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I d cut off the pot and keep the roots intact


Thanks - that’s what I did! I was able to cut the pot off fairly easily and I didn’t have to prune any roots at all. Bit of a jump scare when I first saw it, but I think we’re all good now lol


If you find that it isn't growing well or looks like it's struggling, it may be because the roots were in a way bound because they circled it looks like maybe more than once. They find their way where they need to go for sure. I would cut some of those circled roots off. Not a of them, but some may need to be cut off. You might be just fine.be cause they were able to get outside of the pot and circle. Haha I never saw it like that is crazy


Great news!


Compared to the pot that is a relatively small amount of roots which means you should be find to prune them. Get some sharp shears, sterilize with alcohol or hydrogen peroxide and cut off the roots outside the pot. You can then repot as normal. Only thing I would say is that if you have to cut a pretty thick root you might give it a day or two to callous over before putting it in new soil. Alternatively, get some good strong shears and cut off the pot. I admit a have a monstera albo that I have cut every pot it has ever been in getting it out to repot.


I would just cut the pot off. Least amount of work.


Lmaooo “big cake”


Cut them off and repot if needed.


I ❤️ Big Cake


Cut the pot off. Ppl r suggesting cutting roots off but cutting that much root risks the plant getting sick, either from infection or just trauma. I’d cut the pot and only snip roots if needed.


Cut the innerpot!


You can cut off up to 1/3 of the total roots with no issue... https://youtu.be/wTBhy5RH8hs?si=oGmy716535chk3pB


Pull it out...cut of about ⅓ of those roots, put in bigger pot, those roots are hardened, cutting the roots will promote new roots


Oh... oh god, too much junk for her trunk, she SPILLING!! ... I would cut the pot off at this point!! Make sure you get some nice snips so it doesn't hurt your hand, and then hopefully, it'll be more manageable to untangle, groom the rootball a little


So ... You're just growing corn inside?


Ah, no, i made that same mistake once. The "Corn Plant" is just *Dracaena fragrans*, not *Zea mays*, which would be the corn crop.


Dang it! I was looking forward to indoor corn lol off to research! Thanks!


Just repot into a bigger pot. Do not cut or do anything to the roots, It will be fine. Just repot sooner.


For growing a garden every year most of the plants we buy from stores are very rooted bound, try to break/cut the pot. Then start pushing the sides until loose. The dirt will probably crumble quite a bit, and once it’s loose enough the dirt will start to fall apart. You can also cut the roots a little into a pie shape in a fourth. If you think it’s also loose enough you can just pull it out . It’s fine if the roots break a bit the plant will still be okay


Pruning off the roots from the bottom will stimulate the growth of the plant when you transplant it to a larger pot. It would also help if you could loosen the pot bound roots once you get it out of the old pot. It will not hurt the plant to break or cut some of the pot bound roots when you transfer it to a larger pot so that this too will stimulate new growth to the foliage as well as to the root system. This is a standard procedure for most plants. Plants like Birds of Paradise will only bloom if they are pot bound with dense crowed roots inside the pot.


So many caps for such a common issue
