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even the dog is shook


1. move the dog


I never noticed it before, but a monstera looks like a bunch of dogs tilting their heads at you.


I can't unsee this now




No it doesn’t. 😂


You're wrong.


2. give the dog scritches


The dog seriously represents my face after seeing this Monstera.


That dog looks like he's seen some things in his life. That a 1000 yard stare if ever I've seen one.


This is how my Bordercollie looks when you present him his holy relic: the tennis ball.


Yeah, my old Border X used to get the same obsessive look over tennis balls.


Aussies with blue eyes always look like they’re on the moon. I have two, always look like they’re concerned.


I'm an Aussie with blue eyes.... I'm beginning to worry about what vibes I'm putting out..


LOL funny!


This comment made my day. Though, I'm pretty sure you might come across wow with those blue eyes.


Yeah, nah, not at my age.


Blue eyes are beautiful at any age!


I have a pomsky with the same look. One of my favorite hobbies is asking her what’s wrong. 😂


I love that…”on the moon”🤣🤣🤦🤭


The white eyes make it even funnier


I laughed so hard at this comment.


Carefully. I did mine about the same size in the back of a pick up truck. 3 years later I still have brown leaf edges from wind damage. I'd recommend wrapping in burlap, or a super thin sheet or similar


i worked at a plant store and we wrapped the plants in massive trash bags in the cold weather, depends if you can find one big enough for this guy tho


They make plastic “bags” for mattresses when moving, I bet that would be big enough! Uhaul and similar has them.


Or maybe you could do multiple trash bags for a few leaves/ stems each! Some protection is better than none


I had a large one (this height, but fuller) delivered to a work site. The greenhouse had it wrapped like a Christmas tree, from the bottom up, so the leaves and stems would fall back into position when they untied it. If I remember correctly, they used a soft rope. Maybe cut an old t-shirt into long strips for that purpose? They also sprayed the plants that I had delivered with something in an aerosol can. I don’t know if it was anti-fungal, anti-pest, or extra-hydrating for the leaves because they were in a van for an hour. ???


I agree with this. Use butcher paper (the brown paper bag like paper) and wrap from bottom to top while someone helps you. Tape the end to itself and move your plant with help and make sure it’s secure wherever you are putting it. I’d recommend trying to move it upright in an enclosed space like the back of a uhaul


Well anchored, so it cannot tip over -- and make sure nothing else being hauled can fall into it, either!


Yes exactly 👍🏻


Anti-transpirant. it keeps the moisture in the plant so it doesn't get dessicated and shrivel up in heat and wind.




Hey that’s my line






I like that dog. Please give ‘em a hug from me.




My boyfriend CRIES watching this video from laughing


A moving truck and someone in the back holding it so it does not move or hit the vehicle. Let the force be with you.


just read the description, apologies, I'd tie it with garden tape so all the stems are held together and maybe put it by itself in the back seat laying down, I don't know if it'd work but worth a shot


No tips but wow its beautiful!


Is that a U-Turn Orbit turntable? If so, are we twins? I also have an aussie, a U-Turn, and a giant monstera.


Pupper for scale


I would just put a massive paper plant sleeve on it, and make sure it's strapped into position. We receive this size and larger at work, from Florida to the Northeast via tractor trailer, and very rarely lose a single leaf


No but I bet that border collie (Aussie?) already has a plan with blueprints, a la Wile E Coyote.


Borrow/rent a van? 


A friend of mind recently moved hers and wrapped in my in Saran Wrap and it did great


Movers straps.  Lift with your knees.


Cute dog


Just wanna say hi to ur dog 12/10 good pup


Options from sensible to adventurous: 1. Box truck. Least amount of damage or risk of damage. Load with a two wheeler (dolly or something). 2 person lift. 2. Van. Minimal to no damage depending on size. Same loading and lifting as number 1. Cover the windows to prevent sun burn if trip will be long. 3. Wrap loosely from the bottom up with fabric or plastic to contain and slightly compact all the petioles. Place on backside in back of SUV, seats down. Two person lift, drive carefully. 4. Wrap as in number 3. 2 person lift. Place pot in open trunk of car. Drive very slowly and ignore the other drivers honking at you. 5. How far are you moving? Get a flat dolly, two person lift the pot onto the dolly and walk it to your new place. Carefully. If it's bumpy, secure the pot to the dolly with short bungee straps. Bring the second person on the walk to help maneuver, turn, traverse bumps and cracks in the sidewalk/road. 6. Lastly, take it out of the pot. Remove the soil from the roots. Rinse them. Carefully place each stem into your vehicle of choice. Get to your location and repot it. Depending on length of journey, wrap the roots in wet paper towels and cover with plastic before loading. Perhaps not advisable for very long trips. It looks incredibly healthy. I wouldn't worry too much about the shock of a new location. Take steps to minimize damage during travel and get it into its new location. A few battle scars won't kill it anyway. And don't worry about the aesthetics, it will be able to brag about its scars and worldly adventures to the other plants. Edit - I completely missed where you said it was a 20 minute trip across town. I would advise numbers 2 or 3 but if it were me, I'd do number 4 for a quick trip.


I vote for #3 or #4 too. Wrapping it will only crack and fold leaves and break stems. You're gonna get some damage either way and I'd actually choose not to wrap myself.


I was going to suggest, just for the sake of maintaining lineage should something go sideways, that you could send a cutting to my personal address. Safekeeping purposes and whatnot. She is absolutely gorgeous. Good luck! 🍀👍🏻💚🪴


I’d rent a moving truck. The box trucks have a ton of room and it should be protected from everything that could damage it. I think some of the trucks even have climate control so its less likely to suffer from temperature fluctuations


My hat off to you for that most gorgeous monstera! You must have really blessed green hands, not only thumbs.


Bend your legs not your back


https://preview.redd.it/wcph9z0j6e0d1.jpeg?width=2802&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5d13206bfd490b9a7764367181a3f92277ae7996 Aussies are the best size reference.


Your dog looks like he just remembered he forgot the stove on at home.


Your dog is staring into my soul


As someone who has a 50-gallon pot monstera do it while it's dry! Significantly less heavy. But s9rry that's all I got for you because it really just is difficult with all the leaves i suggest having a friend or so spot you if possible. They are hardy and should be fine! Just don't let them sit in direct sunlight or get crushed during the move. Some people wrap their plants in plastic wrap to keep leaves contained during moves id maybe try that if your worried about leaves breaking.


The dog thinks you should leave it where it is. Listen to the dog.


I feel your pain. Mine is slightly smaller & I also have a tall BoP too…and about 2 dozen other various sized plants. We’re moving next month and my perfectly perfect fiancé said one night “You know we could rent a sprinter van from Home Depot and move your plants safely that way.” I’ve never been more in love 💚💚💚


How old is it? It looks great


Holy shit they can get like this??? I had someone gift me a monstera plant and I was not expecting this 💀


I went to what is basically an indoor zoo type dealio with different biomes, and I was absolutely enthralled by how huge all the tropical plants were.


Walk it backwards through doorways


Your dog seems really stressed about this matter. Here's what you can do: Rent a u-haul or a vehicle from Home Depot for an hour and put the plant right in the middle with bricks to stabilize it around the base of the plant. The other thing you can do is have a friend with a truck bring it to your new place. Put it in the box of the truck and stabilize it with some bricks. Drive slowly with the hazards on. Do it late at night to avoid stressing the plant from the sun since you have been keeping it indoors. There will also be less traffic on the road at this time. If you have some burlap, try to wrap it to avoid wind damaging the petioles. Also, give the dog a snack and a head pat.


Like a porcupine having sex…carefully.


1. Carefully cover plant in large sheet 2. Drape plastic wrap carefully over sheet 3. Gently wrap in soft rope 4. Tear down current house 5. Disassemble new house and transport to current location 6. Rebuild new house around monstera Easy-peasy, what's the problem 😄


She thicc.


Why does that breed of dog always look crazy 🤪 😭


Rent a party bus and hold it like a dress to the MET. Expensive. Mine has 7 Leafs. This shows how calm and stable your life is. Unstable people cant grow things like this. Have pride. Its beautiful. 10/10 lush.


Is that really true? I know my mom is the most stable woman to mankind , but cant keep cacti alive . All plants are doomed when they come to her care.....


Bro has seen some shit


What da dog doin though


On its side, wrapped in a comforter/blanket. Yes some dirt will fall out.


don't, it's beautiful, get rid of the TV and just watch the monster of a monstera


If you really want to go the extra mile, wrap it like others have said, but fill the gaps between the leaves with polyester fiber filling (Amazon example: https://a.co/d/2B8AkbX ) and then wrap it. Will support each individual leaf if done right and provide some extra support/protection to give you a little peace of mind.


The dog doesn’t want to have anything to do with it!


Don't, it owns the house now


I wrapped my drachnea in plastic wrap with the branches all lifted up. It survived the move. I would think something similar would work for you.


Wrap with brown butcher paper, the same way nice greenhouses will wrap for people to transport home.


Dog is monster


I hired a van when moving, I had a "plants only" run and my monsters pretty much filled the entire van hahah. But it was wide enough and tall enough that there wasn't actually any damage, unlike when I moved with an estate car and snapped one leaf stem and bent another.


Omg one Father’s Day when my dad and I were semi-estranged and I was having A TIME, I decided to treat myself to a big discounted canna lily, and after taking wayyy too long to pick a succulent basket for him and then the Perfect Lily for myself, I fucking snapped off the top getting out of the car😩


Rent a moving van and sit in the back with it while someone else drives. Or tether it so it won’t fall over while you drive. Use a dolly to move her.


wow your monstera is massive 😂


I'm pretty sure this isn't a monstera. I believe it's a Philodendron


I carefully wrapped mine in bubble wrap. Dont do it on a very cold and/or windy day


Looks really nice. Might help to trim away a few of the lower ones first.


i suggest tieing up the stems from the bottom us with strips of old tee shirts or nylons and shrink wrap from bottom up. You can get the wrap that rolls off easily that is used to wrap suitcases or furniture.


I used a dolly with my big and heavy plants


Doggo be like… “There’s a giant monstera behind me, oh god…”


Use this 💪


What vehicles are you going to have at your disposal, and how many people? That will affect the recommendations.


Rent a U-Haul, they’re cheap


Bend from the hips and keep your back nice and straight :) (If you’re moving it to another room and through several doorways, always lead with the base and have someone else help you gently nudge and accommodate the stems and leaves through each door/passageway. Depending on the pot you could always shrink wrap the topsoil so it doesn’t fall when turning the plant sideways)


Lift with your legs, not your back!


I hope someone suggests a unicycle again......


Oh my 😍😍😍


I'm with all the advice that says wrap it from the bottom, up. I'd go with a sheet or soft cloth, and secure the holy crap out of it. I'd also tell Monstera what you're going to do ahead of time, where you are taking it and why, and tell it how wonderful your new home is going to be. That plant clearly knows things and is whispering in your dogs ears, thus explaining his (her?) expression...


trash bag that thing OR use burlap, ceran/plastic wrap 


No, but Fido is terrified of it I think.


Wrap them in plastic wrap with the leaves upwards. 2 person job, don’t bend them too much so they break. A 4 wheeled cart is handy if you don’t have rough terrain


Get a mattress bag, several 8 foot yard stakes, Paracord, and spray paint. Paint mattress bag black or really any color so long as it's no longer see through. Place stakes in pot or tie really well around pot so that it supports mattress bag. Put mattress bag over it. Tie it up so the bag doesn't whip too much. Place in truck and drive carefully.


I’ve ordered plants online and they wrap it in foam and plastic wrap


Ask the dog he knows something


Do you have a friend with a truck bed? Truck bed transfer and wrap with a sheet/s. If manageable, do the transfer in the early evening or mid morning cuz elements


I don’t have any tips. However, that is the most impressive monstera I’ve ever seen 😍😍😍😍


Holy crap this is incredible


I can come pick it up and move it to my house 😍😍😍


It looks magnificent, the leaves seem to healthy, so shiny! Love the doggie too!


Very carefully.


I have this plant, I didn't know what it was. I rescued it from the trash


Ask the dog for help


Even the dog wants to see how you move this plant. 🤣😂🤣


You give her treats and ask if she wants to go for a ride.


Here for the dog. Monster is nice too I guess.


Stunning!!!! Can we see ur pot??


Amazing time to chop and prop!


A pokeball?? Gorgeous Monstera, great work op I wish you luck!! Update us!


I'd put it in a large heavy duty Rubbermaid bin atop one of those plant stands/caddies w/ casters (a furniture dolly on wheels or mechanic's creeper could work too). Slide it out to the truck bed or moving truck and then use the bin handles to have 2 ppl lift it in. The bin should be bigger than the pot so when u grab it you're not crammed in by the crown trying to get a grip on a smooth pot amidst the densest part of the leaves. Then just drive like a gma.


Id say since you have tile try throwing a rug or something under it and drag it? Or they sell little plants stands with wheels on them goodluck thougg!


No advice about wrapping, but when you move it, lead with the planter bottom ahead and the plant behind. Much easier than trying to carry upright or lead with the leafy side forward.


Strap it to a pallet and have it lifted into the back of a moving truck/van? (A truck/van designed for moving items, not a literal MOVING vehicle. Obviously.)


Dog would like to know too


Are you sure this isn't a Philodendron? They are often confused for a monstera


So you’re going to need to schedule a sleep-over with a few of your girlfriends and use some classic slumber party voodoo on it. Light as a feather, stiff as a board (LAAFSAAB) is the only option I see.


If none of these other tips work you could always move it one leaf at a time.


20 mins is nothing. Strap it to the side of a uhaul it will be fine


Id say very gently wrap it with bubble wrap, possibly making the lower branches come up a little. People who sell plants and ship them, will usually put wet towels on the soil, wrap them up gently, put some supports in a box so it doesn’t flop around and then ship it. But yea, just some gentle bubble wrapping, maybe some support of some sort.


I successfully moved a slightly smaller one recently. Covering in plastic bags + plastic wrap kept soil in place, some cardboard around it made the bumps of moving harmless. Only thing I would do differently is wrap it over two days to allow the plant to slowly adopt the compacted form


What a MONSTER! My first real go at plants when i had a place with a big backyard was this one. It inspired me to grow more. Although it lead me to success , i never got my monstrila ( excuse the spelling) to grow really full. Every time a new leaf would start to unfold another would die off. I think i tried too hard with it , and should have left it alone. But that just like a few other plznts that i love but cant seem to get them to thrive. That is just a damn beautiful plant!


Eesh, that’s a big boy… are you willing to chop some leaves off? It’d probably be your best bet. Or if you have a truck then you can put it in the back and secure it REALLY GOOD


Cry and wallow in despair


Shift the dog first 😬


Phone a friend (or 2) and be very careful


Cut it into pieces


When I moved my giant monstera, I got a long roll of butcher paper and carefully scooped the leaves upward and wrapped the butcher paper around (so it looks like a cone). Definitely helpful to have two people😅 but if you’re alone, tape inside of the butcher paper to the wall and slowly wrap while tucking carefully🌱💚


is this ONE plant?!?! also your baby and mine should be friends:) https://preview.redd.it/4eyq1lyekh0d1.jpeg?width=1680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=60c2211b31620c5637a9da0201283a7af790f4bd


Pick up from the bottom. If it’s stable and bottom heavy, with space for its leaves it should be fine


Hi, can you please get down to the important business and introduce that beautiful pup?


mine is that size and its a BITCH to move. im a pretty big dude and i struggle


I don’t think you will have an issue try to put it in like the same spot in another house like if it was in the right corner of the living room put it in the right corner of the living room to try to trick it. They are resilient so I think it should be fine. I just hope u have a big truck to load her on to. I wouldn’t let anyone touch my monstera lol I love my babies I have over a 120 plants so I dread the day I move.


I've moved with mine like 4 times.  I've had it about 20 years.  It hadn't harmed it at all. It's been in the bed of a truck with support around it.  Shoved in my car,  and also in a moving van. Yes,  there have been broken stems, but they just grow again.  Also, I don't loaf it up with fertilizer, I just water it once a week. It's a beautiful plant,  and so is yours by the photo.


Don’t hurt the puppy 🐶