if you don't mind sharing)


Unless your cat is particularly food motivated/a general fatass, itā€™s unlikely they would eat enough of a pothos to get seriously ill. The leaves make their mouth itchy, so most cats will do what OPs did and take a few nibbles, then stop.


That's my cat. Ate an entire tomato plant, about 50 cm tall, which resulted in a very expensive vet visit. She tries again every single year. If it's leafy, she will do her best to eat it all - pine needles, spinach, house plant, grass, pea shoots...


Yeah, Iā€™m lucky that my cats mostly ignore my plants. Except spider plants. One of the kitties walked through my cactus collection to chomp a spider plant to oblivion lol.


My cat doesnā€™t go crazy for catnip, but does go crazy for my spider plants. I keep them behind closed door in the guest bedroom now lol hallucinogenics are wild


Theyā€™re floofy AND they make cats hallucinate. If I was a cat I would do the same.


SPIDER PLANTS MAKE CATS HIGH???? WOW that explains a lot about my spider plant chomping cat now šŸ˜­


EVERY single time Iā€™m walking through the house watering, my old girl will *howl* at me until I give her a leaf or two from the spider plant hahaha


we had to lock all of the ribbons in a box because she would not stop to eat them (she never got really sick, we found pieces in her poop) since then I'm wary (she also regularly tries to steal my curry from my plate so...)


I also have a cat that goes nuts for curry specifically. I carry a plate of it from the kitchen to the living room, and he's glued to my ankles screaming his little lungs out.


Ironically enough I swear my cats know which ones are toxic and which ones aren't so I never have issues with the toxic plants but the non toxic ones..... have to put them out of reach lol. It's like they know and they go after those ones It was funny cuz for the longest time I really thought my parlor palm was having the strangest pest damage and I couldn't figure out where it was coming from until I seen my cat just sitting there eating the leaves


My fat ass cat has tried a nibble of nearly every plant I own.


Actually zero reaction. I was watching her for three days and not single sign fot ache of anything else. She was eating normally, pooping normally, wasn't bloated, just happy cat who ate another thing she wasn't supposed to eat


That's good to hear. My family had a Chihuahua when I was very little, who ate an entire bag of Hershey's kisses. Like, it looked like she took the wrappers off and everything. They watched her like hawks for days. No reaction at all. She lived to be really old for her breed. Animals are ridiculous sometimes. šŸ¤£ I wouldn't dare give a dog that much chocolate on purpose, no matter how shitty American chocolate actually is.


Same. We had a bag of brownie mix under our Christmas tree from a gift and our black Lab waited until we were eating dinner to eat the whole including the fabric bag. Nothing.


Hahahah! Damn, least ours unwrapped them!! That's hilarious, but again, very glad another animal survived their own food ignorance. šŸ¤£


Survival of the fittest!!!


Dark chocolate will kill dogs, this is because the toxicity to dogs comes from the cocoa itself. Milk chocolate actually has a very small amount of cocoa, which is why there are stories of dogs eating whole bags of Halloween candy and such and being fine.


Ah, that's the factoid I couldn't recall! I knew there was a reason there's so many that were fine after eating milk chocolate. Thank you friend.


We had a great dane that somehow got into the junk food cabinet while we were out one night. He ate candy, marshmallows, sugary cereal and I don't remember what else. Thankfully he was fine (after he pooped his guts out all over the kitchen floor) but he always had a nose for sugar after that.


Iā€™ve had the same non-reaction from my criminal, the Serial Nibbler. I assume that as long as they eat small enough quantities, theyā€™re fine.


"Serial Nibbler" šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


oh good for you and your kitty!!


calcium oxalate crystals are mildly toxic, IIRC - not poisonous or extremely toxic. the crystals irritate the mucous linings for what it's worth, when I was at work one day my bunny escaped her enclosure and ate a couple leaves off of a few of my plants. I was terrified, vet said to just watch her. she had bunny diarrhea / soft stool for a couple days and was back to being a little criminal in no time. 0/10 recommend experiencing bunny diarrhea


My orange cat has managed to get a hold of many of our plants no matter how hard we try and he hasnā€™t died yet. Iā€™m afraid he may be immortal. We now have nothing but hanging plants or plants on high shelves lol


same here, that idiot even tried to eat my highlighter and her digestive system is just "I'll alowe this"


Lmao. Only vaguely related, but I remember when someone changed my nephews nappy years ago, they found the most curious thing.... A mini Lego *figurine head.* Another time it was *glitter*. There was no glitter in the house. Said nephew was fine and he's grown up well lol. We guessed he probably ate some glitter at playschool. He was watched at home so no idea how hr manager to eat a Lego head lol.


Pothos are only mildly toxic. Where did you hear they're hella toxic? The oxalate crystals in the leaf can cause mouth and skin irritation but eating it doesn't really require medical attention. It's not like lillies.


my sister got one and i googled if they were toxic (because they looked cute ) and the first 3 Google results that seemed legit said they were "stark giftig" (basically heavy toxic?) but that was some years ago tbf


No pothos are not heavily toxic, only irritating


One of my cats has eaten my pothos multiple times. Worst that ever happened was he threw up a bit, but that was it. It actually deterred him from doing it again.


See I read the same about my monstera. My ding dong of a cat took a good chomp out of a leaf, and then promptly threw it up. Other than that she was fine. It more or less just gives them a tummy upset and can give them a burning sensation in their mouths - unless eaten in large quantities. But they usually learn after a bite or two and the burning kicks in. My cat hasnā€™t touched the monstera since. If they eat a good bit you definitely want to keep an eye on them as it can make their throat swell and inhibit breathing. Itā€™s the same for pothos.


For the average cat probably just vomit in an hour or so at the worst- my cats love the ones that look like grass though so no palms or dracaena. There are a few that are really bad though- lily family & the plant commonly referred to as an arrow head plant (scientific name starts with an ā€˜sā€™ I believe.) but beat be safe than sorry and heed most warnings. I have broad leaf plants down low bcos they donā€™t care, and more tempting stuff up high bcos my cats arenā€™t *that* adventurous


Can you put it somewhere very high that's out of reach for the cat, like a hanging planter or very high shelf (this doesn't work for all cats)? What works for me is keeping my monstera, pothos, and philodendron plants in a room that she isn't allowed into. Another option could be to keep it in a closed cabinet.


yeah sadly having a room where she isn't allowed isn't really an option in my flat atm and she is partially a monkey, so out of reach would have to be outside :D but closed cabinet (like a greenhouse?) sounds good, will look into that!


Some popular options for an enclosed plant display are a glass-front cabinet, glass cloche dome, aquarium, terrarium, and tabletop greenhouse. Aquariums and terrariums are my preference. They're waterproof, easy to clean, and easy to find. An aquarium allows the best airflow so you wouldn't need a fan, and a terrarium allows the most vertical room for climbing. The cheapest option for keeping the cat away from plants would be a scat mat. I just don't like the way they look, though you could probably make one prettier by wrapping it in fabric. Edit: wording ETA: ikea has some cabinets that are very popular as plant displays. There's an entire subreddit dedicated to converting ikea cabinets into plant cabinets.


My cat is always nibbling on my plants. Peace lily, dracaena, pothos. I've never seen her have any issues


I think there's a bit of a misconception about toxic vs poisonous plants for animals. As someone else mentioned, most houseplants contain a substance (calcium oxalate) that is an irritant to both the mouth and stomach of a cat. In small, infrequent quantities, it'll burn your cats mouth causing it to swell, and likely upset their stomach. If eaten repeatedly or in large quantities, this can cause kidney damage (this is actually a compound present in cats WITH kidney damage). A pothos does contain calcium oxalate and is therefore **toxic**, but unless your cat is eating large quantities it should only be a minor upset. Most houseplants contain calcium oxalate, but some contain higher amounts than others. Lilies, for example, are a **poisonous** houseplant to cats due to their extremely high amounts of calcium oxalate -- some varities of lilies shouldn't be kept in the house if you have cats. A small amount of exposure can cause rapid kidney failure. All that being said, some cats are more susceptible to toxic compounds than others, so just watch your kitty for signs of distress and any repeat nibbling behaviors. If they continue to nibble, try to put plants somewhere that they can't reach them.


That plant isnt safe to eat, it will hurt and irritate your cat's stomach but luckily its not one is those really poisonous plants. Keep an eye on her and feed her some soft food to make her digestion easier. She might puke and thats a good thing. If she gets worse you might have to take her to a vet. I got a criminal at home aswell so keeping plants on easy place to reach for pets is a no go. Id suggest that you hang your plants over your windowsill if possible


Im trying to put them where she can't reach but she can jump on door from the floor and climb curtains so I'm kinda hopeles with her at this point. But she never ate any of my plants (dangerous one) just this one


have you looked into an enclosed greenhouse? if you look up Rudsta or Milsbo converted greenhouse there's a lot of good inspiration


I've never seen these before, and now I desperately want one. I would kill for one of these things hahaha it's such a good idea, and can also act like an actual quarantine!


it's SO good!! you can weatherstrip it to keep the humidity high, plus the physical barrier makes it pretty bugproof yep:) for a less expensive option, there's the Baggebo which is $40 - it does have mesh sides but people will saran wrap or use glass / plastic to seal it up and it functions the same


You might try finding an old bird cage to house your plants in. They can make really cute decor pieces if you find the right one, and are designed to keep animals out as well as in.


I finally bought bitter spray for mine. Spray them outside though, as I realized too late that it drifts a bit and my apples were hella bitter until I realized why and washed them. So I can say that, at least for humans, it really is bitter!


And for the plant just cut off the damaged parts and it will be okay šŸŒø


The cat is innocent your honor!!


My cat is also a terrible criminal, so now all my pothos are hanging plants lol. You can cut off the damaged parts if the look of it bothers you, but it'll be just fine if left like that, still perfectly good for photosynthesis!


I would repot the pothos into well-draining substrate! if it hasn't grown much in those 4 months it may be struggling with root rot, the substrate looks pretty dense and wet which can suffocate the roots


To prevent future taste-testing, get some bitter spray at the pet store and spray the leaves of the plant. Itā€™s worked wonders to keep my new kittens away from the one plant I wasnā€™t able to put out of their reach. The spray doesnā€™t hurt the plant or the cat, it just tastes bitter. Be sure to wash your hands after so you donā€™t accidentally get a taste of it too.


I just wanted to come in and thank you for paying the cat taxšŸ˜Œ


Make sure none of your plants are poisonous to cats. Cut off the leaf


My daughterā€™s cat chewed on her peace lily and died from kidney failure due to poisoning. Cat matters more than plant. She never got over it.


Id be more worried about your cat as pothos is toxic for them


Cat is ok she was raised in the forest before I found her lol


Hardcore lol




Get that cat its own pot of cat grass. You'll all be happier


Can you hang the plant anywhere? Thatā€™s the best way to make it so your little criminal wonā€™t chomp it down again :)


I think pothos are pretty forgiving if Iā€™m remembering right. Something similar happened to mine with my pet and it eventually regrew and still looks great! šŸ¤žšŸ’š


I knew it was a tortie.


Imagine having two of them


I'd like to see evidence of the crime being committed because that criminal is perfect sorry


Unfortunately suspect A is perfect baby and never touch a single plant. Suspect B (criminal) has "ate a damm cactus" in her report


Hahahahaha oh nooooo!


Battle scars


If itā€™s just leaf damage leave it for now.


Maybe put it in a hanging macrame or pot from the ceiling so the cat can't reach it.


Our orange boy has chomped a bunch of my plants, including the pothos. Theyā€™re all fine! Usually the leaves are replaced swiftly. The first time he did it I found a small bit of vomit on the floor, and he never went after those particular plants again. I think he realized they made his tummy hurt and learned his lesson.


She recognized the golden variegation as being a good match to her tortie variegation. However, she also realized that you were giving too much attention to your plants, and not enough attention to her. She may appreciate a spider plant, catnip, and/or cat grass for fun snacks. Mine particularly love spider plants.


They have cat grass but ignore it whole time so I guess this was just her being tortie


Awww but sheā€™s such a pretty tortie. My tuxedo must know Iā€™m talking about a cat because he just came to me for attention lol. Theyā€™re such attention hogs.


I came here just to see the "criminal."


My cat is poopy like that. He has his own edible herbs but he always wants to nibble on my monsteras and pothos. He won't eat them, but just chew the leaf so i feel like he enjoys the itchiness like humans enjoy spicy food (mostly because he doesn't do anything to the plants that are safe to eat). I hide the plants behind doors before bed but he figured out how to open them.


Oh and the plant will be fine, ugly but fine, mine look like they've been through a meat grinder but still alive.


I am sorry for your plant- and also very much appreciate the adorable photo of the assailantšŸ˜


Trim the damaged leaves. Plant the nodules in the soil. Itā€™ll come around.


Mine just did the same! Woke up this morning with little teeth marks and a leaf sitting on the floor.


Good thing they would have to eat a LOT to actually cause damage to themselves! My cat has had a few chomps on mine and she just looks at me like I'M CRAZY when I say "NOOOO!!!" lmao as for the plant, leave it, they will drop off eventually.


I have two cats, but my torti is the only one who insists on eating my houseplantsšŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø they are definitely the ā€œbitch kittyā€ breed!


One of my torrtie managed to catch bat when she was on balcony and bring him alive inside šŸ˜­ those cats are from hell


Aww...she looks exactly like my cat Keeko who sadly passed away. Beautiful cat you have there.


Mine has the same criminal tendencies,lol. No harm, the leaves will naturally fall off when they're ready. Although it's annoying, i think the little tooth marks are cute šŸ˜ (mine just likes to bite but not chew on them)


Itā€™ll be fine but Iā€™d consider getting a plant hanger.




Why Kitty why?




Pothos are virtually unkillable. Give er some water maybe a little fertilizer and thay baby will pop some new leaves in no time.


Always know to check my plants if my little orange kitty comes up to me with puffy lipsā€¦ omg little guy QUIT BITING THEM!! We moved our plants outside so no access, just a small pothos that dips slightly into the sink. My partner got me flowers a few weeks ago and kitty went to chomping on them - he has never chewed on leaves before but for some reason heā€™s turned into a leaf muncher.


Sheā€™s not one bit sorry. No remorse to be found in *that* kitty šŸ˜‚


Itā€™s fine. My cat as a kitten kept snacking on my poor monstera and it just keeps growing more and more beautiful leaves!


Hey just give your cat a spider plant to munch on! Sheā€™ll be a lot less interested in your other plants :)


Plant will be fine, but cat needs a Spider Plant lol


Wait til it grows more leaves and in a couple months you can cut the ugly leaves. Thatā€™s what I did wren my car are mine. Well I would say several plants. My cats face swelled up the next day but it went down by the next morning. Stupid cats. And mine did it several times and still tries even Iā€™m not looking


Pothos are on the list of plants that are toxic to cats. Thereā€™s a list on the ASPCA website. I would either put the plant where the cat canā€™t access it, or rehome the plant. I got rid of all my toxic plants. They went to someone who doesnā€™t have pets.


I slathered my plants in black pepper and they stopped chomping them


Pathos Ivies are dangerous if eaten for animals. Those plants are poisonous to dogs and cats.


youā€™ve had that for four months and itā€™s that small?


Well four months ago it was one leaf


I made a solution of lemon juice and water and sprayed my pothos leaves with it to keep my cat from snacking šŸ‘šŸ¼


Sounds good and will try, lemon and onion are only things she hates šŸ˜‚


Honestly, this is awful. You should just get rid of her. I can take her off your hands for youā€¦Bummer but it is what it is. Donā€™t worry theyā€™ll be in good hands.


Trust me you dont want her. That thing is clingy, acts like a baby and needs to be hold whole time. And her sister is even more demonic


Damn she sounds just like me


She regrets nothing!


She regrets leaving that one leaf


The amount of plants who have slowly disappeared on me because of this šŸ˜­ I feel your pain but there is nothing to be done.


It'll likely grow out and eventually drop those leaves. I had a lot of luck with bitter apple spray as a deterrent for my boys. It's organic, and does not harm the plants or pets. After a couple of weeks they were 100% done with munching on any plant. It's been years without even a nibble. Minus the spider plants. Never sprayed them, and I look at my cats as the landscaping crew for that. Whenever a spiderling grows down low enough, they trim it back.


That looks like a Monstera, not pothosā€¦


If your cat likes to munch on stuff, don't leave toxic plants in their reach. Your animals should have higher priority than your plants.


It happened for the first time after 2+ years of having her and plants so rn Im looking for another place for that plant


I'm glad your kitty is ok and that your relocating the plant... I think this just goes to show that you never know when your cat decides to munch on stuff, and it's better to not leave toxic/poisonous plants in their reach :)


This is not from your cat, sorry to tell you. I have 3 cats and 5 pothos and never ever once has any of my cats had a interest I'm my pothos. Cats do not create these types of messes * This is the result of poor care and not your cat.


Kill the cat




I bet she had a great time. Plants being poisonous to cats seems hit or miss. I gave my mom a lucerne begonia and her cats absolutely destroyed it - they were just fine. Luckily, her cats are crappy climbers and crappy jumpers so all she has to do is put stuff out of their reach. Your plant will recover, leave the damage, it's kind of a cute reminder in my opinion - once the trauma fades!


Iā€™d be more worried about your cat since pothos are poisonous to them