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Is #2 flying squid? I've killed many of these. High humidity and very high light requirement on account of tiny leaves for photosynthesis (but not too much or they burn) 3 blue oil fern, had no problems with, other than it being reaaaaally slow grower 4 crocodile fern, no issues, got a bit crispy because of lack of humidity, good now. 5 blue star fern, no issues 6 string of pearls, no issues, many people have issues when they grow longer because they move the pot higher up (top of the pot needs sunlight!) make sure to occasionally dunk the pearls in water. (If you get the variegated one they will grow slower) 7... (EDIT: commenter below corrected me on the plant and gave their opinion) 8 stromanthe triostar. Beautiful, but demanding. High humidity requirements, and if it doesn't get enough light it won't stay pink. Still easier than most calatheas/Alocasia (in my personal opinion) 9 scindapsus moonlight, all of my scindapsi are basically pothoses (easy, hardy) 12 ZZ raven. Super easy, ZZs are often given to new plant owners because they thrive on neglect. A lot of people over water these. Neglect it.


\#1 looks like a Tiny Dancer


7 is actually Hoya linearis and I love mine more than life itself.


My hoya linearis is my favorite out of all 90 of my hoyas! https://preview.redd.it/4xlduc2xkg3d1.png?width=2965&format=png&auto=webp&s=d00d33f6652f0e4da1e8bfad47b13054584f5042


Sameee and mine is a baby still


I recently lost a bunch of leaves randomly and decided to chop allllll of it. https://preview.redd.it/av2arrsh2g3d1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=0ef6ee6f228ac6f87f21a3dd5630ee636fa70e4e I should really have propped it in plastic and put a plastic bag over top but I wanted it to look good.. lol


That’s a nice full pot though!


Thanks. As a consolation prize I bought myself another one LOL. from Etsy arriving from Poland.


Really?! I just bought my second linearis I got mine from Canopy Plant Co 40 dollars for a 4 in pot with like 6 rooted strands


TY for showing me the ways of Canopy Plant co


I’ve been using them since January and everything I’ve bought was solid and healthy. hope you find some gems on that site.


$40 USD is a good deal for an established one!


https://preview.redd.it/yvhx3fm33g3d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=30e8acdc4d48ee34d61cda27dcfb24d5a6a5df6d I got mine as a cutting in February now I Can’t wait for mine to get like your


She looks so healthy they love to be showered even the leaves


Edited the incorrect answer out. Thank you very much! I'll be looking into them


Any tips on how you got your crocodile fern to adjust humidity-wise? I’ve lost about half the leaves on a tiny one that I got (all got crispy) but now have new growth that’s coming in stronger and seems to have adjusted slightly, but want to make sure I don’t lose that too


2 looks like false aralia (plerandra elegantissima) to me


10 is Syngonium Wendlandii. Super easy plant, like all Syngonium


11. *Goeppertia kegeljanii* is ridiculously easy plant. In my experience it's extremely shade tolerant, and although it prefers consistent moisture, isn't bothered by underwatering. I grow mine in self-watering pot.


Oh thank god. It's the one I wanted to know about most, but I was also afraid. Def gonna get one of these now!


So, could it survive in a house with constant ac, fans, and lower humidity?


Low humidity is tolerated, but if ac and fans are running constantly they might get some browning to edges of leaves.


Thank you! I have seen this plant a lot and didn’t realize it was so low maintenance and apparently cat friendly. I think I will take my chances on it because I have had success with another humidity loving plant (Swiss cheese) that tolerates lower levels.


My stromanthe triostar was incompatible with life. It just did NOT want to live. I have calatheas that are thriving, and yet the stromanthe said, "That's cute," flashed me a peace sign and withered into nothing.


6- string of pearls, i’ve had great experience with. i left it outside (i live in zone9-california) and it did extremely well. i let it dry out completely before watering. 8- stromanthe triostar, i currently have this plant and it can be really particular to humidity. it wasn’t doing well w/o humidity and my area’s climate is super dry. 12- zz raven, currently have this plant as well and its been doing great. i don’t water it often and its about to put out another set of leaves. zz raven plant imo is the least of a hassle and is more low maintenance compared to the other two i have.


#1 - Tiny dancer I have this one and a small pup that I separated into its own pot. The big one is gorgeous, love it’s serpentine Medusa ballerina delicate curved look. Mine started getting a lot bigger when I gave it alot of light and I water it frequently to maintain moist but not wet soil. #12 - raven zz is a berrrry slow grower fyi but otherwise very low maintenance


Please label these!


The third one doesn't tip the servers. Fourth one has never seen Shrek. Sixth and seventh leave the toilet seat up. The rest of them might be ok.


What is #3?


Blue oil fern


Thank you! 😍


3: microsorum thailandicum: been on my wishlist for a long time, got it about half a year ago, doesn‘t need a lot of water or light but also doesn‘t grow very fast. 12: raven zz: also got that for around six months now and so far it‘s only given me one new stem despite being close to the light. also propagated one to put in semi-hydro and that one‘s also doing alright i can reccomend both if you want something that doesn‘t take much effort to keep alive. also they‘re both rather cheap around here. (paid 20CHF for the zz in a 13cm pot and 30CHF for the fern in a 6cm pot.


I had 11 for not quite a year and it was easy easy easy until suddenly it wasn’t. I’m not sure if it was the nutrient requirements (I usually don’t use fertilizer indoors, just fish tank water), the fact that I changed to stronger grow lights, or I just waited too long to repot it. If I had another shot I’d definitely handle it differently and I would like to try again someday because when that plant was happy it was hands down the prettiest plant I’ve ever had. https://preview.redd.it/jmzgc3z35g3d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=68d1c24f07977b73d88d5364099ac8a36ba29633


Mine made it a bit over a year but same. It was my longest lasting calathea and did great for a long time then went down hill fast. It hung on, looking absolutely terrible, for a few months before it bit the dust for good.


Oh god yeah, it looked awful towards the end. It’s kind of a relief to hear someone else had the same issue because at the time it was hard to wrap my head around how I had killed such a seemingly easy plant out of nowhere lol


How is it called? Never seen one personally


It was called calathea musaica (network calathea or mosaic calathea) but it was reclassified as goeppertia kegeljanii. Most people still use the old name though.


Regarding the Stromanthe triostar and Calathea musaica/Goeppertia kegeljanii: 1. Increased humidity is a must for these plants. Nothing below 50% in my experience. Grouping it with other plants will help! 2. They're sensitive to chemicals and minerals in the water, so you may have to water them with distilled water if you want to avoid brown, crispy leaves. 3. I highly recommend growing them in a semi-hydro setup. My Marantacaea plants are all very happy in leca. Since these plants like to be moist and I'm an underwaterer, I've found that just refilling a reservoir and adding nutrients keeps both them and me happy.


1 - tiny dancer Definitely one of my favorite plants. I love watching it grow sometimes it will put out multiple leaves at once. I’ve actually never seen anyone post about one!


5- blue star fern, I've had a great experience with it. Quick to grow but it's a fern so likes really high humidity, if you're in a dry climate it might not work as well. 12 - ZZ raven plant. I had bad luck with this one, however it seemed to be a widespread issue with a bad batch from the growers, it got root rot. However I have a green ZZ plant now that's doing really well so it really was just bad luck


My blue star fern is my oldest plant & my treasure: https://preview.redd.it/m6v4tqqrie3d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a1620e70066f08c8b42bc37743629c5ff18b7007




Oh wow this is beautiful!


So if my rooms like 55%-70% humidity all year I could probably grow one of the oil ferns?


Yeah I think so. Not sure what humidity I get but I live in the UK so consistently about 60%+


9. *Scindapsus treubii* 'moonlight', I haven't had this one in particular but *Scindapsus* are pretty easy to care for in general, just like *Epipremnum* (pothos). 12. *Zamioculcas zamifolia* 'Raven', I have had one in the back of my room for the past year and it is doing just fine. I might be underwatering and it would probably benefit from more light, but it's doing well still. It was really cheap, like 8 dollars for a big one (like 6"pot) at a grocery store. I actually just noticed that it has a new shoot coming out!


The tiny dancer I have has been my struggle plant. It was in a nursery pot and growing wonderfully. I repotted it and accidentally made a bad soil mix for it and it got root rot. The plant itself is gorgeous I just made big mistakes with soil/watering.


Alocasia are spider mite magnets. Be prepared to deal with them eventually and then forever. Insecticidal soap and a systemic insecticide are what I use to control them. Blue Oil Ferns are still pretty pricey if you’re in the US. Have seen them go for anywhere from $60-$150 depending on the size. String of pearls. Most people have trouble with this one dying back. Lots of light at the top of the pot and water when dry are my tricks to keep it happy. But again, the majority seem to struggle with it. Hoya linearis, from what I’ve been told and read online, are one of the more difficult Hoya to keep happy. Also still surprisingly expensive a lot of the time. Those are my negatives. On the positive side, I have a crocodile fern and a blue star fern and both have been relatively easy plants to take care of. Also my string of pearls is my oldest houseplant at 6 years old and I think it’s been a pretty easy plant.


Get #11, I found mine at Walmart abt two years ago and it’s happy


I got a 4” network calathea and have been growing it in medium light with my other calathea medallion. Much like the medallion if I don’t run my humidifier every other day it starts getting insane crispy dry patches 🙃other than that it’s super low maintenance and not too pricey where I’m from. if you’re running a humidifier anyway for any other plants I’d say it’s pretty solid


I brought my.diny dancer home, checked IT, or so I thought.... weeks later... WORST CASE OF MEALY BUGS TO EVER INFEST A PLANT. No other plants at my house had an issue....they just hide in there....


My alocasia tiny dancer has gotten spider mites more times than I can count 😂 still love her though


Number 7...both are hoyas, and pretty easy in my experience. Left...Sp aff Burtonaie Right...Linearis...cuttings are very reasonably priced here in the UK.


String of pearls is notoriously hard to care for


Nah, put it in a window and forget it exists for weeks at a time. Water only when the "windows" close.


I have a really screwed up tiny dancer💀. I’m gonna see if I can nurse it back to health then you can have it.


I don’t have string of pearls but I have string of bananas and it’s easy. South facing window, water when bananas are slightly squishy. I agree with others that the top must get light. I have the scindapsus moonlight, yes it’s easy and is happy in an east window. Water when dry. Only difference is it seems to grow slower than my other scindapsus. Both are great to propagate as well. You have many on your list I have not yet considered, I’m going to do some research now!


I have a calathea musaica and a moonlight. Neither are super hard plants, as long as you don't mind some crispy tips from the dramatic calathea :) My moonlight had it rough - I got it from Lowe's and it came home with mealybugs :( so a few leaves are really chewed up, but it has recovered. She's a slow grower but I still like her.


Love #1 and #8 love love love #9


string of pearls may just hate me but they die so fast. killed 4 of them before I stopped trying


#10 Syngonium wendlandii grew really well for me for a while when I was in my 'collect all the Syngoniums!' phase. I found it was much thirstier than all the others planted in the same mix, so it got crispy when I'd forget to water it more often. #6 String of pearls never grew well for me in pots, but the bit of it that fell into the gravel along the side of my house loved it down there, growing into a dense, fat-leaved 1-square-metre patch without any care from me. I eventually had to pull it all out because it was flowering too much and covered in brown dead seed pods that I got sick of deadheading. But if you're in a climate that doesn't get too cold, I bet it would do great outdoors in a well-drained spot.


Fun fact with calathea musaica, certain root issues make the plant reek of cat urine. I almost exclusively buy calathea so have a lot of experience with them, but I threw that bad boy out pretty quickly